Ever since Charles Darwin first explained the evolutionary process, there
has been an unnecessary unwarranted feud raging between the religious and scientific communities. There is no real bone
of contention here, and never has been, for three reasons:
1. Evolution is not a theory to be debated, but a proven scientific fact.
2. The fact that most observable phenomena are not mentioned in ancient scriptures, does not render them
non existent.
3. Evolution does not negate the process off intelligent design. It is simply the means
by which intelligent design is implemented. Universal intelligence, of course, is the potential for manifest existence residing
in un-manifest existence (e.g. the light bulb before Edison). Natural selection unlocks this potential in the same manner
as an inventor, by trial and error. Both universal intelligence and technology are infinite, so there is a great deal to look
forward to. See more about this ahead.