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France Today
Tourism in Paris is down ninety percent. Who wants to go to a place where subhuman outlanders defecate in the streets? Recently the French people had a very clear choice in a presidential election and chose evil over good. What are the alternatives left to those who care about a future for the children? September 18, 2022 Emile Bonvuar felt soiled after talking to a musician friend of mixed race earlier this morning. The fellow seems to care nothing that French women are being raped by invading outlanders from Africa and the Middle East. In fact, he seems almost subtly triumphant about it, as though he feels the women somehow deserve this for being purely French rather than “just plain human” as he likes to think of himself. If challenged, he would, of course, deny this, probably even to himself. Emile feels sorry for the friend, who, like most people of mixed blood, seem to champion the lower race of their ancestry. Why? Probably because they don’t feel fully accepted by the higher race. This shows too much concern with self and acceptance by others, both very short term considerations. Would an intellectually and spiritually mature person throw down highly evolved European people in favor of stone age savages from Africa or raving religious lunatics from the Middle East? What about the longer term? What about evolutionary destiny? Science has shown that when two species, or subspecies, come to completion in the same ecological niche, that the stronger will destroy the weaker. Only in human affairs is this natural state interfered with, because of the manipulative activities of IMF bankers seeking to ruin everybody by encouraging them to breed up. Emile wants all the enemies of his people completely eliminated, but it will require more than one rapier to save France from oblivion.
School Girls Young Mohammed and his two friends are angry that France is not admitting more of his people as immigrants. The French are such bigoted people. The natural way to resolve this problem is, of course, to kill a group of young French school girls. This will show the French infidels that they have the morally inferior position. September 24, 2022 8:03 A.M. Fourteen young French girls ranging in age from eleven to thirteen are starting to cross the street on the way to school. Most of them are planning careers in medicine or teaching. Mohammed and his two friends are in high spirits as they come speeding along in a rented truck, swerve, and run down twelve of the girls. Ten are killed instantly, one is mangled, the other is crippled for life. Two girls have jumped to one side, out of the way. This will not do. Allah will be furious. The truck stops short. Two of the men jump out, chase and kill the other two girls, one with a kitchen knife, the other with a hammer. A French housewife and mother is watching in horror nearby. The man with the knife runs up and stabs her in the heart three times to punish her insolence in not covering her face and daring to look as though she disapproves of the heroism of these holy warriors of Islam. The two men get back in the truck. The three drive two blocks north, turn down a side street, abandon the truck, and leave the area on an underground train. A Frenchman and his son witnessed the massacre. When they tell the police that the murderers were Islamic, they are arrested and imprisoned for hate speech. Oui Oui, Monsieur?
October 10, 2022 Emile is walking through a city park on the way to his favorite library. In his right coat pocket, he always caries a telescoping rapier. This expensive new item works like the traditional telescoping batons, but with far greater precision. Press the release button, snap your wrist, and it’s out to full length. The blade looks almost seamless. The rigid strength and temper upon thrusting differs very little from a conventional one-piece rapier. Just ahead two large African men see Emile coming and begin to laugh at his well-groomed appearance. The bigger one says, “Oh, look at little Frenchie. He must have a very important job to be so neat.” Mimicking a white American rap singer, Emile replies with cool, “Least I got a job.” They miss the reference, and the intended good humor. The smaller man looks very angry. He slips on a pair of brass knuckles, and says to the other, “He’s very disrespectful to us, because we are not little white Frenchies like him. Let’s teach him a lesson in racial tolerance.” The bigger man is ugly and unshaven. Now he comes up close to Emile’s face. With rotting teeth and turdsome breath, he says, “Maybe you like I should take down your pants, and hurt your little wee-wee?” Then closer, sensuously, “We-Wee, Monsieur?” Emile snaps his wrist. Blade in hand, without moving or looking away from the bigger man, he skewers the smaller man’s Adam’s apple. The man falls forward, dead. Emile steps back nimbly and slices the air twice, as swordsmen are prone to do, and replies, “Now, may I have that again, please?” The man is speechless, with slack jaw. His aspect and demeanor have changed considerably. Now he looks afraid. “Please, I meant nothing by it. We were just making sport. Please, try to understand…” Emile smiles, “Thank you, I understand perfectly…” Now he skewers the larger man’s testicles, first the right, then the left. The fellow drops to his knees yelping. Thirdly, Emile skewers the man’s heart. The poor fellow falls forward, and dies in five seconds. Nobody has seen. Emile walks briskly away to the library. He has a correct feeling that it’s probably these two who have been responsible for all the genital mutilation murders of solitary Frenchmen out for a morning walk in this district lately.
