Mythology of the North

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Magickal Rituals




Rejoicing in the Sun 


 Ne~    CO 


December 23, 1995 

The Witch House 

Lake Wildwood, California




Rejoicing in the Sun 


The following ritual is for use at any time of day (1). Altar is on North wall. Breath deeply while spinning rapidly in the same direction in which the Sun traverses the sky, deosil, arms outstretched with left palm down, right palm up. Stop abruptly facing the Sun, keeping "star position," arms outward, legs well apart. Breath deeply. Put legs together, raise arms skyward and apart forming a V, resembling the Life Rune, palms facing up, inhale deeply and say at: 




"Hail unto thee from the cares of Night!

Thou who befriendeth Freya in thy rising!" 




"Hail unto thee from the labors of Morning!

Thou who befriendeth Thor in thy triumphing!" 




"Hail unto thee from the discords of Day!

Thou who befriendeth Tyr in thy setting!" 




"Hail unto thee from the longhouses of Evening!

Thou who befriendeth Odin in thy concealment!" 





Full Moon and Festival



Ne~    OYN




Royalston, Massachusetts





Full Moon and Festival 


I. Rejoicing in the Sun 


II. Tracing the Circle of White Flame to the Four Quarters 


III. Blowing of Horn Once to Each of the Four Quarters 


IV. Blot to Proper Deity 


V. Full Moon or Festival Ritual of Choice


"Love is the Law, Love is the Bond.

Hail unto the Aesir and Vanir!

Hail unto the Alfar!

Hail Yggdrasil !" 


Commencement of Festivities





Ritual of Consecration 


Ne~      OYN 


Oct 15, 1978 






Ritual of Consecration 


I. Rejoicing in the Sun 


II. Tracing the Circle of White Flame to the Four Quarters 


III. Ringing of Bell Three Times Each to the Four Quarters 


IV. Consecration


"I ( Magickal Name ),

in the

Great Name of Yggdrasil,

do consecrate thee,

( Name of item and statement of function ),

in my service to the end of days." 


V. Ringing of Bell Three Times Each to the Four Quarters


"Love is the Law, Love under Will.

Hail unto the Aesir and Vanir!

Hail unto the Alfar!

Hail Yggdrasil !"





Ritual of Transition


Ne~   10   OYN 


July 1, 1984 






Ritual of Transition 


I. Rejoicing in the Sun 


II. Tracing the Circle of White Flame to the Four Quarters 


III. Ringing of Bell Three Times Each to the Four Quarters (2) 


1V. Consecration


"I ( Magickal Name ),

in the Great Name of Yggdrasil,

do commit these remains of

( Name (3) )

to the elements

Earth, Air, Water, and Fire,

the Spirit of ( Name ),

already abiding in Ether,

and do consecrate these same

remains as talisman for my inspiration

to the end of days." 


V. Ringing of Bell Three Times Each to the Four Quarters


"Love is the Law, Love is the Bond.

Hail unto the Aesir and Vanir!

Hail unto the Alfar!

Hail Yggdrasil !"





Ritual of Grand Purpose 


Ne~      OYN 


July  1980 






 Ritual of Grand Purpose 


0. Preliminaries 


I. Rejoicing in the Sun 


II. Assumption of the Form of Odin(4)


Vibration of the Name of Odin 


III. Tracing The Circle of White Flame to the Four Quarters (5) 


IV. Ringing of Bell Three Times Each to the Four Quarters (6)


Salutation to Odin (7) 


V. Statement of Purpose


Drinking of the Mead of Inspiration


Conjuration Towards Desired End


Drama of Senses on All Planes


Restatement of Purpose


Consignment to Flame


Ringing of Bell Three Times Each to the Four Quarters


"In Furtherang]ce of the New Aeon.

Love is the Law, Love Under Will.

Hail unto the Aesir and Vanir!

Hail unto the Alfar!

Hail Yggdrasil !" 


Commencement of Actualization





Ritual of Grand Initiation


Ne~      OYN 


July, 1980 






Ritual of Grand Initiation 


0. Preliminary Preparations 


I. Rejoicing in the Sun 


II. Assumption of the Form of Odin


Vibration of the Name of Odin 


III. Tracing of the Circle of White Flame to the Four Quarters 


IV. Blowing of Horn Once to Each of the Four Quarters


Salutation to Odin 


V. Drinking of the Mead of Inspiration


Oath of Knighthood:


"I, in the Great Name of Yggdrasil, do pledge myself eternally to the principles of the Children of Odin and declare that, should ever I falter in my loyalty to the Quest, Liberty Triumphant and Eternal, I hope to feel the terrible might of Thor's Hammer upon my wretched cranium. As stalwart ally to the Alfar, and with the inspiration, strength, and authority that I receive from the Aesir and Vanir, I now, this day of (date), proclaim myself:


(Knight's Name)


irrevocably in service to Evolutionary Destiny, to which I now pledge my life and arms in unfailing vigilance under Sun and Moon and Stars to the end of days.


In Furtherance of the New Aeon.

Love is the Law. Love Under Will.

Hail unto the Aesir and Vanir!

Hail unto the Alfar!

Hail Yggdrasil !" 


Commencement of Festivities


1. This is adapted from the Egyptian ritual performed in the temple of the sun at Anu in the time of Ahknaton.
An  excellent Solar Dawn ritual from the Asatru Alliance is the following Greeting To Suna:
"Greetings to thee, bright Suna, lamp of Odin newly-risen! Hail to thee who hast shed light and warmth to all our ancestors, who shines on us now, and who will shine on our descendants yet unborn! Share with me some of your light and power this day, that I may better fight my battles and attain my goals!"
2. Blow horn instead, once to each quarter, if subject is kin. Not necessary to repeat horn at end.
3. Include here enumeration of titles and any amount of descriptive praise deemed appropriate.
4. This involves assuming any posture the practitioner may identify with, from any representation of Odin  that he may remember, while breathing deeply. This is to embrace Magickal power.
5. Always turn deosil. Start facing North. With athame or sword, trace a circle around the proceedings at ground level visualizing this as a wall of white flame. Standing with back to the North, trace Cross of Wotan-Thor's Hammer in white flame as a  ceiling above.
6. If joint purpose amongst kin, horn instead, once to each quarter.  Horn not necessary at end.
7. Practitioner should write his own.

Die Elektrischen Vorspiele