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Revolution Summary Historical
Non Fiction: April
27, 1961 President
John F. Kennedy addresses the American
Newspaper Publishers Association: “For
we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding
its sphere of influence: on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead
of armies by day. “It
is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient
machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. “Its
preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a wartime
discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match. “Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security, and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.” 1972 An
ongoing citizen revolution against the New World Order begins with Gary Allan’s book None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Before this, very few people know anything about Globalism. Early
1980s Libertarian,
anti-Globalist financial newsletter, The Duck Book is published by Robert White,
with essays by senators, congressmen, and economists. A piece from Murray Rothbard explains, step by step, with dollar amounts,
how to nationalize the Federal Reserve. February
12, 1983 The
World Libertarian Order is founded in
Massachusetts by Eric F. Magnuson, specifically to stop Globalism via education. This gives rise to another book called The Fulfillment
of Evolutionary Destiny which
explains Libertarian Nationalism, a greatly superior alterative to globalization. 1985 Four
members of the radical Libertarian Lokison family disappear at Great Slave Lake, in the Northwest Territory of Canada. Thought
to be murdered by Globalists. 1988 Publisher
Robert White is murdered in Belize. December
28, 1991 Radio
program American Dissident Voices features informative anti-Globalist essays, presented,
by Dr. William Luther Pierce. April
19, 1995 Timothy
McVeigh destroys a U.S. Government building in Oklahoma City, killing one hundred and sixty-eight people. This includes nineteen
kids. Event at first appears to be revolutionary in an anti-federal sense, but later turns out to be a Globalist initiative
to turn the population against right wing résistance. Very unpopular because
of the kids. 1995 Infowars,
an anti-Globalist radio channel is founded by Libertarian Alex Jones. In this same year, The Drudge Report joins the war.
11, 2001 U.S.
Globalist traitors working with Islamic radicals destroy the World Trade Center in New York City, killing 3,478 people of
many nationalities. February
2002 Armed
resistance begins. 2007 Founding
of Breitbart News. At present this is headquartered in Los Angeles, with branches in Texas, London, and Jerusalem.
Fiction: 2009
to 2011 Hilton
Armstrong eliminates nearly nine hundred Globalists housed in three secret installations. The general public learns of this
only decades later in histories of the period. March
28, 2016 Garrett
Valdison reads an essay of the World Libertarian Order, a ten step program called Libertarian
Nationalist Revolution. This
greatly clarifies his own ideas about the work ahead. October
28, 2016 Garrett
recently read a new WLO essay Globalism and the Federal Reserve. Today he sees the author interviewed on one
of the Internet alternative news sites. Asks
the news lady, “In
reaction to this piece, I understand that you are getting a lot of heat about supposedly being an anti-Semite. The
author replies, “Anti-Semitism
is defined as “the belief that Jews constitute a sinister presence in one’s country, and that something should
be done about it. “Could
be true, I may be an anti-Semite, because I have absolute knowledge that Jews of the globalist banker and subverted media
variety, constitute probably the most sinister presence in, not only my country but practically every country on earth, and
something should have been done about it a long time ago.” “Right
on!” says the news lady. She smiles and winks at the camera-man. January
12, 2022 Eight
hundred handcuffed skeletons are found at the bottom of a bluff. Valdison is called in to investigate. November
1, 2022 June
3, 2023 A
troublemaker is trained with cattle prods in meal service and mandatory shoe kissing for hundreds of angry people. Valdison
hears on TV about how the man was found hung in a tree on the courthouse lawn dressed as a ballerina. August
11, 2023 of
victims for target practice. Valdison enjoys roast duckling as he learns about how five hundred thousand people have
been privately executed and why. September
22, 2023 October
5, 2023 November
14, 2023 Because
he’s a well-known alumnus, Garrett Valdison is asked to speak at Hamilton College. He is not a very good orator, and
so decides not to promote the revolution. Instead he talks briefly about student writing careers, stressing the value of personal
integrity. He concludes. “Within
the constraints of truth, it’s best to simply follow your own star.” Now
come the student questions. A young Negro woman, nicely dressed. leads off, “Mr.
