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An information page for each, with:
Date Sequence of novels is by first date of story narrative, but they can be read in any order desired, without hurting comprehension.
Description The same one that appears in each volume, also used as the bookstore description.
Warrior Names For reference, a list of main characters, in terms of hard Libertarian action. Some make cameo appearances in the other novels. Even the WWII novel Of Heroic Destiny and the two gothic novels contribute characters or family connections to the Revolution Series.
Essay List Many of the novels are prefaced by informative nonfiction essays. There are two collections of essays to supplement the novels.
The Children of Avarice
In the Twenty First Century, Libertarian Warriors worldwide seek to eliminate the deeply embedded decay caused by Globalist bankers. Because of subverted media and human apathy, only small gains are being made. The resistance offered by pen must continue, but it’s also time for swordplay. Indigenous peoples are starting to eliminate their own national traitors every way they can. The season for killing is at hand.
Various Warriors
Essay: Alternative to IMF Banks
The Werebear
October 2001
A heroic Libertarian warrior, and research biochemist, devises a way to transform himself into a grizzly bear at full moon, that he may deal more effectively with recalcitrant globalist elements in the national government.
Hilton Armstrong Garrett Phelan Valdison Burgess Crowell FBI Special Agent John Coluvis
Essays: Magick Essential Facts for World Liberty Survival in North America World Future Doctrine
Around Hollywood June 2008 A handsome patriotic young man from Wisconsin seeking an acting career moves to Hollywood. He has a good deal of talent and dramatic training so he gets auditions for small roles quite easily. A great many of the people he meets on a daily basis however, turn out to be enemies of life and liberty in America, so he decides to eliminate as many of them as he can without drawing too much attention to himself. Bertram Swanson Essay:
In School September 3, 2017
For over a century, one
attachment to the Globalist endowment of schools has been the deliberate dumbing down of students. This is done with false
ideas about wealth, economics, science, health, drugs, nutrition, sex, gender, evolution, archaeology, race, history, good,
evil, right, wrong, love, hate, spirituality, liberty, and national sovereignty. In redress, a young student warrior from
Boston has found revolutionary ways to eliminate these lies using methods that are far from being purely academic.
Various Warriors Vick Madison Essays: Evolution Diversity Delusion / Fake Racism
Snow and Ice
April 8, 2017
To increase his active involvement in the ongoing Libertarian revolution, Garrett Valdison embarks upon a long tour du ski with the goal of removing as many Globalists as he can from ski slopes, and the planet.
Garrett Valdison
The Channel
January 16, 2020
A young history professor has grown deeply tired of seeing his countrymen ravaged daily by invading Islamists. The IMF Bank subverted media won’t even report on it, and the Islamic Globalist mayor worries more about transgender bathrooms. One need not be a history professor to understand that dead enemies cannot imperil the future of the United Kingdom.
Morgan Fairfax Johnston Trevor Wilson
Essay: Short Summary of Sharia Law
1,000 Burning Devils
August 23, 2020
A Swedish Conflagration Specialist, and film producer, is tired of everything phony: traitors running the government, mainstream media subverted to the IMF Globalist agenda, lies about race and gender taught by perverts and criminals in the schools, even the movie fires he engineers, which burn absolutely nothing. Time to have a real fire, with real crispies among the ashes.
Bertram Siegfried Anderson Lars Sven Peter
Essays: Islamic Conquest Sweden Today
Wehrwolves, Rise!
January 11, 2022
Late in 1945, genetic research in Germany produced SS Wehrwolf units that could actually transform into wolves. The work of protecting Germany from postwar invaders began, but was soon halted because of insufficient funds. Eighty years later, because of the Globalist initiative to flood Europe with African savages and Islamic rapists, Germany needs SS units more than ever before. Wehrwolves, Rise!
Dr. Darl Kaufmann Rodman Berghofer Werner Kahl
The Beer Meister
February 14, 2022
A young German beer meister is sad for what the European Union, United Nations, and subverted German government is doing to his ancestral homeland. Many Beerhaus patrons speak openly about their political views. Some are patriots, but far too many are cowardly subservient followers of the tyrannical Globalist agenda. A beer meister, it seems, is in a unique position to help eliminate the virus destroying his country.
Max Johann Dietrich
Sacré Bleu
September 18, 2022
The fencing master Emile Bonvuar is today living in Paris. He is sickened by the invading outland hordes who are ruining his country and his race. They make their toilette in the streets, and rape the women of France. They can, and will, be stopped. Emile is a linear descendant of the great musketeer d'Artagnan, and now draws visceral fortitude and inspiration from his heroic ancestor. The time of the invaders will soon be a thing of the past, but more than one rapier will be needed.