The Story of Membrane Somehow an eight-year-old Caucasian hydrocephalic boy has come into the hands of three prosperous American Negro drug dealers living in Paris. The boy’s actual name has been lost, but his captors call him Membrane. The name fits. The boy’s huge upper skull draws the skin very tight, at and above, his temples. The veins and blue arteries stand out prominently. The older of the two men, Mandell, loves to terrorize the boy with cold angry looks, vicious genital pinching, and surprise hard slaps to the boy’s temples, just above the ears. At these times, the veins and arteries are seen to throb. Mandel will typically say, “Hey, Membrane. You do jess like I say now, don’t ya, Membrane?” Then a hard slap. Then a command… The captors have trained the boy to curtsey, serve at mealtimes, perform everyday housework, and in the shameful art of shoe kissing. The woman, LaDonna, supervises the boy’s bath twice a week, and enjoys sitting in silence with a hard disapproving look, as the boy, blushing deep red with humiliation, washes himself in the way she has taught him. The boy’s look and manner reflect only three emotions: fear, obedience, and shame. Membrane’s captors have an insatiable appetite for increasing these emotions in him. He never speaks, and may not be able to, but often calls out in pain when they torment him with insects, spiders, and burns. Jubal, the younger man, has a special wooden club he uses to instruct the boy in the creed of “social justice.” He specializes in striking wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles. All of this has been going on for over five months, and some time ago the noise drew the attention of a young couple in the next apartment. The husband, Guy, is an electronic surveillance technician who outfits many of the larger department stores around the city. Guy has been waiting for a chance. Finally, one day when the three captors all go out at the same time, Guy drills a few practically invisible holes with a nice little unit that vacuums back the miniscule shavings. Then he inserts tiny lenses that feed digital images to a camera console. Guy is a French Nationalist patriot, and after two weeks of filming, gets a DVD of the activity to a fellow patriot, who shares it with a group of Nationalists, including Emile Bonvuar. November 23, 2022 7:03 P.M. Emile rings the drug dealer apartment doorbell. Jubal answers, “Yes, may I help you?” Emile pushes Jubal into the room, out comes the rapier, and Jubal dies. Then to the kitchen. Mandell is watching TV, turns, and before he can speak, also dies. Then, other rooms, till Emile enters the master bathroom and finds LaDonna supervising the boy’s bath. She starts to rise, and dies. Emile takes one look into the boy’s eyes, and mercifully draws out a subcutaneous injection pen that he always carries. It’s filled with a quick acting sedative. He touches it gently to the boy’s shoulder, who goes out like a light. Emile pushes the boy’s head under the water until he stops breathing, then leaves.
Emile has been having occasional sex with Venus for many years. She’ll be
thirty-eight soon, but is still exquisite. Her long hair and smooth lily-white skin give Emile what he calls enduring rigidity. He once had romantic notions about Venus, but she gently discouraged these feelings in him
long ago. December 3, 2022 4:28 P.M.
