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The Enemies of Liberty
Subcategories: Paid For Status Quo Beneficiaries Ideologue
Moral Capacity
Categories: IMF Bankers Welfare / Warfare Profiteers Military / Industrial Profiteers Subverted: Politicians / Law Enforcement Media Educators Citizens Compromised Adults Misdirected Youth Reparations Parasites Fake Historians Self-Disabling Parasites Breeders Wastrels Mental Cases Drug Addicts Sex Perverts Invaders Legal Illegal
Who’s Who
Strategies Apathetic Non-Resistance Libertarian Nationalist Revolution
The Enemies of Liberty
Prosperity and peace will follow naturally from worldwide liberty. The enemies of this process are those whose efforts, or lack thereof, put them in opposition to the triumph of Libertarian policies that will bring the closest thing to utopia possible on Earth.
Usually the intent of these individuals is much narrower, with little thought given to the bigger picture. The most common goals are the personal attainment of wealth, power, fame, prestige, recognition, acceptance, or stability.
Most are not seeking the deliberate ruination of humanity. Unfortunately the truly powerful people who actually control the world are seeking precisely that, and thus far have been extremely successful. World history since 1913 is entirely a product of their machinations.
In this volume we are going to look and a great many categories of people who stand in the way of total excellence in human manifestation. Often a person will be in more than one category, and within these, more than one subcategory as follows, those who are:
Paid For People given perks or campaign contributions for implementing policy or failing to stress certain areas of truth in their rhetoric. Most of this is legal, but because of the complexity of events, remains hidden in plain view.
Status Quo Beneficiaries These are exploitative elements, along for the ride. Most are worldly syndical people, and this usually involves a high paying position that would otherwise not exist in an honestly run society. Sometimes it involves huge volume manufacture and distribution of product that would otherwise be utilized on a much smaller scale in an honestly run society.
Ideologue These are the indoctrinated idealists, ignorant intellectually, with an unlimited capacity to rationalize any and all means to the attainment of their ideals. They always defend these as “short-term necessary evils” no matter how destructive or unjust. They don’t have a clue as to the real consequences for humanity of the concealed agenda of those who utilize them.
Moral Capability
In humans, he cerebral cortex is the seat of higher moral deliberation. The ability to conceptualize morally is a genetically determined brain skill just like mathematical or mechanical ability. Someone born with effectively no ability to empathize with other living creatures, is what we call a moral moron, or constitutional psychopath. They are four percent of the population, one in twenty-five people, and are found in every walk of life.
As with any dichotomy, there is a proportional number of people at the upper end of the moral continuum. Those who are average in the moral sense cluster around the center point
Today, the word sociopath is often used as a substitute term for psychopath, but actually denotes two sub-categories:
Psychopath – One vs. Humanity
Dissocial Reaction – One + Family vs. Humanity
This is because the word psychopath, in popular use, has come to evoke the image of a violent, wild-eyed individual, with hair-trigger rage reactions. Most of them, however, lead quiet lives of shallow superficial respectability, because they learn early in life that keeping out of trouble is more enjoyable than getting into trouble. Their goals are usually the same as anybody else, but often the means to attainment are very different.
There are many good examples of this among individuals who grow tired of their spouse in a situation where money is involved. The spouse may miss their daily insulin injection, fall down the front staircase, or suffer from a car with leaky brake fluid.
Psychopathy can interact with other behavioral disorders. Criminals are almost always, at very least, constitutional psychopaths. The worst are rapists, snuff and child porn video makes, kidnappers, pedophiles, and those who torture and kill for pleasure. These people are irredeemably evil, and cannot be rehabilitated. The moral integrity and safety of human societies depends upon eliminating them.
Group Psychopathy There are many factors which determine human behavior, but if one group of people is forty IQ points lower than another group, then it will also be forty moral IQ points lower. If this leads to the taking for granted and general acceptance of certain types of evil behavior, then a tendency for this will be passed along genetically in that group, leading to what is often referred to as a race of psychopaths.
Twits will refer to the mature understanding of these matters as racism, but tepid knee jerk reactions, after all, is what makes them twits.
