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History January 5, 2027 York Edmunds feels good about having helped the FBI bust pedophile rings, but
he wants to play a more active part in the revolution. He dreams about the archetypal sense of integrity those who actually
kill child torturers must feel. He calls Ted Farrel, “… what can I do for
the revolution as a warrior in the field? Is there any category of Globalist functionary or helper, not being adequately targeted
right now?” Ted chuckles, “Hell yes, the legions of parasites who feed on the money that Globalist bankers
lend for government spending. These include welfare breeders, militant idlers, nutcases, druggies, and sex perverts. Eliminating
them individually is impractical, because it won’t make a dent in their vast numbers, and the misdirected public sees
them as victims, rather than sustainers, of the system. “There is, however, one category of parasite, who if ever generally understood,
will not be pitied, and that’s reparation seekers exploiting falsified history. “One advantage with these is that they are often together in large numbers.
One disadvantage is that strikes against them are almost knee-jerk to be false flagged. You know who I’m talking about?” York responds, “Holocaust profiteers?” “Absolutely. When prisoner-of-war camp death tolls are reported accurately,
they’re called casualties. When the numbers are vastly exaggerated, they’re called a Holocaust. Add something monstrous that any good person would condemn, like the experiments of Dr. Josef Mengele, and there will be mass condemnation of the entire vanquished
nation, with ex post facto legislation to
make regular army, navy, and air-force leaders into war criminals. At that point,
of course, having created a big lie that people believe, it would be only fitting to demand reparations.” York asks, “Yes, but it is difficult
to know what really happened so long ago.” “Yes it is, but I look at who is claiming what, at banker involvement, and the exposed
lies they have gotten away with previously, like the massacre in the Katyn forest. Then, I look at the data that contradicts
the myth by which they profit … Sorry, York, I have to go. Do some research, and call back tomorrow.” York searches “falsified history for reparations.” He finds several
examples in history. One website is unique in its brevity: Germany The six million “Holocaust” death toll was suggested by Raul Hilberg, a scholar from the University of Vermont, who presided
at Nuremberg. The IMF banker-friendly media jumped on the number, and have never let go since. There are some problems, however: The International Labor Organization states that the highest number of Jews ever under the control of
Germany in prison camps, was not more than 1.5 million. The World Almanac uses official census data. For 1939, it reports a total world Jewish population of
15,319,359. For 1949, the figure is 15,713,638. Under the terms of the Geneva Convention, the Red Cross inspected all the camps once every two weeks.
Their official estimate of the total number who died in all the camps is 271,301. This includes non-Jews. American forensic doctors examined hundreds of bodies and found only typhus and starvation as causes
of death, not even one from poison gas. When the Russians liberated the camps in Poland, including Auschwitz, they refused to admit the press
into the camps for five years. When they finally lifted the restriction, eager journalists got to photograph “gas chambers” that nobody
remembers seeing who visited the camps during the war years. The buildings claimed to have been used as gas chambers at Auschwitz were examined by Fred Leuchter,
top American consultant in the building of gas chambers for U.S. prisons. His conclusion was that the buildings he examined could not have been used
as gas chambers. Later the proprietors of Auschwitz conducted their own forensic study, and reached the same conclusion. IMF bankers, of course, continue to lend money to Germany for the ongoing reparations to Israel and
individual Jews, based on the six million estimate. Anyone who questions anything they claim is shouted down as a Holocaust denier. Next, York listens to one of the censored radio broadcasts of Dr. William Luther
Pierce, about the brazen seeking of unwarranted Holocaust reparations from several other nations based on a variety of absurd
premises. After sleeping on what to do, next morning he calls Ted back to proceed. Ted
replies, “Okay, I’m going to have a fellow in Germany contact you about
joining his group. They are among the top professionals in the revolution. One of their next projects will be to target those
