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For years, very bad things have been happening everywhere that would not be happening, if people were living in their rightful ancestral homelands.
History Repeats
At a hockey game in Boston, it’s half time. The music starts. Suddenly something goes sailing through the air and lands on the ice.
Police rush to see what it is. What else? A one-day-old Negro baby boy with dickie sliced off, smothered with a pillow earlier in the day.
That peculiar twenty-year-old Negro boy, Deuteronomy Shoals, is prancing naked among the horny cows again.
Sagebrush Ben Pardee sees him and puts the business end of the big BAR N branding iron into the fire. Loco Weed Poteet also sees the boy, lassos him, runs up, and hog-ties him. Shoals turns just in time to see Pardee’s ashen face behind the red hot iron coming down, and to hear the expressionless voice, “I’m gonna brand ya now, Bo!”
A big white farmer catches an eight-year-old Negro boy stealing eggs in the henhouse. He towers over the boy. Looking down he asks,
“What’s your name. boy?”
The trembling boy, looks up says.
“You say Asa?
“You sure it’s not Ass-a?”
The boy answers,
The farmer smiles, picks up a spading fork, and skewers the boy like a cocktail sausage, carries him outside, and pitches him into the river. Then he heads to the house for a hearty lunch as the dying boy drowns.
Lucy Joe
A young Negro man who recently sodomized and murdered a five-year-old white boy is strapped down naked, His pork and beans are tied off with rawhide thongs. He is erect, and hurting hard.
Lucy Joe, who is the prototype for the concept cruel and desirable, is tormenting the poor fellow with pins. A muscular young man, Lucy’s boyfriend, Billy-Bob DeKay, walks in and looks down, chuckling.
“Well now, ‘pears like you got yourself into a real pre-dickie-ment tonight, don’t it boy?”
From a leather sheath, the Billy draws out a sharp skinning knife with fourteen-inch blade.
“You might have heard about that hog butchering contest at the Tri County Fair last year. Well, guess who won?”
The Negro is speechless.
“That’s right boy. I’m gonna dress you out like an ole sow hog tonight, giblets and all.”
Now, as the six hours of stanchioned cutting begins, the Negro finds his voice, and calls out,
“No. pleease.” Imanhosa
Fat, and illegal in the US, this ugly insane Mestizo likes to pinch tiny dickies mercilessly before he strangles little Negro boys.
Such a boy, three years old, is in a long darkened shed. He hears a noise and looks around. Here comes Imanhosa, cackling like a crone, making cruel pinching gestures, as he runs low to the floor imitating the movement of a Florida land crab.
The boy is paralyzed with fear. Imanhosa has his fun. The boy’s body is never noticed in the dumpster, goes to the city dump, and is eaten by rats.
Four of Clubs
A thin, hard looking Negro woman, about twenty-five with big hair, sits on the sidewalk every day near the public shelter for women in North Las Vegas. Whenever she sees young white elementary school kids coming, she gets ready, and engages them in conversation. She acts friendly at first and asks them two or three easy questions so the kids can feel smart with easy answers. She complements them at intervals to build their trust.
Then she poses a riddle type question they can’t answer. When she tells them the answer it always involves a debased scenario where they must give oral attention to her bikini area. She gives the answer viciously. The kids are always shocked and wounded by this routine. Then the woman laughs long and savagely, with her hoarse crack-cocaine voice.
Six times before, kids have told the police and the woman has been warned, but has always escalated the nastiness. Today she goes to the next level by exposing herself when giving the riddle answer. The kids report her. The time for warnings is past. Today the police response will be pro-active.
A cruiser stops. Four helmeted officers with batons get out. The driver also gets out and begins to film this proceeding with a video camera. The officers strip the woman naked. and force her into a position of standing on her palms and knees. The head officer says,
“You like to dirty mouth young kids? Now we’re gonna club the shit right out o’ ya.”
They circle the woman and start to club her, lightly at first, avoiding the head. They go on and on, harder and harder, for a long time. In the end the statement of the officer turns out to be true. The woman finally shits like an animal at their feet, and it’s all on camera as an example to others, who watch it that night on the “Vegas Hit-Back” Internet news magazine.