IMF Bankers
Most of the big problems on Earth are caused by International Monetary Fund bankers who, via member central banks, manipulate currencies, and with the help of subverted politicians, engineer wars and economic upheaval so they can lend money to governments for military mobilization and otherwise unnecessary social programs.
Globalism, New World Order, is simply the one world government that will allow the IMF banks to have total finance monopoly, e.g. forty percent mortgages, sixty percent refinance.
Countries do not need to borrow from IMF banks, but can have their own central bank and control their own currency. Populations are kept from the knowledge of this by cooperating subverted mainstream media, and by the subverted politicians who keep IMF control in place by voting for it in legislatures.
All that is necessary to have enduring liberty, prosperity, and peace on Earth is to have all counties leave the IMF, set up their own central banks, and tie the amount and value of currency to receipted hours of labor, or a mixed store of scarce and durable commodity.
People of all political parties worldwide must declare that they will not endorse any candidate who doesn’t have a detailed plan in hand to get their country out of the IMF, and to nationalize their central bank.
The goal of the Nationalist Revolution novels is to help inspire total worldwide resistance at every level to globalization.
It would be wonderful if we could end world tyranny democratically, but that isn't going to happen. Many will die, but if we don't fight, we will soon have the “cashless society” with national I.D. debit cards, then silicone chip body implants. This will be followed by behavior modification implants, and finally, when they figure out how to do it, a physical matrix for everyone but themselves.
Evil exists. A globalist banker or media boss is a human with the soul of a black widow spider. They cannot be reasoned with, only stopped. We can and will defeat them, but only through heroic action, not with secretly held opinions. The only good globalist is a nonexistent globalist. Free indigenous peoples and cultures will never be safe until they are just an unpleasant memory.
Welfare-Warfare Profiteers
This is not an anecdotal term. It is the IMF way-of-things at this time, and will remain so until we demand something better either in the voting booth or at gunpoint. Ball games and virtual reality heroism will not accomplish this.
Welfare A humane society will provide sustenance for those with a history of productivity who have incurred legitimate disability. With healthy economies there will jobs for everyone on Earth who are able and willing to work.
Because of ongoing bad economies, there has arisen a permanent underclass of people who feel “entitled” to endless sustenance by government. They oppose anyone who works for a healthy economy. Those who engage in violent demonstrations are the modern counterpart to the Bolshevists who murdered sixty-six million people in Europe.
Warfare War and terrorism today are a very difficult study. Just when you think you understand an event, new information surfaces showing that it was actually a false flag, usually involving Globalist traitors in your own government working with foreign operatives.
The purpose of endless wars is to generate "refugees," aided by the EU and UN, to invade countries and destroy indigenous race and culture everywhere, so that people lacking identity will except one world government.
Terrorism is supported by deep state funding, open borders, and police stand-downs. The purpose is to make our daily lives seem so dangerous that we will gladly surrender our guns and liberty just to feel “safe.” History has shown that the worst enemy people have turns out to be their own government when it gains too much power. Citizen ownership of guns simply represents a balance of power.
Good people need to become proactive about building a better future. We will be rid of these problems only when the Globalists, their subservient minions, and invading outland hoards have been permanently vanquished.
Military-Industrial Profiteers
This term also, is not anecdotal. All countries must have defensive weapons in place. In a Libertarian Nationalist world, however, the daily function will be only to maintain readiness, not to sustain endless military engagement for the profit of avaricious bankers.
Military Profiteers Usually these are Globalist agenda-driven elements working for the longer term profits that would come from global finance monopoly, “Soldiers of Fortune” in the truest sense.
Industrial Profiteers These are the industrialists who manufacture the machinery of war. In a Libertarian world, they will simply need to retool for farming and space colonization. The good ones will be more than delighted to be able to do this.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower 1961
Subverted Politicians / Law Enforcement
Globalist bankers keep politicians loyal with campaign contributions and easy access to big loans. They create prestigious organizations to teach and implement their agenda. Among these are the United Nations, European Union, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, National Education Association, National Council of Churches.
