The Burklyn Vampires

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The Novel


At Breakfast


February 17, 2033  4:00 A.M.

Willie, Sage, Debbie, and Wendy awaken facing the most important decision each will ever make, essentially to be or not to be.


At breakfast the family all look solemn, but at the same time excited. Willie breaks the ice,


“First I want to suggest that there is no need to involve Janet in the events pertaining to Charly Voyer or Jim Werth. It’s not a matter of trust, just of keeping to prudent simplicity.


“Now, do we have any thoughts about short term enjoyment of gourmet cuisine vs. indefinite perpetuity in blood drinking?”


Sage speaks first,


“I think we should investigate the possibility of buying fresh beef blood, au juice, from a local slaughter house, keeping it refrigerated as they do with human blood at the hospital, to drink only as needed. The issue is whether the slaughter house refrigerates it the minute it’s extracted from the animals.


“We would need to be vigilant about keeping a continuing source. I haven’t thought of what to tell the slaughter house people… maybe something like French Dip sandwiches are a staple food with us, but then they may try

to sell us beef as well.


“In any case, we could see if it works for Janet for at least three months. If it does, we could let her change us, and stay with us permanently.”


Willie is impressed,


“That’s perfect. I was thinking beef blood myself, but you’ve taken the idea further… I know a guy at the slaughter house, and I’m going to ask him. I’ll say that the blood must be refrigerated immediately for proper nutrition and preservability. I’ll say nothing about French Dip sandwiches, but that we plan to make Beef-Vegetable cocktail adding tomatoes, bell peppers, and celery, and want to freeze it for year-round use.”


Sage looks pleased,


“Your phrasing is very believable.”


Debbie says,


“I’ve always liked chilled beef broth.”


Wendy says,


“Me too, and I imagine that in the vampire state we would never get tired of it. Let’s see what Willie finds out, sleep on it, and talk again.”



Slaughter House


February 18, 2033

Willie visits Paul at the slaughter house. After the preliminary greetings, Willie asks,


“We want to make beef-vegetable drink that we can freeze for year-round use. Is it possible to buy fresh beef blood refrigerated the minute its extracted from the animals?”


“Yes, we sell it to restaurants with beef roasts for French Dip sandwiches. How much will you need per week?”


It’s hard for Willie not to chuckle when he hears the French Dip reference. He replies,


“Three gallons a week should give us enough for the nutritional drink. I can use any excess as the nitrogen component of my garden fertilizer, and scare away rabbits and woodchucks into the bargain.”


Paul says,


“My grandma says Marigolds are also good for that, because they smell like blood. If you want three gallons right now I’ll can get it. We think it stores better in glass. There’s a deposit on the gallon jugs, so you would want to clean them well after use and bring them with you next time for refilling. If you decide to freeze any, clean plastic milk jugs are okay, but without preservatives its best to use the contents within six weeks. ”


Willie hadn’t thought of buying any today, but thinks of Janet coming to visit and says,


‘Yes, I’ll get some now, but since we’re only in the experimental stage with the recipe, is it okay to buy just two gallons the first time,?”


“No problem. I’ll be back in five minutes,”


Paul answers as he goes into the cutting room. 



Janet Arrives


February 20, 2033  4:02 P.M.

Janet’s lease expires today. She calls the Castle. Willie answers. She asks,


“Hi, Willie. I’m all packed. Is it okay to come over tomorrow at 9:00 A.M.?”


“Yes, is everything cool with your landlord?”


Janet answers,


“Yes. I gave him notice of my plans first thing Thursday morning. He has plenty of students on a waiting list.”


“Good. Stop at the kitchen, so we can unload your stuff. Your regular parking space will be in front of my garage door for now. Wendy and I will help you carry the stuff upstairs.”


She laughs,


“Willie, you dear man. Don’t you remember? I can carry it all up and be back in the kitchen before you even cross the dining room.”


He laughs,


“Sorry, you’re right. I wasn’t thinking.  See you tomorrow.”


February 21, 2033  9:06 A.M.

Sage and Debbie have already left for the hospital. Wendy and Willie are enjoying Seattle’s Best Portside in the kitchen. Janet is looking Very Vermont today with blue jeans and a plain red flannel shirt.


Willie hears the car, comes out and they carry Janet’s eleven boxes into the kitchen.


Janet says,


“I know, I said only eight boxes, but I picked up some books over the weekend.”


Willie says,


“I knew you would and took the liberty of buying four bookcases, a big work desk, reading lamp, and chair on Saturday. I hope you like them.”


She looks very happy, hugs Willie, and gives him a kiss on the cheek,


“Thanks Willie. I’ll be right back.”


Within thirty seconds her boxes disappear and she walks into the kitchen wearing a different outfit altogether. Even her hair looks different.


“The furniture is perfect. Thanks again. I have a ten o’clock class. See you around 4:00 P,M.”


As Janet backs out of the driveway, Wendy and Willie slowly turn and look at each other in astonishment. Willie says,


“She’s certainly good advertising for all this vampire stuff. I was so dazzled by the speed that I completely forgot to tell her about the bullion in the fridge.”


Wendy sighs, hten smiles,


“Better do it the minute she comes home, before she gets hungry”


4:05 P.M.

Janet parks in front of Willie’s garage door and as he lets her into the kitchen, hands her a house door key saying,


“Now I have a nice culinary surprise for you,”


and opens the refrigerator door. She walks over, sees the two full gallon jugs, and looks amazed,


“Now Willie, have you been down country murdering Communists again?


Willie laughs and says,


“I wish. It’s fresh live beef blood. I can get three gallons a week, but please use only as needed. The jugs must be cleaned for refilling. We can freeze it for six weeks in plastic milk jugs, but I fear that with thawing, either slow, or fast using heat, it won’t be live blood anymore”


Janet looks intrigued,


“Willie, you’re a really good problem solver. After my change, I thought of the bowl of au juice they give you with French Dip Sandwiches and how good it always made
me feel to drink it down fast, before I was changed, but later it never occurred to me
that I could get it fresh in the needed amount.


“This is truly awesome. Can I have some now? It has to be uncooked, but do you think there could be any danger that I’ll get hoof and mouth disease.”


Willie looks at her feet and smiles,


“Nah, you don’t have hoofs, but I don’t think it would hurt to add plenty of salt and stir thoroughly. Germs will not survive salt.”


