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Walking Home
January 8, 2024 3:04 P.M.
Melbourne Erin Blake, and two other tenth-grade girls have been assigned to write term papers during the winter break, and are walking home together after a busy day at a district library.
Four Islamic men in their early twenties are drinking, while driving around looking for adventure in a large van. They see the three girls. This is just what the young faithful are hoping for. These evil western whores are not wearing their hijabs, and must be punished.
The van stops. The rear door opens. Three of the young men jump out. Each grabs a girl and pulls her into the van. They drive to a nearby shopping center parking lot. For the next forty minutes each in his turn, rapes, punches, and slaps each of the three girls.
These valiant sons of Islam mercifully decide not to kill the girls, because they want to see if in the future the girls have learned their lesson. They push them out of the van and drive away.
The three girls are frightened and depressed. They are taken to a nearby hospital, patched up, and released the next morning. They look at police mug shots, but cannot find the men who attacked them. Today there are three very angry fathers in Melbourne.
Paleontology AU
The main symbiotic
relationship among dinosaurs in any part of the world seems to have been a perfect
balance between theropod predators and their sauropod prey. Local conditions involving
climate and food supply necessitated occasional changes in size for these
creatures, but the relative balance was always preserved. As one grew bigger or
smaller, so did the other.
Australia is good place to be a paleontologist who likes especially large dinosaurs. The biggest ones yet found anywhere on Earth, are being found here.
Kilmer Dobson is twenty-four-years old and lives in Melbourne, but digs for old bones all over Australia. He doesn’t care whether he excavates the bones of reptiles, amphibians, mammals, or early humans. They are all fascinating and the university museums are delighted to get any of them.
Dobson is also very patriotic and has been appalled by many of the recent changes in the type of people inhabiting his country. He is a Libertarian Nationalist and understands the superior workability of indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations.
Kilmer has very good relationships with the local native populations everywhere he goes, and recently said to friends at a Nationalist strategy forum,
“The Native Australians were here first, and are the only people who truly deserve to be here, but the fact is that the British came here a fairly long time ago, are firmly entrenched, and their culture constitutes the main influence and identity of Australia today. For this very practical reason I have to think of indigenous Australians as being the Native and European populations as one, but this includes absolutely nobody else.”
“I’ve talked with Native Australians all over the country, and they will stand with their British countrymen against any further invasion of Australia by outland races and cultures. I have talked to Nationalist friends in New Zealand and the situation is the same there. In my humble opinion, all of this bodes very well for the future of all of us of European ancestry in the Southern Hemisphere.”
One chap interjects,
“What about our kinsmen in South Africa?”
Kilmer replies,
“Good point. In South
Africa, the Europeans were themselves the invaders, and need to sort out their
own problems. If I lived there, I would get out fast.”
Bone Bank
January 12, 2024 Kilmer has been working hard all morning on a new Megalosaurus dig, but it’s time to eat. At lunch he always sits at a short distance from the others. It helps him to think and visualize.
He has been growing impatient with the apathetic attitude of his countrymen relative to the influx of criminal outlanders to Australia. Most seem more interested in rugby and other useless activity. He has decided to initiate a program of total resistance, in the hopes that others will be inspired and follow suit.
He daydreams as he looks at the clouds,
“I could bring bodies every day in the truck, and dump them for the vultures twenty miles south of here. I will call it the Bone Bank.
“I can post to forums suggesting others do the same. Maybe we can get a revolution going in time to save the country, but how do I get the bodies?”
He thinks awhile, and realizes that hardly a day goes by when he doesn’t see at least one outlander trying to hitch a ride from passing motorists,
“If I shoot them, it will make a bad mess. I can get a device for subcutaneous injection of poison to stop the heart, but bowel and bladder release will also cause a mess.
“I’ll ask them to ride
in the cargo bed behind the cab, but in this case, the best way to kill them will
be to pull over, get out, and shoot them when there is no one to see. I can
clean the cargo bed at the dumping point. By the time I get to the dig, it will
be dry.”