Politicians, high military officials, prominent industrialists, and media moguls are invited to join these organizations. All this, combined with entrenched subverted government, deep state, is correctly called the Establishment.
Subverted Media
IFM bankers have created and subsidized popular media outlets which present or stress information or disinformation which supports their objectives. This usually involves trying to make the public believe that pro Globalist sentiments are already held by a majority of people, and that one will be badly out-of-step if they do not embrace these ideas themselves.
Operation Mockingbird In the early 1950s, Globalist elements in the Central Intelligence Agency compiled a list of phrases which they felt would elicit knee-jerk responses in the general population. They approached IMF-friendly elements in the mainstream media and persuaded them to cooperate in engineering popular consent for one world government.
It was suggested by the CIA that their phrases be used glibly in a very matter-of-fact way as part of normal daily reportage. The most important of these is conspiracy theory.
The CIA knew that lazy apathetic thinkers (almost everybody) would jump on a phrase like this, as an easy-out for rationalizing their own ignorance. e.g. If they don’t know about something complex or hidden, it must be only theoretical, and the person propounding it must, of course, be paranoid, another term on the CIA list. Now the twits can get back to the ballgame.
Subverted Educators
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education, disclosed government policies hidden from the public in her famous book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. It was on the New York Times Bestseller List for weeks in the 1980s, but has anything changed?
Today, schools mix truth with outright lies. If anyone questions anything, they are labelled haters. Good examples include:
Competition is Cruel. We are all so special. It’s insensitive and unfair that anyone ever be graded for the actual level of their performance in anything. Where is our sensitivity?
Gender Fluidity There are many more than two genders. Scientific research clearly showing that sexual aberration is a function of genetic mutation, hormone imbalance, or a mistaken learning process, is really just the bigoted intolerance of what are simply normal human differences.
Some schools today have small children socialize intimately with transgender men, Drag Queen Story Hour. Parents, wake up!
Monoculture is Best. Race is merely a social construct. Breed up quick, so we can all be the same. The tedious gray slavery of global monoculture is far more hip and open minded.
The Globalists insure that all these culturally destructive ideas are taught, by giving endowments to schools and colleges, with campaign donations and other payoffs to cooperating legislators.
Globalists within the education system are usually ideologue twits, many of whom are also entitlement parasites, drug addicts, sex perverts, or invading outlanders. Some are more than one of these. People can only teach with passion from the standpoint of what they are.
Subverted Citizens
Compromised Adults This is Jean and Joe Six-Pack, couch potato air-heads. They like their ballgames and beer, but never read. They watch only fake news. They never think beyond the end of their own noses, or more than three weeks ahead. A viable future for children, life on Earth one hundred years from today, the evolutionary destiny of mankind, are concepts totally alien to them. Those who do care about these things are seen as trouble-makers.
Misdirected Youth These are the children ruined intellectually and psycho-sexually by the subverted education system and media. They grow up to be brain dead self-haters.
Reparations Parasites
This usually involves those seeking indemnity for events that happened long ago. Two good examples of this are claimants connected with slavery in the United States, and with what is termed the “holocaust” in WWII Germany.
Fake Historians
Sometimes popularly accepted history contains mistakes or exaggerations about events, numbers, motives, or responsibility. At other times outright lies are propounded deliberately.
America There is an ongoing myth that everybody who were not slaves profited from slavery. In actuality, everybody but the plantation owners, were hurt by slavery, because it eliminated fair completion for the commodities produced, and for jobs in the labor market.
Only two percent of the Caucasian population were slave owners, and this was before the huge influx from Europe after 1850. Today, however, some are asserting that Caucasians, as a group, owe reparations to all descendants of slaves, as a group.
Tell this to Caucasians who lost family fighting to end slavery in the Civil War.
Germany The six million “holocaust” death-toll number was suggested by a magistrate from Vermont who sat at Nuremberg. The IMF-friendly media jumped on this number, and have never let go. There are a few problems, however:
The World Almanac uses official census data. For 1940, it reports a world Jewish population of 15,319,359. For 1949, 15,713,638.
