On February 14, 2015, Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard of the Gatestone Institute reported on Sweden: Rape Capital of the West. Following is a summary of their findings:
Since the Swedish parliament decided to make Sweden multicultural, violent crime has increased by 300%,
and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now the number two rape country in the world, after Lesotho in Southern Africa. In statistics,
second-generation immigrants are counted as Swedes, not immigrants.
The subverted Swedish courts are complicit with rapists, and acquit suspects who claim the victim wanted to have sex with several men.
In one case, an Internet radio station called mainstream newspapers to ask why they described rapists as
"Swedish" when they were actually Somali, without Swedish citizenship. The papers were offended when asked if they felt obliged
to warn Swedish women about men of rape-prone ethnicity. One reporter said that doing this is not their responsibility.
Comparison Data
The following graph shows rape per 100,000 of population, compared by country, with top and bottom countries
shown. These are 2012 statistics from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Chart is from Wikimedia Commons

According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, in 2011, 29,000 Swedish women reported
being raped. Less than 25% of rapes in Sweden are reported to the police.
Author note: Sweden is also known as the Doormat of Europe.
If outlanders being forced into Europe under the Globalist agenda of the European Union and United Nations commit rape or
assault, and are identified as to ethnicity by the person reporting the crime, the informer will be charged with “hate
speech” and imprisoned. The criminal will be detained for a short time, and deported. This is now called multicultural justice.