First Deposit
January 14, 2024 8:22 A.M. A tall twenty-five-year-old Somali man has his thumb out. Kilmer stops. The man tries to open the cab door. It’s locked, but the window is down an inch for sound purposes. Kilmer points behind and says,
“Jump in back. When you want to get out, just knock on the window.”
The man replies,
“OK, thank you.”
About five miles later, Kilmer hits a stretch of road with nobody visible in either direction. He grabs his father’s old Walther P38, stops, and gets out. The man looks confused, but not for long. Kilmer shoots him in the forehead. The man falls with one arm draping over the side of the truck bed. Kilmer frowns, reaches over, grabs the fellow’s ankle cuffs and pulls him into proper parallel position. The arm follows nicely. He throws a canvas over the body.
Ten miles later, just after a fork in the road, Kilmer is approaching the place he has in mind as the Bone Bank. It is the perfect place, open sky, but off the usual air routes. There is a slight dip in the land that will keep people from seeing the bodies from the road.
The road is clear. Kilmer drives in and stops, looks at his watch, pulls the fellow out of the truck, starts the motor on his portable car wash unit, sprays away the blood, mops away the excess water, and is back on route within two minutes and ten seconds. Not bad.
As he drives away, the first vulture has begun to circle. Within forty five minutes the corpse is just a skeleton.
By the time Kilmer
arrives at the dig, the residual wetness in the
truck bed has evaporated. The perfect start to a perfect day.
January 16, 2024 Kilmer is at the dig, standing off to one side talking with a twenty-two-year-old native Australian friend named Harwell. The young man has just heard a disturbing rumor,
“Everyone I talk to lately claims that the old wise men of our people are saying that within a few years there are going to be earthquakes that will make Australia break up and sink into the ocean. Some claim that they can feel the early rumblings already.”
Kilmer looks surprised,
“I haven’t heard anything about this before. Have you talked to any science people?”
“No, I was hoping you could look into it, considering your university connections. If they say it is even somewhat likely, I will probably migrate to Africa… Of course, even that involves an assumption about safety, so it might be good to ask them about the earthquake future for Africa and a few other places, like Tasmania, New Zealand, Borneo, and Sumatra.”
“This is interesting. I’ll do it right away. Come back to see me here in one week.”
January 23, 2024 Harwell returns on schedule. Kilmer greets him enthusiastically,
“Good news! You don’t need to move. Australia and Africa have little or no earthquake probability. The islands you mentioned, however, are all high risk.
“Thanks for finding out. Who should I quote when telling others?”
“Actually, all I did was to search the phrase World Earthquake Probability Map. There were several that all showed the same thing.”
Harwell tells many of
his people about the maps, but most of them seem to prefer the shaman-based rumors
for some reason, probably more a question of who to trust, rather than who
really knows.
February 2, 2024 Since his first Bone Bank deposit, Kilmer has nailed five more invaders. Now he takes a picture of the six skeletons, and posts it anonymously with a paragraph, on every Australian and New Zealand political forum he can find on the Internet. The paragraph reads,
Unless we want the European race and culture of Australia and New Zealand to be destroyed, as is happening already in the northern hemisphere, we must convert all invading outlanders into skeletons, as herein depicted. It’s not at all difficult. Just shoot them. and put the bodies out for the vultures. Petitioning corrupt politicians, and trying to persuade dunned-down friends, neighbors, and co-workers, will not save civilization. Heroic individuals will silently do what is necessary, and take it with them to the grave.
There is a deluge of
positive response, especially on the nationalist forums. All the phony subterfuge
about “racism” wares very thin when one is aware of the facts about Globalism
and reads statistics about crime rates among immigrants. Many individuals offer
methods for exterminating outlanders, usually representing after-the-fact
accounts of how they did it. Things are beginning to change down under.
Many Australian Nationalists have lately been thinking about how big their task is, and how they can play a more effective role in the outcome. A certain young paleontologist has been studying about TNT for weeks.
