The Undertakers

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In this series, most of the evil things done by racial outlanders in the future are actually happening now in Las Vegas. This includes everything from loud dirty-mouth talk and name-calling with threats, to the arbitrary stabbing of Caucasians from behind on the city bus. Las Vegas is a Hell-on-Earth third world piss pot getting worse every day. How’s it going in cities near you?


Suicidal self-haters and lemmings will say that attacking savages are “disenfranchised” and justly angry at “divisive” immigration policies, and will council that the solution is to bring in more of them.


All mature people know that the real solution is to eliminate them and their treasonous defenders. For those like Willie and the Witches, who care about the future, it’s well past time to embark on the extermination of subhumanity, a truly massive undertaking.


In this volume, the Period of Natural Correction is enjoyed as TV news by Willie and the Witches. The events recapped appear in greater detail in The Triumph of Liberty, but are briefly here as the natural aftermath to Ritual LNR performed by the family March 21, 2036.


The last four chapters are taken intact from The Triumph of Liberty because there is little way to improve them, and they are the most suitable ending to this phase of the family’s life.



Roy C. Peterson

September 16, 2023

 11:56 A.M.