Under the terms of the Geneva Convention, the Red Cross inspected all the concentration camps once every two weeks. Their official estimate of the total number who died in all the camps is 271,301. This includes non-Jews.
American forensic doctors examined hundreds of bodies and found only typhus and starvation as the causes of death, not even one death from poison gas.
When the Russians liberated the camps in Poland, including Auschwitz, they did not allow the press into the camps for five years. When they finally removed the restriction, journalists got to photograph all those gas chambers that nobody remembers seeing who visited the camps during the war years.
IMF bankers, of course, continue to lend money to Germany for the ongoing reparations to Israel based on the six million estimate. Anyone who speaks up is shouted down as a Holocaust denier.
Self-Disabling Parasites
These are people who are perfectly able to work, but who use subterfuge to keep from doing so. There are several categories. Some may be in more than one:
Breeders These are welfare mothers who have eight children while being completely subsidized by government. These are men who brag on the city bus about fathering seventeen illegitimate children. Condoning either is like poisoning the public water supply.
Wastrels These are people who find every way possible to keep from working. They include borrowers, gamblers, gigolos, moochers.
Mental Cases With the exception of aberration having physical origin, the clinical catalogue of dysfunctional behavior is really just a list of the different types of bad moral character.
A good example is the neurotic who develops a phobia for work as a reaction to some unrelated incident in youth. Morally ambivalent psychiatrists are often complicit in sustaining this, because they know that loving parents want the young person to take whatever amount of time is necessary to work through the problem. There are endless sessions, but very few cures.
Drug Addicts The moral maturity of a person at the time they begin using a psychotropic drug remains fixed, until they stop using the drug. This includes anti-depressants and tranquilizers prescribed by doctors who receive a manufacturer commission for every prescription.
Today many users start on drugs at an early age. Good business people don’t want an adult worker with the maturely of an eight-year-old. Additionally, drug use often interferes with motivation, attention span, and coordination.
Sex Perverts Colleges today host an endless freak show of transgender monstrosities. There is usually euphemistic terminology for this, like the very computeresque term, non-binary. Those who sport these labels believe that they are intellectual pioneers in a brave new world of greater tolerance and expanded consciousness.
Legal These are immigrants whose influx into any country ultimately destroys the race and culture of the indigenous population. Their immigration is legal, but would not be, if the country were not subverted to the purposes of Globalism. In the interest of racial preservation, this problem must be addressed immediately worldwide by any means available.
Illegal Individuals Many of the gatecrashers who violate borders come back no matter how many times they are deported. There are instances of some who have returned over fifty times. If they knew that they would be executed immediately upon return, most would probably not return.
Illegal Hordes At this writing (5/26/2019), there is an ongoing invasion across the southern border of the United States. It would be perfectly appropriate to use loudspeakers to warn the invaders, and then at intervals with fighter planes, strafe with machine fire, those who ignore the warning. If a sovereign nation is to remain free, it must enforce its borders.
Who’s Who
In 1933, Friedreich Nietzsche propounded the ideal of the Ubermensch, or Superman. This does not
involve supernaturalism or anything unattainable, but as a concept has been misunderstood, joked down, and twisted by cowards
and lowlifes ever since. The superman
(men and women) are simply people who do not have to victimize or encroach upon others to survive in a free society. They
transcend the myths and false moralities of everyday experience, and work in some area of magnificent obsession to make the
world a better place. They are here among us, not to be stoned, cool and jazzy, but to save the day. The subhuman
is the opposite of this, people who have no capacity except to encroach upon others in a free society. This is primarily a
function of low I.Q. Their intrinsic inferiority puts them in opposition to social policies that will lead to liberty, prosperity,
and peace. They are essentially enemies of evolutionary destiny. If evolved humanity is to survive, then the subhuman must
be eliminated. The easiest, most humane, and best way is through mass sterilization In terms of the narrative at hand, the superman is the Libertarian Nationalist warrior who will oppose Globalism even unto death. The subhuman is any of the people listed herein as enemies of liberty. When they are gone, good people will rest briefly, then the Golden Age of Mankind will begin. |
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