February 18, 2024 10:02
A.M. Sidney Last night, Kilmer placed explosives at key points all around the outside walls of a big mosque in one of the city’s high density population areas.
He laments not having been able to put any inside the building, so as to contain the blast. They are all set to detonate simultaneously except one incendiary cluster, eight seconds after the rest.
Today Kilmer is sitting in a nearby park reading a good book, with a remote control detonator in his coat pocket. People have been pouring into the building for over an hour, but the last was ten minutes ago and there is nobody else in sight. His headcount at that time totaled
three-hundred-seventeen of the faithful, now nicely all in one place. He presses the button.
The first explosions sound like the end of the world. Pillars crumble. Walls disintegrate. The main dome and the four minarets collapse together, true poetry in motion.
Eight seconds later, the incendiary cluster goes off, carpeting the central pile of wood and people with flame. Most were either killed or knocked unconscious by the initial explosions, but when the wood fire is well ablaze, a few screams and curses can be heard.
Once again, in a
stronghold of liberty, the exotic smell of roasting Islamist flesh is borne
upon the morning breeze.
False Flag
Profiteers of war love to stir up reaction to attacks allegedly made by Middle Eastern “terrorist” groups against each other. The Globalist media also supports this, not only for reasons of IMF warfare finance, but because it helps to eliminate the perception that some indigenous peoples are not on board with the fashionable lemming initiative to destroy their own race and culture. The truth would undoubtedly inspire further resistance.
In the days following the Islamic Barbeque as many are joyfully calling it, the subverted mainstream media offers a plethora of unfounded theories about Middle Eastern groups having done this deed as a perfectly natural reaction to Australia’s “racist” policy in not inviting more of the particular sect to immigrate. As in Britain, the recommended doublethink cure for the sickness, is to bring in more of the disease. Fair is foul, and foul is fair, as human societies fall.
Kilmer and others post
inspiring truth to various social media sites, but most of it is censored or
shadow-banned as “hate speech.”
One of the chaps at Megalosaurus dig has two handsome dingo hybrid buddies that he brings with him to work every day. They are very intelligent, and he even has them trained to help with certain portions of the digging.
February 24, 2024 To the south, three Islamic men are hitchhiking. As requested, their ride leaves them off at a highway rest stop. They visit the rest rooms. One finishes ahead of the others. When he sees Kilmer coming, he puts out his thumb. As Kilmer begins to slow, he yells to the other two men who are still quite busy.
This one fellow decides to take the ride. Just as he and Kilmer drive off, the other two men come back outside, and wave to their comrade in the back of the truck, but to no avail. They do, however, get a very good look at the truck. Kilmer gets a good look at them as well, in the rear view mirror.
Kilmer stops at the bone bank, shoots and deposits his passenger for the vultures, does the usual cleanup, and arrives at the dig on schedule.
The two fellows at the rest stop stand at the roadside, and after one half hour, get a ride. Their ride lets them off at the fork, just before the bone bank. They get out and walk. Time to urinate again, so they walk into a low area beside the road, and there is Mohammed, with three vultures enjoying their breakfast.
They cannot dig with their hands, so they leave their comrade for the birds. One recalls a line from The Outlaw Josie Wales,
“Buzzards need to eat too, not just worms.”
Here it would more likely be ants. The two are enraged, but catch a new ride heading north. When they come to the collective parking area for those involved in the dig, they ask the driver to let them off. When the shuttle Cat returns eventually, they get a ride out to the dig.
Both men carry long knives, are impulsive fools, and have no real plan about what they will do, of how they will escape. The shuttle leaves them off. They walk toward the dig and when they are two hundred feet away, yell to the group,
“Which of you is the owner of that blue International Harvester truck in the lot?”
Kilmer has a gut feeling about what is happening, and so immediately walks briskly to the two men, so the others will not hear what may be said.
As he approaches, both men produce their knives as one says,
“Infidel, you killed or travelling companion, Mohamed. Now, you will die!”
