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and Then Some Dr. Harlan Sewell, called Lan by his friends, is a successful clinical psychologist
who has helped a great many people to lead happy productive lives since receiving his PH.D. from the University of Chicago in 2016.
With experience Lan came to realize that the most destructive people to human
societies can’t be helped by anything except a trip to the city morgue. Since 2018 he has eliminated two-hundred-ninety-eight New
World Order functionaries and other enemies of humanity enabled by IMF banker subversion. First he puts together a dossier on each target to be certain of the magnitude
of their crimes, also thinking ahead to the day when he will write his memoirs or possibly legal defense, so his activity
may be an inspiration to others. Boris
Pilos at Last Lan has wanted to nail Boris Pilos for a long time. What good person would not? Pilos is a Communist IMF banker, the chief financial supporter of PALPAP violence directed against Libertarians in the USA, and is credited with the deaths of two-hundred-thirty-five-thousand people due to destabilization caused by his currency manipulations in third world countries. The problem has been how to get near enough to strike Pilos. He’s surrounded by well-armed security people twenty-four hours a day.One morning, Lan awakens from a dream wherein a Pilos type fellow perishes
by his own reckless behavior. Lan decides that this must be treated as a portentous dream and that he will construct similar
events on the earth plane where it will do some good. He asks a chemist friend prepare a special highly concentrated tincture of
cocaine in drinkable alcohol. Lan’s rather farfetched idea is that if he can get this odorless tasteless potion into
Pilos’ stomach on the right occasion that Boris will get himself into a fatal scrape via his own impulsive disoriented behavior. Pilos’ hatred for President Roswell Benedict is well known. He plans to have PALPAL thugs disrupt a speech that Benedict will give to Congress about Libertarian changes being enacted for worldwide liberty, prosperity, and peace, now that the destructive activity of the European Union, United Nations, and NATO have finally been eliminated. February 8, 2030 Today is a lucky break for Lan, or perhaps synchronicity. Pilos is hosting
a brunch just before the demonstration. Lan knows a young Libertarian chap who will be serving drinks at the affair, and makes
him an offer, “I’ll pay you fifteen hundred dollars if you put the contents of
this little vial into a large drink you will serve to Boris Pilos. Don’t worry… it’s not poison, just a
tincture of cocaine that will make him behave like a jackass in public… more than he usually does in any case. You’ll
have plenty of time to retrieve the glass, wash, and put it away with the others before the stuff takes effect.” The kid is smart and needs the money for tuition and beaver, “Okay, but the fee needs to be two thousand. Half now and half later,” Lan grins and says, “Okay, two thousand, but five hundred now, and fifteen hundred later.” “Agreed. What about the empty vial?” “I’m glad you asked. Just wipe it clean of fingerprints and put
it well down into any nearby trash can. Probably nobody will look for it, but even if they do, who’s to say Pilos didn’t
take the stuff on his own?” 10.24 A.M. Lan’s dream was right on target. Boris Pilos, half crazed with the cocaine,
supported by a group of suicidal mercenaries, attacks Roswell Benedict’s motorcade. The Secret Service stops the entire
business promptly with machine guns. The shooters use long volleys of fire to make sure that that Pilos is dead. He is in
fact, but chopped to pieces resembling low grade hamburger. Onlookers cheer with delight and many shed tears of joy. Industrial
Job Stealer Lan has long been appalled by the activities of H. J. Weatherfoot. These involve
the bribing of Congress to support tariff policies that allow him to manufacture airplane components more cheaply in China
using workers at near slave wages. The loss of jobs to American workers approaches six figures. Next, the congressmen masquerade as heroes by securing unearned benefits for
the families affected by the job shortage and who do not understand the cause-effect factors involved. Weatherfoot understands
this and uses it as a bargaining chip without overt reference. February 24, 2030 Weatherfoot is skiing early today. So is Lan. It’s frozen granular at
the top, so Weatherfoot takes the lift that unloads about half way up the mountain, skis down, and takes a steep trail with
an inch of new powder over packed powder. He loves to go fast. Lan takes off behind him and waits till he’s doing sixty
mph, then speeds up, comes parallel to him and starts bumping him over toward the trees. Lan is wearing a scary mask and Weatherfoot is absolutely terrified by the
situation. This distracts him. He can’t stop or turn. It takes several seconds, but Lan puts Weatherfoot into the trees
at seventy miles an hour. Poor old Weatherfoot is heading right at a spruce pruned of the lower branches. Instinctively, he thrusts out his arms to stop himself. They, of course, snap like breadsticks. He hits the tree full face at seventy-five miles an hour. His death comes fast on this day, as every bone in his body breaks almost simultaneously. Lan skis down to the parking lot and drives over to another mountain. Weatherford
is found twenty three minutes later. The tracks tell the whole story, but not the who the rival skier was. Military
Dragonfly Leo Chason makes helicopters. He sells them to all branches of the military.