promoting unwarranted reparations. “If you decide to join, my advice is to defer to their judgement in everything
until you gain more knowledge and experience. They are effectively a modern SS Wehrwolf division, but with modern Libertarian
goals. “Contacting you will be Rodman Berghofer. Let him and the others teach you. By
the time you know half what they do now, the revolution will probably be over. By the way, we are winning, you know, slowly but surely.” “I’m glad to hear that,” replies York. Education January 8, 2027 6:22 A.M. Boston Rodman Berghofer and Werner Kahl arrive at Logan Airport on a flight
from Munich. York meets them in the terminal lobby, then they walk to a nearby restaurant for breakfast. Berghofer has read a
number of York’s political essays and today also trusts him all the more because of his general look and demeanor. “We decided to meet you here because there is a Holocaust seminar at
Harvard University today. We prioritize education about Libertarian solutions to world problems, and do military strikes only
against those irrevocably committed to activities which aid and abet Globalist oppression.” 9:48 A.M. The three men arrive at the seminar and are seated in the middle of the ninth
row facing the podium. There are chairs facing the audience on both sides for guest speakers. Werner says quietly to York, “We wait for the question and answer session at the end of each presentation,
and educate only by asking questions that inform the audience without taking a strong posture of instructiveness or unnecessary
disagreement.” The first speaker, Dr. Rihnbaum Grossman, was a young boy in the 1940s, and
claims to be a Holocaust survivor. His voice trembles as he tells a poignant story about the day his mother was taken to the
gas chamber. He escalates this to an impassioned plea for increased reparations. In actuality, neither he, nor his mother,
were ever near any of the camps, but the audience doesn’t know this. Time for questions. Berghofer is acknowledged, rises, introduces himself, and addresses the entire
panel, “To date, Germany has paid over ninety billion dollars to individual
Jews and to Israel. Why, since the Bolshevik Revolution was almost entirely a Jewish phenomenon, are Jews not paying reparations
to families of the sixty-one million Russians, Ukrainians, and Poles who were murdered by the Jewish Bolsheviks?” There is a good amount of applause. Grossman looks perplexed, but replies, “But that was revolution, my friend. There is a difference, you know.” Berghofer responds, “Yes, the difference between protective National Socialist revolution
and covetous International Socialist takeover by scheming parasites and thugs.” Now the applause is even stronger. Many of the women in the audience crane
their necks to get a better look at this contra-orthodox fellow who boldly speaks for truth. The second speaker is a female survivor who makes strong assertions about the
need for reparations whenever there is wrongdoing. Werner Kahl asks, “Madame, you mention wrongdoing.
Should we not consider the manipulative initiation and bilateral financing of both world wars by predominantly Jewish banking
interests for their own gain, also as wrongdoing? If so, where are the reparations
for the rest of humanity?” In the audience there are knitted brows and thoughtful looks with increasing
applause. She replies, “Sir, my family are middle class clothiers. Banking is not a subject
I know anything about, so I must apologize, because I cannot answer your question effectively.” “That’s fair enough,” Kahl replies with a sympathetic smile. The next speaker, a small angry looking man, gives a short intense diatribe
about hatred, the horrors of Auschwitz, and the “wanton murder of six million people.” At question time, York can’t resist. This gives Werner Kahl a look of
worried surprise. The younger man rises, “You mention that famous six million
number. I’m sure you are aware, that for Auschwitz alone, the Russian liberators claimed four million, but the renounced
Jewish authority on Holocaust demographics, Gerald Reitlinger, later called that number ridiculous
and offered instead the figure of three hundred thousand. Am I right in assuming that, in the interest of accuracy, we should
now subtract that difference from Professor Raul Hillberg’s original estimate of six million?” York asks this with a disarming smile. Many in the audience chuckle heartily,
as they applaud. Kahl and Berghofer look very pleased with their new warrior protégé. Solicitation The World Commission for Holocaust Reparations is an international organization located in Israel. They proactively seek Holocaust survivors, lately even the children of survivors, hoping to milk the cow of Germany for a few more decades. They post worldwide advertisements every day encouraging people to apply for reparations. January 16, 2027 Jerusalem The Commission is having its monthly meeting today. There will be forty-eight
