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Semaphore Salute
When Randal Chadwick Johnston turned seven, his parents bought him a Lionel train set for his birthday. The locomotive was the huge legendary steam turban, powerful beyond imagining. Several colorful freight cars came with the set. They also bought him two railroad crossing signals, a log loading machine, and a red barn with animals.
Randy’s father built a big L-shaped table in the cellar, from two 4 x 8 pieces of thick plywood. At one end he created a snowy mountain with tunnels. At the other end, southern lands, with deciduous trees that Randy made himself with wire, clay, and colored moss for foliage.
When Randy was outdoors, and saw real trains coming, he would always wave to the engineer. He invented the semaphore salute, which was to open his mouth big and round like a railroad signal light, and to waive his right arm like the arm on a railroad crossing semaphore. When most engineers saw this, they would blow the big diesel air horns as a return salute.
When Randy was in high school he found employment with the railroad during summer vacations, then full time after graduation. Eventually he worked his way up to the position of engineer.
Randy loves his work. He drives the freight line from Toronto, Ontario to Prince Rupert Island in the Northwest Territory. The scenery is awesome, especially in Autumn.
Undersea Farming
At Prince Rupert on a redent layover, Randy met a chap named Niles Stewart who is spearheading an undersea agricultural project called NPN, short for North Pacific Nutrition. They are planning to cultivate a strip of six hundred acres just inside the north-south shipping lanes.
On night, the new friends talk at dinner and find that they are both Libertarian Nationalists, deeply concerned about the future of Canada because of the massive influx of racial outlanders from all over the world.
Both understand that the indigenous people of Canada are the descendants of first wave migrants who came from Greenland and Finland via the land bridge fourteen thousand years ago, and second wave immigrants who came from all over Europe after Columbus.
Both men understand that there should be individual races, not forcibly engineered mixing that will result in one race. True diversity involves indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations competing in a free world market. People can meet those of other races when travelling.
Many of the immigrants to Canada are very nice Asian people who assimilate well into any culture. Japanese, Korean, and Northern Chinese, however, no matter how intelligent and polite, are simply not of European heritage. There are too many of them in the Orient. Why would good, liberty loving Canadians want to aid and abet Globalist slave masters in helping to bring that problem to their own country?
July 8, 2023
At dinner, Niles is telling Randy about the undersea project,
“We need fertilizer at a reasonable cost. Nobody likes the idea of food being grown with reprocessed sewage from past food... Besides, it’s too pricey. Imagine if we could use ash from the incinerated bodies of the invading rabble who have brought us their ongoing crime wave from Africa and the Middle East.”
Randy grins, then looks thoughtful. The wheels begin to turn… Later in the meal he interjects,
“Back to what you said earlier about ash: With certain maneuvers online, I could free up cars to carry ash. I can have them on side spurs, pledged under contract while “not in use,” but I’ll have to get them back well on schedule, and very clean.”
Niles is delighted,
“If you can manage that part, we can clean the cars fast, but where does the ash come from? … Imagine if we could network with others of like mind, and have ash loading points coast to coast, near the side spurs you mention. “
Randy is drawn in by this flight of fancy,
“Just beautiful! We are talking years ahead now, but how can we approach people about things so completely illegal, without getting arrested or infiltrated, then arrested?
Niles looks hopeful,
“We’ll think of something,
and will also need to work out some consistent responses for ourselves and our
suppliers to inquiry from law enforcement people.”
July 16, 2023
Randy tries something very bold. He places the following ad in the Toronto Star,
Experimental agricultural project needs cremation ash from the remains of non-Native or European Canadian citizens. Hoping for large quantities to be delivered to points along railways.
Many eyebrows are raised by this ad, but there is no legal investigation. Two law enforcement people who happen to see it, think that it’s just weird enough to probably be legitimate.
Randy is relieved not to have to relate his “expectation” that the ash could come from those who have pledged their bodies to science in advance for a fee. This idea is reasonable in itself, but impossible relative to the amounts needed.
