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Nellie Ingram is eighteen, and enrolled in pre-med studies locally at the University of Gothenburg. She and her boyfriend, Johann, an aspiring nutritionist, plan to be married and have two children, three dogs, and a small house in the country.
August 23, 2020 2:14 P.M. Nellie had her first class today. On the way home from the campus, there is a large, beautifully forested, city park.
Today, she is texting, and doesn’t notice the eight young Islamist men sitting on park benches across the street watching her. They observe that further down, she crosses the street, and walks into the park, over a small bridge spanning a stream, then enters a long, little-used trail which winds away through trees and bushes. They follow rapidly.
As they catch up to her, one of them says,
“Hey bitch, why is your head and face not covered? Are you a whore?”
Another laughs and says,
“Of course she’s a whore. We must teach her not to profane public decency.”
Nellie fears what will probably come next, and tries to run, but she isn’t fast enough. They catch he easily, drag her into the bushes, rip off her clothes, then each takes his turn, first slapping and punching her face, then raping her, as the others watch and laugh.
Forty minutes later, they are through. There is, of course a pecking order for rape among the warriors of Islam. The last is the youngest. He decides to show off for the older fellows, finds a long stick on the ground, and uses it to deeply ravish Nellie’s vagina. Then he takes a ballpoint pen out of his shirt pocket, and, with a cool smirk at his friends, pokes out Nellie’s left eye. Then he comes right down in her face, and bellows,
“Would you like me to take the other eye? Would you, bitch? Hah! It’s Allah’s blessing for you today! I will not, because I want you to see me next time, just before I cut your throat, should you again decide to profane Islam by walking about indecently.”
The others laugh and three of them step forward, one at a time to give Nellie some parting kicks. One to both knee joints, one to the ribs, one to the vagina.
Three hours later, a couple out walking, hear Nellie moaning in the bushes, investigate, and call an ambulance. Nellie is taken to a hospital. February 22, 2022 Sixteen months later, Nellie is still in the hospital. She has had twelve operations to repair the massive internal injuries. She looks thirty years older, and will never be able to have children as long as she lives.
Johann was enraged when there was no mention of Nellie’s assault in the local papers. With a little research he found out that this kind of violence is actually common in Sweden today, and he never knew about it because IMF banker subverted mainstream media doesn’t report it. They are vigilant, however, in reporting “unkind” remarks about Islam on Twitter and Facebook, and many of those designated as “haters” have been arrested and imprisoned for speaking the truth.
Now that Johann understands the European Union and their involvement in the Globalist agenda, he develops some very specific goals relative to the Islamic “refugees” ravaging his country and their treasonous accomplices in the government. He knows that all these enemies of his race and country must be killed quickly and efficiently. He keeps these ideas to himself.
Nellie’s faith in the future has been completely destroyed. She cries herself to sleep every night. Johann has been very supportive and steadfast in his love for her, but is beginning to realize that the life they were planning will never be. She is becoming more and more withdrawn. Some days she won’t even consent to see him.
Eventually Johann meets a new girl and they begin dating. She is beautiful and positive, like Nellie used to be. One day Nellie sees them together and that night, takes her own life.
When Johann finds out, he feels empty and utterly bleak for days. He will always love Nellie, but must continue his own life. He begins to think of killing one Islamic monster per day as something akin to taking his daily vitamins. From here on he becomes active in true service to the evolutionary destiny of mankind, without mention to anyone.
During the next ten years, Odin guides his hand in killing over eight hundred Islamic invaders, using everything, but the kitchen sink, to do it.
Elsa Barrett is twenty years old, and lives with her parents. They have always vacationed in the country, and are all proficient in the use of firearms for target shooting. Elsa loves children and is studying at the Stockholm Institute of Education to be an elementary school teacher.
Elsa’s fiancée, Jon, was killed recently in the terrorist bombing of a city bus. Since then, she has been reading more about Globalism. She knows that the schools have been subverted, and thinks a good deal about how she might phrase lessons to influence her pupils to be Libertarian Nationalists, without getting fired.