He gets a large drinking glass from the cupboard, fills a jar with iodized salt, gets out a spoon, and removes a jug.


“I’ll let you pour what you need.”


She fills the glass, puts the jug back in the refrigerator, stirs in one rounded spoon of salt, sniffs at the contents, then takes a cautious swallow.


Willie is waiting with baited breath. Janet takes a longer sip and gives him a thoughtful look. He can’t read her in this, and asks,


“Yah, so?”


She says,


“It tastes pretty good. Not quite what I expected, but good. I hope it works nutritionally.”


Willie says,


“We have enough supply to see. I can get more, but  maximum prior notice is always a good idea to cover contingencies.”


She looks worried,


“What contingencies?”


Willie says,


“Normal business stuff. They don’t work on two or three day weekends, and will probably try to sell what they have to restaurants by the end of Friday. That’s what I would do.”


She says,


“Okay, I see what you mean,”


and takes another long sip, and says,


“Not bad. The salt helps. Salt is a natural component of blood. If we add spice it won’t be drinkable, but liquid or juice could be added. Plus I see no reason we couldn’t use liquid supplements like Vitamin B-12, mixed into the beef blood. 



Burklyn Hall


February 23, 2033

Willie reads that Burklyn Hall, now merged into one property with the Darien Inn, is up for quick sale at what the owner claims is eight percent less than fair market price based on a current appraisal. Willie knows the appraiser’s reputation and trusts the price. He calls the broker and makes a four hour appointment for 8:00 A.M on Saturday morning.


February 26, 2033

Willie and the Witches arrive at the house. Janet has her own car because she has to leave early for a 10:00 A.M. class. It’s a chilly overcast day and the family is feeling excited about the prospect of moving into a bigger place with privacy and a view. The possibilities for a vegetable garden right next to the house, to say nothing of outdoor

rituals, are very great.


The house was built from 1904 to 1909. Although it lacks the paneling and fancy woodwork of Castle on The Green, it has forty-two rooms and an aura of elegant simplicity throughout.


Most of the endless bedrooms on the second and third floors are starkly simple, bit this only makes it the easier to imbue the rooms with individual character by the type of furniture and wall hangings used. The hilltop location and abundant windows make most of the rooms bright and pleasant.


The Burklyn barn roof is so constructed that there are no vertical members from floor to ceiling. This allows there to be a hippodrome with circular riding ring. There are fourteen attached stables with wainscoting.


By midmorning the sky clears and the day gets warmer. Just before noon they see that the big red Darien Inn barn across the road from Burklyn Hall is so large inside that that it could hold enough hay to feed most of the cattle in the Northeast Kingdom. There is a total of 735 acres now that the two properties are merged


At dinner the Witches talk excitedly about the hilltop property, but Willie is conflicted with knitted brow. He loves Burklyn Hall, but there are so many things he also loves about the Castle. He doesn’t want to lose this house and contemplates the idea of moving it to a hilltop location with a mountain view, but knows that this would be a very sad thing for the village, like the middle four teeth missing in an otherwise beautiful smile.


Willie decides to sleep on the problem. At breakfast he makes an announcement,


“Witches of My Heart, your attention please… I have decided to buy Burklyn Hall, but also to keep this house and rent it out to a professor and his family under a long term lease. You are all invited to move up to the hill with me.


“Your rooms will be confined to the second and third floors. As previously, you must decide among yourselves who gets which rooms. House rules will remain the same with one change. Each Witch will have a total of three rooms to herself, and they don’t have to be adjacent or on the same floor.


“Before you choose, however, I need a week to figure out what uses I have for rooms on the second and third floors. I’m planning a return to many of my studies and hobbies and will now enjoy a full room for each.


“I’m signing the sale agreement tomorrow morning. The broker will secure the owner’s approval for our personal access for measuring and planning before the thirty day closing, only after which we can actually move our stuff in. You’ll all have plenty to do on weekends for some time to come.”


The ladies beam with delight. Janet appears at Willie’s side and showers him with kisses. 



Moving to the Hill


March 28. 2033

After the 8:00 A.M. closing, Wendy takes Willie  to St. Johnsbury to pick up the moving truck. When he gets back to the Castle, a Labor Force guy that people call the Big Moon, is waiting for him on the front porch.


8:54 A.M.

Willie and the Moon take two hours just to load the books. At lunchtime they get some Shepherd’s Pie at the White Market and eat it in the kitchen. It takes till mid-afternoon

to load the furniture. Now they break again for half-pound burgers at the Miss Lyndonville Diner, then up to the hill. The Moon follows Willie in his own car.


When the girls arrive at Burklyn from work they help carry in assorted boxes and books at the end. By the time everything is inside it’s almost


8:00 P.M. Willie pays the Moon a four hundred dollar cash bonus before he leaves. The family unpacks all the food and some kitchen ware for a quick dinner before retiring.


In the morning at breakfast, Sage asks Janet,


“How’s it going with the beef blood?”


Janet smiles,


“I would say pretty well. Nutritionally it seems equivalent. I feel good after drinking it. I do miss the thrill of the kill a little, but not the inconvenience. I think we have the solution. I haven’t said anything because I know what

a big decision it is, plus we’ve had plenty of other stuff to keep us busy.”


Worried looks follow upon the thrill remark because it suggests differences other than just metabolism after the change.


Willie says,


“On Wednesday May 12, it will be three months of au juice for Janet. I think by that day each of us should have decided more or less what we want to do, so at dinner that night we can have a real discussion.


“I also suggest that the day might come when beef blood will no longer be available, not likely but possible. In that scenario an ongoing diet of Globalists might become necessary. I think that before deciding on the change, any who have not yet killed a volitional sub-human, like a Communist college professor, do so at their earliest convenience, to see how it feels.


“We know cognitively that it’s right and constructive, but emotions are a another matter. In this, please practice the principle of leaderless resistance and don’t feel that

you need to confide about it to anyone.”


After breakfast, Wendy follows Willie when he returns the truck, then brings him back to the Castle. Willie spends the rest of the day cleaning to make the house suitable for the professor and his family who plan to move in this coming Saturday.


For the rest of this week, Willie unpacks to the Burklyn kitchen, dining, and living room. He puts stuff into cabinets, closets, cupboards, and drawers. He hangs shelves and pictures.


Every night after dinner the girls unpack one or two boxes of their own before reading.