Venus is walking home after a long day’s work at La Petite Coquet, a fashionable lingerie shop on the Rive Gauche. She’s cutting through a park, when four young Islamic men pull her into a small area hidden by bushes and take turns beating and raping her. The last man has a sharp ring and makes a point of cutting her face several times. “Maybe now you will have at least an infidel’s incentive of vanity to hide your face with a veil, since you obviously haven’t any connected with Sharia Law and public decency.” The others laugh, and the youngest urinates on her dress lying on the grass. Venus covers her face now to avoid public inquiry, makes it home safely, showers, and patches herself up. December 4. 2022 Venus has very good recognition and drawing skills. At the police station, she sketches a close likeness of all four of the attackers. She takes copies for her “personal journal,” goes home, and calls Emile. That night at dinner, she shows him the copies. He recognizes two of the men, but says nothing. After dinner, at Emile’s request, she removes her bandages, so he can see the damage. Many cuts, but none very deep. He says, “Don’t worry, little one. There will be minimal scaring, and what remains will make you look even sexier than you do now.” He lightly touches the handsome fencing scar on the left side of his own mouth, and winks. She smiles and hugs him. December 5, 2022 Emile takes a walk to the park where he has seen the two men he recognized from in sketches. After forty-seven minutes, all four come walking together. There is nobody else nearby. Emile rises, releases the rapier, and with almost superhuman speed, kills three of the men, including the two he did not identify previously, but now can from memory. He saves the man with the ring for last. “Well, I see you are wearing your special ring tonight, the one you use to cut the faces of our women, you godless impotent son of a whore!” Emile has nothing against freethinkers, impotency, or whores, but always uses the appropriate genre of insult to enflame the particular enemy at hand. The man sneers, but quickly changes this to a scream, as he stands clenching his hand and looking down his finger with the ring still on it laying at his feet. Next, Emile with lightning speed, perfectly reproduces every cut that Venus received, on the face of the enemy. There is one difference, however. These cuts are sixteen times deeper. The face effectively slides off the skull and lands also at the man’s feet, right next to the severed finger. The eyes are intact and reflect intense pain. The skull screams. Emile, showing chivalry, ends the poor fellow’s misery with a quick thrust to the heart. The next morning Venus telephones, “The police just called. Last night they found the four men who raped me, dead in the park. Do you know anything …” Interrupting, with a chuckle, “Well, I’m very glad to hear this news. It will save me the trouble of killing them myself.” December 16, 2022 Emile visits Venus, and is delighted to see that her spirits are up, she is healing perfectly, and does indeed look sexier than ever. Later at home, Emile reflects upon the fact that these Islamic gang rapes usually do not end with justice being done, and all too often, the woman is murdered or ruined for life. He thinks to himself, “If my dear little Venus had died, the execution of every Islamic on Earth would not be enough to relieve my grief for her and for France. The only defense against this race of psychopaths will logically have to be a massive generic offense. Allah will sort them out.”
Sword of Islam
January 14, 2023 Emile reads about a new club for Islamic men called the Sword of Islam. At the meetings, there is a covert narrative about the eventual takeover of France, but the overt theme is simply honing skills the traditional art of swordsmanship with scimitars. Every week the eighteen members practice the art of sword fighting as it has been passed down to them. Three are very skilled, the rest are learning, but all of them are young and athletic, with fast reflexes. January 16, 2023 7:05 P.M Tonight’s weekly sword practice is well underway. Emile drives to a parking spot around a corner from the small building used for the meetings. With him are two Nationalist friends, Adrien to cover the front door, and Brett the back door. Both are fair swordsmen, but in this venture, because of the numbers expected to retreat, each has an eight-foot wax wood stick, and a stun gun for the close up action. Emile has two normal rapiers, one in each hand. He bursts into the building, saying, “Sacré Bleu! A conclave of offal eaters. You infest our country with your inferiority. I will now dispose of you like rats.” The nearest man comes at him, with sword raised high. Emile kills him easily, then another, then two more. Emile smiles, “Please, this is too easy. I will permit you to appoint a triumvirate of champions. Send your three best against me together. After I defeat them, the rest of you will either run home to your hashish, or fall before me as chaff before the wind.” The enraged men all look at each other. The three best know who they are, come together, and begin a pathetic display of Middle Eastern ferocity. Emile guffaws, and kills the three champions in four seconds, but takes a tiny nick on his forehead. He touches the small cut, “Yes, very skilled, for those who dine exclusively on the offal of pigs. Now for the rest of you…” Wide eyed with terror, two of the men bolt out the front door. Adrien trips them. Three more run out the back door. Brett thrusts and strikes. Now both door guards stun gun the escaping enemies to the ground, before breaking their necks with their boot heels. The other six men stay to fight, but Emile kills them two at a time very easily. As he rejoins his friends he says, “Eighteen is a good night’s work, but there is so much of this vermin overrunning France that we must devise efficient, safer methods, so we can eliminate them all before we are too old.” Adrien replies, “We must gas them!” Brett adds, “Then incinerate the bodies. A real “holocaust” this time, but in France. Vive la République!” Emile looks thoughtful, “We are engaging in youthful patriotic military exuberance, but such are these outlander’s crimes, that all it may take to get political support for a total purge, is simple public awareness. Because of the subverted media, the average voter has practically no idea of what has been happening. Adrien agrees, “It’s not that our countrymen are apathetic cowards, they are simply ignorant. If France sets a good example in this, other countries may follow. Maybe we can get Quebec to join us as the momentum builds. Then the rest of Canada. Then the United States. Brett is enthused, “Let’s each work out a long term plan for a Purge or Rectification, and have a discussion about it in one month. Let’s say February 16.” Emile and Adrien agree, then the three go off to Montmartre for a fine nutritious dinner.