Valdison, do you not consider Libertarian Nationalism to be racist?” Garrett
answers, “You’ve
asked a serious question, so please brace yourself for a serious answer.” “Sounds
good. Please continue” the girl says, “I
want to show you a hypothetical future, then ask a general question of everybody present… “Imagine
ten years from now a world at peace. Indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations prospering in a free world market,
all enjoying absolute individual liberty and effective population control. Mono-racial societies where the citizens travel
worldwide and experience the full undiluted potency of other indigenous cultures, rather than the gray sameness of global
monoculture. I’m talking about true diversity, not the phony airhead breed-up-quick, “We are
Borg” variety, obligingly taught by colleges endowed by, and subverted to, Globalism.” There
is a grave murmur from the crowd. Undaunted, Garrett continues, “My
question is simply this: who among you, in that world ten years ahead, would want to put things back to what they are now?” There
is a long silence. In the audience Valdison can see looks of thoughtful recognition. One brave soul starts to clap, then another,
soon everybody. It’s not quite a standing ovation, but these are the American intelligentsia, and they can’t help
but see the truth in what this worldly alumnus is saying. Garrett
looks happy, “Please
go ahead, more questions.” This
time, a male graduate student, “Your
future sounds good to me, but aren’t such changes more easily said than done?” There
is acquiescent applause. Garrett replies, “Yes,
they are, but in the long term, making the changes is easier than continuing the way we are. All it would take is education,
recognition, will power, and common sense planning. I liken it to the long-overdue rearranging of rooms in a big house. The
scale is vastly greater, but there are a lot more helpers.” The
graduate student seems satisfied, smiles, and sits down. Garrett says, “Oh,
before I forget, please visit the World Libertarian Order Official Site. Any other
questions?” January
11, 2024 The
heavy metal band Liberator, known as Libertarian Nationalists, plays Las Vegas. Garrett Valdison manages to meet Sigurd, the
front man. They have a long discussion about the future, and agree to help each other whenever possible. Sigurd, it turns
out, is not just a musician, but one of the most important activists in the ongoing European revolution. October
1, 2024 At
this juncture, many problems related to trade, and some to immigration, have been addressed by The U.S. Government, but the
issues of indigenous population and of increasing numbers have not. Now, patriots begin to initiate much of the necessary
work individually and in small groups. October
21, 2024 In
Montana, Daryl Johnson blows up a facility housing twenty thousand shadow government sponsored invaders from Africa. October
28, 2024 Walter
Durrant, Daryl Johnson, and a small group of patriots, gas a task force of thirty-eight enemy agents meeting in a Montana
church. March
2 to September 16, 2025 The
Durrant Group list of unacknowledged specialist assassinations runs thusly: Eight
subverted Congressmen, four Senators, two aids, and regrettably, twelve Secret Service guards Fourteen
corrupt judges, and regrettably, three protecting police officers Eleven
controlled media bosses Four
hundred and eighteen participants in eight special Globalist gatherings Seventeen
Shadow Government buildings, always with people inside, for a grand total of three thousand twenty-four enemy casualties November
8, 2025 This
time Durrant’s group eliminate thirty thousand Shadow Government sponsored invaders by using high technology at a Montana
college. July
11, 2026 American
patriots everywhere have been augmenting the activities of the small group of heroes of which we are aware. Today the Durrant
group, with Hilton Armstrong, Sigurd Warner, and Jeff Rollings, begin an initiative involving key assassinations usually of
single individuals in strategic positions for power. September
21, 2026 Hilton
Armstrong and Burgess Crowell use a helicopter and heavy poison gas to eliminate nearly nine million militant Negro integrationists
in the Altman Mega Stadium near Reno Nevada. Their escape is narrow. October
3, 2026 Hilton
Armstrong roasts one-hundred-sixty-three top Globalist planners with a flame thrower at a conference in New York. October
6, 2026 Walter
Durrant eliminates eighty-three members of a Globalist front group calling itself the Task Force Against White Racism. November
12, 2026 The
European Union is officially dissolved. How could it be otherwise, with no more member countries? It is agreed that the earlier
bothersome customs regulations need not be reinstated except along borders of indigenously non-European countries. Although
the nations have returned to their own currencies, the need for currency exchange at borders has been eliminated by a new
cashier technology which enables people to pay for anything in any currency anywhere. January
6, 2027 NATO
is reconstituted to be merely an advisory clearing house for all the natters it used to act upon directly. February
12, 2027 Liberty Day 11:58 AM. Mt.
Lassen California. Garrett Valdison self-initiates into, the Order of Yggdrasil in the East. March
21, 2027 Garrett
Valdison travels to Washington D.C., meets Republican Senator Roswell Benedict, and begins to influence political events directly. April
11, 2027 The
UN General Assembly votes that the United Nations is now to be merely an advisory body, committed to a Nationalist Libertarian
future. All the Globalist functionaries have already been replaced by nationalists. July
25, 2028 Garrett
Valdison and Jay Farnum fly to Germany to help Sigurd Warner with legalities connected to murders of eleven American tourists
in Wacken. Just in time, it seems. September
28, 2028 In
London England, Sigurd and a company of
warriors behead forty top Globalists at a harvest ball. October
18, 2028 Sigurd
and sixteen warriors gun down one-hundred-eighty-eight
top Globalist functionaries at a conference in Brussels. October
28, 2028 In
reaction to Brussels, three-hundred of the top Globalist bankers hold an emergency meeting outside Berlin. From one half mile
away, Daryl Johnson and Walter Durrant incinerate them all with a small guided missile. These
last few events effectively spell an end to organized plans for globalization, and pave the way for the election of Roswell
Benedict as President of the United
States. Now, in an astounding escalation of events, vast positive economic and social changes begin to occur. November
8, 2028 Republican
Roswell Benedict, is elected President of the United States, on a ticket of explicit Libertarian Nationalism. February
2, 2029 Apart
from any influence by Roswell Benedict, the revolution and defeat of Communism in China is completed. A Libertarian Nationalist
regime is elected. February
2029 Chinese
Communism and Radical Islam are just unhappy memories. The cleansing of the entire planet is underway. February
12, 2029 Benedict
is delighted, flies to China, and helps with the details for the institutionalization of free enterprise and Democracy. February
21, 2029 President
Benedict sends a memorandum to the United States Federal Reserve Bank and IMF with a very bold proposal. February
24, 2029 In
Brussels, Belgium today there is the biggest meeting of IMF bankers ever held. The vote to postpone discussion is unanimous.
