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January 14, 2050 Garrett, Gretchen, and Britt are interested in the ongoing improvements worldwide since the Period of
Natural Correction. Demographics may tell the main story, but there’s nothing like being on location to complete the
picture. All three are in excellent health, but aren’t getting any younger, so they decide to take a long tour of the
world without further delay. They start at the tip of the ice-cream cone, in Argentina. As they drive to the north, every person they encounter is of European ancestry, in the hotels, restaurants,
stores, and fuel stations. In the countryside, they see people, usually men, working the land, riding high on giant tractors, threshers,
and harvesters. Of this, Gretchen says, “What a beautiful sight, a modern version of what it must have been like in Europe after the Bubonic
Plague.” From Terra Del Fuego to El Paso, what they like best is the quality and excellent state of repair of
everything that is still standing. The same improved, less crowded look prevails after they cross into the United States. Everyone they
see is either of Pre-Columbian or modern European ancestry. In every public venue, all the wearisome exhibitionistic behavior, defiant sullen demeanor, and self-important loudness are absent. Gone is the parole-hearing dialog, quarrelsome tone, and foul language. Gone are the threats of violence, savage
chanting, and incessant blasting with retarded monkey music. What a relief it is to be among gentile humanity at last, to be able to exalt in the complete absence of subhumanity. In Northern Canada they leave for Southern Greenland. There is still very little going on here, despite
recent technology that could have it otherwise. With the recent liberation of so much space on Earth, it’s better to
let those huggable polar bears raise their families in peace. Garrett and the ladies see many of the wonderful bears and stay
well away from them. The three travelers cross to Iceland, then to the United Kingdom. They visit all of Scandinavia and
Western Russia, then head down to Switzerland for three days of skiing, and a quick tour of the rest of Europe. Except for
recent buildings and modern vehicles, the entire continent looks and feels much as it did in the period just before World
War I. In Europe generally they are delighted to experience something which had, until recently, had been absent,
national and personal self-esteem. These hard working honest people had become the victim of their own decency. They had allowed
subverted media masters to turn them into guilt ridden haters of their own race and culture. They had slowly come to allow invading Islamists to take over public offices, rape their women and children,
and defecate in the streets. They were asked to remove symbols of their religions from churches and redesign their flags,
all because the invaders might be offended by these things. Almost every day there had been acid thrown in the faces of indigenous infidels for not answering questions the way the invaders wanted them answered. Every week or two, there had been
massive terrorist attacks with speeding trucks, machine guns, or butcher knives, usually against young school girls. The response of leaders had been, that since the invaders were angry about the European reluctance to
be invaded, the best way to stop their violence was to let more of them into the country. For eight decades good people had
been slowly blinded by disinformation into committing racial and cultural suicide. Then suddenly it all ended. Legislators finally stood up like real people, and did the right thing.
Islamists were denied further access. Those already in the country were required to submit to sterilization or leave. They
had nowhere to go, except home, and almost all of them did. This triggered United Islam to attempt a full-scale military invasion.
In response, the Pan European Alliance with the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, completely destroyed all
the Islamic nations and their populations. Garrett, Gretchen, and Britt, via Gibraltar, go into Northern Africa. The entire region is mostly devoid
of people. Those who inhabit the few reaming buildings are European. There is a similar retro look to what they found north
of the Mediterranean. The Sahara is still a desert. To the south, the travelers see only Europeans raising crops and operating
mining enterprises. The feel is similar to Central and South America, but he trees and vegetation are different. The classic
African animals have reasserted their numbers, and are everywhere. Walking about can be very dangerous because of big cats.
A few years ago in Kenya, a gathering of fat people were eating what they call a traditional Pig’s Dinner of monstrous ice-cream and syrup deserts. Out of the adjacent high grass came three male lions
and made a Lion’s Dinner of these porcine men and women. Legend, or perhaps
local humor, has it that, on a quiet day one can still hear their horrified cries, shrieks, and squealing. Heading back to the north, the touring trio are glad to see the Pyramids and Sphinx intact. They leave
Egypt, and except for operating oil wells, find mostly desolation in the Near and Middle East. Everything is veryneat and
tidy, however. The modern high-efficiency recycling industry is the reason for this. Waste not, want not. There is also some
farm land newly under cultivation, or in use for the grazing of cattle and horses. Southeast Asia is also devoid of people. India is no longer crowded, and much cleaner. Northern China
is prospering splendidly without parasitic Communism. So are North and South Korea, now completely reunited. Japan is splendid
as always, and more Libertarian than preciously. Asia in general is better than ever, because all the countries have all finally
addressed their excess birth rates. The travelers visit Eastern Russia, then head across into Alaska, and enjoy the fiords along Inside
Passage back to Washington State. What a trip. Everything is A / OK at last on Earth. People everywhere are happy and prospering. All
the misery caused for so long by the Globalists has been converted to productivity and simple joy in living. Garrett has kept
a travel log, and writes it up into a bestselling book, lavishly enhanced with all the incredible photos taken by Gretchen
and Britt. |
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