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January 12, 2049 Scientists in Australia finally mange to clone a puppy from DNA residing in a hair from the last Marsupial
Wolf who died in 1913, preserved in a museum by taxidermists of that period. February 8, 2049 The International Jurassic Park Commission is created to manage the reanimation of all life forms possible
through viable DNA. This, of course, involves specimens trapped in tar pits. Its pot luck as to what creatures will come from
blood taken by mosquitoes stuck in tree sap that became amber. In cases of every type, special precautions will be taken to
insure that no viruses from earlier periods are reanimated and released into an environment where there are no natural immunities
or clinical immunizations. There is a special division to plan how the creatures can be viewed in natural bio-park settings with
no possibility of them getting out. There will be no electric fences, but monorails high enough for safety from Megalosaurus,
with supporting structure strong enough for playful rough housing from Brachiosaurus. There is another division to study the entire phylogenic timeline, so that future bio-parks, and giant
aquariums, can be created with the right groupings of living flora and fauna relative to compatibility, based on period and
climate. The greatest enthusiasm in connection with outdoor bio-parks, centers on early mammals, especially saber
tooth tigers, dire wolves, and wooly mammoths. The aquarium people are ecstatic in their contemplation of the food catching tricks they will be able
to showcase in working with Kronosaurs, Mosasaurs, and Plesiosaurs, despite the increasd danger. With the recent demise of Stone Age peoples and hominoid savages in general, absolutely nobody is advocating
the regeneration of early man. To Hell with the Family Flintstone. We’ve had enough of that loudmouth bullshit! For the same reasons, other primates and “missing link” types are not in vogue during this
splendid period. Fifty years ago, the lunatic left would have tried to force us to integrate with them, attributing all natural
reluctance to the influence of white racism. March 16, 2049 In Canada, a baby female Alosaurus is well on the way in a giant Petri Dish. They have named her Allyson,
Ally for short. Everybody is worried about what to feed her, especially when she gets big. Up in the future she will refuse
macaroni and cheese. Somebody suggests feeding her live snuff porn video-makers, and filming the action, but there aren’t
enough of them around these days. March 18, 2049 Garrett has just finished writing an essay summarizing the views of several prominent paleo-biologists,
with concurring data from research immunologists, that reviving prehistory is a very dangerous idea. The core objection is that even if we are watchful about viruses present in ancient mosquito blood and
other DNA sources, that there is a strong possibility that the displaced metabolism of earlier creatures, with the different
chemistry and nutritional needs, might generatenew viruses, or more likely, cause unexpected mutations in existing ones. They concur that reviving prehistoric forms would be more dangerous in this regard than life arriving from other planets, due to the genetic properties in common with present-day creatures. They refer to this hypothesis as the Same Format–Different Agenda principle. Garrett concludes by elucidating his opinion that the genetic revival of prehistory, is at best, dreary
sentimentality. With the exception of creatures that modern man has made extinct, reviving earlier creatures is completely
unwarranted because they had their fair shot at life, and in the long term failed. He also points out that many of them occupied
the earth for vastly more eons than has man. We have their bones and sometimes fossilized viscera, and should be studying
what led to their extinction, rather than reviving them for bio-parks. We need to preserve and make life viable for present
day flora and fauna. After what we’ve put them through for the past thirty thousand years, it’s the least we could
do. Garrett sends the essay to Roswell Benedict suggesting that he might want to present the findings to
the UN General Assembly for further distribution to world health authorities. Benedict agrees and first presents it to a joint
session of Congress. Garrett is delighted that today people can address this type of problem now that excess numbers, oppression, poverty, and war are things of the past. |
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