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February 4, 2025 The Diversity Commission has a new project called the Think How They Must Feel Initiative. They have decided that it is discriminatory not to integrate chimpanzees into public schools and city bus systems everywhere in America. Pressure from controlled media bosses sees to it that the changeover starts immediately.
Right away people riding busses notice that the chimpanzees study and mimic the behavior of Negros, just as Negros do with Caucasians. One of the common behaviors they mimic is the taunting of Caucasians with ear splitting noise and dirty mouth music. When chimps are with Negros, they are usually encouraged in this, and even supplied with boom boxes to help increase the “cultural awareness” of Caucasians.
March 2, 2025 Bright Future Elementary School In the kindergarten, one of the chimps tries to molest a six-year-old white bay. The freighted child pulls away, and the affronted chimp rips off the boy’s left arm. The boy dies, it goes to court, and the Negro judge, LaBonna Mandolo, finds it was the boy’s fault because of his “insensitivity and white prejudice.” She fines the boy’s parents five thousand dollars to be donated to the Afro-American University Trust.
After Hilton sees this on TV, he investigates the judge’s daily routine and soon locates the Afro-American University Trust headquarters.
First he must rescue the children at the prototype school. Hilton is expert with most classes of weapon, but he knows how quickly monkeys, unencumbered by intellect, can decide things and move, so for his own safety, he decides to do this as the Werebear.
Full Moon Day. March 2025. 9:13 A.M. Hilton times the Werebear change for the boy’s room just down the hall from the Kindergarten. The Werebear walks briskly to the classroom and enters. The teacher, Miss Leonard, a chubby blond Caucasian woman of thirty-two, moves fast to put her desk between herself and the Werebear. She is picking up her cellphone when he speaks,
“That won’t be necessary Madame. I mean you no harm. I have come to rescue the children from the monkeys.”
She sighs, “That’s quite a costume, Sir.”
The Werebear plays along,
“Yes, it is. Cost a fortune.”
The chimpanzees look very alert, but stay in their seats. There are three. The Werebear walks briskly to the closest, and rips his face off with one mighty slash from his right hand claws. The kids start screaming as the other two chimps scamper to the back of the room.
The Werebear goes after them with lightning swiftness. He catches one as it tries to go past him to the door. The other circles and jumps on his back. He reaches back and pulls it up over his head, smashing it onto one of the school desks. This breaks the monkeys back.
The other is headed for the door again. The Werebear hurls a chair that injures the monkey just enough so that he can run in, and split its skull against the cement block wall with a hammer punch. The teacher is trembling as the kids quiet down to frightened sobbing. The Werebear composes himself,
“Madame, chimpanzees are dangerous wild animals, and must not be integrated into the schools. They are a threat to our children. I promise you that I, and others like me, will destroy every one of them that are brought into human classrooms. Do I make myself, clear?”
She speaks so the children won’t hear,
“Yes, and thank you. I agree, but suggest that you get along quickly before the police arrive.”
The Werebear heads outside and drives off before anyone, other than Miss Leonard and the kids, are even aware of him. He makes it home, turns on the TV to watch the breaking news of his exploit, and changes back to human form within the hour. Now for a warm shower and a good steak.
April 3, 2025 Judge Mandolo gets out of her Mercedes Coupe and picks up the newspaper on her lawn. As she straightens up, a white hunting arrow appears between her shoulder blades. The poison courses quickly through her veins. She falls forward onto the lawn. On the arrow are the letters White Prejudice.
Hilton is dressed in Sherwood Forest Green, as always when he goes bow hunting. He smiles contentedly. ducks back behind the big tree, and walks to his car.
April 8, 2025 There is a big meeting at the headquarters of the Afro-American University Trust today. There are plenty of people inside already. Hilton has managed to procure a Laws Rocket from a Mr. Natural type guy who drives an old 1white 950s pickup truck.
The meeting is getting underway. Though the sighting scope, Hilton can see the members taking their seats. The rocket goes through the window glass. into the room and lights up all the other windows. before they blow out, spewing flame, and the terrible smell of roasting Africans. |
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