Trap Door
Randy’s ad actually gets two replies, one from Winnipeg, one from Edmonton.
July 22, 2023
The first to call is a chap named Litner Lamire, who owns an old brick shoe factory just north of Winnipeg. He is cautious in his approach, pretending at first to be a mere curiosity seeker fascinated by the oddness of the ad. Randy senses this, and gets right to the point,
“We need the cremation ash of racial outlanders because one of our scientists says that the products grown will have more diverse nutritional value than if the ash comes from indigenous people… We don’t care where you get the ash, and would prefer no involvement in procedure at your end. Just from talking to you, I have every confidence that there will be no illegitimate activity of any kind… You’ll need to call me when you accumulate enough ash for your first delivery. At that point it could take me up to two weeks to have a car available for transport.”
Lamire is amused and delighted by Randy’s subtlety. He accepts the first price suggested without dickering. For Canada, merely breaking even on expenses is more than sufficient. The first thing Litner does is to set up a place for phony job interviews at the factory.
The room is in a small maintenance building directly adjacent, but separate from the factory and the real interview office. The location is easy to describe to those who call in response to the employment ad. This is good, because it will eliminate information leaks or mistakes from outlanders asking directions from real employees when they arrive on property.
Litner is handy with carpentry from his youth, and installs a trap door in front of the sign-in book on the counter, invisible under a small rug. When Litner pushes the release button under his desk, the interviewee will fall ten feet to the concrete basement floor, and be finished off by a three-hundred-pound steel boom that will swing in from one side. In the desk drawer he has Smith & Wesson .22lr revolver with suppressor, just in case.
At the back of the basement room, Litner installs a clean burning gas fired solid waste incinerator, ducted through the wall above into the same tall chimney used for the ground floor wood stove. There will be very little smoke or smell. When he leaves at night, he will load the bodies and turn on the gas. The incinerator will shut off automatically when the job is done, so the ash will be cool enough early in the morning to remove to the storage bin.
Although Litner wants all racial outlanders out of Canada, he has been perplexed about what he should do if he senses that the interviewee is actually a good person. He decides that that a war well-fought cannot allow for such fine gradations of conscience. His country and race are already being destroyed. He thinks to himself,
“Allah and Damballa will sort them out.”
July 28, 2023 7:57 A.M.
The first outland job applicant arrives three minutes early. As the man enters, Litner says,
“Good morning. Please sign our guest book.”
The fellow advances to the sign-in point, and reaches for one of the pens. Litner releases the trap door. With a fearful yell, the man falls through the opening and is killed immediately by the pendulum. Lither gets up, runs over and looks down into the basement room.
The man’s skull is shattered, and there is a good deal of blood. Only the plastic sheet covering the landing area, has prevented what would otherwise have been a good deal of very unpleasant clean-up.
Litner resets the trap door, locks the front entry, and goes down the stairway into the basement. He rolls the body up in the plastic, drags it carefully to the incinerator, loads it in, and turns on the gas. Next he adjusts the pendulum cable so that the swing will be one foot lower, The idea is to break necks rather than split skulls.
Litner has no other appointments today, so he locks up, and returns to his normal duties in the factory.
Itinerate Sales
July 23, 2023
Rothman Blonder from Edmonton responds to Randy’s ad. When he hears the scientific spiel, he snickers good heartedly and adds,
“Fine so far, but I don’t know how long it will take to get the amount you require. It will have to be on a contact-when-ready basis, if that’s workable for you.”
“It is, and when you are ready, it could take a week or two to set up the delivery point”
says Randy, and gives Blonder his email.
Last year, Rothman’s thirteen-year-old daughter was raped and murdered by an Islamic man, so he isn’t at all worried about the rightness of his actions. He could kill these invading Hell-rotters all day, like flies.
