Islamic Conquest

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Short Summary of Islamic Conquest

Islamists have an average IQ of eighty. They believe that they are superior to everybody else on earth, and that it is their just destiny to rule, then destroy, everybody who differs from them in any way. These delusionary values are shared with their noticeably smarter 105 IQ Semitic kinsmen, the Jews. 

Many in Europe and America have been saying lately, 

“Almost every problem in the West, including our disabling cheek-turner religion, has come to us from the Hooknoses of the East.” 

Could it be time to fight back? 

One standard diplomatic lie is that Mid-Eastern terrorists are considered extremists within their own countries. In truth, their actions are done with the full approval of the vast majority of Islamists. What we call terrorists are simply the military class within their own countries. The goal of Islam is world domination. The Quran is a blueprint for the conquest and subjugation of nations. When asked about this, Islamists excuse, “It is one of the lesser prophets.” Their plan has four steps: 

1. Infiltration

The advance guard comes in as “refugees” seeking humanitarian aid. They are, humble, soft spoken and friendly, at first, but always live parasitically on welfare. 

2. Consolidation

During this period, the immigrants instruct the weak mined members of the host population in their religion and convert them. Mosques appear everywhere. Terrorist attacks begin, but the IMF subverted media doesn’t report them. 

3. Takeover

This is when the number of invaders becomes sufficient in various districts to elect their own officials to government. Now injustice in the courts favoring terrorists against the host population skyrockets.  

4. Theocracy

Host population must convert to Islam, leave the country, or be killed. 

Note that the Globalists are aiding and abetting the invaders via the European Union and the United Nations in entering Western Europe and the United States. Eastern European countries, however, are not admitting Islamists. 

The Japanese have always been smart people. They welcome Buddhists, Christians, and Hindus, but not Islamists, because they know that Islam is not really a religion, but a method of conquest.