Kilmer produces his Walther TPH and shoots both men between the eyes. Now, as the others run up, he must think quickly,
“What happened? Who are these two?”
Kilmer tries to look shaken,
”I have no idea. They pulled knives and said that we all are evil because we sojourn with dogs, who are unclean beasts, and that Allah has decreed that we all must die.”
Everyone turns to look at the two dogs, whose ears now prick up, and with furrowed brows, cock their heads in curiosity to glean what is expected of them.
Kilmer chuckles,
“Why those fellows identified my truck in particular, is probably just sour grapes, because I saw them hitchhiking a few miles back, and didn’t stop.”
Apartment House
March 4, 2024 Kilmer is
visiting his
sister Jane, in Wagga Wagga. Her boyfriend Charles, a college man, and aspiring
writer, is also visiting. The three are sitting out enjoying a fine view of Mt. Kosiosco as they eat lunch.
The conversation, as is often the case these days, turns to current events, and in this case, to the increasing number of human parasites living at the expense of producing citizens.
Charles is a real social Darwinist,
“It isn’t just invading outlanders dragging us down, but people of European ancestry born defective, and having no history of ever being productive. In earlier times, before the lemming mentality became institutionalized, defective people were mercifully terminated at birth for their own good and to keep them from being a burden to everyone around them.
“There are two very nasty subsidized parasites, one male, one female, living in my apartment house. Both have been crippled since birth. Each of them hate me for unjust reasons of their own, and are very open about expressing it every chance they get.”
Last year, the female parasite Charles is referring to, was in relapse walking spasmodically down the hall as Charles approached from the other direction, lost in thought, looking at the interesting floor tiles. At the last minute, as a simple courtesy, he looked up and said hello.
She replied in like kind, but angrily, and then after they were just past each other, launched into a crazy diatribe, shouting out accusations of cowardice, apparently taking personal reference to Charles not having fixed her gaze until the last minute.
Trying to give the benefit of any possible doubt, Charles thought to himself that perhaps she was actually talking to her father on a cell phone. Ever since, she has behaved in an cold vicious disrespectful manner towards Charles.
The male parasite Charles is referring to, requires a wheelchair, and was, until last year, a morphine addict. For reasons of obtainability he decided to switch. Now it’s amphetamine. This makes him very animated, seeming to have a lively intellect.
Charles didn’t know any of this, and one day got into a conversation with the fellow about the workings of IMF bankers in creating virtually all of the problems in human life that are addressed by government spending, just so they can lend the money.
Somehow the disabled man twisted this around into Charles being against several classes of people, and has been slandering Charles to everyone in the apartment house ever since, saying he’s a member of several well-known hate groups. He always does this when he’s flying high on his drugs, and then denies it later when he’s sober.
One day, the maintenance man witnessed the fellow slandering Charles, and called him on it the next time he saw the man sober. The fellow acted contrite and ashamed. There were extravagant promises about quitting the drugs, but it was only talk. When he’s high, he brags that he will never quit the drugs. He periodically rolls past Charles’s door, trying to look cool and jazzy, wearing headphones listening to hellish rap music from America, loudly chanting the refrain, “Motherfucker, Motherfucker, Motherfucker…” Always that same song for some reason.
When Charles tells all this to Jane and Kilmer, they are appalled. Charles adds,
“If I could rid the apartment house of both of these rotters without legal redress, I would feel very happy indeed.”
Kilmer says,
“Cheer up! I think I can help. Give me an Email address, and I will send you the address of a chap who will probably rid you of both just for his own personal satisfaction. You won’t even have to talk to him in person… in fact, if you give me the names and room numbers of the two targets, I’ll pass them on, and you won’t even need to write to him. A picture or two of each would also help. If he screws up the job, and he won’t, you will never even have been part of the loop.