In the north section of town, Blonder buys a small house with a big garage, and sets up an interview office in the living room, just inside the front door. The floor is quarry tile. He rigs up two powerful electric stun guns so that by pushing a remote button in his pocket the chair will electrify and temporarily disable the applicant.
Next he buys a heavy duty industrial incinerator and sets it up himself in the garage. In the desk drawer, he keeps a Ruger Mark III target pistol with sound suppressor.
Blonder advertises that he is offering travelling sales positions. In this way, the ensuing absence from Edmonton of all the fellows he interviews will be easily explained.
August 2, 2023 9:04 A.M.
The first applicant arrives for his appointment. With formal cordiality, Rothman says.
“Good morning. Please sit.”
Just as the fellow sits, he presses the button. The man jerks, then shrivels down in the chair. Rothman grabs his large steel-cored cedar tire thumper, runs around behind the chair, and strikes the back of the man’s neck in such a way as to dislodge his skull from the spinal column without breaking the skin.
No blood has been
spilled. Rothman opens the utility closet door, quickly removes a plastic
sheet, places it on floor, rolls the poor fellow onto it, as his bowels release,
then drags the body to the garage.
Athletic Exception
July 28, 2023 8:03 A.M.
Litner Lamire’s fourth ad respondee arrives
in a small car and parks right in front of the building. This is to be expected once in a while, but is still a bad start. The fellow is nineteen years old, and looks very agile.
Litner directs him to the sign-in book, but when the trap door opens, the young man manages to stay upright, lands on his feet, and dodges the swinging pendulum. Only one applicant in four hundred could have done this. The shock to his knee joints is momentarily painful, but not in the least disabling. The fellow quickly runs up the staircase, hoping to grab Litner when he opens the door.
Litner grabs his pistol, walks over and cautiously looks down into the cellar. He circles, but can see only walls. The fellow is on the staircase. Litner would do the same thing.
He tucks the revolver under his belt behind his back, and with stun gun in hand, approaches the staircase door, places his foot firmly against the bottom edge, and slowly opens it, The young man lunges to little effect, but does manage to get his arm through.
Perfect. Litner gives the upper side of the wrist a hearty jolt. The young fellow falls backward, down the steps, and is knocked unconscious when he hits the floor.
Litner feels nervous, hurries down the steps, finds the car keys, loads the man into the incinerator quickly before he wakes up, seals the door, and turns on the flames. After three seconds he can hear muffled screams, but they don’t last very long. Poor devil.
Litner is out of breath, goes upstairs, and sits down. This was a frightful, dangerous, and unnecessarily cruel engagement. He must ensure that nothing like this ever happens again. He thinks for a while. Finally, to himself,
“My blind assumption was that I have to lure these fellows to a place that gives me greater advantage. The error is… that there is at least as much disadvantage, like someone on property seeing or hearing the activity.
“From here on, I’ll take the fight to the enemy. All I need to do is go hunting, and bring the bodies back here. Each prospective kill will have its own circumstances that I can either choose or reject. The biggest hazard will be employees at the factory, but that’s just timing.”
Litner locks the building, drives the small car across town, and takes a bus back to the factory. Now he feels better. The rest of the day proceeds normally.
Shock Proof
August 8, 2023 8:58 A.M.
Rothman Blonder’s third applicant arrives two minutes early. The man is six-foot-two and built like a fortress. Blonder says,
“Good morning, sir. Please sit.”
Rothman presses the button. The man feels the shock, but is scarcely effected. The fellow’s face now turns darkly angry, as he rises quickly, and begins to come around the desk.
Rothman won’t risk using the club in this circumstance. There will have to be cleanup, but he grabs the pistol, and just in a nick of time, shoots this charging bull elephant between the eyes.
He quickly gets out a plastic sheet, rolls the fellow up, gets him incinerating, then begins the process of cleaning up the blood. As he works, his agitation grows. He thinks,
“This was very close call. Too much risk.”
Just like Litner Lemire, Rothman decides to go out at night, probably shoot most of them, then bring the bodies back for cremation.