Emile Bonvuar Brett Adriene
Maple Leaf Express
July 8, 2023
A young Canadian man wanted to be a train engineer since he was a little boy. Now that he is one, he wants to help friends in British Columbia who need fertilizer for an underwater farming project. They can get plenty of the usual reprocessed sewage, but it’s too costly, and falls very short aesthetically. On the other hand, using ash from incinerated bodies of invading outlanders who are ruining Canada racially and culturally, solves two problems with one final solution - an oceanic undertaking.
Randal Chadwick Johnston Litner Lamire Rothman Blonder
Bones in the Outback
January 8, 2024
For eight months, an accomplished young Australian paleontologist has been removing bones from dinosaur excavations in the Outback. One day, contemplating the terrible effect on his country of invading outlanders aided by United Nations / IMF Globalists, he decides that for each old bone removed, he will add back a hundred new ones.
Kilmer Dobson Three Angry Fathers
Werewolf Moon
August 2024
A politically united group of patriotic men from rural Montana, working individually, spearhead a violent Libertarian Nationalist revolution. Soon people all over the world rise to throw down globalist oppression.
Walter Durrant Daryl Johnson John Mosely Paul Donnelly Hugh Bellows Karl Beckmann
Essays: World War II and Causes Are Racial Outlanders Dangerous? United States Future Doctrine
The Pillow Master
February 12, 2024
A young writer plans to travel back in time to take the lives of constitutional psychopaths as toddlers, before they can do their evil deeds. After weighing the possible side effects, he and his beautiful Witch mistress figure out a more dangerous, but better, way of benefiting the future, the one-at-a-time elimination of all Globalist media bosses.
Carl Edmund Norris Rachael Heathwick
The Border
January 2, 2025
In the turbulent period before worldwide Nationalist stability is achieved, there are many reactions to the increasing tidal wave of border crossings. Suicidal self-haters want to throw open the borders to show how “open minded” they are at drug parties. Patriots, with an evolutionary long term view, are going to stop the invaders, then eliminate the domestic traitors every way they can. The season for killing is now at hand.
Various Warriors
Essays: It's OK to be of Any Race Defense of Borders
The Valkyrie
Every day in the lunchroom at work, a well-educated young woman listens to the tepid acquiescent acceptance of impending totalitarian socialism rife among her co-workers. It seems like a universal mindset. There are even a few who are rabidly proactive about it. Hers is a bigger than average salesroom, with the usual rapid turnover. Employees come and go all the time. She has begun to wonder about how many of the activist political traitors could disappear before anyone would notice.
Greta Ingram
The Student Activist
August 18, 2025
A Libertarian Nationalist college student finds a campus infested by degenerates and globalist traitors. They all want to destroy something: his normalcy, his race, or his liberty, usually all three. They offer only dismissiveness or insult in the face of truth and intelligent rebuttal. Now has come the time to hit back.
Tedmund Farrel
Essays: History and Propaganda Opponents and Strategies Libertarian Revolution Dumbing Down Populations Objective View of Political Terrorism
The Defeat of Globalism
September 18, 2025
A young Republican Senator, acting on a long term agenda of Libertarian Nationalism, takes on the last of the globalists diplomatically at EU, NATO, and the UN. He does this with the utmost success, and on November 8, 2028, is elected President of the United States. At his point, the real work is just beginning.
Senator Roswell Benedict
Essays: Evolution and Devolution Charity and Welfare Population Collectivism: False Premise Taxation is Theft Short History of NWO
The Trees
October 5, 2026
A graduate student uses clairvoyance to help the FBI locate human trafficking houses. When he sees babies stuffed and roasted like piglets as lunch for Globalists, who get thirty day sentences for “lack of evidence,” he is prompted to contact a friend, known publicly as the Grim Reaper of Ravenswood College. Now, pedophile cannibals, improperly sentenced, begin to die anyway.
York Edmunds
Essay: Human Trafficking: A Few Facts
January 5, 2027
An American historian aids German nationalists against Globalist traitors who exploit the suffering of those who died in Third Reich work camps, as a present-day ploy for the enslavement of Germany. Soon this heroic campaign evolves into a movement to stop other seekers of unjust reparations.