March 6, 2024 Kilmer phones Bowser Neimann, a tall cowboy from America who decided to come to Australia after seeing certain “Quimby Down Under” episodes on TV. Bowser too, despises invading racial outlanders and human parasites of any race, and is a master with lasso and all classes of firearms,
Kilmer tells Bowser about the two apartment house parasites in the same detail that Charles told him, and sends him the pictures online.
March 8, 2024 The maintenance man is at a different building today. Bowser has been hiding patiently in bushes under the large pine trees surrounding the apartment house. Finally, out of his door comes the male parasite with his big stupid hairdo and gaudy regarded-looking sunglasses.
As he passes, Bowser, steps out, deftly twirls his rope, and lassos the slanderer. He pulls the fellow out of the chair, runs in, hog-ties him, and administers a lethal injection of potassium chloride, the same way he would inoculate a pig against rabies. No more slander from this particular Gabby Hayes looking mouth.
March 11, 2024 Bowser doesn’t waste any time. There have been so many police visits to the apartment house lately, that he decides to follow the shuttle that takes the female parasite to the place where she undergoes physical therapy three times each week.
Today as usual, she gets out, the shuttle leaves, and she starts to walk up the long driveway to the entrance. The planners made the approach this way deliberately, because it will be the only exercise some of these people will routinely get. Bowser is waiting.
As she passes, he comes out of the trees, drops the lasso over her head, runs back ten feet, jerks the rope hard, and snaps her neck. The female parasite dies instantly. Bowser grins. It sure is fun to be a cowboy, and be this handy with a rope.
Charles is tickled pink by the demise of these two children of foulness. He calls Kilmer and thanks him heartily, asking him to also thank Bowser in his behalf.
As time passes, and the
shock dies down, all the other tenants in Charles’s apartment house realize how
happy they are that the two nasty parasites are gone. Soon there is a new outlook
of optimism afoot in the building.
In driving to job locations in the Outback, Bowser Neiman has himself noticed the number of outlanders hitchhiking. Without realizing the source, he also has lately been inspired by several of Kilmer’s postings in Nationalist forums, and has contemplated installing a kangaroo bumper on this truck, and running down hitchhiking outlanders whenever possible… but there would be too much blood and mess.
March 25, 2024 Today Bowser is driving along and sees a solitary African man walking up ahead. Nobody else is in sight. An idea comes quickly to mind. He slows down and stops forty feet ahead of the fellow, jumps out, lassos the astonished man, loops the rope over the knob on his tow bar, gets back in the truck, and drags the poor fellow, flailing and yelping, down the road for a quarter mile. That’s all it takes. Bowser stops, drags the body off the road, reclaims his rope, and gets to his job on time.
That evening at dinner he visualizes various scenarios, and realizes that he had also better carry a rifle in the truck from now on.
April 6, 2024 A new opportunity presents itself, This time there are two Islamic men. Bowser stops ahead of them, lassos one, but the other runs off the road into an area where following with the truck would be very difficult. This is exactly what Bowser had envisioned.
He kicks the lassoed man in the cullions to keep him in place, runs to the truck, gets the rifle, and shoots the escaping man at the base of the neck. He returns to the truck, and drags the other fellow the requisite distance, and is back in the truck just in time, as he spots another vehicle coming towards him in the distance.
Tonight at dinner Bowser contemplates how today’s episode might have gone if the man who ran off had been able to find temporary shelter behind a rock or tree. He decides to do only one at a time with lasso, but when there is more than one, to simply shoot them all. He will also carry a pistol in the truck.
In every case he always drags the bodies far enough inland so that they will not be easily seen from the road. The vultures do the rest.
Diversity Mixer
Kilmer has experienced
endless delight over the episode with the mosque. It wasn’t the first patriotic
strike in Australia, but to date is the most productive. Maybe he can outdo
April 8, 2024 Kilmer learns that a “Diversity Mixer” is coming up soon at a local public ballroom. He has been stockpiling incendiary explosives for just such an occasion. Today he will reconnoiter the building. In disguise, he parks nearby.
