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November 8, 2028 Republican Roswell Benedict, is elected President of the United States, on a ticket of explicit Libertarian Nationalism. February 2, 2029 Apart from any influence by Roswell Benedict, he revolution and defeat of Communism in China is completed. A Libertarian Nationalist regime is elected. February 12, 2029 Benedict is delighted, flies to China, and helps with the details for the institutionalization of free enterprise and Democracy. February 21, 2029 The President sends a memorandum to the United States Federal Reserve Bank and IMF with a very bold proposal. February 24, 2029 In Brussels, Belgium today there is the biggest meeting of IMF bankers ever held. The vote to postpone discussion is unanimous. February 26, 2029 The bankers reconvene, and vote to accept Benedict’s proposal. Many feel relieved by this. March
18, 2029 June 21, 2029 With capitulation of the last collectivist government, we have the triumph of Liberty, Capitalism, and free trade everywhere. October 24, 2029 President Benedict addresses a joint session of the United States Congress to end the unjust and unnecessary redistribution of wealth through Socialism in America. October 28, 2029 In Congress, both houses pass appropriate measures based on President Benedict’s suggestions. November 4, 2029 President Benedict sends a memo to all members of both houses of Congress to pass three bills connected with crime, law enforcement, and penology. November 11, 2029 After short discussion, a joint session of Congress passes all three bills, with creative additional provisions of their own. December 14, 2029 Thanks to Roswell Benedict’s efforts, the National Education Association and National Council of Churches are now teaching Libertarian Nationalism rather than Globalist disinformation. The President sends memos of commendation to both. January 24, 2030 In a joint session of Congress, Benedict presents proposals regarding population reduction and the preservation of indigenous peoples and cultures. The proposals are enacted by Congress and then passed on to the General Assembly of the United Nations. January 28, 2030 The UN votes on President Benedict’s suggestions, and issues recommendations worldwide. The nations of the world adopt them. February 8, 2030 Globalist banker, Boris Pilos, half crazed with cocaine, supported by a group of reckless mercenaries, attacks Roswell Benedict’s motorcade. The secret service stops the entire business promptly, Pilos is chopped to pieces resembling bloody hamburger with long voiles of machine gun fire. The shooters want to make very sure that he is dead. Onlookers cheer with delight and shed tears of joy. February 12, 2030 With the deciding final votes cast everywhere, we see the triumph of viable evolutionary policies worldwide. June 21, 2032 The world economy has stabilized. All countries are beginning to prosper and compete in worldwide free trade. |
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