False Entitlement

Home | Introduction | Prison or Death? | Parasites | Critical Race Theory | The Novel | World 2034 | Afterword

The Novel


Reevaluation of Subsidy


In the wake of Harlan Sewell’s acquittal for three-hundred-thirty counts of vigilante murder, there has been a growing movement to make laws in line with the destruction of evil, rather than the subsidization by corrupt government of every form of human rottenness.


Recent events have swept away the naïve idea that weak people are especially good people, endowed with a higher sensitivity that makes it difficult for them to function among all those “insensitive” normal people, who never seem to understand their “issues.”


March 4, 2031

At a special meeting in the Oval Office, President Roswell Benedict announces that he wants to create a commission to review the criteria for subsidization by government at all levels, of every type of dysfunctional behavior, including life sustenance in prisons of violent criminals.


The commission will do videotaped interviews of individuals from every category of disability to determine the viability of their ongoing sustenance. The taped segments will be shown to Congress at a later date.


Garrett Valdison of the World Libertarian Order offers a list of guidelines for the re-evaluation of all categories of subsidy currently in place. Most involve the complete elimination of funding. Benedict reads them and agrees.


All this naturally leads to the question of how these parasites will survive once their hosts have shaken them off. Valdison explains the superior workability of isolation communities to any form of prison or rehabilitation program.


March 5, 2031 10:20 A.M.

Benedict addresses Congress pursuant to the establishment of the commission for the re-evaluation of subsidy and the establishment of a self-sustaining thirty-six square mile isolation community somewhere in the farm belt of the midwestern United States. The exact location will be based on a study for land acquisition by normal purchase rather than by eminent domain.



Violent Criminals


Sometimes one case can initiate a total reevaluation of judicial procedure for an entire country. Such a case will be one that underscores the incremental increase of evil

from decades of moral lassitude.


Recently a young police officer arrested an insane man for torturing three children. The case went to trial. The man was proved guilty, but was acquitted because someone downtown got too eager and obtained the most essential evidence illegally.


About ten days after the man’s release, the young police officer came home from work as usual. When he entered the kitchen, he found his wife on the kitchen butcher block, slit open from top to bottom along the right side of her torso, then at top and bottom to the left side. This entire flap of skin had been opened and was now back in place like a door slightly ajar. A very clean job with no blood, urine, or feces anywhere. On the refrigerator door was a note written in a careful hand,


Bon Apatite!”


When the young husband opened the door he found two bowls that his mother had given the young couple as a wedding present. One bowl contained his wife’s liver, the other her kidneys. Inside the refrigerator was another note:


“Please find belated Valentine Day surprise in upstairs bathroom.”


The young officer thought,


“He may still be in the house.”


He drew his service revolver, checked the downstairs rooms, went up the stairs two at a time, and checked the upstairs rooms. As he entered the bathroom, he found his wife’s heart in the sink.


Despite the young man’s cautious search, the murderer suddenly came behind, stun gunned, then chloroformed him. He woke up an hour later, in the bathtub with only one-half inch of shaft remaining to his penis. The tip was secured in place with self-dissolving sutures and a stainless-steel tube in the urethra, plus another note:


“For proper healing, please leave tube in place for five days. Take ibuprofen for pain. I’ve done you a favor. With nothing to stick it in, I’ve relieved you of the ability. I would call this a self-cancelling dilemma. I have left your testicles intact, because it is my intention to occasionally step out from behind a tree trunk and ring hell’s bells for you in ongoing celebration of your new status in life. On these occasions I will expect you to curtsy deeply to me in response. Best regards, You Know Who.”


March 8, 2031

The time is right for proactive legislation. Congress passes two bills.


The first mandates death by lethal injection for all categories of irredeemably evil people convicted of violent crimes. This includes rapists, human traffickers, kidnappers, child molesters, child or snuff porn filmmakers, torturers, thrill or serial killers. Those currently incarcerated for these crimes are to be immediately executed.


The second bill incorporates the guidelines suggested by Benedict to review the viability of subsidy for all categories of self-disabling parasites.