The main door is always open during daytime work hours, because there are three small municipal offices connected by a hall in the front of the building. Kilmer goes in, looks at bulletin board events until the hall is clear, then enters the gigantic ballroom.
The first thing he notices is that the entire floor space is surrounded by metal benches along the walls. They are nearly touching each other. This place is set up to seat a great many punch drinkers and wallflowers.
Kilmer has a magnet on his key chain. He tries it on the underside of one of the benches. It works. These benches are a few years old and are all steel. Very good luck. There are many today making furniture out of other materials, rarely solid wood or steel as in the past. He looks underneath the first bench. There are side braces he can easily avoid with central placement. The situation is perfect.
When Kilmer gets home, he makes the necessary calculations, and sends online for one-hundred-twenty magnetic hangers, far more than he will need, but the extras will be inventory for the future. He only needs four remote detonators, because the flames from the initial detonations will ignite the others, one after another like falling dominoes. He decides, however, to use sixteen just to be safe, and it will make the chain reaction happen faster
April 14, 2024 9:06 A.M. The big event is not until 8:00 P.M. tonight, but Kilmer’s father taught him that the early bird gathers no moss. He is wearing coveralls, this time disguised as a maintenance man carrying the incendiary devices in a light aluminum toolbox. After entering the ballroom, he locks the door behind him. Kilmer works fast, and the boxed items are packed sequentially, so it only takes him a little over four minutes to place all forty devices.
As he walks out the main door to the outside of the building, he comes face to face with the five organizers of the event, themselves getting an early start. They scarcely notice him, because they have no reason at this time, to think that he had just come from the ballroom.
Kilmer goes home, does some housekeeping, has a sumptuous lunch, reads all afternoon, and wolfs down a nutritious high-energy snack just before he leaves.
He arrives near the venue c 8:10 and, while reading a novel at a safe distance, watches for about forty minutes. When it appears that most the guests have arrived, he presses the button. The initial detonations light up the windows, the subsequent ones blow them out. That is as it should be, because every good barbeque needs proper ventilation.
Not a single guest escapes to the outside, and none survive the inferno. When Kilmer gets home, he turns on the local news, and is delighted to hear that over six-hundred-eighty outlanders will never encroach upon Australia ever again.
Enemy Defined
There has been a great deal of talk lately about the differences between rhetoric and behavior. Libertarians are saying that behavior is the only indicator of what a person stands for, and that there is only one important conflict in the world today: the clash between unique indigenous populations under Libertarian Nationalism and the breed-up-quick grey slavery of Globalist monoculture.
Libertarian groups are promoting an essay entitled The Enemies of Liberty. They are also stressing that a real revolution must be fought in different venues depending on the particular talents of the individual. Those who write or speak well, should do so. Those who fight and kill with proficiency, should do so.
The eleventh hour is way past. What is at stake today is the survival of evolved humanity as opposed to its destruction from down breeding and genetic intermixing with unevolved humanity.
Everywhere in Australia and New Zealand good people are speaking and teaching the truth. Bad people are beginning to die mysteriously or disappear completely in both the cities and country.
April 20, 2024 Melbourne
2:35 Erin Blake, still recovering from being raped during the January school break, is with her boyfriend Ronnie, when she spots the four Islamic attackers coming out of a drugstore.
“Ronnie, look. Those are the men who raped us. Don’t do anything. We need to follow and find out where they live.”
The four men walk to a car. Erin and Ronnie stay well back and tail them to an apartment house where they all live together in one unit. The young couple wait until they see the men enter the apartment door.
8:16 P.M. Three fathers and three daughters are sitting at a dining room table having a conference. Erin’s father worked on a sheep ranch when he was young. The three fathers decide subtly among themselves how this could play a part in dealing with their particular Islamic problem. The Internet-savvy girls can post a video of whatever the fathers might end up doing when they visit the Islamic men tomorrow morning.