members present and six gourmet caterers. Berghofer, Kahl, and York flew in yesterday morning and have been sightseeing. Today there are a good many peculiar looking ducks at the Wailing Wall. They put on quite a show for tourists who visit what Jews and Christians call the Holy Land. Many of them seem like decent chaps. Diversity of human culture is certainly the spice of life. Wehrwolf Unit 8 keeps a small cache of weapons in eighteen different countries,
including Israel. For this engagement, they decide to carry compact submachineguns with suppressors under their coats. 10:22 A.M. The meeting is well underway. Werner Kahl dispatches the doorman
with his Hibben Silver Shadow. He wipes the blade clean on the poor fellow’s coat, rinses it at the water fountain,
and shakes it dry. The three men pull on ski masks for the cameras. As the warriors enter the meeting, Berghofer speaks with
impressive volume and clarity, “We address you today because you are the Children of Avarice. Perhaps
there is one or more among you who would have outgrown your monstrous greed eventually. If that is the case, please accept
our heartfelt apology in advance. Even righteous military initiative, of course, can involve a small percentage of collateral
damage. Shalom, Chaverim!” With this, the three warriors call a halt to the meeting. With remarkable frugality, they do this using only sixty-eight bullets. There is an invigorating smell of gunpowder in the air. The warriors leave quickly before the advancing bouquet of multiple bowel release spoils this fine moment of chivalry and honor. Museum The American Holocaust Museum in Bethesda Maryland, is actually funded by United
States taxpayers. On property, there is a resource outlet with propaganda books and films. There is also a center to program
American school teachers to promulgate the standard parasitic Holocaust lies to the next generation. February 10, 2027 6:12 A.M. Six members of Unit 8 have arrived in the area as three separate groups. On
weekdays the entire museum staff are punched in by 8:00 A.M. Visitors are not admitted until 9:00 A.M. 8:20 A.M. Six men in the unit are in a dense thicket of evergreens roughly one quarter
mile away from the museum. They have three quiet gas injection mortars, which they positon and aim meticulously to target
the front, middle, and rear of the museum. Simultaneously they fire one projectile, readjust slightly, fire a second,
readjust again, then a third. Nine explosions in all are perfectly dispersed to the entire length of the museum. 8:25 A.M. The museum is now just a burning ruin. All the employees are dead. Protest The recent events relative to the Holocaust myth have sparked a good deal of
Project Mockingbird type rhetoric with fools protesting against things that do not exist. IMF banker, Boris Pilos, has enlisted
the usual parasites and twits to demonstrate at colleges all over the United States. Signs they design will read: Ban Free Speech Stop Anti-Semitism Prosecute Holocaust Deniers Punch Nazis Assault Racists Stone White Supremacists Unmixed Marriage is Racism No Borders, No Walls, No Pussy, No Balls The Parthenon is White Racism Milk Drinking is White Racism Trigonometry is White Privilege February 18, 2027 9:30 A.M. Each of the nine warriors in the unit are at a different U.S. East Coast college campus today. Each has a .22lr caliber automatic rifle with poison bullets, telescopic sight, and suppressor. At precisely the same minute on each of the campuses, eight PALPAP thugs, one after another, fall to the ground. The warriors quickly exit their high points of ambush and disappear into the crowds.
Then May 2, 1859 North Carolina Plantation 7:22 A.M. Trudy Mickens is eight years old and is with her mother in the kitchen of their
little house. Her father just left for the fields. “Mamma, I don’t like white people. Why should we be slaves, when
they are free?” asks Trudy. “You mustn’t blame all white people for what some do. Only two
out of one hundred white people own slaves, Trudy, and there are thousands of good white people working to end slavery. Up
North they’re even talking about having a war so that we can be free. If that happens, I’ll have a regular job
just like white people, and you’ll go to school.” Trudy looks thoughtful as she visualizes the future her mother is talking about.
She says, “I’m glad you told me that, Mamma. Some white people in town, do seem nice.” Slavery
Now “Slavery in America hurt all white farmers who were not slave owners.
