On the Purging of the West N 10 OYN
The citadels of human rottenness are often priceless architectural treasures which can be ritually cleansed and reconsecrated to higher purposes at some point in the future. Take heart!
On the Purging of the West (15)
"Beware the cowardly slaves of false and unnatural prophets. Cast them out and shun them, for they are the shamefast servants of vileness!"
"Eventually it will be proclaimed throughout the land that these false ones are false, and wherever they shall walk they shall walk ashamed, and in that time it will be clearly seen that they have been terribly terribly swollen, nay, bloated, with the wretched false importancy of the lower self, and that their words have been merely the vile banal trumpetings therefrom."
"We shall ride triumphantly through the streets in bright armor upon white horses, the corpses of the impotent weakling slaves of darkness lining the walkways at each side, their blood running out and filling the gutters at our feet!
Then shall begin their conversion into ash for our fields, and the recasting by fire of their holy chalices and idols, of gold under Sun, of silver under Moon, from icons of shame and meekness into gleaming images of Truth.
And we shall fashion their holy places into strongholds of pleasure and their skulls will adorn the rafters and gaze down upon us as we enjoy our naked women upon their holy altars."
Liber Heraldicae
February 2, 1983 Ravenhurst ______
Introduction Flags for individual use should be fashioned from the descriptions here as individual circumstances permit. Recommended size is 32" x 40". These should be displayed on walls in meeting places, in one's private office or Place d' Arms. When this is problematical, they can simply be held strongly in mind: Order at Peace in the North Order at War in the East Aethemera in the South Nation in the West. Armor is of course these days, purely ceremonial, but can be fashioned and worn for recreational jousting by horse masters possessing the means. For most it should be merely visualized and contemplated inspirationally, or could even be illustrated in paintings or drawings. Dress
uniforms should be attractive in style and cut, and are probably best based upon the rank-equivalent uniforms of one's own
country. Such could be obtained from military surplus, then be bleached and dyed the appropriate color, or could be custom
tailored locally. Field uniforms, at this stage, should only be worn at clandestine gatherings. Dress uniforms however, can
be worn out and about town, especially on holidays. One can parry frivolous inquiry with the casual assertion that one is
on the way to a costume ball, which is of course, a very good occasion to wear and enjoy them. Insignia and Special Order pins of the required type can, strangely enough, usually best be procured from vendors at large agricultural fairs in summer or sometimes at novelty shops in cities. These should be small and tasteful, usually cloisonné and chosen with an eye to uniformity in size and style.
Traditional heraldic terminology is used and attributed thusly: Gules
- red - valor Or - yellow (or gold) Azure - blue - justice Argent - white (silver w arms or armor) - purity Sable
– black
Note: Since the following flags correspond as indicated, it is suggested that these be displayed in different rooms to keep one flag per wall. For example - estate flag is most appropriate in dining hall. Estate in the North Legion of Ragnarok in the North Family Coat of Arms in the East Werewolves
in the East State or Province in the West. Colors and Arms
I. Aethemera
In the tinctures here used, tribute is paid to the British Commonwealth of Nations, to France, and to the United States of America for many of the Libertarian ideals for which they have stood for in the past. The thirteen stars serve the dual function of special salute to the Founding Fathers of the Thirteen Colonies of the United States and of representing something which is higher than the twelve stars usually symbolizing government, namely, government limited to utmost degree. The Sun and Moon represent the Solar and Lunar principles. Aethemera is thus served "under Sun and Moon and Stars" astronomically, spiritually, and heraldically.
~ Flag: Ore border, deep azure field with thirteen argent stars surrounding central ten rayed ore Sun, argent crescent Moon in upper left of field with horns facing right.
II. Order of Yggdrasil at Peace (North)
~ Flag: Argent border, azure field, central argent World Tree Yggdrasil.
Order of Yggdrasil at War (East) ~ Flag: Ore border, deep azure field, central argent goat head with ore eyes, gules tips on ore horns, one pair perpendicular argent crossbones centered facing upright on either side of head.
Shield: Same as flag with extra pair of crossbones centered upright under head. ~
Horse: Best available, preferably white or at least with white extremities, azure blanket with argent border. ~ Personal Standard : Design of choice. This same on torso of armor.
~ Horse breast plate: IV. WLO Werewolves(16) ~
Flag: Ore border, gules field, central argent wolf head with ore eyes, one pair perpendicular argent crossbones centered facing
upright on either side of head. ~
Shield: Same as flag with extra pair of crossbones centered upright under head. ~ Armor: Argent, gules plume, argent wolf's head visor.
~ Arms: Argent lance with gules tip, argent mace, sword and dagger of choice. ~
Horse: Best available, preferably white or at least with white extremities, gules blanket with ore border. ~
Personal Standard : Design of choice. This same on torso of armor. ~ Horse breast plate:
V. Legion of Ragnarok ~ Flag: Argent border, sable field, central argent skull and crossbones facing straight ahead in traditional style with gules eyes connoting fire - Thor's
Jack O Lantern. ~ Shield: Same as flag. ~
Armor: Sable, gules plume, argent death's head visor. ~ Arms: Sable lance with gules tip, sable mace, sword and dagger of choice. ~ Horse: Best available, preferably
black or at least with black extremities, sable blanket with argent border. ~ Horse breast plate: Argent border, gules field, ore Aethemeran Sun. Liber Heraldicae
Dress Uniforms __________________________________________________________________
Field Uniforms
If the time comes when there are WLO Knights who are not also members of the OY, then collar designations will
be WLO both left and right. |
15. Quotations are from Elof II. Last is from "Portent of Victory." From the
standpoint of our goals the violent aspect of this should not be taken literally but merely contemplated with a Berserker's
delight for the inspirational value. 16. Heraldic information on Werewolves and LR was added here later.