April 2, 2033

At last the weekend allows the girls to finish unpacking and refine the utilization of all the space they have in a return to studies and hobbies as Willie is doing.


Soon it will be time to prepare the new bigger vegetable garden. In the meantime the family resumes their Nordic cultural studies.



The Nine Worlds


1. Aesir (gods): Ásgarðr

2. Vanir (gods): Vanaheimr

3. Álfar (elves): Álfheimr

4. Dvergar (dwarves): Niðavellir

5. Menn (humans): Miðgarðr

6. Jötnar (giants): Jötunheimr / Útgarðr

7. Svartálfar (dark elves): Svartálfaheimr 

8. Náir (the dead): Hel

    Primordial Ice: Niflheimr

9. Primordial Fire: Múspellsheimr



Pantheons of the North 


Attributions here are based on ideas traditionally associated with the planets and Zodiac of Classical mythology. These are well entrenched and provide a useful basis for contemplation.


In the present context the planetary attributions at the top of the chart may be thought of as being the more idealized or archetypal, the lower ones being the more mundane or every day. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto exert their rulership through Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio respectively below.


 Although the word Pantheons is used here, not all attributions are deities. They may be legendary beings, doctrines, or even material things.


Pantheons of the North (1)


Ne~  3  CO 






Anglo Saxon


















































































































The Alfar














The Jotnar

























Washing Woman





















The Mothers


The Mothers







The Norns

The Nornir










































Sigurd the Volsung











Mannannan Mac Lir























Night Riders


















Other Attributions:




2. Dagda

8. Brigit

9. Giants

10. Bemilucius

11. Elves

15. Goblins

20. Silver Bough

29. Eeo Feasa


Anglo Saxon:


5. Andate

15. Gobblis

27. Werewolves

30. Trolls




3. Pagan Grail

5. Montsegur

10. Nildisvin

15. Gobblins

23. Nix

26. Hexenbesen, Idisi, Mare

27. Werewolves

30. Fylfot Cross

32 bis. Irminsul 




0. Bestla, Bor, Buri

1. Asgard, Dyaus, Fjorgyn, Geri+Freki, Hugin+Munin, Rind, Ve, Vili

3. Uller, Fimbulvetr

4. Aurvandil, Dyaus, Elli, Hoenir, Horagalles

6. Nanna

7. Gullinbursti

10. Lif+Lifthrasir, Magni, Naglfar, Ratatosk, Vali

11. Alfheim, Kari

12. Hugi, Sigyn

13. Jotunnheim

14. The Disir

15. Gobblins, Heidrun

16. Kara Kalf

19. Dragons, Niohoggr, Nithhog

21. Orlog

23. Kraken, Urd

24. Grendel, Nifelheim

25. Sleipnir and Other Horses, Ull

26. Hisi, Svoyator

27. Werewolves

28. Askr, Ogres

29. Aegir+Ran, Hymir, Wade

30. Beowulf, Fro, Sif, Trolls

31. Gullveig, Logi, Muspell, Surt, Volundr

32. Hodur, Skadi

32 bis. Midgard, Nioror, Utgard, Utgard-Loki

31 bis. Afefe, Fylga, Three Legged Ass, Valhalla




1. Odin knows that a broad wisdom comes from the study of many things. For attributions covering a great many things of universal value, although not all specifically Nordic see "Traditional Arcane Teachings". The Key Number column here will provide links to that material and among all similar charts in all of the author's writings, and also in Aleister Crowley's "777" from whence it originates. Where there is no number, there is no link. Most Norse attributions are from Names and Sources in "Gods and Myths of Northern Europe" by H. R. Ellis Davidson, Penguin Books (Baltimore, 1964), pp. 227-240. Descriptions appear in that volume.



The Runes


 Runes and Magickal Implements (1)


Ne~  3  CO 


The Runes and Magick


Elder Futhark and Magickal Implements



Key #




Norse Pantheon

Norse Magickal Implements






























Destiny Manifested by Will






Oath Fulfilled, Abgurvadel, Hugin+Munin






Runes, Word, Robe






Magick Lamp, Circlet, Valaskjalf












Mjollnir, Lightning, Stone of Thor






Gram, Gungnir






Sun Wheel, Lamen, Draupnir






Brosingamene, Antler, Lamp, Ginfaxi






Names of Power






Magick Ring






Herkemer Diamonds, Vegvisir





The Alfar

Athame, Bell











The Jotnar













Van de Graff Generator, Mead of Inspiration






Altar of Stone


















Ritual Text



Y, J








The Nornir













Chalice. Mead Horn, Bowl






Oath Taken, Helgrind






Bifrost, Prism, Bow+Arrow






Gjallahorn, Secret Force, Lazer Beam





Sigurd the Volsung













Phosphorescent Globe, Magick Mirror






Lamps of Art, Golden Apples of Idun






Wand. Gandr, Censer, Firecandle












Yggdrasil as Pentacle, Salt, Icecandle








Other Attributions


Norse Magickal:


Odin. Crown, Mimir Head

7. Right Mirror

8. Left Mirror

11. Plants

13. Herbs

23. Metals

31. Ash Plate

32 bis. Stones




1. These Runes are Norse. Runes of other Nordic cultures can and should be similarly attributed. Some Magickal Implements are General European, but most are Norse.


Ritual für den Tod



"Rise those who despise the weak  Spare none

and ride proudly  on the winds of death"


                                    ~ Immortal ~  



The following is a spur for the preservation of the Nordic Race, a declaration of war against sub-humanity everywhere and against racial outlanders who invade Nordic territories. Ritually it can be inserted as the "Statement of Purpose" within any format used by Nordic kindreds or communities.


Portent of Victory


"We shall ride triumphantly

through the streets in bright armor,

upon white horses, the corpses of these

impotent weakling slaves of darkness

lining the walkways at each side,

their blood running out and

filling the gutters at our feet!


"Then shall begin their conversion

into ash for our fields,

and the recasting by fire

of their holy chalices and idols,

of gold under Sun,

of silver under Moon,

from icons of shame and meekness

into gleaming images of Truth.


"And we shall fashion their holy places

into strongholds of voluptuousness,

their skulls will adorn the rafters

and gaze down upon us

as we enjoy our naked women

upon their holy altars."





1. Nordic Race: of West or North European ancestry, Caucasian, White


2, "Portent of Victory" written long ago by Elof II.



To Kill or Not


Only Wendy and Debbie feel conflicted by what Willie said about killing a subhuman to test visceral fortitude prior to being changed.