February 16, 2023 The three men meet as planned. Emile begins, “I personally would like to rid France of all racial outlanders by executing them, but there is the question of political integrity. Although popular consent for immigration was gained with lies disseminated by subverted media, execution would be seen as cruel and fickle national change of heart. It is also true that some of immigrants are not directly responsible for violent crimes. Therefore, my plan is this: 1. Educate the populace about IMF banker objectives, how they subverted the popular media, and what life would be like after nationalization of central banks everywhere. 2. Educate about the actual effects upon European populations of racial outlanders. 3. Propose in every venue of government that designated classes of outlanders be given six months to put their affairs in order, before leaving France. In some cases, short extensions might be granted, but because it would diminish initiative, this should not be mentioned initially.” Adrien and Brett came up with similar ideas for change, but Adrien adds, “Considering the threats that Islamic nations have made about military invasion unless immigration is increased, I think that we should expect these measures to trigger war if done simultaneously. The one thing that could mitigate this would be sequence. “First, the complete dissolution of the IMF with worldwide nationalization of central banks. When people are prospering, they will not want to immigrate, and will perceive no gain in war. The ones who are not on welfare will probably return home. Then we can talk about stopping immigration, and suggest return. “Prosperity will need to be well underway before people will even listen to the truth about the non-viability of multiculturalism. To summarize: completely correct banking and economies first, then ethnic blaming will subside and indigenous populations can reconvene in their rightful homelands.” Emile and Brett are both impressed with Adrien’s words. Emile augments. “You’re right. Only proper sequence will permit a smooth natural unfolding of world events. We need to concentrate on banking without any mention of further goals. If people ask about other objectives, the most truthful thing to say will be that, with prosperity, people’s needs and desires will change in ways that will be much closer to their hearts than the things they will condone while living in desperation. Only in that time, will it be appropriate to talk about further objectives.” Now Brett offers something more, “I agree with everything both of you have said, and the sequencing, but we need to remember that, in the meantime our women are being raped and murdered by subhumans. I suggest that as a totally separate grass roots initiative, we encourage indigenous Frenchmen to deal with raping outlanders in any way their courage will permit. “This, of course, will be designated as “hate speech” so the inspiration will have to be accomplished with clandestine posting of short essays on lampposts and bulletin boards.” The three men are in total agreement. Emile suggests, “Let’s meet in two weeks. Each of us should write a short peace about IMF banking and our goals. Make it something the average person can easily understand. This will not be seen as hate speech so we will post it everywhere, except mainstream media and lampposts. “Let’s also each write a short inspiring diatribe urging true French patriots to carry weapons and kill racial outlanders on sight. This will be for the lampposts. Considering the risk of doing this, we will need to be in disguise and carry weapons ourselves. No matter how careful we are, somebody in the enemy camp will see us. I hate to think of it, but we may even have to engage police to keep from being arrested, unless we can escape.” Adrien says, “About three years ago I read a short piece from the World Libertarian Order about the options surrounding IMF banking. It’s very comprehensive, but succinct. I’ll E-mail you each a copy. I suggest you wait till you read it before writing anything. I think you’ll agree that all we need to do is acknowledge the source and endorse it.”