6:02 A.M. Erin guides the three angry fathers to the apartment house and waits in the car. Her father has brought an electric prod, castrating tool, and a small pail of warm tar. The second father has a pistol in hand, the third father, a video camera, and a pistol under his belt.
Using a small pinch bar, the fathers quietly enter the apartment. The four men are asleep, but soon are naked, being filmed as they curtsy politely, each in his turn, in response to thrusts from the electric prod.
Erin’s father castrates and tars the first two men, but the other fathers speak out because they are not getting a fair chance. Now each of them castrate one the remaining two men. The result is gory, but glorious. What a picture! Four fanatical religious cowards, neatly castrated, writhing in shame on the floor.
Erin’s father, now off camera, gives each man a lethal injection of potassium chloride. Can’t have these fellows squealing to traitors in the government, after all.
During the next week, the three girls post the video to forms all over the world, especially Australia and New Zealand. Headings include:
Here is what Islamists get in Australia.
G’day, Mates!
Everybody is buzzing
about the growing resistance. Australians and New Zealanders are proud that
they are getting a better start on stopping the invaders than their kinsmen in
Europe. A new inspiration about the future is blossoming. A handbill reflecting
the times is appearing everywhere:
Patriots, Arise!
Save our Native and European populations and our national culture from Mid-Eastern Medievalists and Stone Age Africans. Let them rape their own women, not ours.
The best mode of defense is to be always ready. Carry weapons. Be spontaneous and clever. Avoid witnesses.
If you are on foot, the minute you see an invader, disable and kill him by any means available. Let nature and gravity work with you. If you can, push him in front of a train or bus, off a precipice, or down a flight of stairs.
If you are in a vehicle, run him over, or into a lamppost, or off a cliff. If you have electric windows in your vehicle, pull alongside, and shot-gun him out the passenger window.
Increase your chances. Use hollow point or poison bullets. Use three poisons instead of one. Treat the death of our enemies as an issue of public health, because that’s what it is – our health, not theirs.
The Conference
Mid-Eastern and African parasites are shocked and frightened by the recent change in the behavior of the indigenous Australians who have been hosting them. Not only are their dead bodies being found nearly everywhere, but they are being told to leave the country by friends, foes, and even some elements in the popular media. The outlanders, however, like to be parasites, and foolishly think that endless tricky talk can actually override the inevitable consequence of breaking natural laws.
May 8, 2024 Sydney
5:00 A.M. Today there will be more than a social mixer. All the invading populations have scheduled a huge all-day conference in a massive civic center. Outside the event are private security people in great numbers and a good many
police. Inside the event, there has been a painstaking last minute search for explosives, poison gas, or anything else unusual.
5:10 A.M. Small Military
Base - East Coast Daniel VanCamp lives in a cottage on the base and is the officer in charge of mobile guided missiles. As he awakens, he finds that he can’t move because his hands are cuffed and his feet manacled. Nor can he call out, because he is gagged. All he can do is lie quietly in the dark, angry, and wonder to himself,
“What in Hell is going on?”
The other seventeen personnel on the base are one-by-one experiencing the same thing.
7:00 A.M. Back at the conference in Sydney, it is now the official opening time. Thousands of outlanders have been waiting since dawn, and begin filing onto the building.
For the next two hours, participants and spectators arrive by every conceivable means of transportation. There is seating for thirty thousand people and at this point the place looks to be about ninety percent full. A fact which is not as easily observable, but nonetheless true, is that eighty three percent of these individuals live in a fantasy world caused by the regular use of recreational drugs.
9:00 A.M. The first speaker is a young Islamic professor. In a voice filled with righteous indignation, and in the common mode of insubstantial academic disconnectedness that always prevails on the subject of race among subsidized minions of Globalism, he begins,
“Good morning, my fellow immigrants. Today, we are here to address the three biggest problems on Earth: ignorance, hate, and fear!”
The crowd goes wild and gives a standing ovation, falling all over themselves to reinforce the delusions they have about the alleged superiority of that which is observably inferior.
