Magick is the carefully directed use of make-believe,
among other things, to the end of securing conditions greatly desired.
The use of magickal procedures is best confined to
ceremonies honoring important ideals and events, or for the celebration of the seasons. It is usually best to achieve specific
goals in life without the use of ritual procedures of any kind unless absolutely necessary. The ethical problems involved
in trying to exert influence over other people at a distance are complex and parallel the issues surrounding the use of subliminal
messages and surveillance.
Having reconciled beforehand the moral rightness of
any working, the actualization of desired change in the external world can be effected within the context of magickal procedures
1. By ordinary, mundane methods, including all those
known to profane science.
2. Through the manipulation of ancient archetypal imagery
to inspire one's own subconscious mind to bring about the desired result. The latter day term for watered-down versions of
this is "psychodrama."
3. By inspiring the subconscious minds of others, either
present or at a physical distance through telepathy, or in the future, utilizing their expected clairvoyant reaction to things
enacted now.
4. Directly, at a distance, by telekinesis.
5. By any combination of the above, including total
astral projection.
6. By other methods utilized by certain individuals,
not necessarily understood even by them, which "might" be working anyway, even accidentally. These also in combination with
any other methods.
7. By necromantic processes, which the author must
urgently warn against. Case histories abound.