During peacetime, demand falls off, so Leo does everything he can to encourage members of Congress to make sure the United States remains embroiled in every kind
of military struggle imaginable. His method is quite standard, large campaign contributions. This manufacturer can also fly his helicopters and loves to take prospective
buyers out for an early morning demonstration flight. He always asks them about air sickness first, because he showcases the extremes of performance
with quick assents and dives. Although assassinations of this type would normally confer a constructive message
to society, the subverted media almost always makes them seem to be the opposite in motivation from what they are. For this
reason, Lan has no objection to having this hit look like an accident. If nothing else, it will slightly reduce the risk of
being caught. Lan has been experimenting with a sonic devise which will effect a person’s
balance and coordination, disorienting their behavior. It works very much like intrusion alarm frequencies that disable people with
acute hearing, except that this will effect anybody, and is aimable with a five inch radius at one hundred feet. He has equipped
it with a nice checkered walnut stock. It looks like a normal rifle with suppressor, and fits in a guitar case, with plenty
of room for other stuff. April 4, 2030 Today Leo is demonstrating the latest model reconnaissance helicopter to a
U.S. Army buyer, who Lan happens to know is a war mongering rotter without interest in any moral basis for engagement. This
will be killing two birds with one stone. Lan has observed one of Leo’s demonstration flights, and is familiar with
the surrounding area. 8:03 A.M. Leo and the buyer come zooming along towards the big factory smokestack that
Leo enjoys spiraling around when he’s showing off maneuverability. Today he comes very close, then hovers like a dragonfly
about one hundred and twenty feet off the ground. Lan steps out from behind a building, points carefully, then while firing,
sweeps the aim around Leo’s head. It works. The poor fellow swoons with dizziness. He would instinctively switch to
autorotation after getting away from the stack, but it’s too late. He’s so disoriented that when he tries to turn
away, he goes closer. One of the blades hits the stack and breaks, then the rest. The helicopter drops like giant beanbag.
Three seconds after it hits the ground, it explodes. Lan snickers with glee as he drives away, amazed at the excellence and sheer
beauty of what he has just accomplished. Congressional
Bribery Lan knows the identity of the congressman bribed by Leo Chason. He wants very much to try out one of his new bombs for this, but there is absolutely no way to access the congressman’s unattended car. At work, it’s in the official garage monitored by security cameras. At home, it goes into a locked garage every night. Lan has an idea, and follows the congressman from his home to see his exact route to the Capital. The new bombs are very simple. They attach magnetically. Opening the car door
triggers the explosion. In these specific circumstances, however, modification is required. Lan equips one with a remote radio
activated detonator. April 18, 2030 8:21 A.M. The congressman stops daily at a traffic light. Lan is waiting in heavy disguise.
He scoots out low from between two parked cars and gently attaches the bomb just under the fender next to the gas tank. He
is seen somewhat by the motorist behind, but makes it look like he dropped his gloves while planning to cross illegally, then
changed his mind, going back to the side walk. The light changes to green, the cars take off. The car behind the target vehicle turns
left. Lan waits till the congressman is about three hundred feet away, then presses the button. The car blows up and is engulfed
in flame. Nearby automobiles are not affected. One adjacent motorist, however, soils his trousers. Dumb
Down Media Boss Mel Rosenberg makes big bucks as a subverted media boss. He’s completely
onboard with the IMF Globalist agenda to dumb down the youth of the world to be acquiescent slaves in the New World Order
finance matrix. To this end, Mel editorially endorses every destructive trend or fashion will
arise spontaneously in any drug besotted society. He writes essays touting sex perversion as “freedom of the higher self.”
He encourages the use of recreational drugs, but not their legalization, because that would put all the pushers out of business
overnight. It would also drastically reduce the number of inmates in the huge prison system financed by his IMF Banker cronies.