26, 2029 The
bankers reconvene, and vote to accept Benedict’s proposal. Many feel relieved by this. The
IMF is dissolved. March
12, 2029. There
is a foolish off-target plan to wipe out the entire East Coast of the United States. Valdison warns the President. NASA stops
it. March
18, 2029 President
Benedict addresses his old friends at
the General Assembly of the United Nations about workable free trade policies and the abolition of foreign business ownership.
Meanwhile, a bill to repeal the Internal Revenue Act is introduced in Congress by Jonathan Vander. June
21, 2029 With capitulation of the last collectivist government, we have the triumph of Liberty, Capitalism, and free trade everywhere. October
24, 2029 President
Benedict addresses a joint session of the United States Congress to end the unjust and unnecessary redistribution of wealth
through Socialism in America. October
28, 2029 In
Congress, both houses pass appropriate measures based on President Benedict’s suggestions. November
4, 2029 President
Benedict sends a memo to all members of both houses of Congress to pass three bills connected with crime, law enforcement,
and penology. November
11, 2029 After
short discussion, a joint session of Congress passes all three bills, with creative additional provisions of their own. December
14, 2029 Thanks
to Roswell Benedict’s efforts, the National Education Association and National Council of Churches are now teaching
Libertarian Nationalism rather than Globalist disinformation. The President sends memos of
commendation to both. January
24, 2030 In
a joint session of Congress, Benedict presents proposals regarding population reduction and the preservation of indigenous
peoples and cultures. The proposals are enacted by Congress and then passed on to the General Assembly of the United Nations.
28, 2030 The
UN votes on President Benedict’s suggestions, and issues recommendations worldwide. The nations of the world adopt them.
8, 2030 Globalist
banker, Boris Pilos, half crazed with
cocaine, supported by a group of reckless mercenaries, attacks Roswell Benedict’s motorcade. The secret service stops
the entire business promptly. Pilos is chopped to pieces with long voiles of machine gun fire. The shooters want to make very
sure that he is dead. Onlookers cheer with delight and shed tears of joy. February
12, 2030 With
the deciding final votes cast everywhere, we see the triumph of evolutionary policies worldwide. This marks the great rise
of indigenous re-patriation. In joint session of the United States Congress legislation is passed to rid society of victimless crimes. This primarily involves the legalization of substances and their use that became illegal along with alcohol during Prohibition. This
immediately puts the black market drug dealers out of business, replacing their supply with pharmaceutical quality product
available at market prices from
the corner apothecary. There
is at first a rapid rise in consumption, followed be a slow fall off and return to the normalcy enjoyed before the period
of airhead social engineering. June
21, 2032 The
world economy has stabilized. All countries are beginning to prosper and compete in worldwide free trade. September
19, 2032 Loose
political ends in the United States are resolved by Farris and the use of a prehistoric
Megalodon found frozen in the Artic as a baby. September
14, 2034 In
a joint session of the U. S. Congress upgraded
laws for dealing with non-violent criminals, based on World Libertarian Order guidelines in the essay Good vs. Evil
are sponsored by President Benedict
and passed unanimously. State of the World 2034 United Nations General Assembly Chamber, New York, USA. In a special gallery for the presidential entourage,
Garrett Valdison is sitting with Gretchen Van Roon and Brit Linstrum. The three of them are beaming with delight. Address to the United Nations General Assembly by President of the United States Roswell R. Benedict October 8, 2034 State of the World in the wake of Libertarian Nationalist Revolution "The state of the world has never been better, never in all of human history! Everywhere on Earth there
is now absolute individual liberty, free enterprise, full employment, active trade, and growing prosperity. Achieving this has been a big job. What helped us most has been the faith that people everywhere have shown in the
possibility of making a better world through persistent rational effort. The particular best approach had to be varied from
one region to another because of what had occurred in the past. The variations, however, involved only short term emphasis
and sequence, not basic policy or principle. The time frame for phasing in any particular policy was always of sufficient
duration to insure smooth transition without any disruptive effect on economies or individuals. People everywhere now understand and accept the premise that government is at best a necessary evil, and that the
less of it we have, the better. There is a new level of personal independence. Individuals are even beginning to deal with gross
encroachments upon their personal liberty, justly, on an individual basis. Permanent worldwide economic stability has been achieved. In all countries, privately owned central banks, like the
US Federal Reserve, have been nationalized, the national debt repudiated, and demand for reparations for the amount already
swindled made to the creditors as a civil alternative to being put on trial for engineering every war and ruined economy over
the past two hundred years, or being the beneficiary heirs thereto, all of which is easily provable from existing historical
records. There has been a return to currencies backed by durable commodity of intrinsic value, either gold or a mixed store
of precious metals, the value of which is determined in the world marketplace. Consumers worldwide now have total product choice. Goods offered in the free world market are produced
solely within each country by the citizens of that country, with no foreign ownership of business anywhere. Banks can lend only
within their own countries. Now that all nations are prospering, few think it good practice to invest away from home, and
the imbalances have begun to subside. All subsidies and unnecessary regulation of banks, business, trade, and financial
transfers have been eliminated. Balance-of-trade deficits are now a thing of the past. For any bank, including a nation's central bank, to maintain less than a one hundred percent reserve
at all times is dishonest and has been made illegal everywhere. There is mandatory disclosure to depositors about amounts
in reserve, with information about how it all works. Taxes everywhere have been replaced with user fees and lotteries of designated purpose. This insures
that unnecessary foreign adventures by governments will have to be paid for only by those who support them. In this new climate, war is fast becoming just an unhappy memory. The energies previously squandered
in these conflicts is now being channeled into undersea farming, renewable energy technology, space exploration, and interplanetary
mining operations. The career opportunities in all of this are practically unlimited. Defense spending everywhere is being cut to a safe minimum, substituting standing military with a skeleton
crew of officers for the coordination of voluntary citizen militias as needed. Frivolous athletics in the schools have been
replaced with basic martial and survival training. The students enjoy this every bit as much, and it has far greater utility
for them long term. Unnecessary social programs have been phased out as the improving economy and rising employment has
made this possible in each locality. How quickly this was able to happen has been a happy surprise to a great many people.
