The reader may be familiar with Carl Norris, and the
beautiful Witch, Rachael Heathwick, from the Gothic novel, Wraith Mistress. In this context, it will suffice to say that Carl is
a successful thirty-two-year-old writer, and radical Libertarian Nationalist, living with Rachael at Old Robinhurst Manor
in Hubbardston, Massachusetts. Character, Garrett Valdison, will first be found as protagonist of The Warlock of Albany. The fictional Globalist traitors in this volume are
identified simply as CEO of various media outlets. The reader should appreciate that the story year is 2024. Media outlets
change hands and policies. The author is not asserting that any of the media mentioned are necessarily subverted to Globalism
at this time. The reader may wish to research for himself, keeping in mind that 99% of the mainstream media in the U.S. at
this writing is owned and controlled by Globalists, and 96% worldwide. Roy C. Peterson June 11, 2018 11:04 A.M. |