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The Professor Professor
Lars Hanson left Sweden with his wife and two children because of the massive influx of raping Islamic psychopaths forced
into his country by the European Union and the United Nations. Now that he understands the actuality of America’s phony
“melting pot” rationalization, he realizes that oppression of evolved humanity by IMF banker subsidized subhumanity
is worldwide. You can’t have it at a distance anymore. You can only fight back. Hanson
cannot pass the vision part of the driver’s license exam, so he rides the bus to the university every day. He would
enjoy the ride except for the behavior of the huge number of subhimans, mostly the low I.Q. Africans, living in America parasitically
since the end of the Civil War. The polite term Hanson prefers to use for them is Negros,
although his thirteen year old daughter tells him that the term is “cheesy” because it went out of style in the
1960’s. When
Hanson came to America, in a hotel he was awakened at three in the morning by a Negro couple in the next room yelling at each
other. He noticed the prevalence of a certain word, and looked at his watch. During the next thirty seconds the couple between
them used the term motherfucker nineteen times. He later researched the word and
found that the use of it among black people stems from the fact that Caucasian slave owners often imposed themselves sexually
on Negro slave women. The resulting
children continued as slaves. Since
he started riding the bus, Hanson has heard more than one person whose use of the term at least rivaled that couple, and in
one case a Negro who made their use of the term sound conservative by comparison. The poor soul found it necessary to use
forms of this expression almost every other word: as a noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, and adverb. Foul
language gives notice to the world what a person is. It’s offensive, but easy to ignore if spoken quietly. Hanson is far more annoyed by those who blast
others with loud music and act defiant about it, believing that they are entitled to do this because of slavery, and that
any speaking up about it signals “white racism.” Hanson
can fight very well and is not at all intimidated by savages, even big ones. He knows that irredeemable enemies must be destroyed,
but how? He works through several scenarios, but the presence of bus security cameras foils every one of them. Even
if he follows them off the bus, the cameras will show that it’s always that same professor who gets off at the dead
person’s stop. If he can make it look like an accident, nobody will be looking at the cameras, but hunting them off
the bus will have a large number of failures because of unforeseeable obstacles, and the time expenditure will be horrendous. Finally
he hits on an idea. He enlists an electronic genius friend to make a modification to his cellphone that will allow him to
tap into the phones of others and store the number. Riding the Bus May
12, 2027 Hanson
decides to collect cellphone numbers against the day when a text invitation to a special event can be extended to a good many
savages at one time. Following is the journal he keeps of all the racial encounters with some ancillary material appended.
He manages to get the cell numbers in all but four cases. The Journal 2027 May
24 Reprimand
a yelling dirty-mouth Negro man on the bus after he curses and insults the lady bus driver for no reason. I tell him to stop
or I'll put him off the bus. He calls me names, but stops. May
31 Loud
Negro man just released from prison, drunk on the north bus, nearly sits in a girl's lap because he "doesn't see" her. He grabs my arm for no reason. I shake him loose, tell him not to touch me, and
he stops. June
8 Crazy
Negro man in a cafeteria dinner line tries to start a problem with me, and then with a big fat guy who comes along. The fat
guy adds to my warning. Finally the raging troublemaker chickens out and leaves. June
16 Insane
Negro man comes into cafeteria breakfast line loudly cursing and hugging people who don't want it. Security officers escort
him out. Later the police arrest him out
front. No cell. June
22 Bald
well-dressed Negro man with suitcase is insanely roaring insults at Caucasian passers-by. Police cars converge on area, but
I'm already around the corner and don't get to see the arrest. July
3 At
the gymnasium, Negro rudely asks me for
tobacco. When I don't help him with this, he calls me filthy names which I reflect right back at him. This infuriates him. Later I see him raging around shouting insults at me from across the street. July
14 On
the bus, yesterday's tobacco seeker, starts a fight with a young Negro man who seems to be winning when a big oriental guy
breaks them up. July22 At
the community center, young Negro man starts clobbering piano keys in a full computer lab. Supervisor asks him to stop. He
refuses and keeps on. I suggest she call the police. She says she will if he doesn't stop. He stops. August
4 Conversation
with Ron. He tells me Negro named Demetrius complains that Grant, "that damned white man" is on the computer again when he wants to use it. The situation escalates.
