Magick Lamp above
my head,
Shines as a beacon
North - Yggdrasil
is at my back,
East - Athame forged
in Light.
Lamen hangs upon
my chest,
Gandr - South
- Fire is the test.
Sun rides high in
azure sky,
Mead Horn in the
Our swords are honed
for battle,
Loins girded with
bright mail.
The Winds of Thor
will guide our ships,
And fill our painted
Ravens aloft, Wolves
at my side,
I'll hue and flail
and brand.
Berserker till the
end of days,
Then rest my red
right hand.
Diamond Stars will
light the way,
Moon silver from
Sun shine someday
on golden shore,
Of bright Aethemera.
Winter 1988
Castle on the Green
Lyndonville, Vermont
"Ceremony for Founding Day" (17)
N 10
19, 1983
Royalston, Massachusetts
"Ceremony for Founding Day"
0. Preliminary
I. Rejoicing
in the Sun (18)
II. Assumption of
Appropriate God Form (19)
Vibration of the Appropriate God Name
III. Tracing
Pentagrams of White Flame to the Four Quarters (20)
IV. Blowing of Horn
Once to Each of the Four Quarters
Salutation to Appropriate Deity (21)
V. Commemoration:
"The purpose
of this most distinguished of all possible convocations is to commemorate, celebrate, and reaffirm the original purposes stated
upon the great occasion
of the founding
of the mighty concept of Aethemera and of the Order of Yggdrasil,
Liberty Triumphant
and Eternal."
Drinking of the Mead of Inspiration
Reading of Liber Aethemerae
Reading of Liber Sangrealis
"In Furtherance of the New Aeon.
Love is the Law. Love Under Will.
Hail Yggdrasil !"
Commencement of Festivities
"Ritualis Grandis Initiatii"
Grandis Initiatii"
0. Preliminaries
I. Rejoicing
in the Sun
II. Assumption of
Appropriate God Form
Vibration of Appropriate God Name
III. Tracing
Pentagrams of White Flame to the Four Quarters
IV. Blowing of Horn
to the Four Quarters
Salutation to Appropriate Diety
V. Drinking of the
Mead of Inspiration
Oath of Knighthood
"I, (Name of
Knight), in the Great Name of Yggdrasil, do pledge myself eternally to the principles of the Order of Yggdrasil and declare
my wish that should I ever falter in my loyalty to the Quest, Liberty Triumphant and Eternal, that I hope my head to be severed
from my body. By the strength and authority that I receive from the All One, I do proclaim myself
(Name of Knight)
irrevocably in service
to Our Lady Liberty-Aethemera, to whom I pledge my life and arms in unfailing vigilance under Sun and Moon and Stars to the
end of days.
"In Furtherance of
the New Aeon.
Love is the Law.
Love Under Will.
Hail Yggdrasil
Commencement of Festivities