August 14, 2023
Ben Thompson is a skilled stitcher who works at the shoe factory, and is himself a patriot. He is also a very observant man, who works near a window that overlooks the maintenance building that Litner is using for ash production. He has seen everything Litner has been doing since the beginning. He writes to Litner:
Dear Boss,
I do not have the resources to buy my own incinerator, but as a Canadian Patriot, I would love to bring you a dead invader every so often. If you prefer to work alone, I will understand.
In that event, rest assured that your splendid activities will remain absolutely confidential. Nothing will be mentioned by me to anyone, under any circumstances. If I hear any gossip or speculation on the floor, I will inform you immediately as to the content and identity of the speaker.
Your stalwart ally in defense of Canada,
Ben Thompson
August 16, 2023
Litner always reads his mail after dinner. When he reads the one from Thompson, he is at first badly shaken that he could have been found out so easily. He will sleep on the situation before deciding what to do.
August 17, 2023 8:04 A.M.
Litner calls Thompson’s cell phone and asks him to report to his regular office in the factory.
“Hello, Ben. Please have a seat.”
Ben sits down. Litner gets to the point,
“I walked the entire factory early this morning and found that there are no other strategically placed windows. I’m very glad it was your station that was the exception.”
Ben smiles. Litner continues,
“Ben, you can bring me as many bodies as you like, but please, no more than eight at a time. Best to do so only at night. I will make you an extra key for the freight delivery door. Please have them well sealed in large plastic trash bags, and leave them just inside the door on one of the pallets. I’ll do the rest.
“I’ve been a little worried about dodging the night security officer, but now am even more worried. I’ve decided to speak to him, saying that both you and I have taken on extra work and will be using the maintenance building freight door occasionally at night, and that if he sees either of us, he should simply go about his normal routine without any worry.”
Ben is delighted, but asks,
“What if the regular officer is out sick, and the company sends another man in his place?”
“Good point. I’ll also ask him to let me know well in advance if he’s going to be out sick. When he calls me, I’ll contact you immediately. I think it would be better for us to miss a night or two of hunting, rather than have too many security guards floating around with special instructions.”
Ben agrees, and the men shake hands.
Ben Goes Hunting
August 18, 2023, 7:14 P.M., North Winnipeg.
Ben is driving down a quiet side street in his van, when he sees three Islamic men on the sidewalk talking. They give him a defiant look. He comes to a quiet stop, gets out, walks around, and opens the van rear doors. As he approaches the men, the largest says,
“Oh look! A friendly Christian man wants to talk, probably to welcome us to Canada.”
The other men laugh belligerently. Ben smiles warmly, and says,
“Actually it’s two other men who want to welcome you. Their names are Smith and Wesson.”
He pulls out his .22lr caliber pistol with sound suppressor, shoots all three men in the heart, quickly drags their bodies to the van, and loads them facing up on a big plastic sheet.
As a car turns into the street, the headlights fall on Ben just as he is closing the van doors. He pretends not to especially notice this, returns to the cab, gets in, drives home, and into the extra-long two car garage.
There are two more big plastic sheets on the garage floor. Ben takes the bodies out, places them on one of the sheets, and bags each of them. There is blood, but he works carefully wearing latex gloves, towels away any trace of blood from the neatly bagged packages, then takes the plastic sheet out of the van.
He keeps the gloves on, rinses them off in the deep sink, then shakes and wipes his hands dry. Now he places the clean sheet of plastic in the van and loads the bodies in.
Tomorrow morning, outside, he will power spray the two messy plastic sheets with a garden hose, and hang them over a fence to drip dry in the sun while he eats breakfast, then put them back on the garage floor.
10:05 P.M. Ben is getting hungry, but wants to finish this project before heading to a burger restaurant. He drives directly to the factory.
