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"Hell is other people." ~ Jean Paul Sartre
Those urging us to continually disregard titanic natural forces claim that we can keep ourselves from long-term consequences by modifying all short-term symptomatic effects through "regulation." This is like fooling with the salt content of a tulip bed near an ocean dike as you begin to feel the fine spray from a five-hundred-foot tidal wave ten miles away.
Most people's behavior seems founded on the assumption that, because man is able to exert a small amount of control over his environment in the short term, that he can blindly disregard the laws of nature, that science will always compensate for man's unwillingness to control his destiny. Man's plans for the long term have to be based, within the realms of reason, upon his existing technology, not upon blind faith in science to produce last minute emergency solutions.
Every living organism needs a certain life space within which to manifest and actualize separately from others. People are not an exception to this.
Carefully controlled scientific experiments with animal species have shown that merely increasing population within a given space, with all other factors remaining constant, will cause a sharp rise in all types of behavioral aberration including sexual perversion, arbitrary violence, cannibalism, and starvation death from catatonia. "People are not animals" argue the enemies of their own evolutionary destiny, and everybody else's.
The ideal population level on Earth was passed around the year 900 A.D, if by the word "ideal" we mean a level consistent with concepts like individual self-actualization and opulent joy in living, rather than mere subsistence in anguished mediocrity. Common sense reveals that the ideal population for any sovereign nation is to have just enough people to easily sustain a volunteer military capable of defending the borders. The ideal total number of people for a planet the size of Earth is 320 million. All nations should immediately begin programs to reduce their populations to ideal levels.
No matter what else man accomplishes, if he does not immediately deal with the problem of increasing population, nothing else he does will matter.
The rapidly increasing number of non-self-sustaining humans constitutes the primary obstacle to the triumph of liberty over collectivism on Earth. In an non-Libertarian society this indiscriminate increase impedes the progress of evolutionary expression because it makes unjust demands upon productive individuals which keep them from learning, and ultimately from teaching or passing on genetically, as much as they would in a truly free society.
War, famine, and pestilence are natural consequences of human collectivism. Only these conditions currently exist as ways to limit the indiscriminate increase of non-self-sustaining humans. These methods however, unless contained, present dangers to, and put limitations upon, productive humans.
At man's current level of spiritual development, we have the problem of collectivist thinking with its natural cowardice towards addressing human population encroachment. This has led to an ethic of indiscriminate subsidy of non-self-sustaining people. Even though getting rid of institutionalized wealth redistribution will remove the subsidy, it will still be necessary to directly address the problem of escalating reproduction among non-producing people.
Many are now saying that it is socially irresponsible, arrogant, and immoral for any couple to do more than merely reproduce themselves, that they should be legally limited to the clearly just number of only two children. Others have suggested that because incapable people have been unjustly subsidized in proliferating their numbers for so long that much stronger measures must be taken to undo the damage already done. This is a good example of how indefinitely putting off what is right can lead to distortions which seem to call for extremely unpleasant counter-measures. History offers many such examples.
We all know that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny in human prenatal development. It also does this relative to neuronal imprinting during the postnatal growth process. At birth the child's ability to perceive and experience is at an invertebrate level, and it is quite some time before any uniquely human perceptions are experienced. This should be contemplated by those who would deny parents their natural right to terminate either a pregnancy, or a malformed or retarded child, at or shortly after birth. No unique human consciousness would be cut short, because none would yet have come into existence.
Those desperate to promote the proliferation of human quantity, for some cosmically masochistic reason, have even insisted that those using contraceptives are "mass murderers" because of all the potential life which they keep from manifesting. There is of course, one area of agreement between the opposing sides in the abortion debate. This is that there should be birth control education which would prevent the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Since preventative medicine is always the best, this area of agreement should be stressed to the utmost.
The indiscriminate proliferation of non-self-sustaining humans is ultimately a direct initial encroachment against the liberty of all self-sustaining organisms. Most of these people wouldn't buy a dog knowing that they couldn't afford to feed it, and yet would think nothing of having three or four children and would expect government to support them in this. Only education can get rid of the false idea that the highest function a woman can perform is to produce children, regardless of the consequence to others.
In a free society it must be the merciful option of parents to terminate at birth any child who is born retarded, deformed, crippled, or incurably sick. For example, a constitutional psychopath is someone in whom the cerebral function of moral conceptualization is dysfunctional. The day will come when constitutional psychopathy will be routinely diagnosed in utero with an MRI Scan. In these cases, if parents elect to keep and raise a psychopathic child, a just society must hold them jointly liable as accomplices if and when the child hurts others.
If we do not condone having people poison the public water supply, then people with genetic defects which result in malformed children must be prevented legally from contributing these defects to the gene pool. This can be done with genetic engineering or, if necessary, through sterilization. In either case natural selection will not be reversed.
Opponents of population control speak of government "invading the bedroom." Proponents speak of inaction as aiding and abetting all of the new mouths-to-feed in ultimately "invading the kitchen." Both are good sentiments at gut level. The one and only thing which can prevent the ultimate necessity of population control is massive education about increasing population, human devolution, and birth control. Even this can only save us if it happens immediately. To be, or not to address the proliferation of non-self-sustaining humanity? That is the question. Many now think that the quality of living has already been ruined to such an extent that human numbers should be actively reduced by any means necessary, not merely prevented from increasing.
The continuing success of any political
movement requires not only that it be consistent with natural law but that it
have, at least in its externals, popular support in the long term. Although
voluntary restriction of human numbers and elimination of all organized
sustenance of unproductive humans are requisites in a free society, popular
acceptance is currently impossible. This is essentially to ask ignorant,
immoral people to live justly. If the majority of people were currently capable
of grasping such exalted concepts as liberty, self-development, and justice,
these problems would not exist in the first place. This, of course, simply
underscores the sheer depth of education necessary to reverse destructive
population trends. Remember, at the current rate, world population will double
in only forty more years. Of course, this problem might eventually be remedied
by a new age of volcanism. Let us hope that only Libertarians survive
Population of the World 1950-2050
1. Projected. Information Source:
U.S. Census Bureau, International Database
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