Having killed Thomas Werth, Sage has already passed the test. She went through emotional nuances first in thinking she had killed a vampire, then for a short time that he was only a blackmailer, and then back to his being a vampire after hearing Janet’s account about being bitten. The core principle in either scenario is that the family was in danger and Sage did what was necessary and did it well.


April 11, 2033

Wendy and Debbie have been talking to each other about what to do. They have finally come to a meeting of minds. At dinner Debbie says,


“I want to talk about the trial run on killing a subhuman. Wille and Sage, you are both Warriors by nature. I am not, and I don’t think Wendy is ether. What Janet said about the

thrill of the kill illustrates the psychological change that is generally said to accompany becoming a vampire. I think if the time comes, that change will suffice as a motivator to feed on Communists, Socialists, and Leftists without conflict of guilt. Wendy agrees with me.”


Willie smiles and says,


“I think you’re right. It’s always cool when things cancel out. It will save time and gasoline going down country.” 



To Breed or Not


April 18, 2033

At dinner, Willie has a very solemn look. Finally he finds the proper words to express something which has been on his mind for some time,


“Dearest Witches, there are more things we need to consider. We are young, but with what we are contemplating, I need to suggest that even a female vampire is still a women and may at some point decide she wants a child. There are different ways this could happen.


“Before any of us are changed, I could knock you up, you bear the child, and get changed afterwards. Or, you could get changed immediately and adopt a child later. In both cases the child would be mortal.


”Another way is that I get changed, knock you up, then you get changed the minute you know you’re pregnant. In that case the child will be immortal, and can survive on blood or food. The best of both worlds.


“I should add that, as per your preference, another man of choice could stand in for me in these scenarios. Imagine the complexities of that, and please know I won’t have any such man on property let alone living here.


The Witches beam with delight at Willie’s balance and self-aware directness.



To Be or Not


April 20, 2033

At dinner Willie shares additional thoughts,


“Witches, my ideas about pending immortality center mainly around one thing, the triumph of Libertarian principals over the suicidal machinations of globalization. I mean the attainment of permanent worldwide liberty, prosperity, and peace, the preservation of indigenous race and culture, the fulfillment of evolutionary destiny, and of course, what I can do to help.


“To live long enough to see even the early days of such an exalted period would for me be the greatest reason to live indefinitely. I’m talking about the final achievement of the goal of all good people since the dawn of human consciousness. Imagine what it would be like.


“A friend at college once said to me that when that day comes Libertarian warriors will have a letdown analogous to post partem depression, because there will be nothing left to do. I had to agree, but added that such feelings would be quickly eliminated by a good vacation, followed by a revaluation of personal future plans based on vastly improved areas of choice.”



Hilltop Living 


April 28, 2033

The kitchen garden is finished, the little plants are sprouting, and the family has located several areas on the land suitable for outdoor ritual of various types, one location each for solstices and equinoxes, one each for the rituals of general purpose.


Every Friday there’s a Farmer’s Market for produce on the town common. The family often shops at this each individually. This gives them a chance to socialize with the townspeople and avoid being viewed as “down country snobs” by the local populace. It also gives Willie a chance to check that everything is running smoothly with his tenants at the Castle.


And there are county fairs during summer all over Northern New England. Most are well worth the drive and usually there are vendors selling things you won’t find elsewhere.





May 8. 2033

At dinner Willie says.


“The three month date is approaching. I’ve decided to do the change. Anybody else?”


The three original Witches each signal their agreement. Sage says,


“I can draw blood from Janet and inject each of us. I shiver to think of sticking myself, so I’ll ask Debbie to do me. She knows how from her phlebotomist job. Janet, how much is needed?”


“I read that it takes only one teaspoon. That’s almost five milliliters. How about six for good measure?”


Sage agrees. Willie says,


“Let’s do it Saturday morning. Janet, should we skip eating breakfast?”


She replies,


“No, the change takes a while. Best to have a large breakfast, do the change, then drink just water or clear juice after that.”


Willie smiles,


“I was hoping you’d say that. The condemned should always be given a hearty meal.”


Sage addresses Willie, Wendy, and Debbie, 


Remember, Janet tells me the change can take up to two hours and is usually painful like the bends in deep-sea diving, so I procured a vial of morphine and will add the minimal dose for pain to each injection. Minimal will reduce the chance of nausea. I plan to lay down in bed until the change is complete. Stretching and massaging limbs and torso will probably help.”


The next morning, Willie calls Paul at the slaughter house and reserves three gallons of beef blood for pick up on Friday afternoon.


Saturday May 13, 2033

After the breakfast dishes are put away, Sage brings the needed equipment down to the kitchen, draws blood from Janet, then starts the injections with Willie, who suddenly looks very miserable and says,


“Oh boy, I feel worse than I expected. I’m going upstairs to lie down. Let’s all meet back here at noon for lunch au juice.”


12:08 A.M. Back in the kitchen.

Willie and the original three Witches now look just as pale as Janet, and with enhanced beauty into the bargain. Willie serves up an eight ounce glass of chilled beef blood to each of the Witches and says,


“I have noticed light sensitivity. After lunch please join me in the library to order shades online. Tomorrow at Solar Noon we should found and initiate ourselves into the

Burklyn Vampire Coven.”



*  *  *


Burklyn Vampires

Ritual of Initiation 


Ne~    4   OYN



0. Preliminary Preparations


I. Rejoicing in the Sun


II. Assumption of Form of Preferred Deity


Vibration of Name of Preferred Deity


III. Tracing of the Circle of White Flame

to the Four Quarters


IV. Blowing of Horn Once to Each

of the Four Quarters

Salutation to Odin


V. Drinking of the Mead of Inspiration

(cranberry cocktail)


Oath of Service:


"I, in the

Great Name of Yggdrasil,

do now, as initiate of the

Burklyn Witch Vampire Coven

 reassert my eternal pledge to

the principles of the

Ordo of the Ten Rayed Star

and declare that, should ever

I falter in my loyalty to the

Quest, Liberty Triumphant and Eternal,

I hope to experience the unmitigated

Wrath of Odin

and the terrible might of

Thor's Hammer

upon my wretched cranium.


As stalwart ally to the Alfar, and with

the inspiration, strength, and authority

that I receive from the Aesir and Vanir,

I now, this day of May 14, 2033,

proclaim myself:


(Individual Name)


irrevocably in service to

Evolutionary Destiny,

to which I now pledge

my life and arms

in unfailing vigilance under

Sun and Moon and Stars

to the end of days.