As he backs the van up towards the freight door, the night security officer comes around the corner, and begins to approach the van. Ben backs up especially close to the door, gets out and walks the few remaining steps to the officer and breaks the ice, saying,
“Hello, Mr. Flood. I’m Ben Thompson. I think Mr. Lamire has probably told you that I will be visiting occasionally at night, and that you should not be alarmed.”
Flood says,
“No problem. He told me, and I recognize you from the floor. Have a good evening.”
Because of the amount of open space in this segment of the watch, the punch-in time is a bit less than the others, so Flood doesn’t waste any time jaw-boning and gets back quickly about his business.
The minute Flood is out of sight, Ben unloads the three bodies, and puts each on his very own pallet. He sighs. This was a fine evenings work. Now it’s time to eat.
Liberty Trending
December 14, 2023
Since the first day, Randy has continued to run the ash wanted ad at intervals of one month. Lately he has been getting a lot of responses among the increasing numbers of people who read or watch alternative media. They know how invading outlanders have been destroying the European race overseas courtesy of the European Union and United Nations, and don’t want that to happen in Canada.
A chap wo lives in Toronto writes to Randy,
“Dear Mr. Johnston,
I can bring you ash, but only in small quantities. What would you think of having suppliers like me pool their efforts, and bring the combined product to one loading point to get the amounts you need?”
Don Marten
Randy is a firm believer in the principle of leaderless resistance. It eliminates all the problems connected with infiltration and apprehension of connected individuals by police. He doesn’t like the pooling idea, but figures out a solution that will get the same results without the risk.
Whenever he lines up enough suppliers within fifty miles of each other, he will rent a small storage unit and supply the participating individuals with their own key for drop offs. Then he will visit the storage units periodically in a small van to pick up the ash.
December 16, 2023 9:02 A.M.
On a layover in Toronto, Randy is at home, just finishing breakfast, when there comes a knock on the kitchen door,
“Good morning, Mr. Johnston. I’m Lieutenant John Preston of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and would like to ask you a few simple questions.”
“Good morning, Lieutenant. Please come in and sit. Would you like some coffee?”
“No, thank you.”
“OK, how can I help?”
“My has captain asked me to pay this call on you. He saw your ad in the Toronto Star, and is at a loss to understand your specificity about the source of ash as agricultural fertilizer.”
Randy laughs,
“Well put! Your captain and I have something very much in common on that point. I think the premise is bullshit, but the project scientist says that having the ash come from diverse human sources will provide more diverse nutrition. Sounds more theoretical than anything else, almost mystical.”
Preston doesn’t know what he was expecting for an answer, but is a quite surprised by Randy’s reply. He asks,
“Have you had any luck with the ad?”
“There has been only one call, and when it came to the amount needed, it was not doable.”
“May I have the caller’s identity?”
“We never got to the point of exchanging contact information. I think the entire project is a waste of time. I’ve been thinking of trying to persuade the project people to let me get the ash from conventional sources like garbage disposal operations and municipal incinerators. The amounts would be huge and the price proportionately low. Now that the Mounties are getting mobilized, I’m going to call immediately and tell them that I need realistic product criteria or would prefer not be involved with the project at all.”
Preston replys,
“I’m guessing the buyer is NPN. What have they been using for fertilizer in the meantime?”
Randy conceals his surprise,
“Reprocessed sewage, but it’s very expensive.”
Innocent or guilty, Preston admires Randy’s demeanor, and now takes the option of humor,
“Maybe you could solve two problems with one solution. Get the sewage from poor racial outlander neighborhoods at a reduced price, while, at the same time, remaining true to the diverse nutrition imitative.”
They laugh. Preston is himself a patriot, and despises the influx of savages into Canada, but keeps this completely to himself by way of preserving options in the field. He rises,
“Well, Mr. Johnston, thank you for your time. This has been one of the more interesting assignments I have received recently. I thank you for that, and for your time.”
Randy walks Preston out to his car..
Randy is relieved that this inevitable interview is finally behind him. He has a feeling that Preston will probably leave him alone from now on, but that says nothing about others, like the captain. He makes a few calls about buying garbage disposal ash. The prices are low.