Violent struggle ensues. Demetrius throws Grant to the ground and gives him a black eye. August
10 Eve:
Drunken Negro threatens me as I wait for the bus. He's twice my size. Finally I warn him that if he attacks me, he'll be dead
in three seconds. (Good bluff. It would take six seconds). The bus comes. I tell the bus driver and she phones the police. August
18 An
insane Negro woman approaches the bus stop yelling at me and another guy not to disregard her “special dispensation
as God” and her very special privileges. She speaks bitterly and viciously against "the white people." She points to
the gutter and tells me I must go there. I inform her that eventually she will have to go to a concentration camp, be hung,
and her body thrown into a pit of quick lime. An older man sitting nearby, seems to concur with my rhetoric. All this calms the woman down and gives her a thoughtful
demeanor. Once again, saved by the bus. August
34 Negro
hitting child on bus. Old white woman speaks up to him about it. He threatens to beat her instead, then tells kid that the
woman's behavior is "white supremacy". September
3 Young
Negro man with long dreadlocks comes out of the library bellowing back at whoever asked him to leave, "Faggot! All white men
are faggots!". I ask him "If you are so unhappy here, why don't you go back home to Africa?" No answer. This accusation is
a common theme with Negro males in America, who seem to be one of the most self-deluding groups of people on Earth. September
12 Negro
at bus stop starts calling me dirty names when I won't give him fifty cents. Threatens to have me killed. Starts throwing
stones. As I get on the bus, he
throws a big cup with ice and showers not just me, but bus driver too. September
18 On north bus Negro bull-dyke yells into my ear, nearly breaking my eardrum, to a friend up front
of the bus. I try to protect my hearing by blocking my ears. When I object to her action, she insults and threatens me with violence, then
says I'm a "white instigator." She calls me "white trash" and then raves on about it for half an hour. I move up front. Now
the Negro lady bus driver tells that me what I did in objecting to the encroachment is illegal. I tell her, “Fine, you
get the army, navy, air force and marines down here right now and I’ll fight them all to preserve my natural right not
to have my eardrums assaulted.” Soon, a reckoning
2 Visit
Palace. Pulled pork sandwich. No more prime rib. Many loudmouth Negros. Never again. Make up for this soon after with prime
rib at the Trade Route Café. October
14 At
the gymnasium, Negro, Jerry, comes into the cribbage room very drunk and accuses me of reporting him to the manager, who has
just asked him to leave. He becomes very insulting. I tell him to leave or I'll call the police. He leaves. Update: three
times in future I see him shouting insults at me at a safe distance. October
23 In
cafeteria dinner line, Negro man behind me comes up and starts to sing effeminately into my ear. I tell him not to do this,
and he says I have insulted his singing and threatens me. I simply look at him and he lets the matter drop. October
30 On the morning bus, three Negro men taunt and insult a white European woman. Negro kickboxer driver tells them he will put them off the bus if they don't stop. They continue. At the next stop, the driver gets up and starts to walk briskly back after them. The three jump up and run off the bus. November
5 On
the north bus, Negro man with short dreadlocks wipes his forehead, then slings the sweat onto my arm. I tell him not to do
this, He threatens to kick my ass. I say "I hope you try." November
11 At
bus stop near highway, bare chested bald Negro man comes yelling and rampaging down the sidewalk like a mad dog. He sees me,
and starts throwing stones. I duck behind the kiosk. He walks across the street and opens a big water main, which begins to
flood the area. November
21 At
a bus stop up north, I hear Negro man bragging how he "carry Brown Recluse Spider in saltshaker and put in Motherfucker's
bed." December
2 Dinner
at cafeteria. As I take my tray up, loud
Negro man grabs my arm and calls me "Motherfucker." I jerk my arm from his grasp and say "Now, please don't call me that... I
wouldn't fuck your mother with a ten foot pole." His head snaps down and he looks at the floor in shame. December
6 Negro
man on the morning bus puts his dirty shoes on a man's trouser leg. When the man objects, the Negro calls him filthy names.