Christmas Eve
Thirty-four assorted Negroes are standing naked in the cold night air at the edge of a ditch. A tall young white man, whose father was murdered by Negros, is dressed in a fine pin stripped suit, with a 1930s gangster style hat. He approaches with a beautiful girl on each arm, each of whom sports a glass of vintage Champaign. The man is carrying a Thomson rotary magazine sub machine gun. He cocks and raises the gun, then says in a clear, very grown up voice,
“Merry Christmas to All, and to All, a Goodnight.”
He uses about ninety bullets initially, then walks over and looks into the ditch for survivors. There are three. He gives each a short burst to finish them off.
He and the girls go back to their hotel room, get naked, and party all night.
Bus Driver
The school bus driver drinks too much at home, but never when he’s working. He developed the habit out of sadness when his young wife, Jenny, was raped and murdered by six Mestizo migrant workers, and the mostly Mexican police force did nothing about it.
As usual, that smart-mouth ten-year-old Mexican kid comes swaggering onto the school bus with a cruel smirk. He likes to taunt the gringo driver with remarks about alcoholism. Today he enters a little ahead of his friends.
The bus driver shuts the door and locks it with the dashboard switch, sees the worried look on the kid’s face, and says,
“Watcha gonna do now. Little Mister Big Man?”
The driver starts to rise. The kid frantically tries to open the door, panics, and runs to the back of the bus saying,
“You leave me alone. I’ll tell my father.”
The stone-faced driver comes right after him. In the space behind the rear sets, he wrestles the boy down, and begins to squeeze his balls.
“Looks like I got ya right where I want ya now, don’t it, boy? You ain’t so smart now, Just as mild as a baby lamb, aincha boy?”
The boy answers in a compliant falsetto,
“You gonna do jus like I tell ya, an be polite from now on, aincha, boy?”
Eeeeh, yessir.”
The boy is so ashamed that he never tells his father, or anyone else. From here on, he is the soul of courtesy. so the driver never has to put the squeeze on him again.
Joe’s mother was raped and murdered by Negros when he was ten years old. At age twenty-six, he greatly enjoys the disadvantage that being on a bicycle affords young Negro school boys.
One day, near the edge of a canyon, Joe sees a kid about eleven rolling along, and hides behind a tree. As the kid approaches, Joe runs out, and with both hands, pushes the boy over the edge. Both kid and bicycle are dashed to pieces far below on the canyon floor.
Today joe is walking on a lonely stretch of road when he turns to see a kid about eight peddling up behind him. At the last minute, Joe turns, grabs the kid by his shirt collar, and hauls him off the bike. With the other hand, he grabs the bike, and drags both into the woods. He kicks the boy in the nuts to put him on the ground, then picks up a huge rock and bashes the boys head in. The birds completely eat the boy’s face before anyone finds the body.
Back Porch
There is a new mixed couple in town. They have two mixed children, a boy of four and a girl of seven. After school, the girl takes care of her little brother, but today she falls asleep on the sofa watching cartoons on TV. When her parents come home from work, they wake her up to ask why the boy isn’t with her.
They call for him, and look in the kitchen, then his bedroom. Finally, they go out to the back porch, and there he is, at the end of a rope hanging from one of the cross members of the roof. His body is still warm.
Day Care
Some say that when you have a mortal enemy who must be killed to ensure your own survival, that it’s fair play, and common sense, to kill their offspring as well. Very few warriors, however, can overcome all the sentimental ideas about the innocence of children. Others say that one is actually killing what the child will become, not the child itself.
Bob Chen’s parents came to America from China in 2001. Bob was born in America, and would have had a fairly good middle-class life, except that his parents were murdered by Negros in a robbery when he was fifteen. For two years he felt overwhelming grief, but as he continued to see on a daily basis, what Negros tas a race ruly are, his sadness became a resolution to rid the earth of Africans forever. Why not start here and now?