He needs to contact the cremation ash suppliers immediately, but it must be clandestine. His phone may be tapped, so he decides to use snail mail. First he will contact Niles Stewart. The words will essentially be what he told Preston, so he will use the phone, and hope the RCMP does listen in,
“Niles. Randy here. Listen, we need to make a change. I’ve been running the ad, but finding exotic cremation ash is simply impossible. The RCMP even sent a chap around to question me, because the request is so weird.
“I can get more city ash that you can ever use at very low prices. I’ve already contacted disposal people in Edmonton. I think your scientist will agree that multicultural garbage will provide enough diversity in nutrition. I once read that banana peel ash is fifty-three percent organic potash. Bananas are very popular, so there will be many peels in the mix. Orange peel ash is also good. Tell him that.”
Niles knows what’s going on, and makes it easy for Randy and all concerned,
“Sounds good to me, Just go ahead with the sources you found. I’ll deal with the scientist.”
Now comes the decided-in-advance coded message in the first snail mail:
Dear Mr. Lamire
Since you cannot supply the requested shoe without re-tooling, we have informed the prospective buyers that they will do better to seek shipment from a supplier more rooted in the desired look and style.
I feel like a broker in this, but where’s my commission? Just kidding. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Very truly yours,
Randall Johnson
He writes a similar letter to Rothman Blonder in Edmonton. Despite the excellent way he has handled everything, Randy feels dismayed, because the ash project has essentially been nipped in the bud. On course, there is no reason to think that the principles dealt with thus far, will not continue to make ash for their own gardens, or at least help to increase outlander death tolls with the bodies left on location. The latter will have more inspirational value for others than quiet disappearances. It will, however, also make outlanders and police more cautious and prone to violent action.
When Litner receives the letter from Randy, he notifies Ben Thompson immediately. He feels very perplexed as he sits looking out the office window. He went to a good deal of trouble and expense installing the incinerator. This seems like a big setback at first, but as the day wears on, he begins to realize that the risk is far greater moving bodies to the factory than just leaving them where they fall.
Rothman Blonder has a similar reaction and reaches the same conclusion. Since he bought his incinerator, he has also been using it for normal garbage and paper trash, and is very happy to be living in his new little house in such a quiet neighborhood.
March 8, 2024
Lamire, Blonder, Thompson, and Don Marten have been killing outlanders left and right. Between them they have dispatched three hundred and fifty-four so far.
As predicted, the inspirational value has been greater. Patriots of indigenous ancestry all over Canada have started to eliminate outlanders whenever possible. A rifle shot from a distance is the usual method, but shot-gunning from cars has been getting very popular.
People at the UN don’t care about the increasing resistance to Globalism in the short term, because it creates a vacuum that they can fill with more immigrants. Long term, however, they know that eventually Canada will change immigration policy, if for no other reason than to save face in the world community.
Randy is on the road most of the day and needs rest after dinner. He has considered doing a little hunting himself on layovers, but the fear of being caught and having to give up his splendid job, has stopped him. Instead he has concentrated on disseminating information.
Canada has deep-state operatives equivalent in function to Orwell’s Ministry of Truth. There are many books that would quickly produce big changes in Canada if they were not being suppressed. In his time off, Randy obtains, reproduces, and distributes truthful books all over the country. He does this without profit.
A Libertarian lawyer told Randy that there are questions of quasi legality in this, since the government keeps anti-globalist books from public exposure surreptitiously without official parliamentary procedure to actually make the books illegal.
If he is caught, Randy will stand up to these goddamned traitors in court. He might even win, if good people thwart the subverted media and inform the public at the grass-roots level about the entire business.
An earlier case comes to mind. In World War II, Canada tried to institute military conscription, but the people wouldn’t have it. A courageous politician who fought the draft, was reelected while serving a term in jail, so they let him out.