This is because of the effect on the job market and commodities prices. Will the descendants of white farmers who could not
compete with slave plantations, be getting any reparations?” ~ Liberty Letter February 22, 2027 Ted Farrel has been reading about the movement to have the United States Government
burden all white people with a special tax as reparations to all black people for slavery, as though evolved Europeans being
forced to into proximity with Stone Age Africans were not burden enough. For months, Ted has been working on a compact ninety three pound bomb that
can be detonated by radio control, after being dropped from high altitude without exploding on impact. Now that it’s
perfected, he will not have to wait very long for an opportunity to use it. March 21, 2027 Boston Boris Pilos is sponsoring a huge fundraiser tonight to raise money to lobby
Congress in connection with a proposed amendment to the U.S. Construction called the African-American
Slavery Reparations Act. The expected turnout is fifteen thousand people. Because it’s going to
be unseasonably warm tonight, the venue will be the new sports stadium built last year in Roxbury. Yesterday, when Ted heard
about this event, he decided to take a little time off from writing. Today, using fake ID and disguise, Ted rents a small airplane, and tapes a
sign on the side, American Parasite Extermination
Service. The fundraiser is well underway, as Ted comes flying over slowly at as altitude
of eighteen hundred feet. He reaches across, opens the passenger door, slides the bomb out, closes the door, and speeds up.
The bomb lands almost on center in the stadium. When he is safely out of the impact zone, Ted presses the button on the radio
control module. He sees the sky light up behind him in the rear view mirror. He flies two miles north, lands in a vacant parking
lot, abandons the plane, and walks briskly to a nearby bus terminal. In the distance, 16,436 reparations parasites lay roasted to a crisp in the
smoldering ruins of the stadium. Unfortunately Boris Pilos had a previous commitment and was not in attendance. “Not a bad night’s work,” thinks Ted to himself, looking out the bus window, as the nighttime scenery
slowly changes from city to country. Demonstrations In response to the Roxbury Massacre, as the media are now calling it, Pilos
organizes campus protests all over the United States. With false issues of race in America, he hires multitudes of gay men
from university theater departments to dress up like Nazis and march as counter demonstrators. Pilos knows that this will endanger thousands of ignorant, well-meaning, college
students, but he doesn’t care. His only real goal is to further the popular delusion about the need for vast government
borrowing from IMF Bankers to combat all the nonexistent racists and haters.. PALPAP thugs are worried, even if their puppeteer Pilos, is not. Observing
that all the comrades recently killed, were shot in the middle torso area, they decide to wear carbon fiber body armor. March 24, 2027 9:38 A.M. At nine colleges different from the ones targeted in February, each of the Wehrwolves wait for the signal. On each campus, the heads of eight PALPAP thugs burst, one after another. Today the warriors are shooting higher, with exploding bullets. Body armor didn’t help a bit. When Pilos hears the news, he is madder than a wet hen.
Supremacy Everybody wants to rule the World. Lately this desire has become nearly mainstream
among Negroes in America. The fake narrative against white people is almost unbelievable. Black Nationalists are currently debating the details of a bill that will secure
reparations from all white people to all black people, including the hordes of Africans that were forced into America by the
United Nations in the two decades prior to the recent U.N. Reformation on April 11, 2027. The argument is that, since slavery made second class citizens of negroes in
America, slavery reparations are also owed to all Negroes who immigrated to America after the end of the Civil War in 1865,
and their descendants, forever. Negro avarice in America, and worldwide, is beginning to parallel that of the
IMF bankers, behind the scenes, who often initiate this type of legislation, because they will lend the reparation money to
government Some have even asserted that there should be mandatory food, fuel, and lodging
discounts for all Negroes visiting America as tourists, and that failure to comply by retailers is a hate crime and should
carry mandatory five year imprisonment at hard labor, the proceeds from which will be donated to the Afro-American University
Trust. Zimbobo University in Illinois recently added a new course to their political
science curriculum, The Inevitability of Black Dominion
in America. Cool; jazzy Negroes everywhere are wearing T-Shirts printed: Cover yo ass, Snow Ball. We is de massa now. Rodman Berghofer knows the work is only beginning. He recognizes that Stone
Age people, on average, do not have the basic intelligence for higher moral conceptualization. Whenever they acquire education,
they only twist language to secure unjust advantage for themselves. Historically not one of them has ever expressed any concern
