About Evolutionary Destiny:
World Libertarian Order

Since 1983, as director of the World Libertarian Order, I
have worked for Libertarian Nationalism: indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations competing in a free world
market, worldwide resistance to globalization, national ownership and control of central banks, strict population control,
and most especially, the lasting prosperity and peace which will follow naturally from this.
Fimbul Winter Books

Fimbul Winter Books tell the whole truth. The subject matter is:
Balanced Healthy Living / Absolute Individual Liberty / Viable
Evolutionary Spirituality. Many of our books are so important to the future that they are free
online. All are in quality paperbacks and Kindle at a low price. -

Evolutionary Psychology
About.universal law, evolution, natural selection, transpersonal
psychology, health, evolutionary spirituality, revolution. Self-help from an evolutionary perspective. The individual systematically
sheds off self-imposed obstacles to individual liberty which arise from inexact definitions and false values. Balance is stressed
throughout. The principles are all natural and their correct application in daily living will result in the highest possible
mastery of whatever circumstances in which the individual may find himself. Involves "the methods of science applied to the
goals of religion" for the liberation of the individual and ultimately of society.

Evolution Family Reader
Evolution and natural selection explained clearly for parents and kids. Includes
a large gallery of black and white pictures of living organisms.

The Fulfillment of Evolutionary Destiny
This is "Ten Steps to Libertarian Nationalist Revolution" expanded and clarified
with content from "World Libertarian Revolution". Details a future for the entire world, free of economic upheaval, war, and
pollution, with no unjust encroachment upon any living thing. Earth finally enjoying absolute individual liberty, prosperity,
and peace among separate sovereign nations competing in a free world market.
World Libertarian Revolution
New World Order: Just Say No!
One book with two titles. A multitude of free sovereign nations competing in a free world market
has superior workability to any form of one world government and can be less easily subverted to collectivism. This volume
stresses natural sequence in the attainment of peace on Earth. Absolute individual Liberty leads to prosperity, which in turn
leads to peace. First establish free enterprise everywhere, then ongoing prosperity and peace will follow. Explains how this
can happen without injustice to anyone.

Two books with
one title. Globalist bankers, media bosses, and politicians are equivalent in their effect upon humanity to rats carrying
bubonic plague. Widespread knowledge of this, fused with the principle of leaderless resistance, will, with imagination and
diligence, spell their inevitable demise. The snowstorm book is a collection of recent essays by Magnuson. The waterfall book
is a supplementary public domain compendium of other authors, favored because of their great expertise in highly specific
Traditional Arcane Teachings
Judeo-Christian mythology and Western
Hermeticism in chart form. Tables of correspondences for Magick, Qabalah, Alchemy, Elements, Divination, Gemstones. Qabalistic
Tree attributions include Planets, Zodiac, Tarot Trumps, Archangels, Archdaemons, Angels of the Firmament, Angels of the Qlipoth,
and all mundane orders of existence, actual and mythological. Extends the work of Cornelius Agrippa, Aleister Crowley, Israel

Mythology of the North
Appropriate for Asatru or Wiccan studies. Useful to anthropologists,
archaeologists, historians. Tables of correspondences for Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Norse Pantheons. Includes Planets,
Zodiac. Illuminating text on Magick. Tables for gemstones, divinations, magickal implements and procedures, Elder Futhark
Runes. Rituals for every purpose.

Arcane Fraternal Orders
Creates a frame of mind conducive to establishing world
Libertarianism by democratic means. Does this inspirationally by depicting a daydream which prefigures a time when the revolution
will have progressed much further than at the time of writing. A very complete system with bylaws, rituals, flags, ceremonial
armor, dress and field uniforms with decorations for valor. Symbols are eclectic, very traditional, and from ancient mythology.
All of this, of course, involves a much higher level of activism than we hope will ever become necessary

Magickal Pictures
Supplement to Mythology Series. Pictures in this volume are divided into
the following categories: Egypt, Fraternal, Alchemy, Magick, Witchcraft, Witch Photos, Witch Paintings, Samhain, Werewolves.

Adventures of Eric F Magnuson: Book I
Adventures of Eric F Magnuson: Book II
the life of an American writer, adventurer, freethinker, and radical Libertarian. Appropriate only for those interested in
the other writings. As an ongoing journal it is punctuated at intervals with wicked Witches, secret societies, and arcane
rituals set against the opulent backgrounds of New England, Florida, and the Golden West.

Who I'd Like to Meet:
For Business:
Film Industry: I also write novels,
but will not elaborate here. Read my novels free online, find one you like, write the screenplay any way you like. I want
to work only with those interested in teaching Libertarian principles in palatable doses to a general audience. I love to
talk with agents, actors, directors, producers, investors, distributors, scouts.
For Dating:
Wicked Witches, I stand eternaly ready, hard at
your service!