There are women present, I tell him to watch
his language, and he tells me "I'll
knock you out". December
8 In
the computer lab, three Negros are playing loud music on their computers, I ask the lab tech to have them disable sound. He
says that last time they said they will beat him up in the parking lot. I say "Call Security!" He says "Then they really will beat me up in the parking lot." December
9 The
next day in the computer lab, Negro boy
about eighteen, walks in, slowly bouncing a basketball, wearing a sullen defiant expression, looking around as if to challenge any studious person who might
object. December
11 At
bus transfer, Negro man, just released from prison, asks me for money. When I say no, he insults and threatens me. December
13 In
the computer lab, Negro girl sitting in the lap of a second such girl, is wearing headphones, singing at the top of her lungs.
I walk over and politely suggest that perhaps there is a more appropriate venue for this in the music building. She gives
me the "Excuse me?" routine as though I did something wrong. I ask the lab tech to speak to her. He does and she stops. In the ensuing weeks, there are two similar instances
of savage serenade. December
16 In
an empty computer lab, young Negro man who once harassed me in the cafeteria men's room, comes to my kiosk and throws down
his backpack to call attention to himself. I politely suggest that there is no need to crowd up. He goes crazy, calling me
endless names. Ten minutes later he is still raving and muttering. Finally I say firmly "I think I've had just about enough
from you!" He stops. 2028 January
22 On
the east bus, Negro man brags loudly about having fathered seventeen illegitimate children. January
28 In
the computer lab, a Negro girl makes loud outbursts of yelling at intervals. Lab tech asks her to stop. She will not, and
the tech finally calls security. They talk to her. After they leave she reverts to her yelling. Update: She does this on several
subsequent days and on one occasion, picks up the keyboard and starts smashing the computer with it. She stops after a few
seconds. February
3 A
large Negro is talking loudly in the computer lab. I say "Quiet, please!" Later he comes over and threatens several times
to kill me. I tell him to leave immediately, or I'll call the police and have him arrested and prosecuted. He leaves. February
14 My
first day off in a year. On the south bus,
three drunk Negros talk loud with foul language. A few normal people look at them. Finally the leader declares that if anybody says even one word they will be beaten.
Then he swaggers around policing the
back portion of the bus repeating this threat. Finally the three get off. Delicious sausage at nearby eatery. Talk with nice
girl, Zina, from Armenia. Look for my friend Orfeo. February
22 Young
Negro is showing off for six of his friends by yelling at old white people as they walk past. When he does it to me I tell
him to go have intercourse with himself and he stops. March
4 c 3:00 PM. A
Negro man walks up and down the aisle on the bus shouting an evangelical message that we must all dig in the dirt for gold
(in a spiritual sense, apparently). Everyone, especially other Africans, look embarrassed for him. March
18 Drunk
Negro man brags for fifteen minutes to women who pass on the sidewalk about the colossal size of his penis. They all ignore
him and keep walking. He seems to concur when I point out the non-viability of this approach. Foolish, but not evil. Don’t
take his cell. March
23 In
the computer lab, vicious young Negro girl verbally attacks myself and a woman student, with cocaine or amphetamine bravado. April
5 Male
Negro transvestite begins yelling foul insults at people on the bus. Driver calls the police. Bus stays put. It takes the
police twenty minutes to arrive and arrest him. April
12 c 4:40 As
I get off the bus near home, young Negro transient rises from a bench and starts to walk east up the street. He looks disoriented,
so I stop to give him a small lead in order to avoid engagement. Then he stops, so I resume my walk. He says, either to me
or a guy who just crossed the street, or both, “No matter how much you
hate me, you can never beat me!” I keep walking. When I am halfway through the crosswalk, he yells, “Hey, you!”
Then again, louder. I keep walking. The further away I get, the louder and more threatening he becomes. All the usual stuff.