about long term considerations like liberty, race preservation, cultural uniqueness, or evolutionary destiny. Convention April 18, 2027 Today Washington D.C. is hosting the annual convention of the Superfly Coalition,
whose motto to white people is: “We on you now like flies on shit, Motherfucker.” By 9:40 A.M., there will be 12,378 Superflies and their consorts all in one
large venue. As usual, there will be a great deal of heavy drinking, loud talk, and foul language. Wehrwolf Unit 8 arrived early yesterday morning. By lunchtime they had studied
tactical options and formalized their procedure, then spent the rest of the day visiting historical sites. York is looking forward to this adventure. As a little boy he was intrigued by a movie
with gremlins representing the consequence of introducing morally inferior peoples into civilized nations. They act loving
at first, then slowly morph into loud jive-talking degenerates who call out only for their own destruction. 10:00 A.M. Two Wehrwolves are positioned under cover at a proper distance on each side
of the very large building. Each has one of the improved, Law’s type, aim-guided, rockets. At precisely the same instant,
each man fires into agreed upon widows, which will allow perfectly uniform explosion within the building. The detonations
are massive in themselves, but the combined effect becomes one gigantic ball of fire. The strange smell of roasting African flesh saturates nostrils for many miles
roundabouts. It is generally agreed upon as resembling a boiling kettle of molasses and cow manure. Conference The United Nations, serving IMF Globalists, had a plan to force 650,000,000
Islamic parasites into the United States by 2050. Eight years ago, Catholic Charities, in cooperation with the U.N., directed huge numbers of Somali ne’er-do-wells, from Florida to Lewiston Maine, of all places. Right thinking Down Easters wanted to gun the bastards down upon arrival, but
patriot numbers for immediate moral action in these situations are usually insufficient. In Lewiston today, the crime rates
have soared, most of the parasites are on welfare, and many have joined Mid-Eastern terrorist organizations working for Islamic
world conquest. To make matters worse, a bill is being put before Congress to pay all African
Negros slavery reparations no matter when they arrived, just to “give them a good start.” Considering the constructive changes now being implemented in response to the
wisdom of Senator Roswell Benedict, Berghofer and Kahl agree with York that it would be unlikely for Congress to pass such
an absurd proposal. They also agree that those sponsoring it, should be eliminated on general principal. May 14, 2027 New York City The League of African-American Recompense, funded by Boris Pilos, is having
a meeting today to discuss the final details of their bill to Congress. Although they have lost a great many members lately,
especially in Roxbury, enough are usually on vacation so that they will always have plenty left over, thirty-eight of whom
will be in attendance today. The particular venue for this meeting does not lend itself to attack by rockets,
or even mortars. The unit will carry the same type of ordnance they used in Israel, compact submachineguns with suppressors under their
coats, using appropriate personal disguise. 10:16 A.M. All the League are seated. Just inside the locked entry door, three dead bodies
attest to the fact that the unit was offered insufficient resistance in entering. The ugly chairperson is a IMF banker jackass
named Meier Gross. Berghofer notices the sound recorder with cameras and walks directly to the
podium and speaks through the microphone, “Mr. Gross, have you told all your African colleagues that once the Children
of Avarice have attained world finance monopoly, that even they will be charged forty percent interest if they want a house
mortgage, payable via their silicone body implants, the same as everybody else, except your people of course.” Gross scowls viciously, then tries to rush Berghofer with the intention of
clawing his nose. Berghofer blocks this, countering with a hard kick to the nuts. Then he turns to face the rest of the League
members, “I know there is intelligence here. I can see it in many of your faces.
What a pity you are not national leaders in your ancestral homelands. Instead you have chosen to live parasitically among
people of European ancestry, and for this you must die, like all parasites.” Looking up, as if to the sky, he continues, “May the gods and goddesses of your homelands receive you now. Please
try to strive in the next world, for the honor and integrity you have thrown aside in this one.” Berghofer turns and puts the whimpering banker out of his misery. At this signal,
men in the unit gun down the remaining thirty-seven attendees. They spare the caterers, and leave. The bill is never submitted to Congress. Even the subverted media downplay this aspect of the story, to keep from completely discrediting themselves.
Parasites Even self-disabling unemployables are beginning to surf the tidal wave of reparation.