For people with a prior history of productivity, there are ample funds available to eliminate hardship caused by unpredictable
local catastrophe or incurred disability. These are maintained with designated lotteries at the federal and regional level. Prisons have been replaced by large self-sustaining isolation communities with agriculture, livestock, and small
manufacturing. The really bad guys: rapists, human traffickers, kidnappers, child molesters, child and snuff porn filmmakers,
arbitrary murderers, and serial killers are now recognized as irredeemable psychopaths who have made an unforgivable breech
with humanity. For the safety and simple moral integrity of societies. they are now being put painlessly to death. We point
out to opponents of this method, that one needn't be a rocket scientist to figure out that all it takes to avoid being executed
for these terrible things, is simply not to do them. Victimless crimes are those involving consensual areas of human contract, and now are off the books.
Those previously confined for these things have been released with public apology, modest funds to tide them over, and a list
of realistic job offers. The inevitable one percent of humanity who simply cannot support themselves by normal means are offered
permanent sustenance by private charity as per specified terms, usually reproductive sterilization. Those refusing this option
must provide for themselves. If this causes them to make unjust encroachment against anyone, they are sent to isolation communities. As the distortions produced by hundreds of years of unnatural coercive government are gradually subsiding,
all unjust protectionist measures, such as unnecessary safety regulations, are being cautiously phased out. Along with traditional subject matter, programs have been instituted in schools to teach children about
what was wrong with human societies in the past and how Libertarian policies are improving everything. This includes explanation
about the manipulative relationship that existed previously between international finance and politicians. This is supplemented
with rigorous teaching about control of excess birth rates, disease, and all classes of drugs. Understanding these things
is requisite for promotion. We are in hopes that teaching the whole truth for forty years will make it possible to eliminate
public education altogether. All unnecessary environmental pollution has been ended. Requirements have been enacted in livestock
production, zoo administration, and pet ownership based upon humane, free-range, and hormone/drug free models. The cruel,
decadent down breeding of pets into evolutionary non-viability has been stopped. The existing animals have been sterilized. There has been a complete overhaul of medicine, stressing nutritional solutions, both preventative and
therapeutic, as opposed to the former mostly pharmacological and surgical options. The duplicitous role of physicians as both
personal doctor and commission salesman for drug companies has been eliminated, Doctors are now allowed to prescribe only
within generic categories. The specific choice of drugs is left to the patients who select for themselves on the basis of
price and manufacturer reputation. Respect is finally given to the right of individuals to decide when their life is no longer viable.