In Furtherance of the New Aeon.

Love is the Law. Love Under Will.

Hail unto the Aesir and Vanir!

Hail unto the Alfar!

Hail Yggdrasil !"


Commencement of Activity



 *  *  *


 Olympic Games


After the ritual, Willie and the girls spend the afternoon outdoors enjoying their new powers. They run so fast that non-vampires would not even be able to see them.


Janet has learned a few things since her change and demonstrates how to jump great distances and land without pitching forward from the greater momentum, how to hurl stones at high speed with perfect accuracy.


Sage has a new trick. With an apple in her pocket she shoots an arrow, then runs ahead, holds out the apple, which receives the arrow dead on center. Willie grins,


“Sage, you are amazing.”


Then to all the Witches,


“Would it be cheating for us to enroll in the Olympic Games without disclosing our enhanced metabolism, or discriminatory of them not to let us compete if we did reveal it?”


Sage says,


“We could just do it. There are no gradations for size and strength like in boxing. Vampires are what we are, not like using adrenalin or steroids. It’s our business not theirs.”


Willie looks enthusiastic,


“I agree, but it would have to be with fake ID in heavy disguise. The last thing we need is to be recognizable as celebrities with endless paparazzi harassing and spying on us. We would probably end up having to kill a good many of them to protect our privacy.


“In doing so, there would arise a temptation to drain them while we’re at it, and the number of them disappearing would attract further attention. We are very tough people now, but we don’t want to fight the entire world.”


Later back in the house, Willie prints out an abbreviated list of Olympic Sports. At dinner he passes the list on to the Witches to study while he prepares and pours the special new custom recipes of chilled au juice, specified by each Witch.



Summer Olympic Sports





beach volleyball



canoe / kayak






field hockey





modern pentathlon

open water swimming

roller sport


rugby 7s




soccer / football



synchronized swimming

table tennis



track and field



water polo




Winter Olympic Sports




Ice Hockey

Figure Skating

Speed Skating


Alpine Skiing


Nordic Skiing

Ski Jumping



Debbie looks up from the list and says,


“About the Olympics. The idea is evenly matched competition. For us to participate would be like doing away with age categories in NASTAR skiing and having twenty-year-old kids compete with eighty-year-old seniors.


“It’s too easy and proves nothing. It’s like adult athletes competing with babies that can’t even walk yet. Of course we would win. Big deal. I can’t get excited about it. It’s not cheating, but it’s not competing. And even with ID and disguise it could cause us lots of trouble, and for what? Count me out.”


It’s funny how intense initial enthusiasms can change in just an hour or two. Willie looks grim.


“I have to agree. If there were a way to preset our power at a designated category level like lean strong twenty-year-old, and participate with the actual possibility of losing, then it would be competitive, but as it is, I will demure.


Janet says,


“Me too.”


Wendy says,


Let’s go to the next Winter Olympics and enjoy it as though we were proud parents and the competitors were our small children.


Sage looks enthusiastic and replies,


“That’s the solution, and a good way to feel.”



Libertarian Revolution


As the meal continues, Willie feels very serious as he thinks about the awesome potential of the family’s new abilities.


He’s visualizing a Globalist guest lecturer at one of the subverted colleges down country,  with himself in the audience. The girl next to him is talking with the guy she came with. Willie, faster than anyone can see, runs up behind the podium, sticks his war dagger in

the lecturer’s lower back, withdraws it, wipes the blood off on the victims clothing, and returns to his seat. The speaker gasps, clings to the podium, then slowly sinks to the floor. The girl next to Willie gives her boyfriend a questioning look. He shrugs, then she turns

to Willie with the same look. He says,


“Probably too many anti-depressants.”


Willie is just about to share this daydream as a possible course of action for everyone at the table, but he stops himself remembering that, among the Witches only two have killed. Sage to save the family and Janet for food. He says,


“Now that we have superhuman abilities we also have superhuman potential for the destruction of Globalist evil. I view our condition as a call to activism. Remembering the principles of autonomous resistance and prudent simplicity, I suggest that we each do what we feel will help without telling each other or anybody else. What do you think?”


All the girls are at one with the idea.








“Sounds good to me.”


Sage raises a triumphant fist.


Wendy gives a thumbs up.


Willie beams with delight and thinks to himself,


“How I love my Witches. What a privilege it is to know such women and be with them.”


Dinner continues. Willie drifts back into the Globalist speaker scenario realizing that no matter how fast he moves, to someone sitting next to him, he would be seen to disappear and reappear. Also, the security camera footage on close study would show a dark image, and then if run at slower speed, would reveal him. Heavy disguise needed.


But even then, the question of speed would initiate research. In these changing times, law enforcement might even entertain the idea that it was a vampire, and what could that lead to?


One possibility might be mandatory disclosure to law enforcement by slaughter houses about anyone buying fresh blood in unusual quantity. Not a good situation.


Willie concludes that speed should be used only to facilitate entry and departure, but that conventional methods are required for the hands-on part of each strike.


He decides to give these ideas time to stew and refine themselves before mentioning them to the Witches.


In the meantime, Willie contacts a Libertarian Warrior friend who has all kinds of explosive devices. Willie knows less than nothing about these things ang buys two dozen very small but powerful bombs with magnetic attachment and remote detonation, plus one dozen with conventional easy-to-set timers. At home he hides these little beauties under his bed in large shoe boxes. 



Defining the Enemy


May 22, 2033

At dinner Willie addresses the Coven,


“Witches of my Heart, it has occurred to me that clear definitions of Globalist targets are a good way to begin the utilization of our new powers. I’ve printed out some material from the World Libertarian Order Official Site.


“First, there is a table of contents list called the Enemies of Liberty. We all need to visit the WLO site to read the detailed information about each category.


“Second, is some specific information on Islam, which I found very surprising. I say this because I am appalled that such ongoing political encroachment has been tolerated for as long as it has. It’s time to do something.


“The season for killing is at hand and our abilities can carry us to the highest levels of achievement in this regard.


“The goal of Libertarian Revolution must be the destruction of all domestic traitors and the hordes of low IQ psychopaths previously sent courtesy of IMF Bankers via the European Union and United Nations. We need to keep on killing until the word gets out that good people will not lay down. 