Now sex perverts want to be compensated for the effect on their employability by the normal human reaction to their degenerate
values and peculiar behavior, on the premise that: “Government hasn’t done enough to educated the straight community about LGBT issues.” The New World Recruitment Society is having a convention to formulate how to
secure U.S. government reparations for the queer community in general. Topics will include: By Swish or by Fish (based on delusions of seductiveness) Comparison Studies (blackmail of closeted fags in Congress) With a Little Help from our Friends (threat of violent reprisal by PALPAP thugs) August 4, 2027 9:26 All six hundred twenty two society members
are seated. The speaker walks to the podium. There are various clusters of members talking among themselves. To get
their attention, the speaker sca-reams, “Yooo-hooo” Their heads snap up, now fully at attention. He / she smiles, “Thay, good morning, you all look just marvelous. I’m sooo glad
you queens could drag yourselves out of bed today to attend our convention. As
you know we are seeking…” The speaker stops as the warriors walk in. Berghofer picks up the thread, “…reparations that you do not deserve, and would not be seeking
if you were good people, but unfortunately, you are not good people. You are subhuman.
We are here to enrich the world by riding it of your militant inferiority. Werner Kahl is standing nearest the seated members. Two big drag queens try
to rush him. Like lightening, he leaps high into the air and kicks them both in the balls simultaneously. They grunt like
pigs as Kahl lands back on his feet. The queens fall down, moaning in agony. Out comes Werner’s PPK. He shoots them both in the head. As other perverts
begin to rise, the unit guns them down in the usual preplanned zone-per-warrior fashion. A good many queers nearly make it
to a door. Later, one of the younger men comments, “That was a close call. For this many targets we run a big risk in not
using explosives or gas. Think if just one machine gun jammed, or if one of us had been disabled or killed. Can’t have
them escaping.” Berghofer says, “You’re right. There was, however, no opportunity for access prior
to the convention. It was fun to see them alive, though, wasn’t it.” “Yes, indeed. Fun to see them dead too,” the younger man replies. Both men chuckle. Down East It’s long past time to address the problem of Somalis in Lewiston Maine.
Their numbers have been growing like bacteria in warm manure. The number of white women raped by them, in itself, justifies
the destruction of their entire race and homeland. Eliminating them here in Maine at least, is a good start. October 31, 2027 In the subsidized apartment houses to be targeted, there are only eight white
families. Before dawn, the warriors abduct all of them, with encouragement to bring along only irreplaceable personal items.
The families are taken to a holding station, with one guard who explains to them what is happening, “… and, of course, we apologize for your loss of property and temporary
loss of housing, but in the long term, the removal of these savages from civilized societies will much increase all our prosperity
and joy in living.” The unit spends the rest of the day studying what the placement of men with aim-guided rockets must be to destroy the irregular cluster of eleven large apartment houses in two minutes, with each man firing four rochets. Berghofer decides that the dinner hour will be best, before vandalizing Somalis leave for the evening, and to avoid injury to trick-or-treaters. 6:20 P.M. All nine men are in position. The evening air is chilly and pleasant with the
smell of fallen leaves. The choice of Halloween for this operation, ads an extra thrill for the little boy in each of the
warriors. This is a night when European heritage will truly reassert itself. At precisely the same instant, the men begin firing. Alarmed Somalis quickly appear at windows of the portions not struck, but are soon engulfed in flame themselves, as each section of the housing cluster lights up from inside. This is a Samhain bonfire of epic proportions. The warriors gaze for a moment with archetypal satisfaction upon their work. Within three minutes the gentle sound of burning is broken by sirens, as first
responders flock to the scene from all over the city. The abducted white families, left alone briefly. inside their quarters, are
now taken to a city recreation center where they can find temporary shelter and watch TV news coverage of the events. Their
original guard, now their driver, addresses them with delight, “Thrill in your memories to the events of this night. You are participants
in a great historical movement for the preservation of the European race, culture, and evolutionary
destiny itself.” After living among the Somalis, the white people know well the truth of these
words. The warriors are all well on their way back to their various hotel and motel
accommodations, ready for an interesting evening watching local and national news. Food-to-go, purchased earlier in the day,
never tastes as good as at a splendid time of victory like this. Reporters are saying that over eight-thousand-six hundred
Somalis were roasted alive in this splendid conflagration. As the evening progresses, indigenous patriots exterminate another nine-hundred-eighty-three
Somalis all over Androscoggin County on this night of honor. The next morning almost every surviving Somali in Maine is in the early stages
of planning their departure. The indigenous citizens are celebrating. University twits are holding candlelight vigils, with
the usual black masked PALPAP thugs in attendance at the ready, to beat up old white ladies who don’t look properly
grief stricken by the demise of so many invading outlanders. There are many thousands of Somalis left in Maine, over eight-thousand in Portland
alone, so there is plenty of good work still to be done, and make no mistake, it will be done. Transformation Berghofer loves to do a strike involving actual wehrwolf transformation once
in a while. One day he says to Werner Kahl, “We haven’t done a lupine operation in five years. As wolves, we
need to eliminate some well-known internationalists prominent in reparations advocacy, so that the entire world can marvel
at the breadth and depth of Libertarian discontent with the victimization of productive people by the seekers of undeserved
entitlement.” IMF bankers leave no stone unturned in their endless campaign to find new ways
for government to borrow and spend money. To this end, they have created an elite organization comprised of twenty-seven representative
central bank presidents from all over the world, called the International Council for Deserved Reparations. The members are encouraged to think creatively about possible areas of reparation
to be initiated, no matter how farfetched or bizarre. They meet every six months, each time in a different city. This time
it’s Geneva. York has always been squeamish about embracing the life of an shapeshifter.