York Edmunds
Essay: Holocaust Denial
The Parasites
April 20, 2027
The world has become infested with human parasites, many of whom never meet in groups. Ted Farrel knows there are many proactive patriots lacking the inclination and know-how for massive strikes. Now he embarks on a writing campaign to encourage individuals to put irredeemable parasites out of their misery as a simple act of mercy. He stresses that warriors always make it look like an accident, so they can keep doing it for many years without redress.
Garrett Valdison
Essay: Diversity Delusion / Fake Racism
The Hellrotters
A university professor with impaired vision must ride the city bus every
day to work. In a properly run society, his fellow passengers would be racial kinsmen,
quiet decent people involved in their own thoughts. In America today however, he finds himself surrounded by loud parasitic
troublemakers who have been raised in a climate of blaming and entitlement. Their main goal seems to be to make life Hell
on Earth for everyone around them. This of course, he ruminates, does not make them bullet proof. Professor Lars Hanson
Essays: It's OK to be of Any Race Are Racial Outlanders Dangerous? World Future Doctrine
Wacken 2028
March 3, 2028
In the ruined world economy of 2028, political groups are murdering each other right and left. The hatred of radical Socialists for the Libertarian Nationalist message of heavy metal rock bands takes a surprising turn at the Wacken Open Air festival in late July.
Garrett Phelan Valdison FBI Special Agent Coluvis Sigurd Warner
Essays: Libertarian Basics Worldwide Racial Displacement European Future Doctrine
The Triumph of Liberty
November 9, 2028
In the wake of worldwide Nationalist revolution, a young Republican Senator running on a platform of Libertarian Nationalism, is elected President of the United States. Now begins the greatest task ever faced by any president in history, to make America what it would have been if good people had been running things from the beginning.
President Roswell Benedict
Essay: End the Subverted Media Monopoly
Reaper Close at Hand
February 16, 2029
The Grim Reaper of Ravenswood College is writing history books, but knows that he must also participate in history. America’s Libertarian Nationalist president is being threatened and hampered in everything he is doing to create worldwide liberty, prosperity, and peace. This is being done by worthless degenerates in the service of evil Globalist traitors. It is the season for reaping. Time to come out of retirement.
Tedmund Farrell
Essays: Globalism: Logical Fallacies
The Subhumans
February 8, 2030
A clinical psychologist is appalled by the sheer number of people who escape
justice because America has become limp-wristed, dumbed down to believe that human predators are merely sick, and can be “cured.”
The enemy running rampant are in fact irredeemably evil constitutional psychopaths with
complicit aberration that merely qualifies the nature of their encroachment upon society. One day he decides
that if he is to keep any semblance of personal integrity he must now transform himself into a vigilance committee of one. Harlan Sewell Essay:
False Entitlement March 4, 2031 Laws are finally enacted to stop the ongoing subsidization
of self-disabling parasites: breeders, morbidly obese, wastrels, mental cases, drug addicts, sex perverts, violent criminals.
The result accruing to this is so positive that the new system is immediately adopted by every great nation on Earth. President Roswell Benedict Garret Phelan Valdison Adelle Essays: Prison or Death? Third Alternative Self-Disabling Parasites Fallacy of Critical Race Theory
All Hallows
October 31, 2036
The year is 2036. Workable government policies are now in place, and things are getting better. Good people, however, are tired of waiting for the vast hordes of raping savages, previously forced into their countries by the Globalists, to return to their rightful ancestral homelands. A new initiative is underway for long nights of killing, and a season of death which will endure until sub-humanity has been purged from the Earth. Only then will free indigenous peoples be safe, so that the Golden Age of Mankind may begin.
Tedmund Farrell Libertarian Warriors
All Hallows II
October 31, 3037
The year is 2037. Workable government policies are now in place, and things are getting better. Good people, however, are tired of waiting for the vast hordes of raping savages, previously forced into their countries by the Globalists, to return to their rightful ancestral homelands. A new initiative is underway for long nights of killing, and a season of death which will endure until sub-humanity has been purged from the Earth. Only then will free indigenous peoples be safe, so that the Golden Age of Mankind may begin.
Tedmund Farrell Libertarian Warriors
All Hallows III
October 31, 3038
The year is 2038. Libertarian government policies are in place, and things are getting better. Good people, however, are tired of waiting for the vast hordes of raping savages, previously forced into their countries by the Globalists, to return to their rightful ancestral homelands. A new initiative is underway for long nights of killing, and a season of death which will endure until sub-humanity has been purged from the Earth. Only then will free indigenous peoples be safe, so that the Golden Age of Mankind may begin.