Hannah is the quintessential subhuman. She’s twenty-eight years old, has an IQ of 60, and has never held a job, but by various fathers has given birth to eleven imbecile children. Like her, they are loud, quarrelsome, foul of mouth, and totally negative, with no work ethic and an innate propensity towards slanderous blaming and angry feelings of undeserved entitlement.


March 11, 2031

Hannah has brought her current boyfriend, Maurice, to the eligibility meeting. They are both very angry and sullen. A staff worker, Jane, is conducting the interview and asks,


“Hannah, why do you want so many children.”


Hannah asks,


“You got kids, bitch?”


“I have two children, and don’t call me bitch!”


Hannah replies,


“Why should I explain to yo ass how many kids I got? They not yo babies, they my babies,”


Jane replies,


“Hannah, I’m not asking you to explain yourself to anyone’s backside, just to the committee trying to ascertain the viability for America to continue subsidizing your totally unproductive lifestyle. Just how many more children are you planning to have at the expense of normal people who work for a living?”


At this point Maurice bellows at Jane,


“We call you bitch or anything else we want. You think what you do is work? Askin people about how many kids? We free, we not slaves. You dirty ass bitch, we don’t tell you nothin.”


Jane replies,


“Well I guess that concludes today’s meeting. We’ll send you a letter about the committee’s decision.”



Morbidly Obese


Those morbidly obese, even shortly after showering, will often exude a smell like rancid bacon. Why wouldn’t they? That’s essentially what they are.


Just because someone eats like a pig, thus rendering them unpleasant to be around, doesn’t necessarily mean that they should be able to live at the public expense.


The first obesity interview is with Lori Sowman, who weighs seven-hundred-fifty-two pounds. The interviewers are deeply embarrassed by her appearance and sickened by the odor of decay that accompanies her. They can easily understand her lack of employability.


After explaining about the reevaluations, the interviewer asks what she had for lunch. Lori is offended by this, but answers,


“I had two Porker’s Delight platters at the Happiness Ice Cream Shop on Center Street.”


Many in the room struggle to keep a straight face at this answer, including the interviewer, who continues.


“Lori, I see in your profile that you had a recent increase in your federal disability allotment. May I ask if this has effected your lifestyle, and if so, how?”


“Yes. It’s very difficult for me to go grocery shopping. Now I can eat every meal in a nice restaurant if I want to. I also have more money for custom made dresses.”


“Lori, do you consider it fair that the general public should have to sustain you in what most people would call a life of depraved gluttony?”


“I can’t help myself. It’s genetic.”


“No Lori. There can be a genetic predisposition to run heavier than average, but morbid obesity is today considered a form of mental illness. Have you ever thought of seeking help from a psychiatrist?”


“No, and I’m not going to. I like myself. Little people have rights, and so do big people.”


“Thank you, Lori. We’ll be in touch.”






The naiveté of society mandates that everything about character must be based on environment, but Rick is a bum genetically. In late adolescence his parents started him with a morally compromised psychiatrist, who soon decided that Rick had a “phobia” about work. In reaction to this, his parents set up a trust fund to provide for essentials.


One day Rick had a bad falling out with his parents and applied for welfare so he could be “independent.”


At this point, he has been living on welfare for six years, and makes a little extra money on the side buying kilos of grass, then selling one ounce bags to friends at the standard markup.


March 12, 2031 Morning

Rick arrives for his reevaluation interview. The worker seats him, and asks,


“Rick, coming from a wealthy family, why do you choose to you live on welfare?”


Rick answers,


“My parents and I don’t get along. They don’t want to share the wealth.”


“Maybe if you find could something that interests you, they would help you get started in a business.”


“I couldn’t do that. I’m really not into the work trip. I refuse to even try. The ‘rents have plenty of money. I shouldn’t have to work.”


“Sounds like the greater aristocrat theory,”


says the worker with a wry smile.


Rick counters with a haughty, disdainful look, augmented by a slight hiss.


The worker closes Rick’s case folder.


“Thanks Rick. We’ll let you know.”




Mental Cases


Beverly learned in elementary school that becoming emotionally agitated could get her out of doing anything she dislikes.


Her doctor prescribed anti-depressant drugs to take twice daily. Eventually, her parents came to view all the emotional outbursts, as ill-conceived and theatrical. In response, Beverly then developed all the standard neurotic symptoms to manipulate situations.