“Please read this material while I prepare the

au juice. I will take a few extra minutes.”



The Enemies of Liberty




Paid For

Status Quo Beneficiaries





IMF Bankers

Welfare / Warfare Profiteers

Military / Industrial Profiteers


  Politicians / Law Enforcement 




    Compromised Adults

    Misdirected Youth 

Reparations Parasites

   Fake Historians 

Self-Disabling Parasites



   Mental Cases

   Drug Addicts

   Sex Perverts 






Islamist Conquest


Islamists have an average IQ of eighty. They believe that they are superior to everybody else on earth, and that it is their just destiny to rule, then destroy, everybody who differs from them in any way. These delusionary values are shared with their noticeably smarter 105 IQ Semitic kinsmen, the Jews. 


Many in Europe and America have been saying lately, 


“Almost every problem in the West, including our disabling cheek-turner religion, has come to us from the Hooknoses of the East.” 


Could it be time to fight back? 


One standard diplomatic lie is that Mid-Eastern terrorists are considered extremists within their own countries. In truth, their actions are done with the full approval of the vast majority of Islamists. What we call terrorists are simply the military class within their own countries. The goal of Islam is world domination. The Quran is a blueprint for the conquest and subjugation of nations. When asked about this, Islamists excuse, “It is one of the lesser prophets.”

Their plan has four steps:


1. Infiltration

The advance guard comes in as “refugees” seeking humanitarian aid. They are, humble, soft spoken and friendly, at first, but always live parasitically on welfare. 


2. Consolidation

During this period, the immigrants instruct the weak mined members of the host population in their religion and convert them. Mosques appear everywhere. Terrorist attacks begin, but the IMF subverted media doesn’t report them. 


3. Takeover

This is when the number of invaders becomes sufficient in various districts to elect their own officials to government. Now injustice in the courts favoring terrorists against the host population skyrockets.  


4. Theocracy

Host population must convert to Islam, leave the country, or be killed. 


Until 2027 the Globalists aided Islamic invaders via the European Union and United Nations in entering Western Europe and the United States. Eastern Europe has not admitted Islamists for some time. 


The Japanese have always been smart people. They welcome Buddhists, Christians, and Hindus, but not Islamists, because they know that Islam is not really a religion, but a method of conquest.



Sharia Law


Values passed down through generations eventually become ingrained genetic predispositions for behavior. Sharia Law proclaims that it is the right of Islamic men

to rape women and children. By civilized western standards, the values of Islam are psychopathic and their sustenance for so long a time has made the practitioners into a race of constitutional psychopaths. Know a good one? Wake up! There are always exceptions which underscore anything that is generally true.


Short Summary Sharia Law


Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands.


Denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.


Criticizing Muhammad is punishable by death.


Criticizing Allah is punishable by death.


A Muslim who leaves Islam is punishable by death.


One who leads a Muslim out of Islam is punishable by death.


A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death. 


 A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapists.


Testimonies of four males is required to prove rape of a female.


A female who claims rape without producing four male witnesses is guilty of adultery.


A female found guilty of adultery is punishable by death.


A male convicted of rape can have the conviction dismissed by marrying the victim.


If a child or a woman is taken captive, they become a slaves. A woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.


A woman may be forced to marry a man whom she does not want.


A wife must have sex whenever her husband demands it.


Muslim men have sexual rights to any female not wearing the Hijab.


A woman can have one husband.


A man can have four wives.


A man can marry a female infant, and sexually consummate the marriage when she reaches nine years of age.


A girl’s clitoris must be cut.


A man can beat his wife for disobedience.


A man can simply divorce his wife. 


 A wife needs the husband's consent to divorce.


A divorced wife loses custody of children when they reach six years of age.


A woman's court testimony in property cases, has half the veracity of a man's.


A female inherits half of what a male inherits.


A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.


Meat for meals must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah.


Muslims should lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.





Willie returns from the kitchen with dinner. The Witches all look enthusiastic. Sage says,


“Willie, you did well in focusing our attention on these stuff. I’m going to study the WLO site in place of my usual reading for a few nights.”


Willie nods,


“Yes, it’s a good idea to read all the essays in the New World Order: Seek and Destroy! section, especially. They are very essential succinct no-nonsense material. If everybody read them, all the major problems on earth would be dealt with very quickly.



Field Duty


June 18, 2033

Not having mentioned the destination of his “little trip” to the girls, Willie initiates the first revolutionary action in Boston.


With the help of Catholic Charities, former functionaries of the United Nations are covertly bringing in the usual shipload of 36,000,000 assorted African Islamicists to ruin America. A truly splendid target.


10:43 A.M.

Willie, in light disguise, uses his speed to get past one of the shipyard entry gates and conceals himself in the docking area. The ship pulls into the slip and before it is moored, Willie climbs a high pole and leaps aboard. On deck, he can’t be seen by the waiting news people who he called earlier. He runs to the stern.


On the port side, using a nylon cord, he lowers the first bomb down to just above the water line, and swings it into place so the magnet grabs the ship.


Then he runs to midship on the starboard side and puts the second bomb in place the same way. He has a canister of poison gas, sets the timer to open the valve in ten seconds, and with a third bomb having no magnet, and timer set at three minutes, drops both down the huge ventilation stack.


Now he runs to the bow, back on the port side, and places the forth bomb. With a sense of great excitement, he jumps off the ship and runs like the wind to a high concealed vantage point just outside of the ship yard.


Willie takes a deep breath and positions his finger on the button with eager anticipation… The three minutes are up. He sees a plume of fire from the stack, and presses the button. The four bombs do their work and send the ship to the bottom of the harbor within two minutes. The water is not very deep, but everybody on board not killed by gas or explosions, drown.


Willie has a tear in each as he thinks,


“Evolutionary destiny is served. The end has come fast on this day.”


11:48 A.M.

At Durgin Park, Willie is enjoying Lazy Lobster, little spuds, and artichoke hearts in a large bowl of hot butter. Two serious cuties at a nearby table start to flirt with him. He relocates to their table, sits, and says,


“You girls must be here for the Miss Nude World Auditions. Am I right?”


They smile and the tall one says,


“No, we are here to fuck your brains out.”


Willie grins and the three continue eating. They have hot Indian Pudding with vanilla ice creme for desert, then go back to the girl’s hotel room.


