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Death and Childhood One was a heavy six sided light green glass pyramid. The other was a strong
cardboard picture of a sly looking human skull. In the cellar Pa had a gallon of phosphorescent paint that glowed light blue,
like the full moon on a cold night. With meticulous detail he put a thick coat of the magickal paint on the skull
and on the bottom of the pyramid. It took forever to dry and I was delighted beyond words with the result. I continued to
enjoy fireflies, but at a distance. I had begun to acquire a reputation in the neighborhood as a naturalist.
That Autumn a neighbor, Harris Pratt, gave me a dead bat. My father fixed the wings in spread position with copper wire and
pickled the bat with alcohol inside a long olive bottle. Another addition to my private museum. The next summer Harris' daughter Nancy brought me a dead bird. I asked, but
Pa said it would not pickle well and that I should bury it. Debbie Chandler, the little seven year old girl next door, and
I held a funeral for the bird and buried it in a blue Maxwell House coffee can. Kids wonder about death, and so a week later, after much soul searching, Debbie
and I dug up the bird to see what changes, if any, had occurred. There were white worms and red worms, each about three sixteenths of an inch
in length. Debbie said she had heard that in some special situations connected with the army there were also blue
worms. Two years later I heard a standard childhood poem. I'm sure
that there are diffrent versions: When You Are Dead Don't you laugh when the hearse goes by, April 19, 2006 9:53 AM ____ Big Fish in Florida ____ Cramps While
Diving One day in Sprig during high school at Farm Pond in Sherborn, Massachusetts I had swum out to a small wooded island. As I began
to swim back my entire left side, arm, and leg cramped and became completely paralyzed. I crawled ashore to massage my limbs
hoping the cramps would go away. They did not. I didn’t want to wait all
day, so I took a bad risk and side stroked back to shore with my mask on my foreheads and my head above water. The longest
swim of my life. May 4, 2012 9:32 A.M Huge Waves
in North Carolina Once in September at age fifteen
I was body surfing six foot waves at Nag’s Head on the Outer Banks of North Carolina - Hurricane Alley. It was around
2:00 P.M. and I was alone with nobody around. Suddenly a wave fourteen feet high reared up and broke right on me. I was smashed
down into the sand under water, dragged, rolled, and tumbled along. I got up, gasping for air, and tried to get to shore,
but the strong undertow dragged me back. Then came another wave, and another, and another. I don’t know how I survived
this or where I got the strength, but I tried again and again until I made it to shore completely exhausted. For some reason I forgot to write
this up with the other stories in 2006. I think this was the scariest of all my experiences because I actually felt myself
dying as my strength ran out. I was absolutely sure the sea was taking me forever, but there was a slight delay between waves
and only this allowed me to survive. April 11,
2012 12:45 P.M. ____ Insane Driver in Massachusetts One car I drove in college was a "poor man's Porsche". Two weeks after I
sold that Karmann Ghia roadster, I was driving my first rich man's Porsche, a Gray 356BS Coupe, through Wellesley Massachusetts
about 4:00 PM on the way back from classes at Suffolk University.
As I started into an intersection, I looked up and saw a nutcase in a hot
Chevy running the red light. He came flying up over the steep hill to my right. He was air-born just like the police chase
movies filmed in San Francisco.
It was too late to stop so I trounced on the accelerator. The car surged
forward and I saw the Chevy just miss me in the rear view mirror. The K Shells of the atoms in our paint jobs exchanged electrons
it was so close. He was doing about sixty five. If it had been two weeks earlier and I had been in the Ghia ...
March 30, 2006
2:05 PM
More Porsche Adventures One Rainy Night
I was doing about 85 MPH on the Massachusetts Turnpike in the
356 coming back from a night class at Suffolk. There was a truck up ahead of me going about the same speed. Suddenly a crate
the size of a washing machine fell off the truck right in front of me. I swerved sharply to the right to avoid it and the
car fishtailed violently in absolute silence for three hundred feet on the slippery pavement. Finally I got the old girl under
One Dry Night
One night I was driving a girl home from a party in the 356 doing
85 MPH into a tight uphill corner on a narrow country road. The car became air-born, but I didn't know it, so I kept turning
the steering wheel to the right. When we came down, the car lurched violently to the right and fishtailed for about a hundred
feet. The tires sang a frightening Toccata and Fugue in D (for Death) Major.