Eventually this led her school teachers to have her repeat the ninth and tenth grade each again, to help with “immaturity”.


Finally, she had a nervous breakdown, left school, and finished twelfth grade with a home study program. At eighteen, Beverly made application and got disability status, and a government subsidized apartment.


Now she draws medical benefits for the fruit salad of prescription drugs she takes every day to modify her angry, increasingly violent episodes. Many of the drugs are to cancel out side effects of the others. Nineteen in all.


March 12, 2031

Beverly shows up for her appointment already in a state of agitation. The interviewer asks,


“Beverly, have you thought of working with a psychiatrist instead of taking all these drugs?”


Beverly goes shithouse, and screams,


“It’s none of your business.”


The interviewer replies,


“Beverly, please calm down.”


Beverly snaps viciously,


“Don’t tell me what to do.”


then rushes the worker and tries to claw her face. The aid disables the poor sick girl with a stunner and calls the police.



Drug Addicts


Jim is a constitutional psychopath who was born unable to walk, and in an intelligently humane society, would have been terminated at birth. He has lived parasitically all his life, and is now fifty-two years old.


He has based his entire existence on drug induced euphoria. He thinks the sole purpose of government is to sustain people like him in depravity. He uses nine different pleasure drugs, and has a different persona for each, often in conflict with the others. He will generally not remember or own up to what he said on the day previous.


Jim is totally self-involved. In conversation, his attention span is two seconds, then he interrupts, and changes the subject to himself.


March 13, 3031

At Jim’s interview the worker asks,


“Jim, we have an open position involving renewable energy ….”


Jim interrupts,


“Oh, I believe in that. I have a solar device to recharge my cell phone.” 


As if in response, the cell rings. Jim answers. It’s his transgender boyfriend calling about a new dildo he just bought downtown. Jim continues to talk without the slightest regard for the worker, or where he is, or what he is supposed to be doing,


“How long is it? Does it look real? Will it work good with a vibrator? What about those open crotch panties? Can you get them in pink? We’re out of lubricant. When are you going back to the store?”


Jim finally gets off the phone. The worker says,


“Thankyou Jim. I think we have enough information. We’ll let you know our decision.”


Jim looks surprised but delighted, at the brevity of this “hassle” and is very glad to leave.






The first interview of those considered sexually dysfunctional is of a male transgender college graduate named Steve. His unhappy wealthy parents, after years of being nagged, finally consented to John’s desire for surgery to give him silicone breasts and reconstruction of the lower region yielding vagina, shapely hips, and protruding buttocks. Except for a few pale scar lines this fake female anatomy is very realistic.


Steve didn’t want to completely lose his underlying maleness, so he decided not to engage in hormone transmutation. He has a normal male voice, long red hair, mustache, and two foot beard. He wears shorts and t-shirts, shaves his legs, crosses them like a woman, and with leg bobbing, gives intense flirty looks to normal men on the city bus. He has a bad nervous twitch coupled with a theatrical air of superiority to suggest that men who are not seduced by his behavior are timid, cruel, ignorant, bigoted, and hypocritical.


The question of subsidy arose when John found that he could not in most cases find a job, or if he did, could not keep the job for more than two or three days. He applied for welfare and was granted the usual benefits received by those designated “socially dysfunctional.” 


March 14, 2031 8:24 A.M.

Steve arrives late at the evaluation center. Psychiatrist Dr. Fells Attkinson explains the recent legislation, the interview procedure, and begins the standard subsidy evaluation.


“Steve, if I may, do you consider yourself to be a man or woman?”


“I don’t have to choose. I’m non-binary.”


replies Steve with restrained contempt.


“Steve, what do you consider the evolutionary function of gender and sexuality to be?”


Steve thinks a minute, then replies,


“It’s the perpetuation of the species via reproduction.”


The shrink is impressed, and answers,


“Correct, but do you think that the choices you have made for surgery are consistent with the perpetuation of the species, or more to the point, is an intrinsic lack of survival value in your behavior not reflected by your ongoing inability to find work and be self-sustaining?”


Steve looks perplexed and replies,


“The inability to be self-sustaining has nothing to do with me. It’s a product of ignorant haters.