March 2, 2023 The three men reconvene. Adrien asks, “What do you think about the WLO Letterbox essay on banking?” Emile says, “I found it on a website called, New World Order: Seek and Destroy. I read it and a great many other things. Their goals are exactly the same as ours. I wrote to Magnuson, the primary author, and asked permission to post the piece, and possibly others in future. He says we can use everything he writes in the service of Libertarian Nationalism.” Now Brett speaks, “I had a family crisis. It’s all right now, but I had to go to Marseille. I just returned last night, and didn’t get a chance to read the piece.” Emile produces a copy and says, “Let’s have coffee and you can read it now.” Brett picks up the piece and reads it quickly to himself,
WLO Letterbox Alternative to IMF Banks One thing can give us worldwide liberty, prosperity, and peace, quickly eliminating the imagined need for Globalism, Socialism, and Communism. That is to get counties everywhere to pull out of the IMF, and nationalize their central banks. General education is the first step. People who speak openly about this will need to wear bullet proof vests, but once the truth is well known, implementation will follow. The material below explains the entire business with succinctness and clarity: Most of the big problems on Earth are caused by International Monetary Fund (IMF) bankers who, via privately owned member central banks, like the US Federal Reserve, manipulate currencies, and with the help of subverted politicians, engineer wars and economic upheaval so they can lend money to governments for military mobilization and otherwise unnecessary social programs. Globalism, the New World Order, is simply the one world government that will allow the IMF banks to have total finance monopoly. Countries do not need to borrow from IMF banks, but can have their own central bank, and control their own currency. Populations are kept from the knowledge of this by cooperating mainstream media, and by subverted politicians who keep IMF control in place by voting for it in legislatures. All that is necessary to have enduring liberty, prosperity, and peace on Earth is to get counties to leave the IMF, set up their own central banks, and tie the amount and value of currency to receipted hours of work. This will eliminate the imaginary need for a national debt and income tax. War and terrorism are a complex study, but the purpose of most war today is to generate 'refugees' aided by the EU and UN to invade countries to destroy indigenous race and culture, so that people lacking identity will except globalization. Terrorism is supported by deep state funding, open borders, and police stand-downs, to make daily life seem so dangerous that we will gladly surrender guns and liberty just to feel safe. Good people need to become proactive about building a better future. We will be rid of these problems only when the Globalists and their invading hordes are just a dreary memory. Readers are encouraged to reproduce and circulate this bulletin. Brett looks very pleased, “All we need with this and the addresses of government officials who must be petitioned to produce these splendid changes. It’s really a wonder that such massive public fraud could have on for so long in plain view.” Emile says, “Ballgames and television turn people into sleepwalkers, but nobody wants to be robbed blind once they are aware of it. We need to urge people not to vote for any politician who will not take a direct stand against further involvement with the IMF.” March 28. 2023 At this point the Nationalist Musketeers as they now call themselves, have sent IMF Bank information to every venue they can think of in Europe, Canada, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand. They have received enthusiastic response from everyone.
April 4, 2023 The three, now clandestine champions, have put together a very succinct one-page essay. The first half is bare bones statistics on racial outlanders, especially crime rates and genetic mixing. The second half is what to do about it:
Indigenous Europeans, rise! Please watch alternative media and learn how counties are being invaded by savages! Those willing to fight for the preservation of our race and culture, must carry lethal weapons, and use them creatively to eliminate racial outlanders whenever they are found. It is unfortunate that we must resort to this. A good division of labor normally involves the defense of borders by the military, and the defense of the population by police. Our guardians, however, have been ordered to stand down, because our subverted elite has betrayed us. Ultimately we will put them all on trial and execute them for treason, but in the meantime we have to show outlanders that they are not welcome by indigenous people in Europe and that if they invade us they will die, whatever the government traitors have promised them. Be brave! Do not surrender to subhumanity just because of their greater numbers. We can, and will, defeat them. Join the Nationalist Revolution. Make copies of this bulletin and post them everywhere.
April 16, 2023 The three patriots have been posting the bulletin on lampposts, walls, and bulletin boards in low immigration areas all over town. For different reasons, people take the bulletins, so reposing is necessary every ten days. On one initial posting last week, Emile was seen by three illegal Islamic immigrants. He did not see them, however, and they have been hoping he would come back, so they can beat him to death. Today he is back. They illegals are together, gambling as usual. They see Emile, jump up, and advance on him quickly with eighteen-inch steel pipes in hand. Emile sees them at the last minute, reacts quickly, but takes a painful hit to his left arm. As they surround him, the leader says, “Now you will die, infidel!” Out comes the telescoping rapier. The length alone gives Emile easy advantage. He can see in their eyes that they know this, and says, “Please, when you arrive in Hell, petition your master, Sheitan, to allow your ghosts visitation with all your evil brethren, so you can warn them against further invasion of Europe. We will kill every one of you if necessary!” The leader growls savagely, and lunges. Emile skewers his heart. The other two panic. As the first begins to turn, Emile impales his profiled gullet. The second has fully turned, and stupidly presents his kidneys for skewering by the angry sword master of France. People across the street have seen the swordplay. Emile leaves the area briskly, takes an underground train home, and comes back later for his car, parked two blocks from the battle scene. April 18, 2023 Adrien is replacing the poster on a college bulletin board when three male graduate students suddenly come out of a classroom door behind him. He tries to look like he is only reading the bulletins. The tallest of the young men says sternly, “Ah, so you are the villain posting these inflammatory diatribes against our unfortunate brothers from third world countries. For shame, monsieur!” Adrien looks bewildered, then the three young men laugh heartily. The tall fellow says, “Just making sport. We are nationalists too, agree with you completely, and admire what you are doing, but you need to be more careful. The college police will arrest you for doing this.” Adrien is delighted, and replies, “Thanks for your kind words. May I give each of you a poster so you can make copies and leave them around, let us say, off campus?” The young men agree. Adrien gives them each a poster and moves on to the next campus replacement point.