Regional centers have been established where people can be put into cryonic suspension, or receive a lethal injection
and be cremated. National park and forest lands have been given back to the native populations from whom they were originally
stolen. This has been done with the provision that the recipients continue to run the lands at a high standard for the enjoyment
of all within their country. Previous non-native employees are offered life tenure or new jobs. History has shown that the smallest number of people in any given place always works best, just as long
as there are enough to defend the borders. The ideal population of 320 million for the land mass of Earth was passed
c 900 A.D. By the word ideal we mean a level consistent with vital self-actualization and opulent joy in
living, rather than mere subsistence in anguished mediocrity. Maximum varied manifestation for small numbers is superior to minimum meager manifestation for vast suffering multitudes. We are not imbued with life merely to endure it. To this end, we rigidly enforce a limit of two children per couple. More than two is an unjust encroachment against others, like house burglary. World population is slowly beginning to decline back to workable levels everywhere. The projected ideal numbers are as follows: Canada, United States, Mexico 50,000,000 Central, South America 50,000,000 Greenland, Europe, Northern Africa 50,000,000 Southern Africa 50,000,000 Russia 50,000,000 Near, Middle East, Asia 50,000,000 Australia, New Zealand 20,000,000 Workable societies must be based on natural principals. It is normal for people to feel most comfortable
among those of their own race and ethnicity. Globalist bankers, who worked for totalitarian Socialism and world monoculture,
everyone to mix together, so they could lend money to national governments who must deal with all the resulting
social problems. In all of human history there has never been a multiracial or multicultural society which did not self-destruct
because of the unnatural mixing. All people have the natural right to grow up among their own racial kinsmen. Resident racial outlanders
are simply an unjust encroachment upon personal liberty. The conniving internationalists wanted to destroy national cultures
because they knew that one world government, giving global finance monopoly, would have been more acceptable to people with no
racial or ethnic identity. To survive, we now emphasize race preservation and the prevention of global monoculture. Interracial
marriage advocates were attempting to murder all existing races. They tried to sound interested in human variety, but their
breed-up quick programs, long term, would have completely obliterate human variety by making what are now separate races into
one race. Variety is the spice of life. Imagine a world where everybody is the same. "We are Borg. We are one. You must join
One falsehood perpetrated by politicians serving big business who want cheap immigrant labor is that
ongoing immigration is necessary to keep industry alive. In actuality, business simply expands to accommodate any available
work force. With worldwide liberty and prosperity, people will not want to flee their ancestral homelands. Third-world people have always favored globalization because it would have allowed them to prosper
via social programs paid for by more productive host populations. The predatory bankers knew that countries with hordes
of immigrant third-worlders, if globalization came to a allot referendum, would have been far more likely
to relinquish sovereignty. That's why we've had to endure so many indigents invading productive countries in recent decades. Borders everywhere are being closed to immigrants of non-indigenous race. Anybody can leave, and a great many are returning home. Voluntary sterilization is being requested of all who choose to remain in host countries, with special retirement programs for those who cooperate. There are also adoption priorities for qualified couples within this category. There are no restrictions on tourism. Those who travel from now on will be able to enjoy the full undiluted potency of indigenous cultures everywhere. The new technology for determining constitutional psychopathy, even in the prenatal state, along with
intrauterine diagnosis of fetal deformity, mental retardation, and genetic predisposition to sexual perversion are leading
to the elimination of human non-viability everywhere on earth. And... last but not least, we have finally hit upon an equitable solution for the problems caused by
a century of Socialism in unnaturally increasing the quantity, while undermining the quality, of people everywhere. The new
foolproof brain-scan method for determining intelligence is being used to assess IQ in populations worldwide, with voluntary
sterilization requested of all those having an IQ of 94 or less. Special retirement programs and adoption priorities
are also being granted here. Because higher moral conceptualization is a function of the cerebral cortex, these IQ adjustments,
along with the elimination of constitutional psychopathy, will effectively spell an end to commonplace moral stupidity on
this planet. All of these splendid changes have been accomplished far more easily than anyone could have imagined,
because they were not prolonged for the benefit of lenders, but done efficiently to insure prosperity, peace, and joy of living
on this planet. Evil will no doubt continue to flourish at interpersonal levels, but it will no longer rule the day, nor will
it ever again be institutionalized by governments anywhere on Earth. The legions of darkness at last have been vanquished! I see nothing but smiling faces in this room, and it's getting on that time, so I'm going to lunch!
It should be sufficient to say that what we have left to do is mere fine tuning compared to what has been accomplished already.
Natural order is now prevailing on our planet. Thank you all for your help and support." * * * The response to this address is overwhelmingly positive. Within weeks there are special guidance programs
being set up worldwide to help young people make early career choices from the bewildering selection of new possibilities. Period of Natural Correction Now
comes the beginning of a period of strange unanticipated, but decisive, events that were well on the way to happening apart
from the splendid changes brought about by Libertarian Nationalism. March
2035 The
first of these is the mass migration of lower caste people from India, and the bushman population of Australia, to those portions
of Africa which seem best suited to them culturally. Why this happens, and why it is allowed on such a scale, is never clear
to anyone except those involved. September
2037 End
of African War February
12, 2042 Apparent
Self-Destruction of the Jews March
8, 2042 Defeat
of Mestizo Invasion August
30, 2043 Defeat
of Islamic Invasion March
16, 2044 South
Asian Purge IQ Adjustments October
18, 2044 A new type of foolproof brain scan has enabled doctors to assess IQ to within .001 percent accuracy. It measures, establishes mass, then calculates the number of brain cells. With
comparison data from previous scans the procedure shows at a glance if there has been myelin sheath breakdown, as would occur
with too much cholesterol or multiple sclerosis. and has become part of everyone’s medical data just like oxygen, pulse,
or blood pressure. Governments
everywhere have enacted what will hopefully be among the last necessary special incentive programs by making it very advantageous
to low I.Q. people to undergo reproductive sterilization. Over ninety-eight percent of low I.O. people are now accepting sterilization, and this is but one of the precursors of the splendid future towards which mankind is moving.