The sheer destructiveness of the things that Mel does has earned him the nickname, “Melrose Decay.” One day Lan is visiting the Historical Wax Museum and sees a lifelike diorama
of Robespierre supervising the guillotining of aristocrats during the French Revolution. One of the victims looks just like Rosenberg. It makes him chuckle. Now he studies
the structure of the equipment used. During the next two weekends in his back yard, Lan constructs a very good facsimile of the wax museum guillotine. His first thought is to use the instrument once and leave it at the scene for shock value. After sleeping on this idea, however, he realizes that he likes the device enough that he wants to save it for future use, after a good hosing down, of course. He can post a video of the entire business online for even better shock value. May 4, 2030 10:34 A.M. Rosenberg is at the supermarket. As he is putting the groceries in his car
trunk, a hand with chloroform rag embraces his face. When he wakes up, he is gagged and handcuffed with ankle shackles near
the guillotine in Lan’s back yard. There is a traditional head basket at hand and a video camera on a tripod. Mel is thinking
at his juncture that he may be in very bad trouble today. Before Mel can do anything, a figure in black robe with pointed hood and eye
holes, appears and points grimly to the guillotine. Mel slowly gets to his feet. Lan starts the camera, advances briskly on
Mel, grabs a pressure point on his neck, and walks him easily over to the guillotine, takes him down, and fastens him in place. Mel has already begun to wet his pants and there will be more to come. Lan
releases the blade. Down it comes: Caput. Mel’s head roles into the traditional basket. Lan delivers the head to Mel’s place of employment. The body goes into
plastic garbage bags, then into a city dumpster. Subverted
Film Producer Herschel Weinbaum works very hard to destroy the cultural heritage of European
gentiles. He loves to remake classic stories for children, adding in a lot of loud dirty mouth African characters who belittle
every nuance of Caucasian heritage, all with a posture of superior intelligence and wisdom, as though they were the sighted in the
kingdom of the blind. No intelligent adult would sit through this inverted lowbrow nonsense, but kids are more trusting and
don’t know any better. Recently a chap of acquaintance summed things up nicely and drew a chuckle
from Lan when he remarked, “In Africa, monkeys mock Negros from the trees.
In America, Negros mock Europeans from park benches”. Lan reads that Weinbaum will be shooting a scene for an upcoming film in the
African section of the city zoo. Regular visitors will be instructed as they enter, to explore the zoo as though the movie
people were not present, and will later be able to enjoy seeing themselves in another of Weinbaum’s smash hits. The next day after lunch, Lan visits the zoo to see about possibilities. As
he walks through the African exhibits, he sees an eight-hundred pound male Gorilla named Zimbobo who acts very angry at every
human passing by. When you see this huge fellow you just know instinctively that if you were on the other side of that fence, he would rip you to pieces in seconds. When he isn’t rampaging, he sits glaring with a hateful look. The zoo people think that finding him a mate might help his disposition, but they also know that in the meantime, intense Gorilla hostility makes him a very noteworthy and publicized attraction. This gives Lan another darkly ironical idea. If Hershel Weinbaum admires African
hostility so much, perhaps there is some way to get him on the other side of the fence where he can experience it firsthand.
This would be, of course, a bit late in the game for Weinbaum, but better late than never. Lan reads that Weinbaum has a gold pocket watch given to him by his mother
on his twelfth birthday. The article says that this watch is more important to
him than life itself. With this bit of intel, the plan falls neatly into place. Lan knows a small wiry chap named Zack who is badly in need of money. Lan propositions
him about a trip to the zoo, “You act like any normal tourist, then suddenly grab Weinbaum’s
pocket watch and toss it over the fence so that he sees you do it, then run like hell. Nobody will give chase. He will be
worried about the watch, not you. For this I will give you three thousand dollars.” Zack is a fast runner and agrees. May 25, 2030 Morning The film crew has begun to shoot. At
the Africa pavilion, Zimbobo doesn’t like all the movie crew tobacco smoke and is up on a small hill
at a considerable distance from the fence. Zack comes along, does his job, runs off, the watch goes sailing over the fence, and is laying undamaged in plain sight on the soft grass. Weinbaum is furious, but is used to dealing with stress. This film crew always uses a cherry picker for overhead shots, with a camera man
in the basket and a crane operator in the truck cab. Weinbaum relieves the camera man and asks the operator to transport him
fully over the fence so he can get the watch. Once Weinbaum is out of the basket, Lan walks briskly up, unnoticed, and pulls
out just the right heavy wire to deactivate the cherry picker crane apparatus. Weinbaum retrieves the watch, but now finds
that he is stuck on the wrong side of the fence. Zimbobo has been watching all this activity intently and stands up. Weinbaum
sees this and yells, “Foe God’s sake, get me out of here.” Zimbobo hears the fear and anguish in Weinbaum’s voice and immediately
decides to press his advantage. He comes charging down the hill at a breakneck speed which would seem to belie his great size
and strength. Weinbaum cannot climb up the cherry picker crane and just goes limp as Zimbobo rips his right arm out of the
socket and beats him with it like a club. Then the other arm. Then both legs. Two devilish young camera people have the foresight
to get the entire business on film. That night on the evening news, viewers are horrified to see what happened.