Next morning, Willie goes to the Copley Plaza for breakfast, spends two hours at Barnes and Noble on lower Washington Street, then after a nice lunch of brook trout and German potato salad at Jacob Wirth’s, carries his four giant bags of books to his car in the underground garage and heads hone.


As he prepares the custom au juice for dinner he enjoys the CNN commentator’s phony whining about “racism” in America.


At the hospital, Sage sees the news on one of the patient televisions. On the way home, she and Debbie listen to the emerging details on the car radio. Nobody saw anything or has a clue as to what happened.


As Debbie enters the kitchen she winks at Willie and says,


“Well, I see you’re back from Boston, and watching the subverted news of course.”


Willie keeps pouring and only says,




At dinner Sage glances admiringly at Willie as she explains the news to Wendy who hasn’t heard about it yet.


Debbie smiles and says to everybody,


“Boston is running true to form as a place of patriotic chivalry. Rather than feel dwarfed by this splendid achievement, I think we need to derive inspiration and compete for even higher numbers ~ The Olympic Games of Death."



Western Magickal History



c. 10,000

Destruction of Atlantis


c. 3,100

Hermes aids in building pyramids. Book of the Dead



Hermes engraves the Emerald Tablet



Hermes authors the Scroll of Thoth



Odin discovers the Runes



Enoch views Emerald Tablets with the Angel Metatron



Abraham's wife finds Emerald Tablet of Hermes



Moses seems to destroy Emerald Tablets f Metatron



Witch of Endor aids Saul in raising the Prophet Samuel



Solomon builds Temple. Recasts pommel of Grail Sword



Romulus founds Rome



Birth of Zoroaster



Birth of Pythagoras



Alexander finds Emerald Tablet of Hermes



Birth of Jesus bar Joseph



Fall of Rome, Rise of Gnosticism



Birth of Mani



Icelandic Assembly choose Christianity



Surrender of Citadel at Montsegur



Founding of Switzerland



Moses De Leon reveals Zohar

March 18


Murder of Jacques de Molay and Templars



Tarot appears in Germany



Decline in power of Catholic Inquisition



John Dee and Edward Kelly receive Enochian Tablets

July 4


Founding of the United States of America



Birth of Aleister Crowley



Fall of United States to international banking interests



Rebirth of the Rosicrucian Order in the United States



Treaty of Versailles contrived for financing of WW II



Britain declares war on Germany



Germans discover Pagan Grail at Montsegur



Tolkien publishes "Lord of the Rings"



Anton Zandor Lavey founds Church of Satan



Founding of Libertarian Party in the United States



Founding of the Asatru Alliance in the United States



Founding of the Order of the Ten Rayed Star



Founding of the World Libertarian Order



Fall of Communism in Europe



World 2034 


United Nations General Assembly Chamber, New York, USA. 


In a special gallery for the presidential entourage, Garrett Valdison is sitting with Gretchen Van Roon and Brit Linstrum. The three are beaming with delight. 


Address to the

United Nations General Assembly by

President of the United States

Roswell R. Benedict

October 8, 2034  


State of the World

in the wake of

Libertarian Nationalist Revolution



"The state of the world has never been better, never in all of human history! Everywhere on Earth there is now absolute individual liberty, free enterprise, full employment, active trade, and growing prosperity.


Achieving this has been a big job. What helped us most has been the faith that people everywhere have shown in the possibility of making a better world through persistent rational effort. The particular best approach had to be varied from one region to another because of what had occurred in the past. The variations, however, involved only short term emphasis and sequence, not basic policy or principle. The time frame for phasing in any particular policy was always of sufficient duration to insure smooth transition without any disruptive effect on economies or individuals.


People everywhere now understand and accept the premise that government is at best a necessary evil, and that the less of it we have, the better. There is a new level of personal independence. Individuals are even beginning to deal with gross encroachments upon their personal liberty, justly, on an individual basis.


Permanent worldwide economic stability has been achieved. In all countries, privately owned central banks, like the US Federal Reserve, have been nationalized, the national debt repudiated, and demand for reparations for the amount already swindled made to the creditors as a civil alternative to being put on trial for engineering every war and ruined economy over the past two hundred years, or being the beneficiary heirs thereto, all of which is easily provable from existing historical records. There has been a return to currencies backed by durable commodity of intrinsic value, either gold or a mixed store of precious metals, the value of which is determined in the world marketplace.


 Consumers worldwide now have total product choice. Goods offered in the free world market are produced solely within each country by the citizens of that country, with no foreign ownership of business anywhere. Banks can lend only within their own countries. Now that all nations are prospering, few think it good practice to invest away from home, and the imbalances have begun to subside. All subsidies and unnecessary regulation of banks, business, trade, and financial transfers have been eliminated. Balance-of-trade deficits are now a thing of the past.


For any bank, including a nation's central bank, to maintain less than a one hundred percent reserve at all times is dishonest and has been made illegal everywhere. There is mandatory disclosure to depositors about amounts in reserve, with information about how it all works.


Taxes everywhere have been replaced with user fees and lotteries of designated purpose. This insures that unnecessary foreign adventures by governments will have to be paid for only by those who support them.


In this new climate, war is fast becoming just an unhappy memory. The energies previously squandered in these conflicts is now being channeled into undersea farming, renewable energy technology, space exploration, and interplanetary mining operations. The career opportunities in all of this are practically unlimited.


Defense spending everywhere is being cut to a safe minimum, substituting standing military with a skeleton crew of officers for the coordination of voluntary citizen militias as needed. Frivolous athletics in the schools have been replaced with basic martial and survival training. The students enjoy this every bit as much, and it has far greater utility for them long term.


Unnecessary social programs have been phased out as the improving economy and rising employment has made this possible in each locality. How quickly this was able to happen has been a happy surprise to a great many people. For people with a prior history of productivity, there are ample funds available to eliminate hardship caused by unpredictable local catastrophe or incurred disability. These are maintained with designated lotteries at the federal and regional level.


Prisons have been replaced by large self-sustaining isolation communities with agriculture, livestock, and small manufacturing. The really bad guys: rapists, human traffickers, kidnappers, child molesters, child and snuff porn filmmakers, arbitrary murderers, and serial killers are now recognized as irredeemable constitutional psychopaths who have made an unforgivable breech with humanity. For the safety and simple moral integrity of societies. they are now being put painlessly to death. We point out to opponents of this method, that one needn't be a rocket scientist to figure out that all it takes to avoid being executed for these terrible things, is simply not to do them.


