
New World Order: Seek and Destroy!


aka New World Order: Seek and Destroy.


Globalist Traitors, Dig Your Graves!


When the main threats to individual liberty center around the impending loss of national sovereignty and the destruction of indigenous races and culture, then nationalism, by any means necessary, including war, becomes the first principle.


Sleepwalkers of the World, wake up! Forget your limp-wristed religious fantasies, alcohol intoxication, drug dreams, idiot ballgames, and virtual-reality heroism. Stand up on your feet like real men and women, think about the future, and show some proper adult seriousness for once in your pathetic lives.

The eleventh hour is past. Worldwide Libertarian Nationalism is the only viable alternative to Globalist Banker / Shadow Government oppression. All the nonsense you think matters is of no importance, and never has been. If you feel insulted by all this, then you are one who needs to read further. If not, you are probably smiling at this moment, as we are.
Fully educated people know that a multiplicity of free sovereign nations competing in the world market has a natural workability superior to any form of world government, and can be less easily subverted to collectivism. World problems will not be solved through ignorance. Join us grownups in the Twenty First Century. Read further, so that when the smoke clears, you will be worthy to smile along with us, as one who has participated in the throwing down of Globalist tyranny. Embark upon the Greatest of All Quests: Liberty Triumphant and Eternal!



...like sheep being led to slaughter, unless...

Copyright 2014, 2016, 2020
Eric F. Magnuson
All Rights Reserved
...we stop the Globalists and make our own future with Libertarian Nationalism.


    Any Means Necessary.


Book and Kindle Editions

Magnuson Paperback


Supplement Paperback







Alternative to IMF Banks


Libertarian Nationalist Revolution









Libertarian Basics


Essential Facts for World Liberty


The Enemies of Liberty





Dumbing Down of Populations


It's Okay to be of Any Race


Diversity Delusion / Fake Racism


Fallacy of Critical Race Theory


Intellectuals and Race


Worldwide Racial Displacement


Are Racial Outlanders Dangerous?


Sweden Today


Right to Bear Arms


Defense of Borders


Islamic Conquest


Liberty and Terrorism


Human Trafficking


Elite Pedophilia


Globalism: Logical Fallacies


Survival in North America


Ritual für den Tod





History of the New World Order


Globalism and the Federal Reserve


World War II and Causes


Holocaust Debate


How Hitler Defied the Bankers


Twelve Things You Were Not Told


Secret Experimentation


Illegal Surveillance


Mind Control





Globalism Defeated


Good vs. Evil


World 2034


World Future Doctrine


European Future Doctrine


United States Future Doctrine


Evolutionary Destiny





For World Liberty


For Good Living





Subverted Media Alternative




Winter is Coming


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