After the bombing, Elsa’s father bought a Walther TPH and gave it to her for personal protection. On that occasion he said,
“This little beauty is to carry in your purse at all times. Tell nobody that you have it, and avoid scanners. It’s not a battlefield weapon, but with your shooting skills, it will stop six invading outlanders before they get to you. After the last bullet, run like Hell.”
She hugs him,
“Thanks, Pa.”
September 14, 2020 Elsa is on the way to the college. As she walks along, a group of fourteen Swedish junior high school kids get off a city bus, and start goofing around as they walk the short distance to their school, down the sidewalk towards her.
Suddenly a rental truck comes speeding up behind her, swerves right up onto the sidewalk, and smashes into the kids, killing eleven of them instantly. The truck screeches to a stop.
As two bearded Islamic men jump out of the cab, Elsa ducks behind a tree, and pulls out the TPH. With gun in hand, she peeks out from behind the tree. One of the men see her, and starts to raise his own weapon. She fires first and hits him in the middle of the forehead. The other man, runs to get the fallen man’s gun. Elsa leads him a bit, and puts a bullet just above his ear.
Across the street an Islamic man sympathetic to Mid-Eastern terrorists in general, becomes an impromptu accomplice, and takes several pictures of Elsa. He is hidden from view, and she never realizes that he saw her. She quickly leaves the area, and takes a slightly longer than usual route to the college.
September 16. 2020 Elsa is walking home from the college past a van parked next to the side walk. The side door opens and two Islamic men jump out and grab her. One presses a chloroformed handkerchief over her nose as they pull her into the van.
When Elsa wakes up, she is tied down naked on a bed. Four Islamic men begin nearly eighty minutes of torture. They use long needles, fishhooks, burning cigarettes, and knives. When she is fully butchered, but still alive, they take turns raping her and then shove a tube into her vagina and pour acid into the tube. They laugh at the smoke,
“Hah, hah! Hot bitch likes it with real men!”
The men have had their fun, so they cut her throat and leave,
September 15, 2020 The police locate Elsa’s father, and he is asked to identify her remains. As he drives home, he begins a plan to assassinate eight top officials in the subverted Swedish government.
March 23, 2021 After killing the last of the eight, he wonders why he didn’t do this before the murder of his daughter. He sits down at his kitchen table and plans the eleven more assignations.
Bertram Siegfried Anderson can make a fire in a three-foot box appear to be enveloping a huge tract of land or even a city. Nobody knows how he does what he does so well. He has become famous worldwide as the “Pyro Perfectionist.”
Because of Bert’s Nationalist Libertarian views, film industry twits everywhere seek endless ways to mock him. There have been several silly cartoons:
One shows him riding on a big red fire engine, with his tongue hanging out like a dog, and of course, he has the body of a Dalmatian.
Another shows witchy women of a savage race tormenting him as doll, with the envoutment process involving burns from small firebrands, rather than the usual pins.
A particularly strange cartoon, shows him standing parched, blistered, and blackened by soot, with a very defeated look on his face, as a forest fire rages in the background. Smokey the Bear is lying on the ground next to him, barely identifiable, burnt to a crisp.
Perhaps the best known is a dramatized video, where Bert is tied to a stake, writhing in agony, as famous actors and actresses place firewood on a pile at his feet and the flames climb higher. Off to the side, a film director says to his shapely young consort,
“My, what a splendid conflagration.”
October 22, 2020 Molly Anderson, Bert’s twelve-year-old daughter is a pretty, bright, enthusiastic girl. She wants to be an actress, but also plans on literature as her minor course of study at the University of Gothenburg.
Today she decides to walk home from school with friends, and is now alone on the last stretch of her trip, just one half block from her house. A van is turning the corner up ahead, and begins to slow down as it approaches her. It stops quickly, the side door opens, and a dog catcher’s pole is thrust out at her. The noose drops over her head, and she is pulled into the van. Two Islamic men from Somalia gag and bind her.
Bert is frantic when Molly doesn’t come home for dinner. He phones everybody he can think off, but gets no results. As a last resort, he calls the police, who are unsympathetic to indigenous populations, in the current climate of treason.
Two days later, Molly’s body is found in a roadside ditch. The pathologist’s report mentions that she is evenly covered with three hundred seventy-eight deep cigarette burns, her buttocks are lacerated raw from prolonged whipping with a red hot coat hanger.