In front of the house next to mine, a big Negro fellow waiting for a ride home, probably a visiting physical therapist, yells
at the guy to shut up, then again. The transient is now yelling at both of us as he walks east. I say to the therapist, who
has a phone in hand, Call the police. The guy’s crazy. He’s threatening people.” I go in and start to prepare dinner. Within five minutes, I first hear a little dog bark, then a woman screams
as if in fear of harm, then two minutes later a police siren that seems to stop out front. Whether all this is connected,
I have no idea. Even my own neighborhood is no longer safe, it seems. April
24 Morning At
downtown bus stop, Negro man muttering insanely to himself, threatens to cut my face. I tell him. “I’m not afraid
of crazy people. We just put them in jail. Tend to your own business, and you’ll be alright.” He calms down immediately.
When the bus comes. he cordially ushers me to go ahead of him, and does not attack from behind. Again I don’t take the
cell. May
3 Afternoon Negro,
c 18, sits next to me on the bus. Immediately he starts interrogating me about the contents of my briefcase. Then he asks
me to open the case. I refuse, and explain to him how inappropriate his behavior is, but he goes on, and on, and on, for several
minutes. That willful “monkey’s itch” just won’t let him stop. Finally, he relocates to another seat
with a look of total rage. May
11 While
going to visit Nancy, petite Negro transgender man in women’s clothes, three pigtails, with a French musketeer moustache,
cuts the line. When I sit down, five Negro children scramble for seats, and two of them step on my shoes. I tell them not
to do this. Their mother starts ragging on me about it. I can only answer this moral inversion with a Bronx cheer. She tells
the kids to come sit with her, “Man is a racist motherfucker.” At my stop, the transgender yells to the driver
in basso profundo, “Back door!” As I enter Nancy’s apartment house, the transgender is just ahead of me
being buzzed in. He walks in briskly to a Caucasian fellow’s apartment, and is admitted stealthily through the slightly
opened door. I hear the fellow whisper, “Come in quick.” I feel very sorry for him. May
25 On
the way to the university, Negro man about twenty, asks me for fifty cents. I say no. As he walks away, he insults me. I return
the insult. He comes back and angrily threatens me, then kicks my briefcase. I yell for security. He runs away, shouting “motherfucker.” Jun
4 8:30 A.M. On the bus just now, there was a loud Negro boy c. nineteen years old, sitting with a woman. For fifteen minutes he yelled insults at her, using the word motherfucker every few seconds. Everybody on the bus, including the other Negros, were offended. As I got off the bus, I looked at him and said, “Get out of my country, dirty mouth!” The boy went crazy, jumped off the bus, and with hands in pockets, started bumping me and yelling insults. An old white guy in a hoodie, grabbed his arm, and tried to calm him down, saying, “Let it go. He didn’t mean anything.” I said, “Yah, let it go.” It seemed at first to work. The boy went off at a distance. The old white guy said, “You can’t talk to them. He’s only a Nigger, and he’ll never be anything more than that.” I said, “I was trying to teach him something.” The old guy said, “You can’t teach them anything. They’re just Niggers.” I asked, “What are we going to do about them, then?” He said, “They have to go somewhere else.” And I said. “Yah, but when?” The minute the old guy left, the boy came back after me, yelling, “You can't disrespect me like that.” I interrupted saying, “Let me ask you something… Do you actually think that with all that yelling and foul language, you weren’t disrespecting everybody else on that bus?” He looked thoughtful for just a split second, then said, “You disrespect me like that again like that, I’ll kill you.” I said, “OK. I’ve lived a just and moral life. I’ll be ready.” June
16 Loud
Negro on south bus is lying across two seats talking on cell. Security guard requests politely that he sit up on one seat.
Negro yells, “Nobody here need this seat, bro!” Guard patiently requests again. Negro bellows, “I’m
on the phone! You’re spoiling my moment!” Guard raises steel baton high in the air and splits the Negro’s
head like a rotten melon (I wish).
Actually, he lets the matter pass. A mature, but compromised course of action. June
23 Following
an uncovered sneeze, loud Negro women argue savagely on the bus. Driver does nothing. One says, “Why don’t you
wash your pussy, you dirty ass bitch?” She gets off at the university. Probably teaches Esthetics. July
9 Linda
tells me the Negro, Brandon, robbed her of food, money, and cellphone. July
17 Lately
I have noticed a lot of young people walking to their left and staying on course even if even if it puts them onto the grass.