Tedmund Farrell Libertarian Warriors
All Hallows IV
October 31, 3039
The year is 2039. Libertarian government policies are in place, and things are getting better. Good people, however, are tired of waiting for the vast hordes of raping savages, previously forced into their countries by the Globalists, to return to their rightful ancestral homelands. A new initiative is underway for long nights of killing, and a season of death which will endure until sub-humanity has been purged from the Earth. Only then will free indigenous peoples be safe, so that the Golden Age of Mankind may begin.
Tedmund Farrell Libertarian Warriors
The Cleansing October 18, 2044 Splendid changes are occurring in the wake of defeated Globalism. This is the season for ethnic
cleansing and IQ adjustments. Indigenous peoples worldwide are ridding themselves of the last unrepentant national traitors
and displaced outlanders. The work is proceeding slowly, however, because decades of subverted media have left a population
of sleepwalkers. Libertarian warriors are rising to eliminate the last stubborn pockets of decay. Now is the time for the
final cleanup. President Roswell Benedict Garret Phelan Valdison Libertarian Warriors Essays: Evolution Moral Capacity Who’s Who Good vs. Evil
After Ragnarok
October 28, 2048
The smoke has cleared after worldwide Nationalist Revolution. It is now 2048. Everything has stabilized. The world is finally well on the way to what it needs to be, for the natural ideals of “vibrant self-actualization” and “opulent joy in living.” There are no more big problems for good people to vanquish with heroic action. We must insure that life doesn’t get boring.
Garrett Valdison now 76, Gretchen Van Roon, Britt Linstrum Clifton Farris, Amy Stillson Hilton Armstrong, Liz, Burgess Crowell, eldest at 87 George Ikabasu FBI Special Agent John Coluvis Lambert Swanson, Monique, Natasha Vick Madison Morgan Fairfax Johnston, Trevor Wilson Bertram Siegfried Anderson, Lars, Sven, Peter Dr. Darl Kaufmann, Rodman Berghofer, Werner Kahl Max Johann Dietrich, Karin Emile Bonvuar, Venus, Brett, Adriene Randal Chadwick Johnston, Litner Lamire, Rothman Blonder Kilmer Dobson Walter Durrant, Daryl Johnson, Bonnie, John Mosely, Paul Donnelly,
Hugh Bellows, Karl Beckmann Carl Edmund Norris, Rachael Heathwick Greta Ingram Tedmund Farrel President Roswell Benedict York Edmunds, Chelsea Ryder Professor Lars Hanson Sigurd Warner, youngest at 40 Harlan Sewell Ben Pardee
of the Higher Self Collection of non-fiction essays
that led to the Revolution Series. Addresses the intellectual and spiritual underpinnings of Libertarian Nationalism: universal
law, evolution, natural selection, transpersonal psychology, revolutionary spirituality, and health. The reader systematically
sheds off all self-imposed obstacles to individual liberty which arise from inexact definitions and false values. Balance
is stressed throughout. The principles are all natural and their correct application in daily living
results in the highest possible mastery of whatever circumstances in which the individual may find himself. Nationalist
Revolution Series Supplementary
Essays Collection of non-fiction Libertarian essays offered
as a foundation and supplement to those appearing in each of the Nationalist Revolution novels.
From a story standpoint, the Warlock of Albany books are part of the Nationalist Revolution Series, but much of the content was written ten years earlier and contains plot giveaways.
The Warlock of Albany
March 1972
A young writer decides to transform the world with Libertarian Nationalist revolution. There are huge obstacles. Many projects take longer than anticipated, but ultimately, with escalating resistance to globalism from other liberty loving propel everywhere, things begin to change.
Garrett Phelan Valdison Pamela Cochran Jeff Rollings
Essays: Freethinker Globalism and the Federal Reserve Libertarian Nationalist Revolution
The Future: Liberty or Death?
continuing in
New World Order: The Final Solution
April 10, 1998
The struggle against globalist tyranny early in the 21st Century. The world economy has collapsed. People are starving. Urban warfare is breaking out everywhere. Saving humanity from oblivion involves the heroic efforts of a young journalist, threading his way through strange episodes of social decay in an ongoing race with a man whose organization has already executed over five hundred thousand people... and is only getting started.
Garrett Phelan Valdison Pamela Cochran John Hobart Farris Clifton Farris
Essays: What Went Wrong with Western Civilization World Power through Misdirection The New World Order Superior Options Ahead |
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