What if there are unknown side effects, possibly late in life? When he mentions this, Berghofer is sympathetic, and has two
good technical reason to let York off the hook anyway, ”Don’t worry. We need you to drive us in a livestock truck to and
from the meeting. There is no adjacent area with enough space or privacy for transformation. We also need you to film the
question and answer session between eight talking wolves and the doomed minions of Globalism. Imagine the impact on future
generations of this video. I know you will strive to do a good job. December 18, 2027 The unit flew in late yesterday afternoon, just ahead of a big storm. Today
there is fresh snow everywhere in Switzerland. At dawn, the unit meets outside the city and transform into wolves. The new powder makes them feel frisky, so they run for a while to warmup for the activity ahead. They also sing, to hone their speaking ability. 9:08 A.M. In the truck, Berghofer says to the unit, “The numbers are perfect. Three for each of us. As
we ride, please review mentally the questions you will ask. Plan to be succinct and articulate, with no mumbling. I’ll
announce the interview procedure at the meeting, leaving out any mention of killing them at the end. “York will have a machine gun to suggest the value of cooperation as
he films. Interviews will be one at a time. At the end, I will say “the time has come.” Then York will walk around
filming, as you each destroy your three elitists all in unison. Make your reach long so as to not get blood on your coats.” 9:32 A.M. The unit easily dispatches the astonished security people, and all walk upright
into the meeting. The bankers have heard about the actuality of wehrwolf transformation, but today only seeing and hearing
is truly believing. Each member of the unit tests his wolf voice for volume and clarity by saying, “Good morning,” to his three delegates, all of whom look astounded and afraid. The chairman
/ speaker scoots away quickly as Berghofer walks up and takes the podium, “Yes, good morning. You, no doubt, have heard of us, even though we haven’t
been seen for a long time. Please bear with us. “We are going to make a video of your answers to questions we will ask.