Is this left vs. right some kind of political statement? Today, a non-student Negro with dreadlocks deliberately crosses over
to walkway I am on, just to challenge me. Keeping to his left, he comes straight at me. I stay on course. In America we walk
and drive on the right. To avoid collision, I stop short. He veers to his left going onto the gravel, and spits on my coat
as though I had done something terribly wrong. As I utter appropriate invectives, he walks fast away to escape me. Hope to
punish him in person eventually, but have found that I rarely see such people a second time. Besides, it’s better to
deal with them generically as an issue of public health, than to end up in jail for doing the right thing in a wrongly managed
society. July
28 8:55 A.M. Young
man just informed me that we are short of students today because someone said they are going to come on campus and shoot today.
I’m going to stay. Real warriors never warn the target in advance. 12:07 Having searched this matter, news says threat
was written on bathroom wall and said shooter will target Negro supporters of Boris Pilos. Probably a false flag to further
the fake narrative against the President. IMF subverted main stream media, of course, never reports these things. August
11 On
east bus, young Negros trying to outdo each other in loudness, create a melee of shouting. It goes up and up, reaches a crescendo
of fevered intensity, then suddenly dies. Strange effect. No malice in their talk, just species stupidity. Don’t bother
with cells. August
14 Celebrate
massive upgrades to social media sites with pork, cabbage, and potato salad at Trade Route Café. August
26 Late
morning. Negro man on west bus yells “motherfucker” at various individuals as an insane woman, he calls his sister,
dances up and down the aisle. At one point the loudmouth proclaims himself to be the “closest thing to God” on
this planet. Finally a man tells him to shut up. They trade insults while disembarking. September
5 As
I walk past bike rack at the Culinary Center, a disoriented Negro man turns erratically away from harassing two women seated
at the table, and nearly bumps into me. I step around him. He says, “Hello.” I ignore him and keep walking. He
says in a cool, jazzy, Calypso voice. “Gonna kill ya, Daddy. Gotta let it go.” September
8 As
I take my seat on the bus, young Negro man turns around and asks me if I just walked onto the bus. He saw me do this, so I
have no frame of reference for his question. I look perplexed. He goes on and on incoherently. Finally I ask him to leave
me alone. He starts yelling insanely. The driver says nothing. I move to a quiet area at the back of the bus. He keeps yelling
as I do this. Soon, another Negro comes back and sits about then feet behind me. Soon I hear him begin to yell at someone
else to sit more than six feet away. The yelling intensifies. When I turn around, I see a South American looking man standing
about four feet away from the Negro just looking at him. The Negro becomes angrier and angrier, yells louder and louder, threatening
again and again to beat the fellow mercilessly. Finally the man sits down and the yelling stops. September
22 Drunk
Negro man shouts fourteen times in a gravelly voice. “No, you can’t
have my number!” laughing uproariously as though each instance were an original clever joke. He then gets into an exchange with a female counterpart shouting things at each other that they would seem to attribute
to white people descended from slave owners, like ”Keep your place.” I say nothing and move to the front. Entire bus is annoyed. The lady driver addresses them to no
avail. The woman shouts back at her, “I’m free. I’m gonna do whatever I want to.” At the next stop,
teenage Negro boy sitting with them, fired up by all of this, comes charging down from the raised rear platform parroting,
“I’m gonna do anything I want.” My left leg shoots out uncontrollably, and he stumbles over hit, then comes back to get me. I put up my hands and say mockingly, “Sorry.” Then he gets off and back on the bus twice trying to
decide what he can get away with. October
4 c. 7:45 A.M. Walking
through the Witch’s Garden, I stop in the shade to rest for a few seconds. I hear contemptuous speech and look up. About
fifty feet away to the north two Negro boys are trying to bait me with insults, the same way monkeys bait Negros from the
trees in Africa. Trying to get even, I guess. October
11 7:45 A.M. Again
walking through the Witch’s Garden, I
stop in the shade to rest for a few seconds. This time from the south Negro man walking towards me looks up at the trees and
says, “With all these things growing, and you so near to death, gotta make
you jealous.” It’s wonderful how having a long range plan helps me to put up with all of this. October
19 As
I enter the bus, very primitive looking Negro boy about twenty years old with huge blubber lips, starts badmouthing white
