The young senator from Wyoming understands the globalist agenda very well from all the evil bills he has had to vote against in Congress. Although very much a diplomat, he has not argued the Linertrain Nationalist position much at home. He wants the presidency. There will be time enough for domestic relations later.
Instead he has been focusing on the terrible events in Europe, for a long while now even worse than in the US. He has spoken at many universities overseas. News of this gets back to the US, of course, and there have been questions from the globalist media, but he has been able to navigate safely around most of it.
September 18, 2025 Inspired by the violent activity of anonymous American patriots in eliminating important targets, Benedict decides to do the same thing diplomatically in Europe.
Besides regimes, the three most detrimental organizations subverted to globalism in Europe are the European Union, NATO, and the United Nations. All of them have many positive functions. If, by diplomacy, he can win over the memberships to Libertarian Nationalism, he may be able to save humanity from the suicidal nosedive it has been taking lately. Doing these things might very well hurt his popularity in the short term at home, but when the good results begin to become obvious, and he is praised in Europe, the tide could turn and carry him right into the White House. Even if he loses the presidency, at least he will have saved Europe. America will catch up sooner or later, especially with the exponential increase in the number of revolutionary patriots. |