One Dry Day
Five years later I was driving home on Route 495 in my father's
red 911T Porsche Coupe. I decided to see what she would do.
As I hit 100 MPH, a guy pulled out into the right lane ahead.
I thought it would be fun to see the look on his face, but I went by so fast he was hundreds of feet behind by the time I
could look into the rear-view mirror.
As I hit 130 MPH the car suddenly began to lift and pull quickly
to the right. There was a problem with aerodynamics, so I slowed down promptly. The lift happened because the right front
fender was buckled by an accident Pa had when some Bozo pulled out of a side street without looking.
March 30, 2006
3:57 PM
Mountain Perils
From my journal: "December
8, 1982 At 11:00 AM
Consecrate stone at top of Little Monadnock. 1:30 PM. Do another
at top of Big Monadnock [Probably represents record climbing time. On way up I meet a guy in an elf green coat carrying a
strange walking stick. He looks much like my father. The minute he first sees me, he falls flat on his face. For some reason
I feel a little guilty about this. Shortcut straight up to summit sees me clinging with back against a sheer rock face in
a strong wind. At another point I am faced with going across a crevasse by stepping on a rock which separates two huge slabs
of stone. If I dislodge the one I step on, the other two will slap together squashing me like a bug. Study this a while and
then do it quickly. See western red squirrel at the top]."
When the Trees Reach Out with Claws Mt. Washington in New Hampshire has the lowest recorded temperature, and highest recorded wind
speed, on Earth. You can ski Tuckerman's Ravine eleven months of the year. The weather station at the top has a huge chain
anchored in stone running right over the roof. The temperature can drop sixty five degrees in fifteen minutes, The wind speed
can increase one hundred miles per hour within twenty minutes.
Not including all those who disappear every year, over a hundred people have been found dead
on Mt. Washington. There are stone cairns everywhere to mark where they fell. Two weeks before my adventure, two chaps were
blown to their deaths right off the face of the mountain. The rangers advise you to carry so much survival equipment that
you would need three porters to carry it all.
The following story of grim adventure is not that strange in itself. What is strange was the
subjective feelings experienced in living it. I have simply reproduced my journal entry for that day with a little bracketed
commentary. "June 22, 1989. Executions number 7 and arrests 1600 in China. 11:30 AM. Ride Stage up Mt. Washington. Hot and hazy. 25 mile view. 51 degrees at the top. After
egg salad sandwich and macaroni c 1:30 PM hike down to Lake of the Clouds favoring my left knee all the way [As a skier,
beating up my knees mountain climbing is not acceptable. One must prioritize].
Leave there c 3:30 not realizing that I am heading into one of the most frightening and desperate
adventures of my life. As I leave I can see my destination at a bewilderingly great distance below.
The trail proceeds for quite a while in a normal fashion. At a certain point it begins to narrow,
but seeing recent footprints, I keep on, over a ridge, and down a very steep area. Trail keeps getting less like a trail.
At one point my foot pokes through into a cave and I fall up to my thigh. [Very luckily this did not break or wedge my
The pitch of the land takes me back toward the river. I come down a place it is impossible to
get back up and am confronted with having to pass between two parallel ledges each at a 45 degree angle with rushing water
below. I am very angry at the AMC at this point [for not warning me enough] and very frightened.
I gradually inch my way along slippery surface. [Using hands above and feet below avoiding the
wet moss. If I fall the short distance here I will break both legs on the jagged boulders and starve to death, unless animals
get me first]. Slip at one point and just barely make it through. Coughing and exhausted, I don't even bother to photograph
beautiful cascades behind me - I don't want to remember this.