people and insulting a white woman in a wheelchair. And of course, motherfucker
every fourth word. He threatens me. He is so agitated I fear that he will attack, but I say nothing, and slowly get out my
stun gun. He notices it and decides to relocate further back in the bus. Too crowded, so he returns. He goes on and on, talking
fast and erratically as one would on amphetamine. Finally the woman driver yells at him, “Get off my bus!” He
refuses, calling her bitch. His volume is very loud. She does a smart thing and says. “This bus isn’t moving until
you are off.” At this point, a really big normal Negro man, comes forward and points at the boy and says, “Get
off the bus. People who work want to get home for dinner.” The boy blinks, looks at the big fellow, then me, then the
driver, and gets off the bus with his foul mouth still going a mile a minute. This event clearly shows the differences between good and bad Negros. With the bad ones, I want just to be rid
of them. With the good, I feel happy about what an asset they will be to Africa when they finally return to their rightful homeland. Invitation October
20, 2028 After
yesterday’s encounter, Hanson decides it’s well past time to proceed with his plan. When it’s accomplished,
he can begin compiling a new list of Hellrotters. In
heavy disguise, using fake identity, he rents a
small building used for local events. Now he composes a special invitation: “Your
name has been selected for a special free event on October 28, 2028. You and one other guest of your choosing are invited
to attend a delicious buffet dinner following a panel discussion by members of the local African American community with guest
participation. The theme will be: How We Can Defeat Everyday Racism Please don’t
be late. The minute you arrive, we ask that you enter the building and seat yourself so that we can get started precisely
at 10:00 A.M. The buffet is catered and will be served at 2:00 P.M. The address
is the Hinkley Building at Fourth and Main Street. There is ample parking. This will be an informal affair so please dress
comfortably. Hope to see you there.” Hanson transfers the accumulated cellphone numbers to a free phone under another fake name, pastes the invitation as a text message, and sends it simultaneously to all the numbers.
The Event Pending
the event, the professor has done some shopping. Long ago, in light disguise, he bought two common police style door locks at a hardware store. Recently from a more arcane source, he purchased
two cannisters of odorless poison
gas each with a remote radio controlled release valve. The
Hinkley building is the perfect venue for this event. It has cement block walls and only high unreachable windows for defused
light. There are two doors, front and back. The heating system is hot air with wall grates. October
28, 2028 Hanson
arrives early and conceals the gas cannisters behind the heater grates at each end of the building. He puts five folding chairs
back where they are supposed to be. The place looks great, so he leaves and visits a nearby coffee shop for a giant hazelnut
latte. 9:48
A.M. Hanson arrives back at the Hinkley Building and sits at a distance in a park across the street. He’s happy to see what looks like at least twenty-five cars in the venue parking lot. Two minutes later the next bus arrives and over a dozen passengers get off and enter the building. It seems like a fairly good percent are in attendance. 10:00
A.M. There
are no stragglers outside. Hanson walks briskly across to the building, puts the locks on the front and rear doors, takes out the radio control device, pretends
he’s talking on a cell phone, points it directly at the building, and presses the remote button. Inside the building,
the cannister valves open and the poison gas begins to silently fill the room. Within
minutes the guests begin to get drowsy and start falling off their chairs. One fellow suspects something is wrong and tries
to exit the front door, tugging on the door pull angrily. His increased air intake only hastens the effect and he soon collapses.
There is very little recognition among the guests of what is happening. It’s as though they all just doze off peacefully.
If Hanson could see this, he would be pleased, because he doesn’t want the Hellrotters to suffer, just die. In
the meantime the professor walks to a bus stop a block away and heads for the university, arriving just in time for his 11:00
A.M. class. That night he watches the evening news and learns that one hundred and fourteen people died in the building. This a far more than Hanson was expecting. He can only guess, but If each invited guest brought one person, that would mean that that only one person on the original list didn’t attend. The news shows a police artist sketch based on the rental interaction with the building owner, but it doesn’t look a thing like Hanson. A splendid job, beautifully done. |
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