The days of territorial border disputes are long past. With everyone beginning to prosper, there is simply nothing to fight about. The resources wasted in military conflict are being diverted into underwater farming, renewable energy technology, space exploration, and off-planet mining operations.
Defense everywhere is being reduced a prudent minimum, replacing huge armies with a standing crew of officers for the coordination of voluntary citizen militias if needed. Useless sports in the schools are being replaced with martial and survival training.
August 1, 2029 Today we delighted to see the founding of the World Federation for Exploration and Colonization of Space.
September 21, 2029 Private sector funding is appropriated for a huge international colony, with mining initiatives, on Mars. Nations will cooperate in building the colonies and compete among separate companies in the mining.
October 18, 2029 Civil wars based on race and ethnicity have lately been rampant all over the world.
Today The Truth About Worldwide Population Displacement appears online. Garrett's latest free book shows what the future will be like if displaced peoples everywhere return to their rightful ancestral homelands now that free enterprise exists worldwide, the whole world is beginning to prosper, and the countries of origin will accept their return.
To Garrett's delight, President Benedict has hard copy and Internet links to the new book sent to national leaders, media, and colleges all over the world. It quickly becomes influential in facilitating events during this happy period.
Responsible thoughtful people want a better future. Relocation projects are in full swing all over the planet. Everywhere brave ambitious young people are going home, after arranging for the sale of their private property at a time advantageous from a standpoint of markets by older relatives or friends who decide to remain in their host countries. Civil conflicts abate completely now that people are finally doing the right and natural thing. |