Climb up steep banking back into forest. No trail now. Back towards water. Come to an even worse
situation. Down to a place where I can't go either down or up. [Can't go up because in descending I slid down a steep stone
face catching my heels at intervals to stop me. Impossible to go back up. Can't go down because I will have to jump down fifteen
feet into a pool where I will pitch forward and hit my head on boulders, get knocked out, and drown in two feet of water.
Go up a short distance. Come down again. Still hopeless].
Yell for help. [Even at this point I think of the pictures I will take when the helicopter comes.
Soon realize it's not going to come, and because of waning energy I will die, if I don't do something quickly]. With all my
strength I do the impossibe and climb back up the rock face to safety. [As I do this it seems like everything is reaching
out to snag me. Like in a German fairy tail when the trees have faces and conspire against lost children. I put away
knife and camera in pack because they are being snagged].
Walk to place where I can cross river. [Beautiful cascade waterfall with pool where one would
normally get naked and have a dip. Time, exhaustion, and my emotions will not allow this]. Rest and head down trying to avoid
water. Land almost forces one towards the water. Krummholtz is now about six feet high and ultra dense. Slope is very steep.
I can't see my feet.
Each step has a new surprise - a three foot drop, a jagged rock, a dead tree spike, a crevasse
covered with primeval moss so it looks solid. This is worse than any Viet Nam movie, literally Hell on Earth, and ranks with
seven or eight other things as one of the worst experiences of my life [as of the date recorded].
At one point, I fall down over a banking right in front of a dark cave. I fear meeting bears
at this point. Also an encounter with bees would mean certain death. I am falling more than walking now because my strength
is gone. Finally I see a flat river bank. As I head down, I see trodden path on the right and know that I will
live. [Getting dark with moon rising].
After resting, move on, my knee troubling me a bit. Large lynx [c 95 Pounds] galloping across
path about 60 feet ahead. [Can hear the thunder of his paws even before I see him. Manage not to have him not see
me]. My imaginings turn to mountain lions at this point and where I would hunt if I were a lion - near a river bank, of course.
I decide that I must put knife back on my hip. Finally make base lodge at 7 PM. Home via Whitefield and
June 23. Lame all over from yesterday's adventure - especially in arms. Can hardly walk down stairs. Have to lay in bed for three days. Five near brushes with death in one day have given me my share of wilderness adventure for awhile on this one. I don't climb again until November 13, 1992 when I ascend Cannon Mountain to Lost Lake." March 12, 2006
11:18 AM
Danger in the High Sierra
September 28, 1993. At 8:45 AM leave [In a big 28 foot diesel
truck with load weighing many tons]. 12:15 Sparks NV. Steak at Western Village Casino. Nice blond waitress. Brakes fail [At
top of Sierra. Pump to keep them operable all the way down to Penn Valley. They only become truly inoperable as I enter my
driveway. Thank you, Odin]. Wildwood c 3:30 PM.
California Crustaceans One day in Lake Wildwood I was cleaning my kitchen. As I reached
around the refrigerator I squashed a Black Widow Spider with my index fingertip, but not before she stung me. I washed the
finger off quickly and sucked the wound to remove poison. But not quick enough. I felt the paralysis begin to slowly run up
my index finger, then to the tip of the middle finger. Then it began to travel up my arm, but started to thin out after passing
the elbow. My shoulder got a bit sore and I had a headache all day.
Another day I woke up with a visitor in my bed. A small deadly
light brown scorpion has been killed when I rolled over on him in my sleep.
Deadly Medicine Two other times I nearly died, but more from medical negligence
than from the ailments themselves.
While living in Lake Wildwood medical information about
a tumor pressing on my optic nerve was mislaid for two months in Sacramento. This and the intervening holiday season
caused a nearly fatal delay in my surgery. Two more days and I would have died.
Later in Reno I was not advised about available immunization
and contracted a strain of pneumonia which made me deathly ill for months. I lost fifty pounds and nearly died. They quarantined
me for five days because they thought I had tuberculosis.
March 31, 2006 9:53 AM
Late at Night Out on the Town Adventures
Count here four victories that may very well have meant death for me, if they had been defeats.
Nolo Contendere.
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