The three champions of liberty operate on the leaderless resistance principle. Their efforts in the lamppost campaign have gained them a great many anonymous allies among French patriots. They have also established a few direct connections among those who have surprised them while posting. Among these, it has been understood that there should be no exchange of names. One of these fellows, Gilbert, has been keeping watch, hoping to see Brett come back to repost. His main concern has been how to approach Brett without scaring him away. This fellow is a bit young to contemplate violent heroic action himself, but has some very good intel he stumbled across since he talked with Brett ten days ago. Elsewhere, young Mohammed and his friends have been collecting their welfare benefits and engaging in almost daily acid attacks against solitary French citizens around the city. Ever since the school girl massacre last September, they have been congratulating themselves on how well they handled the entire business, but boredom is setting in. It’s time for another big strike against the enemies of Allah and the Religion of Peace. They have planned a new adventure of greater magnitude against Catholics attending a Sunday service. The Church of Sacred Blood is located on the outskirts of Paris in an old neighborhood where buildings are on bigger pieces of land than near the center of the city. There are two acres of woods behind the church. Gilbert is an electronics hobbyist, who has assembled a small portable parabolic listening device. One day at lunch, Gilbert overheard Mohammed and his friends discussing the church adventure. He was riveted by what they were saying, and pleased to hear such total specificity about time and place, even that they plan to cut through the middle of the woods behind the church and retreat the same way. Finally, Gilbert sees Brett again and catches him quickly on his bicycle, “Monsieur, remember me? We talked recently of liberty and other matters. I have to tell you about an upcoming terrorist attack planned for next Sunday against Christians. It can be stopped decisively without involving police.” Although startled at first, Brett recognizes Gilbert, and after one or two quick questions they go for coffee at a small restaurant nearby. Gilbert explains everything he overheard about how Mohammed and his friends will each carry four bottles of kerosene in backpacks, to be used as Molotov Cocktails. They will pitch these through open windows into the church, after putting police locks on the exit doors. Again without exchanging names, Brett thanks Gilbert warmly, with the good wish that he never be noticed when spying on terrorists. He also suggests that Gilbert embrace the way of the solitary warrior and act individually in the future. He makes his final point thusly, “What if you had not encountered me again before Sunday? Would you have
told the police so they could stand down, and arrest you for criticizing Islam?”
April 28, 2023 Dressed inconspicuously, Brett, Emile, and Adrien come early to the woods behind the church. They all have concealed rapiers. In the center of a pine thicket they enjoy a high protein snack to give them strength. Now each takes up a station lying on the ground among bushes. Soon they hear the congregation arriving and talking as they file into the church. The church doors close. The service begins. Several minutes pass, then Emile hears footfalls coming through the woods. The three young terrorists come walking along, eager to snuff out the lives of so many infidels with so little risk to themselves. After the outlanders pass, the patriots rise quickly and silently sprint up from behind. Within eight seconds, the terrorists are dead. Their kerosene bottles were well packed and none are broken. There are also two brand new police locks. The musketeers leave, each with a backpack. The kerosene is added to the small arsenal each has been assembling for himself.
