The Cleansing

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Moral Capability


In humans, he cerebral cortex is the seat of higher moral deliberation. The ability to conceptualize morally is a genetically determined brain skill just like mathematical

or mechanical ability. Someone born with effectively no ability to empathize with other living creatures, is what we call a moral moron, or constitutional psychopath. They are four percent of the population, one in twenty-five people, and are found in every walk of life.


As with any dichotomy, there is a proportional number of people at the upper end of the moral continuum. Those who are average in the moral sense cluster around the center point


Today, the word sociopath is often used as a substitute term for psychopath, but actually denotes two sub-categories:


Psychopath – One vs. Humanity


Dissocial Reaction – One + Family vs. Humanity


This is because the word psychopath, in popular use, has come to evoke the image of a violent, wild-eyed individual, with hair-trigger rage reactions. Most of them, however, lead quiet lives of shallow superficial respectability, because they learn early in life that keeping out of trouble is more enjoyable than getting into trouble. Their goals are usually the same as anybody else, but often the means to attainment are very different.


There are many good examples of this among individuals who grow tired of their spouse in a situation where money is involved. The spouse may miss their daily insulin injection, fall down the front staircase, or suffer from a car with leaky brake fluid.


Psychopathy can interact with other behavioral disorders. Criminals are almost always, at very least, constitutional psychopaths. The worst are rapists, snuff and child porn video makes, kidnappers, pedophiles, and those who torture and kill for pleasure. These people are irredeemably evil, and cannot be rehabilitated. The moral integrity and safety of human societies depends upon eliminating them.


Group Psychopathy

There are many factors which determine human behavior, but if one group of people is forty IQ points lower than another group, then it will also be forty moral IQ points lower. If this leads to the taking for granted and general acceptance of certain types of evil behavior, then a tendency for this will be passed along genetically in that group, leading to what is often referred to as a race of psychopaths.


Twits will refer to the mature understanding of these matters as racism, but tepid knee jerk reactions, after all, is what makes them twits.