“Steve, your college records show several complaints of angry abusive language directed against heterosexual men who rejected your sexual advances. Do you think that your expectations might be just a bit unrealistic?”


“No, why?”


“Brace yourself. I need to be a little blunt here. To the average young man, your appearance is grotesque, even frightening. What you are demanding equal status for being, was just a generation ago commonly regarded as a carnival sideshow freak. One whose appearance is so bizarre, and behavior so disoriented, might even be expected to scoop themselves and smear others with feces… That’s why, Steve.”


Steve looks shocked and surprised. None of the drug dreams since he was eight years old ever had any stuff like this in them.


“Steve, do you think it might be wise at this point to re-evaluate some of your values and goals?”


Steve is speechless, gets up, and leaves.






Jerome became a homosexual rapist in prison. He likes to target smaller, physically weak Caucasian men. He rationalizes that he is the “man” and they are “punk ass bitches” simply because he can overpower them.


His behavior towards men in the workplace recapitulates the approach he developed in prison, except that it always gets him fired before the act can be consummated. This makes Jerome very frustrated and angry.


Jerome’s interview comes second in line today. Dr. Attkinson is appalled by reading the profile and asks,


“Jerome, do you think that if you kept your social life separate from work, that you might be less likely to get fired?”


“Hell no! I’m only doin’ what comes natural.”


“When you’re not working at a job, where do you go for your recreation?”


Jerome gives the doctor a frozen sullen stare.


The doctor continues, 


“All I’m suggesting is that if you could get the recreation after work or on the weekends, you could end up keeping the job.


“Thanks, doc, but I need to keep on bein’ myself, know what I’m say’n?”


“Okay. We’ll let you know what we decide.”


A week later, Jerome is on an early morning bus. He likes to pretend he’s talking on his cellphone when there’s a white guy sitting nearby that he wants to “educate.” He launches into the usual spiel,


“Shit, these young white motherfuckers get a big surprise in prison. Inside they find out quick who is the man and who is the woman.”


In this case, the young white guy, Carl, has no phone, so he uses a mint container as a prop, and pretends he’s talking on a cell,


“Yah, the level of delusion grows daily out here. We got displaced African faggots riding the bus who think that raping white men in prison makes them into some kind of normal heterosexual stud, instead of what they really are, degenerate little fairies who want sex with the wrong gender.”


Jerome is dumbfounded by the boldness of normalcy, and just stares slack-jawed at Carl. The bus comes to the college stop. Carl rises to leave. Jerome jumps up and bocks his path. Carl gives him a quick hook punch to the nuts and jumps back. As Jerome bends forward in response, Carl gives him a sharp kick to the throat. Jerome dies on the floor of the bus before anyone even notices. Carl goes to

his first class at the college as usual.



Parasitic Outlanders


People of European ancestry who support endless immigration and government subsidy of low IQ racial outlanders are enemies of their own race and of evolutionary destiny. They are, however, right in step with the guilt-ridden self-destructive outlook that is so fashionable among dumbed down airheads in this period.


Zambusa has an IQ of sixty-eight. When he heard about the welfare available in America, he emigrated from Africa to get in on the bounty. Since his arrival three years ago he has worked a total of nine days, lasting only one day in each of nine different situations.


March 15, 2031

The worker asks Zambusa,


“Is there any work you would like to do?”


 Zambusa says,


“No. I want to live on welfare so white people will pay us back for having black slaves.”


The worker says,


“I appreciate your honesty. We will contact you soon about our decision.”




New Legislation


March 18, 2031 Early Morning

Congressmen watch the video interviews for all categories of subsidy, and those not subverted to the service of IMF bankers wonder how all this propping up of human rottenness could have gone on for so long.


4:21 P.M.

Congress votes unanimously to end every form of subsidy for self-disabling cripples. The approximate number of those to be cut is eight-million-eight-hundred-fifty-thousand, about fifteen percent of those living on welfare. The benefits will cease within ninety days.


They also pass a bill authorizing funding for the construction and maintenance of a thirty-six square mile midwestern isolation community as proposed by President Benedict on March 5th. In future, any citizen who commits a crime that would have previously landed them in prison, will be confined to the community for life. All illegal aliens will be deported. Those who return will be given lethal injection.