At the current rate outlanders are being eliminated by indigenous Canadians, they will all be dead four years from now. From the beginning, Oriental immigrants have not been targeted, although opinion polls and press releases to truthful alternative media have indicated that indigenous Canadians want them to leave too. The invaders under fire have been those from the Middle East and Africa. They are beginning to get scared, and recently have started to demonstrate all over Canada.
June 13, 2024 Toronto 9:00 A.M.
A group of two hundred and thirty-nine demonstrators are at Young-Dundas Square, all from the Middle East and Africa. Orientals have more sense than to get involved in these matters. In fact, many of them have been studying the various options involved in leaving Canada, before the tide turns.
After a few preliminaries by spokespeople, the group begins what they plan to be a very long march north on Young Street. There are, however, eight indigenous Canadians who have a different plan. They all have rifles with noise suppressors, and are situated in buildings, four on each side of Young Street.
There are also four nearby mosques rigged with radio controlled explosive devices. An estimated three minutes before the marchers reach the ambush point, the mosques will be detonated simultaneously. There are devices in place to disable incoming calls to cellphones in the area of the march. It is felt that all this may provide enough diversion for police to make escape a bit easier for the patriotic riflemen.
The shooters are all expert marksmen and have been practicing for weeks. Each has an assigned segment of the marching column to fire upon. They will open fire at precisely the same instant. This will be signaled by an explosion nearby that will also divert attention. Each man will target eight outlanders, aim carefully, fire quickly, then pull the rifle barrels back inside. The bullets are treated with poison. The slightest wound will be fatal.
9:32 A.M. The four mosques explode. Incoming police call-boards light up as never before in the history of the city. Patrol cars are dispatched in great numbers. Within two minutes, the marchers hear the first sirens.
This in itself is a fine distraction for the coming ambush.
9:35 A.M. The nearby explosion triggers the shooters who, within eight seconds, kill or fatally wound sixty-four marchers. Each man’s rifle is a fast takedown model that stores easily in a common backpack. The shooters are also armed with small pocket pistols to aid in their escape.
c. 9:36 The eight shooters all emerge from their buildings onto the street and briefly pretend to be curious spectators before quickly exiting the area.
Media Blitz
In the past, Globalist mainstream media has never reported on any of the acid attacks or rapes committed by racial outlanders in Canada. When asked why, they usually say “We’re just trying to keep the lid on,” but with these new events they’re planning a field day. Headlines reflect the standard delusion,
Racists Murder Forty-Eight Citizens in Toronto
Radical-Right Haters Escalate to Mass Murder
Fascists are Killing Canadians in the Streets
The alternative Internet media explains what really happened, and why. Over the ensuing weeks, word-of-mouth gets the truthful media a great many new viewers. There are even a few bombings in the workplaces of the subverted media. Canadians are beginning to wake up. Revolution is afoot.
The recent events also precipitate forums in the colleges, with the usual misdirected students trying to sound very intellectual and superior as they parrot the Globalist line, but in every instance, there is at least one eloquent dissenter who manages to tell the facts, augmented by Libertarian solutions. The enforced rules of forum procedure keep the hecklers from shouting these dissenters down, and when they are finished speaking, there is usually a long thoughtful silence wherein the audience reflects upon the obvious truth of what they have heard. Even many of the left-wing college people begin to question their viewpoints and start to search Libertarian websites to expand their understanding further.
Globalist minions have jumped on the events surrounding the demonstration in Toronto to push their agenda of total gun confiscation.
August 5, 2024
A small township near Ottawa decides to lead the lead the way in the murder/suicide of Canada. They want to be the first to disarm the citizens, hoping to set an example. Lemmings in the town council vote to have the police, without prior notice, go door to door, demanding firearms from their neighbors.
Chief of Police Chartier is a thug, and orders SWAT team tactics, with yelling, rough search, and, violent confiscation. Many of the younger, educated cops are reluctant, but want to keep their jobs, so they comply.