The zoo people make little comment, but are secretly happy about the publicity, and Lan is tickled pink as he enjoys roast
lamb for dinner. Subverted
Professor Globalist Professor Roger Quinlan’s goal is to make reality and human policy
conform to a distorted world view, rather than make the world view and human policy conform to workable reality. He does this by
slowly replacing logical common sense reactions to life with false ideas about wealth, economics, science, health, nutrition,
sex, gender, natural selection, archaeology, race, history, good, evil, right, wrong, love, hate, spirituality, liberty, security,
and national sovereignty. He does this not just with fake emphasis and interpretation, but often with outright lies. When intelligent students challenge his claims, he baits them with tricky talk
into becoming justly annoyed, then reports them to Student Conduct for “disrespectful speech,” where a complicit
slave orders mandatory referral to the subverted school psychologist who then prescribes dumb-down tranquilizers. If he student refuses,
he faces expulsion. June 14, 2030 When Lan learns about this triumvirate of evil, his first thought is about
how to get the three of them together in one place. He studies the school website to see what each of these thugs look like. Fortunately,
all three photos are fairly recent. The next day he visits the university in heavy disguise to study possibility.
It doesn’t take long. At lunch, he follows Quinlan to the Student Commons and is delighted to see that the three homosexual
creeps are having lunch together by themselves in a far corner of the room. Might as well do it now. Lan walks briskly to their table. Out comes the PPK with poison bullets and
suppressor. From behind, he presses the gun against the heart of each the two cohorts, fires with almost no sound, then leans
forward with a boarding house reach, places the gun against the astonished professors heart and fires. Nobody even notices
until he is out the door, and two hundred feet from the entrance. He is off the campus on the way to his office before the
police are even aware of the shooting. Subverted
Citizen July 8, 2030 It’s a nice cool day. Lan stops in a park, sits down, and gets talking
with chap drinking a large coffee. Lan mentions about how the recent Navy Seal arrests of pedophile rings in American cities,
reported on local television in the cities where they occur, are not bring reported by subverted national channels. With a vacant look, the fellow drags on his cigarette, coughs spasmodically,
and replies, “Jesus. Talk about conspiracy theory…” Lan shows normal patriotism and attempts to educate the fellow about who controls
mainstream media and their long term objectives. No matter what he says, the coward can only express denial and replies, “That’s a matter of opinion.” Lan is disgusted by the fact that people like this actually influence political
events via the voting booth. Finally, Lan looks around, pulls out the PPK, shoots
the complicit subhuman between the eyes and leaves. One should do a good deed every day. Eddie DuPriz likes to rape ‘em, then kill ‘em. He does this every
month or two. Usually he cuts their throat when he’s through. Thus far he has been acquitted on two occasions because of illegally
obtained evidence. Lan is appalled by a legal system that allows these acquittals. Yes, there
must be some redress to the obtaining of evidence illegally, but to acquit a rapist-murderer who has been proven guilty is
a far greater crime itself. More will die because of it. August 3, 2030 Lan follows DuPriz at lunchtime, catches him alone on the street, and shoves
him into a doorway. With PPK in hand, he asks, “Eddie, why do you hate women so much?” Eddie replies, “Fuck you!” Lan replies, “No, Eddie. Fuck you.” and shoots off Eddies pecker, then puts one between his eyes. Domestic
Child Abuser Frederick Brainard enjoys the feeling of power he gets from inflicting pain
on his six year old son, Daniel. It doesn’t matter to him that this isn’t real power, he does it anyway. Fred is a constitutional psychopath. He has lived parasitically all his life
by exploiting the misplaced generosity of wealthy parents. He is more homosexual than heterosexual, but married a naïve young girl to placate
his parents by not becoming more of a family embarrassment than he is already because of the clinically diagnosed “phobia”
that his compromised psychiatrist cooked up to keep him out of the workplace. September 12, 2030 Last week Fred scored a kilo of very good grass. He’s been wrecked for
three days and has been growing increasingly short tempered and irritable. Today for no reason at all, he punches Daniel in
the face. Fred’s wife drives the boy to the hospital. On the way she coaches him so that he
will corroborate her story. The doctor puts eight stitches in his forehead and recommends ibuprofen for the concussion. The
police are notified and Fred’s wife tells them that the child fell while playing on the porch. Lan finds out the truth about Fred’s ongoing reign of terror from an
old girlfriend who is a confidant of Fred’s unhappy wife. Lan catches up to Fred at the seashore, punches him hard in the face, and says, “I understand you get off on hurting little kids. Hip to the trip. Am
I right, Fred?” Fred is a natural coward, is very afraid, and answers in high tremolo, “Sir, I just can’t help myself.” Lan says, “Don’t worry Fred. I can help you.” Lan produces the PPK and blows Fred’s brains out. There is grey matter
on the sand. Lan looks at the body and says, “Looks like I brained you good, don’t it Brainard? Real hip trip.