All those cut from welfare and anyone currently homeless in America who cannot, within ninety days, find permanent sustenance from family, friends, or private charity will be transported to the community for life residence.



Isolation Community


April 4, 2031

The U.S. Government was lucky to find the necessary tract of land for a thirty-six square mile community in Missouri. It involved the purchase of four huge abutting properties owned by older principals who were planning to retire and sell within a few years anyway.


The government explained the purpose of the project and offered the farmers enough above appraised fair market value to make selling immediately the obvious best choice. The buyers also purchased all the farm equipment and livestock, plus additional animals and birds from nearby farms.


September 19, 2033

The twenty-four-mile wall around the community is finished. All buildings within the walls have been repaired and upgraded. This includes houses, bunkhouses, barns, sheds, and outbuildings. There is new fencing wherever necessary for livestock.


The government also constructed tall multistory housing for ten million-eight-hundred-thousand people based on the template for HUD low income apartments, simple but pleasant. All have essential furniture based on the same premise, simple and durable. Solar panels are on every roof. The great expense of this is offset by the fact that soon the entire operation will be self-supporting. Having a decent safe place to come home to will make a hard day’s work more palatable.


The government explains about the possibility of electromagnetic pulse, and advises the residents to choose the number of floors up they would be able to climb on a daily basis if there were a prolonged electric power failure.


A clinic, pharmacy, supermarket, department store, multi-bank, public library, Post Office, diner, and visitor-social center has been constructed south to north at each end of the community, east and west. All facilities are colossal in size, and will be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Workplaces will be staffed by residents, or when necessary, outsiders, all paid by the federal government

at the going rate.


There will be a network of paved roads, but no automobiles. There will be a shuttle bus every half hour at key points. Residents can also purchase skateboards, push scooters, and bicycles to get around fast.


The first to enter the community are the one-million-four-hundred-thousand inmates of the entire U.S. prison system. They have been briefed about their new environment on the bus ride to Missouri, and reminded that after they serve their original prison term and are released, any more criminal activity with brig them back to the community for life.


A factory to continue the manufacture of car license plates previously done by prisons, is in place, and the existing machinery from the various states has been transported to the community. The state governments will pay the workers market price for the plates.


The second group of people to enter the community is the non-viable population of eight-million-eight-hundred-fifty-thousand found ineligible for further welfare payments.


Last are the five-hundred-fifty-three-thousand homeless people from all over America.


Once everybody is in residence, it is explained that all reproducing age individuals within the walls for life, will be sterilized. This is to be completed the first week, and ultimately will lead to easier access for everybody in the community.


There will also be the option of lethal injection with cremation for anybody who wants it. This is intended as a humane measure for anyone who becomes terminally ill.


The fact that residents will be provided with food only for a short time until they become self-sustaining, quickly gets them outdoors working on the land, raising and processing grain, vegetables, and livestock. Farmworkers are paid a competitive wage by the federal government.


Residents create their own schedules in advance to work at any or all of the available jobs. The option of variety is chosen by most.


At first there is a good deal of belly aching among the former welfare parasites and homeless, but after only three months, a strange, if reluctant, contentment begins to sweep over all the residents. The quality of daily life here is healthier and better than most have ever experienced. Those who were originally sentenced to prison for life are the happiest because for them the change to the community has been entirely positive, leaving them without any feelings of ambivalence.




Ten Days in the Life


Adelle is twenty-four years old and a very nice girl in every way except that at age eighteen she lacked the maturity to step outside a dysfunctional interpersonal relationship, view it as others would see it, then quit it rather than let it ruin her life. Because of this, has been serving a life term in prison for the murder of her former boyfriend, a sadistic no-good prick who deserved exactly what she gave him.


She’s attractive and totally heterosexual. In prison she had to put up with endless lesbian attention ranging from fawning rug muncher solicitaion to bull dyke strong arm tactics. She managed to keep her normalcy, however, and is very happy that she did.


Friday September 15, 2023 8:36 A.M.

Adelle walks slowly into her new apartment at the northeast corner of the twentieth floor in one of the new complexes. The morning sun is streaming into the kitchen windows. There’s a nice view. The kitchen opens into the intended living room area, and behind a big sliding door, is a separate room intended as a bedroom.


