Today, all of the world,
is under siege by the minions of Globalism. They are supported by populations
of guilt ridden, self-hating lemmings, who have been so twisted by the
subverted media, schools, and churches, that they actually elect to public
office the very agents of their own destruction. Stone Age Africans and Mid-Eastern religious fanatics are being forced by the millions into every country in Europe by the European Union and the United Nations. This is to destroy the European race and culture, to pave the way for one world government, fulfilling the IMF banker goal of total finance monopoly. If people speak openly about these matters, they are accused of “hate speech.”
The reader is urged to
search, then read, a website New World Order: Seek and Destroy.
Special attention should be given to:
Alternative to IMF Banks Delusion
of Multiculturalism
Defense of Borders
Islamic Conquest
Libertarian Nationalist
All protagonists in the
Nationalist Revolution novels have read the entire website, and understand what
needs to be done. Without hesitation, they eliminate as many of their people’s
enemies as they can, just as one would eliminate rats carrying bubonic plague.
Real-life characters are portrayed with names a bit different from their true names, to keep a certain liberty loving author free of lawsuits.
(written before this volume as an
introduction to earlier novels)
Roy C. Peterson August 11, 2018 1:06 P.M.
Story is prefaced by a nonfiction essay; Holocaust Denial. As in all the Revolution Series novels, general statistics and history reacted to by protagonist heroes, is authentic to best of the author’s knowledge.
October 31, 2019
9:33 A.M.