There is semen from two African men in her alimentary canal and vagina, along with a quart of liquid drain cleaner.
That night, the newspaper story appears on page four, and reads thusly,
“Today, the body of a young Swedish girl was found near a Stockholm roadway. Traces of semen showed there had been sexual activity with two men. The cause of death was identified as heart failure. There are no other details available at this time.”
Bert Anderson is inconsolable in his anger and grief. He knows exactly what he must do. He has faith in the expectation that the fine points of how to do it will come to him spontaneously soon.
Long ago, Bert’s grandmother, Agnes, used a colorful phrase when intense exclamation about injustice was called for.
Bert feels that, besides what happened to Molly, the influx to Sweden of millions of other raping outlanders, certainly calls for intense exclamation, but what good will it do?
The subverted Swedish government is guilty of treason on a daily basis. The only way to insure survival of the Nordic race, and of European ethnicities and culture, is to kill so many of the outland invaders that they will fear coming to Europe, no matter what the traitorous governments promise them.
Grandma’s phrase, “Tusen Brinnande Djävlar” means A Thousand Burning Devils. One day, Bert has a sudden flash of inspiration: make the phrase, the reality. It would be the biggest job and the finest conflagration, of his career.
The film leading up to the conflagration scene will be done as a documentary, filled with facts and statistics about the impact of outland immigration on European societies, culture, and race.
Bert, with some very trustworthy helpers, will round up outlanders guilty of rape or like encroachment, then house and feed them until there is one thousand. The burning enemies will be given strong pain suppressors to minimize their suffering. They will barely feel anything, but those watching the film will not know this. The shoot itself will be over very quickly, but the scene depicting it, will be long and agonized, with segments filmed from every conceivable angle. It should not only make outlanders fear immigration, but cause those already in Sweden to leave in a hurry.
Next Project
January 16, 2021 Stockholm 8:00 A.M. Bert addresses the Anderson Film Productions daily business meeting as usual, then,
“There is a special project I would like to explain to three of you. Lars, Sven, and Peter, please stay for extra briefing.”
As the employees file out, the three men sit back down. When the door closes, Bert begins his pitch,
“I think I know you three fellows well enough to say that you are nationalists who want your race and country to survive. Am I right?
All three agree. Bert continues,
“I have a project that will eliminate one thousand outlanders guilty of rape, acid attacks, terrorism, or other violent behavior. Still interested?”
They are, so Bert explains,
“We will make a documentary with 1.000 outlanders in a scene they will not survive. Drugs will be used to minimize the actual suffering. The audience perception of suffering, however, will be greatly enhanced by editing. The film will be done anonymously, specifying Europe, but not Sweden. I will fly to southern France incognito for the online distribution. When prospective immigrants see this one they will probably not choose Europe.
“Because of the pyro involvement, we must expect to be heavily scrutinized afterwards. Our remedy will be to clean up thoroughly after production, go on with other projects, then release the film several months later. This will give nature, in the form of wind, rain, birds, insects, and microbes, a chance to help us by getting rid of the crumbs, so to speak.”
They all chuckle,
“Risk will be minimized by absolute secrecy, even from wives or girlfriends. Remember what Professor Kai Murros has said about the Nationalist Revolution, that we must do things that we tell nobody else about, secrets that we must carry to our graves. It seems bleak at first, but there is great nobility in it.
“There will be a complete absence of our everyday signature techniques, that would flag us quickly. There will be plenty of overtime work, at time and a half. Are there now any of you who would prefer not to be involved directly from this point on?”
Lars speaks first,
“I’m in. I think we can pull it off.”
The others agree.
Bert looks delighted,
“Okay. I used a straw buyer to procure a property in a private location five miles from here. There is a large old industrial complex with a fenced-in meadow on one side. The first thing we do is modify the building into a compound to house the outlanders.
“It might take quite a while to get the thousand, so the building needs to be secure. We will take the posture that we’re upgrading it for furniture making. We won’t use it visually as part of the documentary, just the meadow for the fire scene. The building will, however, be central in finishing and editing the project.”