Victimless crimes are those involving consensual areas of human contract, and now are off the books. Those previously confined for these things have been released with public apology, modest funds to tide them over, and a list of realistic job offers. The inevitable one percent of humanity who simply cannot support themselves by normal means are offered permanent sustenance by private charity as per specified terms, usually reproductive sterilization. Those refusing this option must provide for themselves. If this causes them to make unjust encroachment against anyone, they are sent to isolation communities.


As the distortions produced by hundreds of years of unnatural coercive government are gradually subsiding, all unjust protectionist measures, such as unnecessary safety regulations, are being cautiously phased out.


Along with traditional subject matter, programs have been instituted in schools to teach children about what was wrong with human societies in the past and how Libertarian policies are improving everything. This includes explanation about the manipulative relationship that existed previously between international finance and politicians. This is supplemented with rigorous teaching about control of excess birth rates, disease, and all classes of drugs. Understanding these things is requisite for promotion. We are in hopes that teaching the whole truth for forty years will make it possible to eliminate public education altogether.


All unnecessary environmental pollution has been ended. Requirements have been enacted in livestock production, zoo administration, and pet ownership based upon humane, free-range, and hormone/drug free models. The cruel, decadent down breeding of pets into evolutionary non-viability has been stopped. The existing animals have been sterilized.


There has been a complete overhaul of medicine, stressing nutritional solutions, both preventative and therapeutic, as opposed to the former mostly pharmacological and surgical options. The duplicitous role of physicians as both personal doctor and commission salesman for drug companies has been eliminated, Doctors are now allowed to prescribe only within generic categories. The specific choice of drugs is left to the patients who select for themselves on the basis of price and manufacturer reputation.


Respect is finally given to the right of individuals to decide when their life is no longer viable. Regional centers have been established where people can be put into cryonic suspension, or receive a lethal injection and be cremated.


National park and forest lands have been given back to the native populations from whom they were originally stolen. This has been done with the provision that the recipients continue to run the lands at a high standard for the enjoyment of all within their country. Previous non-native employees are offered life tenure or new jobs.


History has shown that the smallest number of people in any given place always works best, just as long as there are enough to defend the borders. The ideal population of 320 million for the land mass of Earth was passed c 900 A.D. By the word ideal we mean a level consistent with vital self-actualization and opulent joy in living, rather than mere subsistence in anguished mediocrity. Maximum varied manifestation for small numbers is superior to minimum meager manifestation for vast suffering multitudes. We are not imbued with life merely to endure it. To this end, we rigidly enforce a limit of two children per couple. More than two is an unjust encroachment against others, like house burglary. World population is slowly beginning to decline back to workable levels everywhere. The projected ideal numbers are as follows:


Canada, United States, Mexico



Central, South America



Greenland, Europe, Northern Africa



Southern Africa






Near, Middle East, Asia



Australia, New Zealand



Workable societies must be based on natural principals. It is normal for people to feel most comfortable among those of their own race and ethnicity. Globalist bankers, who worked for totalitarian Socialism and world monoculture, wanted everyone to mix together, so they could lend money to national governments who must deal with all the resulting social problems. In all of human history there has never been a multiracial or multicultural society which did not self-destruct because of the unnatural mixing.


All people have the natural right to grow up among their own racial kinsmen. Resident racial outlanders are simply an unjust encroachment upon personal liberty. The conniving internationalists wanted to destroy national cultures because they knew that one world government, giving global finance monopoly, would have been more acceptable to people with no racial or ethnic identity. To survive, we now emphasize race preservation and the prevention of global monoculture. Interracial marriage advocates were attempting to murder all existing races. They tried to sound interested in human variety, but their breed-up quick programs, long term, would have completely obliterate human variety by making what are now separate races into one race. Variety is the spice of life. Imagine a world where everybody is the same. "We are Borg. We are one. You must join us!"


One falsehood perpetrated by politicians serving big business who want cheap immigrant labor is that ongoing immigration is necessary to keep industry alive. In actuality, business simply expands to accommodate any

available work force. With worldwide liberty and prosperity, people will not want to flee their ancestral homelands.


Third-world people have always favored globalization because it would have allowed them to prosper via social programs paid for by more productive host populations. The predatory bankers knew that countries with hordes of immigrant third-worlders, if globalization came to a ballot referendum, would have been far more likely to relinquish sovereignty. That's why we've had to endure so many indigents invading productive countries in recent decades.


Borders everywhere are being closed to immigrants of non-indigenous race. Anybody can leave, and a great many are returning home. Voluntary sterilization is being requested of all who choose to remain in host countries, with special retirement programs for those who cooperate. There are also adoption priorities for qualified couples within this category. There are no restrictions on tourism. Tourists from now on will be able to enjoy the full undiluted potency of indigenous cultures everywhere.


The new technology for determining constitutional psychopathy, even in the prenatal state, along with intrauterine diagnosis of fetal deformity, mental retardation, and genetic predisposition to sexual perversion are leading to the elimination of human non-viability everywhere on earth.


And... last but not least, we have finally hit upon an equitable solution for the problems caused by a century of Socialism in unnaturally increasing the quantity, while undermining the quality, of people everywhere. The new foolproof brain-scan method for determining intelligence is being used to assess IQ in populations worldwide, with voluntary sterilization requested of all those having an IQ of 94 or less. Special retirement programs and adoption priorities are also being granted here. Because higher moral conceptualization is a function of the cerebral cortex, these IQ adjustments, along with the elimination of constitutional psychopathy, will effectively spell an end to commonplace moral stupidity on this planet.


All of these splendid changes have been accomplished far more easily than anyone could have imagined, because they were not prolonged for the benefit of lenders, but done efficiently to insure prosperity, peace, and joy of living on this planet. Evil will no doubt continue to flourish at interpersonal levels, but it will no longer rule the day, nor will it ever again be institutionalized by governments anywhere on Earth. The legions of darkness at last have been vanquished!


I see nothing but smiling faces in this room, and it's getting on that time, so I'm going to lunch! It should be sufficient to say that what we have left to do is mere fine tuning compared to what has been accomplished already. Natural order is now prevailing on our planet. Thank you all for your help and support."


* * *


The response to this address is overwhelmingly positive. Within weeks there are special guidance programs being set up worldwide to help young people make early career choices from the bewildering selection of new possibilities.



The Beginning