The first eight houses are old people who have no weapons, so there is minimal fuss. The ninth victim, Jon, on a hunting vacation, is in a mobile home visiting his brother who lives in a nearby house. Jon is fast with guns, and a very good shot. He is just finishing breakfast when he sees the police approaching.
The leader of the four young cops in this unit bangs on the door. Jon, with PPK in his right hand, opens the door with his left. The police leader yells savagely,
“Do you have firearms in possession?”
Jon smiles, and calmly shoots all four officers between the eyes within three seconds, looks down at the poor dead boys, and answers,
“Yes, actually, I do, and, will continue...”
Jon backs up his car to the trailer hitch, connects the two, pulls onto the street, and eliminates the tire tracks in the grass with a rake. On the way out of town, he phones his brother, tells what happened, and adds,
“Hide your guns off property. The town police don’t know me, or that I was visiting. I got rid of all my tire tracks, so just say you didn’t see anything, heard gunshots down the street, and decided the safest course of action was to just stay in bed.”
One of the alternative media outlets does a brilliant story about the reluctance of the young policemen to violate the natural rights of their friends and neighbors in the service of Globalist traitors. There are also interviews with grief stricken family members.
Within a week, the story is viewed by eighty percent of the people in Canada. Several other townships who had been considering local confiscation vote against it.
Shoot Outs
In the cities police are under siege by good Canadians who will not be disarmed. Several SWAT vehicles have been put out of action with automatic weapon fire. One was even blown up completely by a Law’s Rocket.
Police organizations against gun confiscation, have been sending petitions to Parliament to end the ban immediately. Individual police all over Canada are on strike.
August 24, 2024
After heated debate, Parliament reverses the ban on gun confiscation, but leaves a provision that high caliber military assault weapons must be illegal, to the extent that they will not be sold at gun stores in the future, but there will be no confiscation. Existing owners are simply required to comply with the spirit of the ban, and keep these weapons at home on their own property.
In the meantime, the slaughter and disappearance of outlanders has been escalating at an exponential rate. Many of those under attack would leave Canada, but have few or no options in this regard, unless they are deported. Parliament understands this, and recently the discussions about reversing the multicultural imitative have been especially Libertarian in emphasis, since nine of their number with Globalist affiliations have been assassinated in the past eighteen months.
September 8, 2024 9:22 A.M.
An eloquent young Parliamentarian from Toronto, William Ogilvie addresses his peers,
“Back in 1971, we asked Canada to be right in fashion with the United Nations and European Union countries relative to immigration, so we voted to become multicultural. Later, when the alternative media corrected our delusions about what really been happening in Europe, and what the EU and UN agendas really are, we began to see how mistaken we were.
“Now, with the recant reaction of indigenous Canadians against the high rate of criminality and treason among racial outlanders, it has become crystal clear that we did the wrong thing in 1971. I therefore propose that we reverse our multicultural policy, and allow immigration only to Inuit and Caucasian people of European ancestry, and that outlanders in resentence be given a public apology, six months to leave Canada, and all the help we can offer to aid them in this.”
There are cheers and boos. Two weeks of intense discussion follow. Then…
September 22 2024
Ogilvie’s proposal is made law in Canada. Most of the surviving outlanders are actually relieved because their lives are no longer in danger, and they have been assured that Canada will work with other countries to make the transition smooth and trouble free.
To Prince Rupert
October 3, 2024
Randy has been delighted to watch the liberation of Canada slowly unfolding each night on the alternative news. Even the mainstream media have to report on the decisions in Parliament.
Today, seeing the beautiful autumn foliage as he approaches Prince Rupert on his usual run, he thrills to the small role he played in the saving of Canada. He knows that the ash project was in itself, unrealistic because of the scale, but he also knows that the effort he made with the other people he contacted, helped to launch a movement that grew into a national revolution, united in spirit and purpose, but without proximity, leaderless resistance to tyranny in its finest sense.
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