January 22, 2021 The work begins. The narrative used, is that of making the building “burglar proof” using small window panes with strong steel mullions, and reinforced doors. Some wiring and plumbing are required to meet municipal codes. Bert hires a really good contractor, and also has them install an irrigation system, utilizing deep underground hoses and adjustable sprinkler heads, in the meadow. The work is completed within six weeks.
It takes two more weeks to get prompt city inspections “prior to utilization.” Minimizing publicity involves gaining journalist sympathy about eliminating “unsolicited superintendents” through minor coverage.
March 22, 2021 The construction is finished. City inspectors have come and gone. Now to procure the actors. It turns out to be easier than Bert and his three helpers imagined.
They do it by raiding support groups for Islamic men who meet to discuss strategies for dealing with convictions for rape, assault, robbery, mugging, and acid attacks.
A display of automatic weapons comes first. One helper is seen to be filming the entire business. Next Bert, in disguise, addresses the prospective abductees thusly,
“You men have been chosen as background actors for an upcoming Hollywood feature film. I realize that our approach is somewhat unorthodox, but we lack the funds to do otherwise. At the end, I assure you, all will receive appropriate recompense as part of our profit sharing system for a film that we think will be a block buster. We will require you to sign a release form acknowledging your eager willingness to participate in this cinematic landmark. No signature, no pay.
“Please come with us peaceably. There is a production company bus waiting outside. You will be taken to a holding facility on the movie lot, and given plenty of nutritious food, before the filming begins. Our camera man Carl is filming you already, for a documentary about how the picture was made… very popular with the college film schools.”
Then follows a quick ushering into the bus. The unanimous quiet cooperation is gratifying. Once the captives are settled in at the facility, they are given spiels at intervals about having to delay production until there are sufficient numbers. The food is good, however, and helps to placate restlessness. There are security cameras everywhere to keep the captives thoughtful about not trying to escape.
April 14, 2021 Twice a week Bert and his people allow the detainees a little fresh air outside in the meadow. This would be a risky business, except for the spirit of voluntary compliance accruing to the magic name of Hollywood. Their number now is almost at one thousand.
The grass in the meadow has been greening up well because of the sprinklers. The ground will be saturated enough not to quickly absorb any other liquid. Bert has procured a powerful pump that will purge the sprinkler system of water the day before filming.
One last project not involving the contractor is a system of upright natural gas jets connected by hose, eight feet apart, with radio controlled ignition, around the periphery of the meadow just inside the chain link fence, but just outside the area covered by the sprinklers. Conflagration
April 20, 2021 Remote control cameras are in position to film the meadow from every conceivable angle, including from the nearby tree tops.
8:00 A.M. The detainees have just finished a fine breakfast loaded with pain killers, and are in good spirits, because today they will finally be filmed for their immortalization on the silver screen. Within a few minutes they are all outside, evenly spaced across the meadow. Bert addresses them through a PA system,
“Gentlemen, the day we have all been waiting for is at hand. I want to thank each and every one of you for your understanding and patience. There will be splendid special effects accompanying your performance in the form of natural gas flames surrounding the meadow. You will understand the dramatic significance of this, forthwith. Again thank you all.”
The cameras start. Lars ignites the gas jets simultaneously and the thousand men are dazzled by the seven-foot-high plumes of flame. Bert is back inside, and again starts the pump. The sprinkler system immediately fills with high octane gasoline. The sprinkler heads have been adjusted to produce only a very fine mist above the grass, before shutting off. The gas flames instantly ignite the gasoline. All of the meadow becomes a lake of fire. The thousand men begin to walk about in numb fascination, but the lack of oxygen soon overtakes them, and their physical movement becomes that of slow motion suffocation. There is some screaming, as one might expect, since any pain killer will be relatively ineffective with a small percentage of recipients. All of them, however, are down and well on the way to crispness within two minutes.
The natural gas is turned off. The cameras are stopped. The gasoline burns itself completely away within four minutes, leaving only the smoldering bodies. Bert hooks the sprinklers back up to the city water system, turns them on, and the meadow cools down quickly.
Two small easy-dump barges are in the water on the far side of the facility. Using small front end loaders, it takes Bert and his helpers almost an hour to get the carnage into them. It takes another ninety minutes for Lars to pilot one barge, with the other in tow, out to a good dumping point, where sharks can enjoy plenty of charred meat for a change.