Explain it to Satan.” Human
Traffickers Lan contemplates the idea of doing greater numbers at one time, so he buys
a compact, .22lr caliber automatic rifle with four one hundred round clips. That’s a lot of bullets, enough to get you out of any situation. He also
gets a carbon fiber vest. He saw an ad for this claiming that if you are shot with a very high caliber rifle, you will be
knocked down and feel like you’ve been kicked by a mule, but you will survive. All of this is just in time. Lan finds out about a group of human traffickers
who have more than fifty abducted children in cages. They sell the kids to people who approach them through a cautious network
of inquiry. September 26, 2030 c 8:05 A.M. Lan, in heavy disguise, drives up to the slave warehouse. He walks right
in, gun under his long coat, and sees the kids. Two men advance on him. He shoots them both in the head. On this occasion he is not using poison bullets because of the
remote possibility of a ricochet grazing one of the kids. He looks around and sees a woman pick up a cell phone, aims carefully, and
hopes that he nailed her before the call connects. From behind a portable chalk board, a fellow appears and shoots at Lam. The
bullet just misses. Lam returns fire and does not miss. Now he walks briskly around. Seems like he got them all. He calls 911, lets
two of the older boys out of their cages, and instructs them to release the others. He says, “The police are on the way. You’ll be on the way home in no time.
I have to leave.” Just has he opens the warehouse door a big grey sedan pulls up. Four men start
to get out. Lan shoots three of them. The fourth manages to shoot first, but misses. Lan gets him. It takes two bullets. The
guy was fast, fast on the draw. Tonight on the news, reporters speak of the “Vanishing Hero,” saving
fifty-four kids from slavery, They compare him to the protagonist warrior of the Death
Wish movies. Lan is honored by this, feels deep inner satisfaction and says aloud to himself, “How I love this work” Lan learns about a group of four snuff porn filmmakers. They use a basement
apartment rented under a false name. In light disguise, Lan does reconnaissance, and sees that there is a ceiling camera in the hall
near the apartment, but none in similar positions on other floors. He reasons that the snuff people have probably hooked it
up for their own use. October 14, 2030 11:03 A.M. In heavy disguise Lan is carrying a large hot peperoni pizza pie in a box.
He approaches the door and knocks. No answer. Then again. A man opens the door with the chain in place. Lan sets the pizza down, pulls
out the PPK, and lunges hard against the door. The chain breaks. He enters and shoots all four before they even know what’s
happening. Two are wearing hooded robes and face masks. Good timing today. They were just about to start filming. There is a young
girl tied down naked on a table with a ball gag in her mouth. On a side table is an assortment of hat pins. scalpels, and knives. As Lan
unties her he asks, “Do you have a cell phone?” She is speechless, but nods yes. He says, “Good. Call 911. Help the police all you can. I have to go.” Lan grabs the pizza, drives back to his office, and enjoys two slices with
a protein shake before seeing his next patient. Lan’s
Arrest During the next fourteen weeks Lan eliminates one fake historian, two kidnappers,
three child porn filmmakers, and one acquitted serial killer He also kills eighty-eight invading Islamists: thirty-six entering legally
via Catholic Charities transport and fifty-two entering illegally via night boats. He does these however, in a military fashion
that does connect to the other hits. Nobody in law enforcement looking for the one, is looking for the other. He never mentions it to anyone. December 28, 2030 Lan is enjoying breakfast when there comes a knock at the kitchen entry. He
opens the door. The visitor speaks, “Good morning, Dr. Sewell. I’m FBI Special Agent John Coluvis.