France is waking up. Lately there have been several instances of racial outlanders found dead in the streets, or floating in the Seine. May 16. 2023 8:04 P.M. Today the musketeers are having another strategy meeting. Adrien says, “The number of partisans is growing. I propose we hit bigger and bigger targets. This will be of greater inspiration to our allies. Of course, there will be added risk for us, and security will increase as time passes. We will simply need more detailed planning. “There is a large Middle Eastern social club I’ve been studying. There is underground train access nearby, in case we have trouble getting away. Saturday night I walked around the venue enough to see that there are only two doors, but twelve windows. Do those numbers suggest anything to either of you?” Emile smiles, “Two police locks. Twelve bottles of kerosene.” “Precisely! Synchronicity, to be sure.” beams Adrien. May 20, 2023 8:42 P.M. The three musketeers exit Emile’s car one block away, and in clever disguises, walk briskly to the building. The activities are well under way. The saviors of France place the door locks. Molotov cocktails are potentially messy, and therefore dangerous to use, but two practice runs earlier in the day now have their good effect. Within four minutes, the entire building is engulfed in flame. The three heroes find on their return to the car that burning kerosene has a splendid fragrance if one is far enough away. The smell of burning Islamic flesh comes later to others after the three have left the area. That night on the television it is reported that two hundred thirty-six of the faithful have been roasted to perfection. A fine evening’s work. Within two weeks, the number of partisan attacks against the invaders of France, begins to increase exponentially. At this point Brett suggests that the benefit derived from the lamppost campaign has been replaced by the daily accounts of partisan activity, and that the risk is no longer justified. Emile and Adrien agree. The next night, with wives and girlfriends, they celebrate with a fine dinner.
Brett has somehow gotten hold of a small torpedo that can be launched by one person standing in four feet of water. Recently he was reading about the boatloads of outlanders that are being brought in to the port of Marseille. What a splendid situation. He can visit his family again, and slip away one evening to make use of the torpedo. Killing the enemy before they even arrive in France is the most efficient way of doing things. It also sends the best message possible to those contemplating invasion.
His first day in Marseille, he explores the waterfront, locates the pier in question, and works out his plan. June 24, 2023 9:08 P.M. Brett is in the water wearing a bathing suit, hiding under the small pier where the immigrant boat will tie up. Nobody has seen him, yet. Within fourteen minutes a vessel begins to approach. He has been worried about targeting the wrong boat, but is delighted to hear the conversation of two workers above on the pier, “Here comes that Middle Eastern mixed batch. Where’s the damned bus? We can’t have them loitering about like last time.” Brett readies the torpedo. It the heat-seeking variety, but he’s worried that there may not be enough heat for it to seek. For this reason, he waits till the boat is close, dives down nine feet, and takes very careful aim. Luckily the torpedo is very quiet. The extra depth helps in this regard, also to diminish visibility from the pier. Off she goes. In eight seconds, the boat blows sky high. Brett feels the impact through the water. Now comes the wave. He dives back under the surface to keep from being born against the sea wall. Now he swims underwater, surfacing quietly for air at intervals, to the place he planned on earlier. His clothes are hidden nearby. A couple sees him surface, so he comes right up out of the water, smiles at them and says, “What a place the world is today. A fellow can’t even have an evening swim without bombs going off everywhere.” The couple smiles sympathetically. and out of curiosity, continue moving towards the place where they can get a view of the impact point. Later, on his private little screen under the covers in bed, he watches the news report saying that four hundred twenty-two immigrants were killed in the explosion. As the weeks pass, this inspiring incident triggers a huge increase in the number of attacks against outlanders. The number of applications to France for immigration from non-European countries is now only six percent of what it was one year ago.
Parasites that are firmly attached to host organisms, in this case, European nations, are more difficult to eliminate than prospective ones. They realize the danger in staying, but have more to lose, so greater numbers have been arming themselves and initiating violence against indigenous populations, foolishly believing that they can conquer the host countries. These same things are happening all over Europe now. The increase in violence by outlanders is not of the impromptu pleasure seeking variety, like rape, but well planned military strikes like large scale truck arracks, mass shootings, and the blowing up of schools and churches full of people. Often the outlanders are seen, but rarely taken alive. Even when they are not seen, indigenous people know who is doing it, and are escalating their own reprisals. To be a racial outlander anywhere in Europe during this period is becoming very unsafe. Previously, news about these activities has been hidden from the vast majority of people, because of the subverted mass media. Thanks to the Musketeers and other patriots, public awareness has greatly increased. Alternative news outlets are flourishing. Purveyors of false news are being discredited. Some of those who slander viciously are having fatal car accidents on the way home from work. Nonviolent progress is also afoot. Everywhere Nationalist candidates of indigenous race are beginning to win political elections. Many of them are speaking openly about getting outlanders back to their ancestral homelands. The smartest of the outlanders see what is happening, and know that those who return home soonest will be in a much better situation competitively relative to food and shelter than those who wait to become part of the mass exodus. ~ Finis ~
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