Please speak with volume and clarity. We are doing this for the wellbeing of both human and canine posterity.” Werner Kahl leads off. He approaches his three delegates. Gesturing with his
clawed hand, he begins, “I am addressing you three gentlemen. Please answer candidly… As
IMF Bankers, what does it feel like to be the engineers of all war and economic upheaval? Do not waste our time with denial
of this. Historical records support this premise to a level of detail that most
of you are probably not even aware of yourselves.” The first man, fearful but well-trained, speaks, “I must be one of those unaware fellows, because I have no idea of what
you are talking about. The government approaches us when they want money.” Kahl answers, “Apparently, cognitive dissonance allows you to deny that government
needs this money for military mobilization and social programs, because of your manipulation of interest rates to cause balance
of trade deficits, monetary inflation, and recessions.” The three men cannot deny the truth of this. The second warrior gestures his designation of delegates and asks, “How many times per year do you send white papers to subverted media
outlets with the lies and half-truths they promulgate to further your program for world domination?” One man speaks, “We send updates whenever there is a procedural change that we concur
is apt to mandate public policy adjustment, for better or worse. It is rare that more than six months will pass without some
issue of such a statement.” Says the warrior, “Very good answer. We know of course, that in the longer term, these
policy adjustments will always be for the worse, don’t we?” The man answers, “Perhaps. World affairs are growing increasingly complex today.” The third talking wolf begins, “Does it ever bother you that the curriculum changes which Globalist
bankers mandate for endowments to colleges and universities, are destructive, and have rotted the minds of three generations
of young people. One delegate answers, “Endowments are not my department. I have no idea what they teach the
kids these days.” “What they teach are lies about wealth, economics, science, health, nutrition,
sex, gender, natural selection, archaeology, race, history, good, evil, right, wrong, love, hate, spirituality, liberty, security,
and national sovereignty. This is done, not just with false emphasis and interpretation, but often with outright fabrication.” The disgraced delegate nods humbly. The forth warrior has a slight accent, “Do you not feel ashamed to be complicit in promulgating falsified history
and science as a means of extorting reparations from vanquished nations in behalf of those who seek to live parasitically?” A delegate answers, “We are just bankers. We don’t research or write history. We only
lend the money to the nations to make the reparation payments.” Says the warrior, “I see. It must be just conspiracy
theory on the part of anyone who thinks that you fellows might influence the decision as to who must make reparations
and to whom. We all, of course, stand humbly corrected in this.” The fifth warrior takes a deep breath, “I am appalled by the artificial sustenance that is given to subhumanity
in several categories: “Professional breeders are human baby factories who give birth to one
illegitimate child after another. The granting of benefits to these pigs is to deliberately subsidize human inferiority and
devolve the human race. “Mental cases, usually constitutional psychopaths at base, mange to also
develop all kinds of reactionary neurotic complications that allow them to be designated “disabled’ so that they
can live as parasites. “Drug addicts do the same thing, based on the promise of eventual rehabilitation, that always extends to a lifetime. Good people who work are deprived
of vacations and everything that makes life joyful just to sustain this rabble. “Sex perverts, often a product of the subverted educators, so ruin themselves
that they cannot hold a job among normal people who are sickened by their bizarre values and behavior. “And you thugs in business suits orchestrate all of this degeneracy to
the total destruction of life on Earth. Is going from billionaire to trillionaire in your lifetime so important that you are
willing to ruin the future for all of humanity?” The three delegates hang their heads, sporting red faces, with sheepish grins. The sixth warrior declares, “You have even supported amnesty for illegal invaders, with reparations
to compensate them for all the inconvenience they have endured from the expectation that they should obey the laws of sovereign
nations.” One delegate answers, “We believe in one world government.” The seventh warrior asks, “Even the process for legal invasion was criminal because of non-disclosure.
How many Americans do you think were aware that the United Nations, as IMF lackeys, planned to force six-hundred-million Islamists
into the United States by the year 2050?” The delegate says, “Even without the recent reform of the U.N., I doubt that such a thing
would actually happen.” Now Berghofer takes his turn, “Nonresistance to IMF goals will spell the end of viability for humanity.
Moral capacity for right behavior is simply lacking in Globalists, from the lowest dumbed down students to the most powerful
heads of international Globalist organizations. The option of educating any of you at any level, simply does not exist. “Resistance, therefore, can take only one path. In this venue, the time has come.” At this signal, each warrior efficiently kills their three delegates by ripping
their faces off. The screams are pitiful, but a necessary part of the this glorious revolution. December 19, 2027 The excitement over yesterday’s event erupts as though the earlier Wehrwolf strikes never happened. Even the subverted media
are scrambling to give the best treatment of this bloody business. Normal in-house filming for these meetings shows podium speakers in close-up
view, with the entire venue in wide view. Many journalists have deftly interspersed this footage with York’s treatment
of the interviews and killing. The results, now seen on national television news, are dazzling. Newspaper headlines include: Nature Hits Back Wolfpack Attacks IMF Bankers SS: SchutzStaffel also ShapeShifter Mass Murder in Switzerland Even Canines Despise Globalists Twenty-Seven More Sent to Hell Supernatural Supermen? Bankers Clawed to Death Artic Woolymeisters Ravage The Children of Avarice |
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