Home | Introduction | World 2034 | Timeline | New Look | Greater Happiness | Warrior Reunion | Revolution Update | Prehistory | World Tour | Beyond Earth | Afterword



Long ago international bankers began to move the world towards global government so that they could have total control through absolute financial monopoly. One of the ways of getting people to except this was by the subtle manipulation of information with media monopoly, to slowly rob populations of their normal racial and ethnic identity, to promote the idea that the recognition and acceptance of normal human differences is racist.


After the Libertarian Nationalist changes outlined in Roswell Benedict’s address to the `United Nations General Assembly in 2034, despite the growing prosperity everywhere, pent up hostilities worldwide unexpectedly erupted into violent action. This is now called the Period of Natural Correction.


This volume deals with the splendid future awaiting humanity in the aftermath. At the end is a random gallery of pictures which more or less suggest futurity. These are offered only for the casual perusal of the reader



Roy C. Peterson

November 11. 2017

12:59 P.M.