Globalism Defeated |
Whenever possible it's best to conserve useful structure created by the work of others, even when they are
a vanquished enemy. Besides the International Monetary Fund, there are three Globalist institutions which we will either
reorganize to serve Libertarian Nationalist goals or simply eliminate. They are, of course, EU, NATO, and the UN. What follows
are idealized situations in the future where reason and voting produce the needed results. In real life it will probably
take violent revolution. The alternative is to allow money mad Globalists to destroy every race and culture on earth. Imagine
the tedium of universal sameness.
European Union
According to the leaders, the EU was formed: as a counter balance to the United States as the only global
super power, out of the need for stability in Europe after the second world war, and as a product of economic agreements,
all of which still form its basis today.
In 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed to prevent war in Europe. Fifty years later, with war still seeming
far away, the EU redefined itself as the leader against climate change, but few Europeans could identify with greening up the
economy and lowering carbon emissions.
Hypothetically, an American Libertarian Nationalist leader
addresses the European Council:
“I have searched the web a good deal, and find that the EU doesn’t seem to have any clear idea
of its own purpose. Following is a edited comment from the EU Training Site:
"The EU says it wants to increase employment, and prosperity, also to advance its innovation capabilities
on a global scale, but these are very vague ideas, and do not translate into a coherent narrative that one could call a mission
"EU leaders need to reach an agreement on what the European Union really stands for, and then summarize
it, not in a ten-page European Council Conclusion, but in two or three sentences that are concrete and inspiring enough so
that even a bus driver in Estonia will be able to understand…and maybe even support.
"How can European citizens be expected to support EU institutions and goals if they don’t know
what Brussels is struggling to achieve?"
“Now I’m going to talk about what the EU actually does. The job of the European Union, as a
federal government, strives to create and implement laws and regulations to dominate the member states. The leaders have mandated
that the countries of the EU have uniform laws and policies for weights and measures, trade, labor, job choice, travel, immigration,
rape, and politically correct speech. The EU enforces these laws.
"This enables the rights of sovereign member nations in these issues to be by-passed. If a member country
wants to opt out, the EU threatens them with invasion by the EU army. The biggest EU initiative, in Globalist complicity with
the UN, is to destroy the European race, culture, and civilization by flooding Europe with morally inferior peoples from whatever
third world garbage pails they can get them.”
There is a good deal of tension and murmuring in the auditorium as speaker continues:
“Anyone who has studied history knows that there has never been a multiracial society that did not
self-destruct because of the forced unnatural mixing. There is absolutely no reason for persisting in the current mode except
the evil goal in serving the avarice of Globalist bankers.
“Indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations competing in a free world market is what works.
The present course is not working, and can only lead to war. Europeans are waking up to all of this fast and will soon be
gunning down racial outlanders in the streets for target practice on the way to work.
"Do the right thing while you still can. Stop further immigration, and send the resident outlanders home.
Globalism is being defeated everywhere, but now there will be an infinite number of constructive projects for the bankers
to finance. Isn’t prosperity for all with lasting peace, better than prosperity for a few elitists, with endless
warfare for the many? I know, what about population increase? Don’t worry, we know how to reduce world numbers without
mass starvation.
"The days of the EU are numbered. After just the pending withdrawals, it will be ludicrous to even call
what's left European. If I worked here, I would be looking for the first available position with NATO or the UN. Help speed
positive change. Please read about the Libertarian Nationalist program. It is the only arrangement that can lead to lasting
worldwide peace and prosperity."
Many of the leaders look favorably impressed and the speaker is offered a great many handshakes on his way
out to the cafeteria.
After two weeks of discussion, the European Union is officially dissolved. How could it be otherwise, with
no viability for the future? Sovereignty for all the former member states will be preserved. It is agreed that he earlier
national customs regulations will not be reinstated except along borders of indigenously non-European countries. The former
currency exchanges are no longer necessary. With a little cashier technology, small business transactions can be for any amount,
in any currency, anywhere.