One speaker after another takes the floor, parroting the Globalist / Project Mockingbird nonsense they have all been spoon fed since they were children. Not even one of them says anything of constructive value. The whole business might as well be a convocation of excited chimpanzees.
10:30 A.M. Back at the Military
Base With eighteen personnel immobilized, today everything here is unusually quiet. Six young men with automatic weapons surround an armed missile launching tractor which has been carefully positioned by two men in the cab. The warning buzzer sounds. The men flanking the vehicle walk briskly to a safe distance. Ascending on a column of bright flame, the missile becomes airborne.
10:32:08 The missile comes straight down on the civic center and hits the roof dead on center. Inside the building, for two and a half seconds, people look up as the missile pierces the roof and ceiling, enters, then explodes. Every person in the building is instantly incinerated.
The size of the impact is perfect. Only the building interior is destroyed. All of the security people and police outside survive, although two fellows get their hair singed, and the unprotected eardrums of everybody within a city block take a very bad beating.
6:00 P.M. On the national news tonight, even the subverted media talk about the professionalism and perfection of the attack. The Libertarian Nationalist media don’t want to sound gloating,
but demurely suggest that the quality of the operation itself clearly demonstrates that it is the country’s best people who are involved in the resistance.
Student Protests
Boris Pilos is outraged
that Australia is rejecting the Globalist agenda. The will to liberty,
prosperity, and peace might spread to other nations. It can’t be allowed. He
and the other Globalist bankers would then have to live honorably. They would be
called upon to fund agriculture and space colonization rather than to cause and
finance wars and ruined economies. Boris knows what he must do. The young people will stop this resistance.
Pilos manages to put together a network of student protests just before the end of the spring semester. It will involve simultaneous demonstrations at the ten biggest colleges and universities in Australia.
May 16, 2024 9:00 A.M. Today is the day. Pilos has flown in PALPAP thugs from all over Europe and the United States. They are arrayed like mercenaries from Hell, with their black costumes and face masks. Many of them carry batons for beating up women and old people. This time, however, things will happen very differently than they have in the past.
9:30 A.M. On all ten campuses, all at precisely the same instant, the PALPAP slaves of darkness fall to the ground, shot down with poison bullets by Libertarian marksmen using rifles from every conceivable vantage point.
When Pilos hears that he has lost over nineteen-hundred of his hired rabble, he is so overwhelmed that he collapses to the ground, and has to be refreshed with bottled oxygen.
6:00 P.M. Tonight, the news people, after all the usual nonsense about hate and racism, again remark on the professionalism of the warriors of light.
One young news anchor says,
“The synchronized precision of these events is mind boggling. It must be the same crew that blew up the conference in Sydney.”
Kilmer has been watching alternative media on the Internet with profound delight.
June 18, 2024 Wagga Wagga Kilmer is sitting outside with Jane and Charles.
“We’re actually winning”
says Charles. Thinking especially of the diversity mixer, Kilmer smirks and replies,
“Yes. It’s wonderful to see how real events help to inspire and precipitate social change as opposed to mere wishful thinking. In nature when two species compete in the same ecological niche, the one with superior intelligence always destroys the inferior. Among the intelligent peoples, only the globalist bankers want to destroy humanity by forcing the two together, just so they can be multi trillionaires instead of mere multi billionaires.”
Charles agrees,
“The principle of leaderless resistance really works well in the service of evolutionary destiny when good people who want to prosper are willing to fight, and are united in spirit.”
October 16, 2024
The Australian Federal Parliament passes a law ending the immigration of racial outlanders. It also offers a program of assistance for resident outlanders who want to return to their ancestral homelands. This latter part, of course, is now nearly a moot point since most of the outlanders are already dead or residing elsewhere, but it’s always good to have government finally on board with what works.
November 20, 2024 New Zealand enacts similar changes.
A new spirit of
patriotism and inner joy is alive and well in both Australia and New Zealand.
People are buying self-help books, quitting drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, going
on weight loss diets, and returning to school.
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