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Essay for Actors:
CSN Backstage Theater:
Review of
The Emperor Jones
Backstage Theater at College of Southern Nevada
Comments by Actor / Writer Roy C. Peterson
The scenery and mood were very realistic to me. I sat in the front
row with nobody blocking me. I felt like somebody spying from the bushes. The bright yellow light conveyed a true feeling
of blazing tropical sun. The drumming was very atmospheric. The moon was big, exotic, and tropical. The period feel was good
except that one pistol I noticed was too modern. The stage action was bold and the players had good volume and diction. I
especially liked the trilling feminine screams of the High Priestess.
O'neill's basic theme has been used in many movies since he wrote the play. A greedy man from the outside modern world with a little advanced technology in the form of a gadget or two ruling and exploiting people of a primitive culture by making them think he is much more than he really is. A very tenuous and suspenseful situation to be in. Jones should have left the island the minute he knew the natives had become aware of his non viability as a leader. He assumed that just because they would believe the superstition that he could be killed only by silver bullets that they would also lack the resourcefulness and will to get silver bullets and kill him. He was very foolish in this. I was surprised by the ending because I thought that Jones would first die of heart failure because of the way the islanders were scaring him.
Review of
It's Only Business
Horn Theater at College of Southern Nevada
Comments by Actor / Writer Roy C. Peterson
The story was about the creation of the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas by
Benjamin Siegel 1946-1947. The scenery and props were sparse, but the whole thing worked beautifully because of good lighting,
projected images, well dressed people, and lively stage action. There were good songs, big headdresses, and luxuriant feathers.
All the players had proper volume and clarity. I was especially impressed with the song by Tiffany Lawrence after Ben was
This story is of particular interest to Las Vegas residents. Many of us consider Ben Siegel to have been a visionary. From the Court TV website: "Modern folklore has it that Ben saw a vision in the desert in the days following World War II, that he kicked aside some rocks a few miles outside of town ... and decreed that here would be the Monte Carlo of the Americas, the place where high-rollers and penny-ante operators alike would come to strike it rich..." Life isn't simple. I know that Ben was a gangster who hurt people. I would not do much of what Ben did, but I like him anyway. I wish he had been able to control his adventure a little better so that he could have lived at least long enough to see Las Vegas in the time of Caesar's Palace. I think he would have been very proud. I enjoyed this play even more the second time. Las Vegas is Cheyenne, Dodge, Tombstone, Silver City, and the Barbary Coast all rolled into one. It remains the quintessential distillation of the Old Wild West. Nothing has been lost!
The Covenant
In January 2016, the Hollywood tribe promotes three false ideas, but to disagree is considered hate speech. 1. That homosexuality is an equal alternative lifestyle, not a mistake in the learning process, as Sigmund Freud taught. 2. That less highly evolved races are really the same as more highly evolved races, and that to eliminate one's own race through genetic intermixing, is the height of moral sophistication. 3. That nobody, like nihilistic internationalists with total media control, friendly to parasitic IMF bankers seeking one world finance monopoly, are jealously destroying European civilization, and that the American people are not a bunch of sheep to allow it.
Hollywood, enjoy it while you can. Winter is coming.
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