When NATO was first set up, it was assumed that the US might be needed to help defend Western Europe from
the Warsaw Pact. The original stated job of NATO was to be a defensive alliance to discourage war in Europe. Any member that
is attacked can call on all the other members for help.
The only time this ever happened was September 11, 2001. The US asked NATO for help, and all the other nations
NATO's mission statement as of 1999, did not envision any activity outside Europe and the North Atlantic.
Today there is even division within Europe about how to handle the problems faced by these nations.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the NATO Secretary General has said,
"We will need a strategic concept that takes account of today's realities and tomorrow's challenges…
The world has changed, the threats have changed, so has NATO."
NATO's 28 member states hope that the future approach will help persuade an increasingly skeptical public
in many European countries that the 60-year-old alliance remains relevant, decades after the end of the Cold War.
The task is harder at a time of economic crisis and shrinking defense budgets, analysts say.
Fogh Rasmussen’s top priorities are expanding NATO's partnership with moderate nations in North Africa
and the Middle East.
Hypothetically, an American Libertarian Nationalist leader address the North Atlantic Council:
“The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is not dead. Nothing likes to die, big international organizations
included. Like anything living, it wants to be fed and continues to grow and extend itself.
“NATO was originally supposed to focus only on the common defense of its member states, and later
threats like piracy, terrorism, and cyberattack. Today it gives itself free reign over the entire world. The excuses for NATO
military actions appear limitless, along with the geographic arena in which it might take action.
"It made me sad to learn that NATO troops had amassed in Arizona to suppress the retaliation of American
citizens to an expected economic collapse engineered by the Globalists. I remember a bumper sticker: Send our troops home.
We need them to protect us from the government.
"Now that the EU is gone. and the UN will soon be reconstituted as an advisory body based upon Libertarian
Nationalist principles, I and many like me in the US, feel that NATO should sever its now irrelevant allegiances to the Globalists
and work with the newly emerging European nations to promote worldwide nationalism with the preservation of indigenous peoples
and cultures everywhere. The new NATO agenda I suggest would be to review and get information to member nations about the
superior options of worldwide nationalism, prosperity, and peace.”
The speaker gets normal audience applause, followed by questions and answers.
After a few weeks, NATO is reconstituted to be completely in accord with Libertarian Nationalist policies
and to continue as an advisory clearing house for the natters it used to act upon directly at the behest of the Globalists.
United Nations
Informal Mission Statement of the UN:
- To keep peace throughout the world
- To develop friendly relations among nations
- To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy,
and to encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms
-To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.
Hypothetically, an American Libertarian Nationalist leader
addresses the United Nations General Assembly:
“The UN originally had some very high sounding goals more or less associated with altruism. Unfortunately,
it is today openly controlled by Globalist bankers. This is not surprising since it was they who created it in the first
place. The main functions of the UN now. of course, are the destruction of European race, culture, and civilization through
the flooding of Europe with economic migrants disguised as refugees, and human trafficking in children for pedophilia.
"This shameful activity will not continue. Even the phony altruism will be opposed by all aware people from
here on. Giving food to worthless layabouts only serves to suppress agriculture and to increase the numbers and moral lassitude
of the recipients. We must guarantee all people an equal chance to succeed by their own volition. We must not guarantee
them equal success apart from the quality of their participation in the process.
"The globalists are now irrelevant. The UN needs to wake up to this and purge your ranks of this foulness.
Member nations will soon desert you if you don’t get on board with what’s happening now. Please study the literature
I have provided on Libertarian Nationalism. With your talent and imagination, we can all live to see a lasting Golden Age
for mankind on Earth.”
The speaker sees a lot of scowls, and a lot of long overdue smiles in the assembly. This has been a very
productive day indeed.
Soon, the U.N. General Assembly votes that the United Nations is now to be an advisory body, committed to
a Nationalist Libertarian future. All the UN Globalist functionaries have already been replaced with nationalists.
The new method of the UN will be to discuss and vote on the viability of worldwide policy suggestions, then
pass on recommendations to national governments. For national leaders with good ideas, this will have the effect of being
able to suggest legislation to everybody on earth, with the added legitimacy of the many-minds principle.