Meanwhile, Bert and the other men round up the gas jets and hose. Lars returns just in time for lunch. Then they all rake and lightly fertilize the meadow, reseeding it with conservation mix. There is a proper percentage of winter rye in this to ensure quick sprouting and a rapid return to normalcy.
This takes all day, and they finish just as the dinner hour approaches. Segments of the conflagration aftermath have been filmed for the documentary. A damned fine day of work.
May 2, 2021 Bert and his helpers are delighted that the conflagration scene went so smoothly with no notice by anyone. It was only the quickness of the entire job, and a knowledge of the municipal fire spotter’s morning helicopter route, that made this possible.
It took two more days to thoroughly clean and sanitize the interior of the facility. There is probably some DNA kicking around, but nobody is looking for it, so all is well. Then everybody enjoyed three days off before resuming work.
The entire documentary narration is done by Sven over a period of two weeks. He is shown at intervals in a hooded robe with eye holes, using a special voice scrambler that completely hides the actual tonal qualities of his voice, but without sounding at all unnatural. In listening back, nobody, even Sven’s malamute, Garm, can recognize his voice. The editing takes three more weeks. The amount of footage is horrendous. The final product makes it look as though the thousand men were in agony for a very long time. Every recorded scream is heard as burning figures stumble and fall from one end of the meadow to another. Every rapid or unusual movement is spliced in, with just the right time intervals to make the scene perhaps the greatest masterpiece of conflagration moviemaking in the history of cinematography.
When they finish viewing the completed project, Bert has tears in his eyes, and addresses the others with some difficulty,
“I feel speechless… This turned out better than I ever could have hoped. Thank you all for your fine work. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all live long enough to see the day when we could stand up at a documentary awards ceremony and take public credit for this heroic act of patriotic film making. In that time Sweden will be free again… finally rid of the foulness of raping psychopaths, pushed on us by the European Union and the United Nations.”
Bert sniffles and blows his nose. The other men applaud him roundly.
New Projects
June 24, 2021 Last week, Bert contacted several furniture companies and found one that wants to buy the facility. He has left the details of closing the transaction to his attorney. The helpers and himself are at last back with the rest of the crew making films as usual.
The first new project is about men fighting huge forest fires ignited by Middle Eastern terrorists in Northern Europe. Filming involves travel to locations in the north.
In many instances, Bert’s special effects aren’t necessary, because there are real fires to be filmed with real firefighters, whose bosses are delighted to have their good work showcased publicly in movies. Many of the fire crew are interviewed for a separate short documentary for college film schools about the production.
When this project is finished, Bert decides that enough time has elapsed to release the epic documentary, A Thousand Burning Devils.
Film Release
December 2, 2021 Bert spends three hours on a university computer in Southern France. He is able to send the documentary for free as an Email attachment, to over four hundred sources for distribution to be shown in any manner of their choosing. Shocked enthusiasm is very great. Setup for local premiers is done quickly, and venues everywhere are packed.
December 8, 2021 Hollywood CA 8:00 P.M. Word has gotten around about the local premier. The usual Hollywood twits, perverts, drug addicts, and “social justice” parasites, are at hand along with a few normal liberty loving people. Sven’s narration elicits strong audience reaction right from the outset,
“Today the European race and culture is under siege by the servants of IMF banking. The European Union and United Nations are forcing hordes of Stone Age African savages, and religion crazed Mid-Eastern murderers, into Europe to destroy our civilization so that their banker overmasters can have total finance monopoly via one world government.”
The radical left starts booing and shouting,
as they look around, hoping to see someone they can assault. The narration continues,
“Imagine a future when you want to buy a house, and your mortgage is forty percent. Have trouble making the payments? Just refinance at a longer term, but now it’s sixty percent. Have trouble making the payments again? This time the Children of Avarice take your house and auction it.”
The leftist thugs are booing and shouting,
Sven’s diatribe continues, now with sarcasm,
“Since 1947 subverted main-stream media, schools, and churches have turned three generations of Europeans into mindless guilt ridden self-haters. The reaction of this element, when confronted with invading rapists, is to simply lie down and spread their legs.”
The slaves boo and shout,
“Conspiracy theorist!”
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