Isolation Communities The
September 2034 laws for dealing with non-violent
criminals, and the growing economic prosperity which has been eliminating homelessness have reduced the number of people entering isolation communities to the point where
there are a wasteful number of surplus
apartments. Starting with a petition by the residents in Missouri, isolation communities have been inviting outside tenants to rent inside, representing the new living opportunity simply as a “high security gated community.” Unit prices are made attractive enough to offset the objections many might have about the quality of their neighbors. In many cases family members of inmates decide to rent inside. Pockets of Decay Despite
the splendid achievements of this period, there are groups of militant people worldwide who think of themselves as having
ideologies superior to the principals which have led to liberty, prosperity, and peace. Most
involve blind adherence to Marxist delusion. The rhetoric is similar to that of religious zealots who consider themselves
to be warriors of God and everybody
else slaves of Satan no matter what the actualities. “Don’t
speak to me of reason Don’t
confuse me with facts Don’t
confound me with logic Don’t
burden me with truth” Despite the destruction of eleven PALPAP centers during meetings, the elimination of eighty-seven top PALPAP leaders, and the demise of Boris Pilos, PALPAP continues to fight against constructive change of every kind in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and Sweden, receiving sustenance, not only via the huge bequeathal from Pilos but from other wealthy recalcitrant Communist thugs. PALPAP July
18, 2045 Today
there is a special meeting of Libertarian warriors. Seated at a long banquet table are Rodman Berghofer’s unit from
Germany and Daryl Johnson’s group from Montana. After the preliminaries, Berghofer takes the podium, “As
you know things have been going very well worldwide, but there remain unhappy pockets of decay. I’m talking mostly about PALPAP. They still
have headquarters in twenty-six American cities. They continue to disrupt almost every useful convocation of decent people
and to attack every kind of constructive Libertarian project, sometimes with explosives and gunfire. “We hurt them badly back in 2022. Since then they have been afraid to come together for meetings. Everything
is with telephones. The only way we can eliminate them is individually at demonstrations. We need to stop PALPAP once and for all. It’s only reasonable at this point to exterminate every last one of them.” There
is a passionate round of applause. New weapons are explained and demonstrated preceding a fine meal of roast goose. September
20, 2045 9:03 A.M. Roswell Benedict is addressing the student body at the University of Michigan. The usual Communists are demonstrating, and there are eighteen PALPAP participating. Yesterday
Rodman Berghofer and Werner Kahl visited the campus and casually placed on tree branches twenty remote activated pneumatic sleeves that fire one deadly poison dart
each. They look exactly like twigs, with chameleon paint, and are virtually invisible even to those looking for evidence after
the fact. They are aimed using triangulation by a shooter with binoculars that display each device electronically on a screen. The darts can be fired so easily as
to make the shooter look like any normal spectator. Along
come the black suited PALPAP thugs. Berghofer and Kahl are on opposite sides about sixty feet apart
and wait until the enemy is well into the dart zone. Now they raise their binoculars and begin firing, nailing one after another
from each end quickly before anyone figures out what’s going on. They get all eighteen within twelve seconds, and, not
to waste ordnance, use the last two darts on sign carrying Communist professors. The
bodies are all laying on the walkway and the students are in turmoil, ducking behind trees, running for doorways,
calling out slogans. Later
the evening news in Ann Arbor reports, “Police
are baffled by the murder of twenty demonstrators on the University of Michigan campus this morning. The victims were killed
with poison darts from blow guns, but nobody saw attackers or anything suspicious.” Says
police commissioner Richard Mackay, “We’ve
looked at security tapes, and it’s as though the darts came out of nowhere.” This event more or less shuts down PALPAP in terms of making themselves visible publicly.
They shift their activity to posting propaganda pieces on bulletin boards mainly in schools and libraries. Warriors in the
U.S.A. and overseas are alerted to keep an eye out for the jokers who do this posting and to nail them when and where it can
be done safely. Banditos Iman
Sanchez is a hard working sand and gravel contractor with his own fleet of three dump trucks. Many years ago he married a
cute Irish-American girl maned Cathy. They have a nice little house on five acres fifty miles west of Mexico City. For
Cathy’s wedding present, Iman built her a little shack on the hill behind the house. He equipped it with a radio transmitter and broadcast antenna. The range is thirty-five miles. Cathy has created her
own program that
she calls Horan a del Radio. Every
day at 10:00 A.M. she does a two hour broadcast medley of her favorite music and at 11:00 A.M. interrupts with information
about where the listener can get fresh hot cross buns and download their favorite Sonny and Cher videos. Please trust, this
is not to be missed. Iman
fancies himself a Poncho Villa type guy image-wise, but has the goals of Robin Hood. His attitude is that when anyone is doing
poorly there must be foul play involved, and that what appears to be a wastrel is always a victim. This surprises family and
friends because hard working people like Iman are usually not so gullible about the rationalizations of bums. Despite Cathy’s worried protestations, Iman has put together a gang of eight cheap thugs for the robbing of employed peoples’ payrolls. There have been three deaths and six bad injuries among victims who resisted. The proceeds go to charities and homeless people. Iman doesn’t skim a penny, but his gang members grab whatever they can get. Like
all survivors of the March 2042 purge, Iman and his gang are of pure Spanish descent. There are plenty of jobs now, so all this bandito bullshit is inexcusable. Every month
they have a tactical meeting in a big auto maintenance garage owned by Iman. One day Daryl Johnson hears about these events, and writes to Ben Pardee
in Arizona. The two men gather their people and meet in a park just west of Mexico City. There are eleven men in all to eliminate
Iman’s banditos at their next meeting, which will be tomorrow night. October
3, 2045 8:15 P.M. Daryl Johnson and Karl Beckmann are on a small hill overlooking the garage. The other nine men are stationed at points surrounding the garage to gun down any of Iman’s thugs who manage to break and run. The
garage is long, and nobody knows where in it the meeting will be held. Johnson and Beckmann aim and fire a small gas injection
mortar twice, first hitting the south quarter, then eight seconds later, the north quarter. Three
banditos do manage to break from the north quarter just before it blows. Ben Pardee, John Mosely, and Paul Donnelly get one
each. The rest are incinerated in the burning garage. There will be no more payroll
robberies by this bunch of crispy cadavers. The Libertarian warriors scatter following their own preferred route back to their lodgings.