Many of Bob’s Chinese friends have suffered at the hands of Negros as well. Most of them admire the intelligence and culture of European Americans, but can’t understand why such people have permitted their government to force then into proximity with these loud aggressive foul-mouthed savages from Africa, even accepting the evil double-think government terminology of “social justice” for something so clearly unjust. It all centers around false feelings of guilt about long ago slavery promoted by nihilistic globalist Jews who control ninety-nine percent of the media.
Bob and friends have decided to visit a Negro day care center. Two of the eight young men have pistols in case they encounter resistance, but for the kids will use baseball bats, the inconspicuous weapon of choice.
9:00 A.M. The young Chinamen enter the nearby Tar-Baby Day Care Center. Two obese muscular Negro women meet them at the door. The young fellows immediately hit home runs with theor ugly dreadlocked craniums. There are thirty-seven picaninies today, all in one large room.
The young fellows show considerable artifice, enhancing the deadly blows with the precision and grace of Tai Chi and Kung Fu movements. The little Negros are speechless, mesmerized by the surreal quality of this event, and today it has been ordained that thirty-seven of them will never grow up to be loud and hellish on the city bus with anyone but Satan.
Old Age Having a Go at Youth
A young Negro couple, who murdered a little six-year-old white girl for sport, are tied naked on the ground. Twelve very old, solemn-faced, while people dressed in black, form a ring around the couple. They are all wearing pointed black shoes. Now they begin to kick the two prisoners. They kick, and kick, and kick, and kick, and kick…
Snuff Porn
Two Negro men about twenty-eight finish raping a pretty fourteen-year-old white girl. Then they start the camera.
Wearing ugly Halloween masks, one man comes at her with a blow torch and burns her vagina. She recoils to protect herself.
The other man waits a minute as she cries and screams, then comes in on her with a huge razor-sharp Bowie Knife. He slices her deeply across the chest just above her breasts. A Niagara Falls of blood comes cascading down, drenching the girl and the floor. The camera stays on her until she falls to the floor and bleeds to death.
“This one top Garcia, hey Mutha-fuck?”
“You got that right, Nigga!”
Urban Legend
Arthur Rice is a contentious bigoted Negro man of twenty-six, who is always trying to cause trouble with white people. He walks to work each morning through ad area where noisy little white kids are playing on their way to school. It just drives poor Arthur nuts to have to deal with this.
There is a shortcut with desert landscaping, jokingly called Gila Monster Ridge. The little white kid’s parents warn them not to go this way. Once Arthur finds out there is a quiet alternative, he takes this shortcut every day.
Near a Saguaro Cactus there is a huge boulder. Something lives under the boulder. You can see the lair entrance, resembling a groundhog tunnel, but with somewhat less earth displacement. Every day Arthur has instinctively given this lair a wide birth, but today he is in a hurry and passes closer.
Whatever the creature is, comes right out after him, goes up his trouser leg, scratching, pinching, stinging, and biting, all the way to the gonads, where it stops to dine. The poor man’s screams can be heard half a mile away. This is the stuff of urban legends.
After five weeks in the Cadburn Memorial Hospital Arthur has two new plastic testicles and a normal looking penis, constructed surgically from borrowed patches of skin.
Two months after his medical discharge, Arthur leaves the Sunflower Mental Hospital. He is a very good actor, but should not have been released, because he is incurably insane.
Arthur blames white kids in general for his plight. If they didn’t exist, he would not have had to take that shortcut, and would not today have plastic spuds without sensation. During the next seventeen months, Arthur abducts, tortures, and throat cuts twenty-two white children ranging in age from five to eleven. Because he has no obvious connection to the murders, the police never even question him.
One day Arthur is crossing the street near his apartment when a navy blue wan stops abruptly. Eight very angry while men in plastic body mittens carrying large meat cleavers, jump out and literally cut Arthur to a big pile of foul stinking hamburger.
Arthur’s family is saddened by this event, but when the entire story comes out, the inevitable emotional acceptance is forthcoming. |
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