Please hear me out first, because what I must tell you is not nearly as bad as it might at first seem.” Lan nods in affirmation, and looks a bit solemn as he invites Coluvis to come
in and sit down, then offers him coffee. Coluvis accepts and continues, “I’ve been receiving a lot of pressure from above to interview
you as a suspect for what is now a grand total of three-hundred-thirty killings of various irredeemable criminals and national
traitors. The connection to you was made only recently. “I’ve reviewed the files on each of the targets, and as a Darwinist
Libertarian Nationalist, I would happily have volunteered to be the executioner of every one of them myself if they were being
dealt with properly by government, and I’m prepared to say that in court. “The laws have been changing rapidly in the direction of the destruction,
rather than the corrupt subsidization of evil, and what I’m thinking about is your possible acquittal as a national protector
rather than as a public enemy, with of course, a Libertarian jury and judge… Do you have an attorney?” Lan looks thoughtful and replies, “Yes. He too is a Libertarian Nationalist.” “Looks like we’re off to a good start. My advice would be to admit
to every one of them you actually did. It will save time and keep the jury’s focus on the bigger issues. Besides which,
if you take the denial route, the public prosecutor can easily prove five or six of them, and it only takes one. ” replies Coluvis. “How would you feel about meeting with me and my attorney together?” asks Lan. “I can do that, but I think you first need to get with him alone to explain
the things I’ve already told you. It will save time and pave the way for a better interaction between he and I. “Relax. Call your attorney. Do the dishes and pack an overnight bag, while I have another cup of coffee.” Lan’s
Trial Lan tells his attorney the entire business. They meet with John Coluvis. This
helps to iron out strategy. Lan’s attorney manages to get a Libertarian jury and judge on the very true pretext that
nobody other than a Libertarian would be capable of making fair judgement about Lan’s motivations. The jurors are all given a copy of Lan’s notes on the victims. These,
wisely, contain no mention of the guillotine, which Lan felt was an offbeat exception that might seem a bit too much like enjoyment. February 11, 2031 10:24 A.M. District Courthouse. Opening summaries. Council for the Defense: “Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury, the three-hundred-thirty so called victims of my client, Dr. Harlan Sewell, were all people who escaped justice by living
in a limp-wristed society, dumbed down to believe that human predators are sick, and can be ‘cured.’ “The targets were all in fact irredeemably evil constitutional psychopaths
with complicit aberration that merely qualified the nature of their ongoing encroachment against society. “Small scale examples include: rapists, human traffickers, kidnappers, child molesters,
child and snuff porn video makers, serial killers. “One very large scale example: Boris Pilos, who loved only gold, and destabilized third
world countries with currency manipulations that resulted in the deaths of an estimated two-hundred-thirty-five thousand people. “After a long run of ridding society of these
bad actors, our warrior among sheep has finally been found out and indicted, thus bringing to an end his splendid career of purging
our nation of evildoers. It
is my hope that your acquittal and his example will serve as inspiration to people in law enforcement worldwide to continue his good work in accordance with due
process of law whenever possible. Thankyou. The
trial goes smoothly. All the evidence is presented succinctly. The summation follows quickly. Court adjourns for one hour,
then reconvenes. The
jury’s verdict: “Since
the defendant admits to all the charges, the jury hereby finds him guilty as charged, but with recommendation for extreme
clemency to reflect the changing times in which we live and our great admiration for his heroic action in service to liberty,
prosperity, and peace.” The
judge excuses himself, takes five minutes in his chambers, then reappears on the bench. The
judge’s sentience: “The
defendant, Dr. Harlan Sewell, has been found guilty of three-hundred-thirty counts of first degree murder, and is hereby sentenced to three-hundred-thirty concurrent terms of life imprisonment. “Due
however, to mitigating circumstances surrounding the activity of the victims, all three-hundred-thirty sentences are hereby suspended. Defendant is ordered to
pay all court costs, as practical reprimand for circumventing due process of law. Case dismissed.” February
12, 2031 9:00 A.M. Roswell Benedict awards the defendant the Presidential Medal of Freedom in a formal ceremony at the White House. Following the universal broadcast of these events, public banquets are held all over the world, and on colonized planets, in Dr. Sewell’s honor. |
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