“Revolutionaries” In the foothills of the Chiapas Mountains, Otravez Diez has a large but very cheesy looking “villa”. He fancies himself an aristocrat, but since he was a boy, he has wanted to be Che Guevarra. Now with his inheritance at age twenty-eight, he has begun to live the role. He doesn’t care that there is no contemporary counterpart to the Fascists that Guevarra fought against in his time. Otravez will manufacture the needed opposition out of clay and straw if he has to. Che, Ole! Diez
has assembled a cadre of fourteen “revolutionaries” who, like himself, don’t understand that the best revolution
that could ever happen, has already happened just recently. There are plenty of good jobs. All that’s needed for a good
life is sanity, maturity, and a willingness to work. The
group has two hideouts in the mountains. Even though they are just a bunch of twits intellectually, they are experienced
jungle fighters, most with military training. Periodically they rob banks, keep what they need, and give the rest to charity
for the sustenance of lazy degenerates who they think of as “the people.” Two bank cashiers have been injured
and three guards killed since they began their “war
of liberation.” Berghofer’s
unit at first feel that a strike against guerrilla fighters should be done as wolves because of the mountain terrain. After
talking about it, however, they conclude that a man in camouflage clothing is less likely to be seen than a snow white wolf.
16, 2045 3:22 P.M. Berghofer’s
men are spaced about twenty feet apart along a high ridge overlooking a cool mountain stream that the guerillas walk beside
as they return to the south hideout from town. Berghofer’s men have been assigned two guerillas each based on sequence
as they walk on the narrow path next to the stream. Here
they come. When they are centered relative to the shooters, Berghofer blows a whistle and the men shoot. The guerillas fall
in perfect unison, never realizing what hit them. The
unit presses ahead with dynamite to destroy the south hideout. The north building is a long way off and will not be frequented now that the guerillas are dead, so Berghofer decides to let the jungle
reclaim it. At
this point the Sanchez and Diez strikes are publicized worldwide as Libertarian reprisal against pig headed Communism. Inspiration Throughout
Mexico, Central, and South America there are many other deluded individuals of Spanish ancestry who cling to the Communist revolutionary mindset without regard for
anything that is actually happening in society. Libertarian elements in these areas are so inspired by the strikes recently
in Mexico and Central America, that they rise independently to exterminate every last trace of those who wish to redistribute
wealth from productive to unproductive people at gunpoint. Mining and Farming In
the wake of the African War, the main task has been to continue the existing industry with people of European ancestry as
the labor force. This has involved an extensive advertising campaign especially by by farm and mine owners to attract the
needed people with good pay and attractive housing. This
has been difficult because things have been improving so much in Europe that there are very few who would want to leave. The
advertisers have come to stress the warm sunny climate, and are creating delightful outdoor recreation areas adjacent to the
housing. The number of people interested has been increasing slowly, and testimonials of those already in residence are being
used to inspire further interest. Oil, Farming, Livestock Following
the carpet bombing of the Near and Middle East by the Pan European Alliance, there has been a long period of salvage by metal
smelters. Now the land is being tilled for vegetables and grain, and pastures created for livestock of all kinds The same problems of attracting a European agricultural labor force have occurred here as in Africa, and they are being solved in the same way. In the oil industry fortunately there have always been wildcat drillers who will go anywhere there is oil. For this reason the ongoing petroleum industry has suffered very little interruption. Real Estate To
recap the Libertarian strikes in the United States, PALPAP is also being obliterated in Britain, Germany, and Sweden. In
the United States, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand there is an overabundance of real estate. Unattractive properties, especially
those that were built because of excess subdivision, are being salvaged for materials. The
parcels of land freed up by this are being purchased by the adjacent property owners who were often the ones who sold them
off in the first place during the
former period of economic desperation. Momentum With the laws against victimless crimes now in the past worldwide, the markets serviced by organized crime have been taken over by legal capitalist enterprise. This has returned
prices to a normal competitive level. Organized crime families, in response, at first stepped up the “protection”
rackets for extorting money from honest store keepers. Good capitalists rose against this, and it became standard practice to pull a pistol from the cash drawer and shoot anybody in the head who came in with tough talk about “weekly payments”. Now the thugs are in a position where they have to get vocational training and work like everybody else. In the workplace, we’ll see how tough they really are. All
of this has applied in Russia as much as anywhere else, and the momentum that began with the fall of Communism in 1988 has
further accelerated because of the elimination of the International Monetary Fund in February 2029, followed by the creation
of a national currency. Russia’s
national debt, like that of every other country on Earth has been eliminated. Today
Russians are building all kinds of fine machinery, especially cars, and exporting them all over the world. Diversified Capitalism Because