Besides a kitchen table with two chairs and a bed with one dresser, the government allows residents to choose six additional pieces of furniture, and their placement, in advance online. Social types usually want two easy chairs and a sofa with end tables.


Adelle has her own floorplan, however. She wants a library, so she specified that the bed and dresser be put in the intended living room, and in the intended bedroom, a large rectangular table at the north window, two tall bookcases, a high cupboard, and a second tall chest of drawers. There was a choice of TV with basic cable or a large laptop with Wi-Fi Internet. She chose the latter and locates it on the rectangular table.


Adelle’s mother kept her bedroom at home intact when she went to prison and was able to send eight big boxes of clothes, books, and personal items. Workers placed them on the floor in the inner room as specified.


She sighs as he admires the view to the north. Those who set up this system are a smart bunch of people. Everything is perfect, and now finally there will be men in her life.


Adelle has already had breakfast, so the first thing she does is to go back out to reserve a Post Office box and library membership, plus visit the supermarket, all with a debit card to a bank account she established long ago.


All this takes quite a while. By the time she gets back it’s 3:47 P.M. She makes up the bed, has a nutritious meat loaf dinner, reads for a while, then retires c 8:40 P.M. She’s looking forward to a hearty breakfast.


Saturday 3:20 A.M.

Orange juice with pulp, bacon, toast, two eggs, lime yogurt, and hazelnut coffee. It takes two hours and fifteen minutes to unpack the stuff her mother sent. It’s nice to see the books again. The empty boxes are in good condition, so she takes them down to the common room for anyone who might want them.


She still needs a vacuum cleaner, household hardware, and work clothing, so she goes out to the department store. They let her take it all back in a shopping cart.


After lunch she goes back out to get more stuff at the supermarket. She wants a full week’s supply of everything so she can come straight home from work every day without shopping.



Adelle cuts her hair and nails, tries out the new vacuum cleaner, has lunch, then reads for the rest of the day. She’s looking forward to her first day of work, and retires early.


She’s worked out a work schedule of true variety, stressing people work when she’s fresh in the morning, and vigorous physical farm work in the afternoon to stay in condition and sleep well at night.


Monday 8:00 A.M.

Adelle clocks in at the supermarket and spends the entire morning stocking shelves. For lunch she has a delicious taco salad at the market restaurant. Then she reports to the sterilization center. She feels a little sad about this, but it’s painless and only takes a few minutes.


Her afternoon job is at the sheep ranch. When she arrives, there’s nobody around. In a large pen she sees a big female lamb near the fence on the far side. She calls out,


“Hi, Wooley. Come visit.”


The lamb walks to her slowly and Adelle reaches over the fence and is patting the friendly animal when the ranch boss arrives. He explains her duties and Adelle has a long afternoon inspecting fences and shoveling manure into a wheelbarrow, then wheeling it to a central pile. From here it will be taken by truck to fertilize the agricultural areas.


At the end of the day Adelle is tired, but feels very good. There’s nothing like exercise and fresh air. After diner she watches a movie on her computer and retires early.


Tuesday 8:00 A.M.

Today it’s the department store. She spends the morning unpacking clothes and arranging them on hangers or shelves. The main thing here is the proper sequencing by size. This also involves restoring the sequence thrown into disarray by yesterday’s shoppers. She quickly learns that the most efficient way do the job is to first re-sequence the existing clothes and then add in the new ones.


She enjoys a giant cheeseburger at the store restaurant and a maple walnut protein shake.


Her afternoon job today is also good hard work. She’s harvesting the first of the butternut squash. The boss is a nice person and tells her that she can take one home whenever she wants, so long as it’s just for her own use. Adelle loves hot orange winter squash, fork mashed with butter, and was hoping this would be the case when she applied for the job.


For dinner, Adele has squash with turkey, then watches another movie, and sleeps well.


Wednesday 8:00 A.M.

She begins at the public library. Adelle has not studied library science, so they start her dusting books and vacuuming carpets. It’s a little boring, but the atmosphere is good.


