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Eric F. Magnuson Short Biography


Eric F. Magnuson.


Eric Fenris Magnuson was born in Massachusetts. His parents were corporate business people. At Northeastern University he studied science and English. Supporting himself as an antique dealer, he amassed a library of over four thousand books and began a program of diverse study and writing. Moved by the need to create something that would outlive him, on February 12, 1983 in the company of eighty-seven revolutionary Libertarian Nationalists, he founded the World Libertarian Order. After a six year tour du ski, he moved to Northern California, and in 2012, to Montreal, Quebec.


Evolutionary Psychology Evolution Family Reader World Libertarian Revolution New World Order: Just Say No! Traditional Arcane Teachings
Mythology of the North Arcane Fraternal Orders Magickal Pictures The Adventures of Eric F. Magnuson Book I The Adventures of Eric F. Magnuson Book II
Old Friends, Fimbul or WLO Business:



World Libertarian Order

Fimbul Winter Books

Seek and Destroy