of Japan’s small labor force they have come to rely much too heavily on China for manufacturing, thus rendering China a major exporter of Japanese goods,
and in a position to dictate terms. This has been increasingly hurtful to the economy of Japan. January
8, 2046 Garrett
Valdison has been reading about this situation and gets an idea. He calls his old friend George Ikabasu. They meet at the
same coffee shop as they did back in 2023. Both are a bit older, but as fiercely Libertarian as ever. Once they have coffee
in hand, Valdison asks, “George,
are you aware of the problems Japan has been having because of their excess use of Chinese labor?” George
replies, “Yes,
but tell me what you know.” Garrett
goes into detail and finishes by saying, “Japan
has been utilizing Libertarian solutions for many non-economic problems lately, and their House of Representatives might just
be willing to listen to a succinct, but forceful, diatribe from a couple of good American Libertarian Capitalists like us. “Because
I don’t speak Japanese, you should do the presentation, but you could introduce me and mention how the WLO has worked
with Roswell Benedict to the great improvement of economic growth worldwide and in America. “I’ve
already written a fairly tight presentation. You can read it and add suggestions. The amended version is what you could deliver
as a speech in Japan, if you want to do this.” George
looks enthusiastic, “Yes,
let me take it with me. I’ll read it tonight, add or subtract, then sleep on it and proof it in the morning after breakfast,
then meet you here at the same time as today.” Next
Day 9:00 A.M. George
has made no content changes, only suggestions about how to phrase things in ways that will be more appealing to the Japanese
temperament. January
18, 2046 9: 00 A.M. Tokyo Japan George
Ikabasu takes the podium, and introduces Garrett who is greeted with a hearty round of applause. George keeps it brief, “As
we know, Japan’s main economic problem lately has been excess reliance on China for a labor force. The slave wages paid
in China has made the labor inexpensive, but has given the Chinese the upper hand in negotiations. “According
to WLO data there are at least sixteen other countries that Japan could work with in this regard. The labor would cost a bit
more, but the amount of diversification would give Japan a strong bargaining position with all the countries involved and
most importantly, to use American terminology, would render China just one more porker at the trough rather than top sow in
the barnyard.” Many
representatives smile or chuckle. George
concludes, “Our
point is simply that diversification will help the Japanese economy. Garrett has brought a list of nations, with who to contact
if you decide to proceed with our suggestion.” The representatives are enthusiastic and applaud George’s presentation. The minute they have copies of Valdison’s list in hand they start discussing it. George and Valdison go for an early lunch and head back to America feeling very good about the possibilities that may accrue to this small adventure.
Sea Change Libertarian changes, more than oceanic variations, are occurring today. Now that worldwide air pollution has been eliminated, weather related crop failures in North Korea have decreased, helping to eliminate previous food shortages. Under capitalist free-enterprise management, farm production in general has increased and things are betting better fast. Communism Aftermath Now
that Communism is gone in China, also gone are the slave factories with suicide nets under the upper story windows. What remains,
however, is massive debt. This is the result of long years of non-productive investment used to stimulate economic growth.
Other than investment there are only two other sources of demand that can increase economic growth: consumption and trade surplus. Things
are improving because today China is
engaging in productive investment such as developing new technology with product price structure favoring increase in domestic
consumption and with export policies geared to growing a trade surplus. Livestock and Farming Now that low IQ births have been eliminated by sterilization programs worldwide, a great many other problems are also disappearing. This has had an especially good effect in Southeast Asia and Indonesia, where intelligently run agricultural and livestock operations have replaced the sluggish enterprises of the past. Rebound Australia
had been in full recession for nearly thirty-seven years prior to the fall of the International Monetary Fund. Once the new
economy came into being, Capitalism began to
flourish more than it ever had previously. There has been a long boom which is now normalizing to an uneventful prosperity.
are happier than ever before. The negativity, drug abuse, and exhibitionistic grooming characteristic of young people is disapproving.
Previously among teenagers throughout the English speaking nations there was almost an unspoken law of greater coolness through apathetic non-achievement and
self-hatred. Today the youth, here and in New Zealand, America, Canada, United Kingdom, and Europe are more at being ego competitive about how healthy and productive they are becoming. Competitiveness has returned, but without unnecessary ruthlessness. There is prosperity everywhere and the reasonable expectation of a bright future for anyone who is willing to work. World Society Increase
in human consciousness worldwide has led to an unspoken law that drug addicts and insane people constitute an unjust encroachment
upon general wellbeing by their very existence, and are therefore expendable. This
has led to a climate of private justice wherein virulently non-viable people are being eliminated privately by healthy citizens.
This area of cleaning, fortunately, is ruled by the ethic that justice must be accomplished without unnecessary suffering.
Even law enforcement is on board, so there is never more than token investigation by police. |
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