She has heaty lamb stew at the diner, then reports to the cattle ranch for the afternoon. When she arrives, there is a chap there named Ebon, who explains the job,


“Up in Maine, where I come from, we have quite an affinity with the animals…”


He gestures to indicate a nearby cow,


“… like old Bossy the Cow on yonder hillside… Don’t know how she got the name.”


He winks candidly at Adelle, then turns and cups his hands to funnel his voice to the cow.


“She ain’t my boss!”


Another candid look at Adelle, then to the cow,


“She don’t boss me!’


Adelle enjoys the strangeness of Down East humor, and is subtly amused.


Her duties here are similar to those at the sheep ranch. She especially enjoys feeding milk by bottle to a young calf, who’s mother cannot be located.


Thursday 8:00 A.M.

At the pharmacy, she counts out pills and puts them into prescription bottles. This gets very tedious after a while, but she’s looking forward to doing counter service in due course. She has a nice lunch at the pharmacy restaurant.


Her afternoon shift is harvesting oats. She gets  a nice plump bag for her own use.


Friday 8:00 A.M.

Adelle is sorting mail at the post office. Tedious, but necessary. She enjoys baked brook trout with egg potato salad on the lunch special at the diner.


Her afternoon shift is harvesting spinach, and again, she gets a good sized bag for herself. When she gets home, she washes it all and measures out future portions for the freezer.



Adelle writes to her mother, then goes out, mails the letter, and visits the supermarket.

This time she gets two pounds of the special alder smoked deli bacon.


Sunday Morning

Same maintenance routine as last Sunday, After lunch she initiates a personal journal on her laptop and begins writing a gothic love triangle novel.


During her first ten days in the community Adelle was pleased by the quiet thoughtful demeanor of most people she encountered. It’s as though they realize that this situation is set up with the potential to be as good as they are willing to make it.


It’s also subtly understood that since most of the residents are here for life, that hellrotter types who love to make others miserable, are not going to be tolerated. Good people have nothing to lose by eliminating this element and nobody’s going to squeal on warriors.


The low IQ types, of course, don’t get this, or much of anything else for that matter. Loud music blasters everywhere are almost always displaced Africans, but here they end up dead in dumpsters. Being rid of these shit-heels for other reasons begins to catch on, and within eighteen months there are none of them left.


Outside the word gets around that going to the community is certain death for displaced Africans, so they do whatever they can to avoid coming here. Sometimes this involves improved behavior, sometimes more ruthless shootouts with police to avoid capture.


During her first work week, Adelle encountered three cute guys that seemed to have a more or less wholesome interest in her. In prison she went without sex for such a long time that she came to see sex for what it really is. She is in no hurry about it here, and does not plan to entertain men in her apartment. She can go to their place or they can do stuff in a cornfield, but her apartment will be just her place alone.



Influence of Success


The isolation community idea was at first met by a lot of protests and demonstrations from the usual proponents of devolutionary social policy. The main thrust involved catcalls of “involuntary servitude” because the welfare parasites and homeless would now be expected to work for their own sustenance.


April 16, 2034

The world press has been keeping an eye on the isolation community in Missouri. Today the U.S. Government releases a demographic analysis of the first six months of operation. The figures are impressive. Almost everybody is working a normal five day week. Everything  is running smoothly. The community is already ninety-eight percent self-sustaining.


Delegates from the World Libertarian Order visit the community. They observe everything, conduct videotaped interviews, and put a slick nicely produced two hour documentary about the community on the internet. The reaction worldwide is nothing less than revolutionary.


Australia is the first to initiate a plan of their own. They consult with the planners of the Missouri community and begin work almost immediately. Next is Canada, United Kingdom, Russia, France, Germany, Sweden, Argentina.


October 2, 2034

Garrett Valdison is enjoying a fine breakfast with his two housemates Gretchen and Brit. They are excited about their invitation for the upcoming State of the World Address to the U.N. General Assembly by Roswell Benedict.


The entire isolation community project was Garrett’s idea, but he has told Benedict in private that he only wants credit in history books, but not in contemporary media. He’s well enough known already and cannot see any good coming from that much fame. There are still a good many crazies around fighting tooth and nail against all the good things that are happening lately, and Garrett would like to continue living in this splendid period as long as he can.