now follows is the personal journal begun October 15, 1978. This has been severely edited to remove truly boring or incomprehensible
material, thus rendering what remains a manageable book of medium length. Terminology has sometimes been simplified for the
average reader. Original commentary is in (parenthesis). Commentary added later will appear in [brackets].
"Westerners need not seek so far to the East
for their spirituality nor aid and abet missionary monoculture. Nobody should adhere to a tradition which has clearly failed.
Religions based upon false values and unnatural principles are not worth following. The vile dispiriting nihilism of wandering
internationalists is a poor substitute for the spiritual integrity of being rooted in one's own ancestral tradition. In the
West there are many fine natural religions being reborn. These represent diverse ethnicity. One must seek, however. They will
not come to you."
Oct 15 Write Ritual of Consecration. Consecrate
Ritual Dagger.
Ne~ 2 OYN
Initiation as Gesith in Seax Wicca.
Atrium 2 CO.
Oct 16 Boston. Roast beef at Jake's and two
beers. Meet blonde in Pizza place. One beer at 776 where I see Donna with some guy. Cruise. See Donna leaving 776. Go to see
Vanessa for last time [I think], one beer. Go back and run into dainty lovely Linda and give her a kiss. Meet little brunette
Cathy. Go up to room with her. Another couple render situation problematical. Bow out. Run into blonde Kathy, go out- nice
Oct 28 Britt and Rachel visits for two days
with stylish 18 year old Gretchen Van Roon who enflames me immediately. Samhain Ritual.
November Enter
the world of Ars Metallica. Study Benvenuto Cellini on the art of metal casting to prepare myself for dealing with the bosses
of sweat shops in Providence relative to the casting of my line of Pyramid of Cheops
Nov 17 Boston. Go to see Vanessa - not working.
Meet Susan and Sandy McQueen, talk briefly with Jane. Buy several drinks for Linda. Pinch Linda.
Nov 27
4 = 7 R+C
Dec 1
Railroad Lounge, a local club featuring good quality rock groups - "Fifth Wheel." Watch drinks for Kate Deegan.
Dec 6 Returning from Providence, go to Boston.
Meet Goddess while having roast beef at Jake's. See Linda dance. See Joyce [Mathews] dance. Talk with Joyce - very nice girl.
Dec 8 Form Ravenhurst Company.
Dec 19 Boston. Roast beef at Jake's. Goddess
praises me. Neither Joyce, Nessa, or Linda working. Meet Gina and Jasmine.
Dec 29 Railroad Lounge - "Precious Metal."
Dainty Debbie [Goslin]. Laurie working as bartender.
Begin reading The Silmarillion.
Jan 10 Boston. Rib at Jake's. Meet girl from
Westford. Go to Good Time Charley's. Ellen makes big fuss as I walk in. 776 closed. Meet blonde who speaks of the "Bourgeois".
Mousetrap closed. Meet Jennifer from Nashua. Talk with blonde, who I met some time ago in pizza - "stick with strippers."
In Jerome's, crazy girl [Venus] acts like cat.
Imbolic. Formal adoption
of chivalry.
Feb 2 Boston. Raw rib at Jake's. Meet Liza.
Mousetrap open but Nessa working in Revere. Susan at Picadilly. I check, but can't find her. Then I meet Maria (Face of the
Moon). End evening with Venus.
Mar 1 Boston. Rib at Jake's. Maria is busy,
but keeps talking to me in passing. Meet Trish. Get into conversatiom with girl at Jake's. Drink with Liza all evening (Champagne
$130). This expenditure is noteworthy since I am $200 away from being flat broke. She tells me Joyce has left. Go to Charley's
for last call.
Mar 19 Accident. Providence. Boston. Have shrimp
at Four Seas. Drink with Jasmine. While drinking with Venus (in pigtails) Jasmine reprimands me. Drive to Revere to see Linda.
Can't find Nessa. Meet blonde from NY at Charley's.
Mar 30 See girl at Jake's. Have shrimp at China
Pearl. Meet martial artist in Chinatown. See "Dracula" at the Baystate, where Ma saw Duke Ellington c 1936. Find out Liza
has retired. See Donna dance. Drink with Venus. Steal one with Trish while Venus dances. More with Venus. Meet Dorrie. More
Venus. Charley's. More Venus. Run into Ed Zalesky and a friend of his. Pizza pie. Head home at 4:00 AM.
Apr 19 Receive thank you letter from Ralph
Lewis, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, for a gold plated pyramid paperweight I sent as a gift.
May 5 Sit eating lunch looking east on top
of Tully Mountain. K+C of HGA.
Ne~ 4 OYN
At bottom of Tully Mountain, talk with land
owner. He has little dog who looks like an Arctic fox and who loves me very much.
May 8. Boston. Dinner at China Pearl. Ask Jasmine
on back stage for a drink afterwards. In interim, Joyce reappears. I find out that Liza is only on vacation. I have Jasmine
wait and she is mad. Drink with Joyce. Drink with Jasmine. Venus shows up. Tells Jasmine I'm a "pimp" and "easy". Drink with
Joyce all evening ($148.00) except to go over to Charley's. During this Venus shows up again and I talk to Dorrie and Trish.
May Railroad Lounge. Meet angry barmaid and
friend Rosie.
June 2 Receive letter from Frater Buletza on
the subject of holographic brain scans. Wrote to him with idea about how to photograph brain wave patterns holographically.
He replies telling me that researchers have been working on this very method for almost two years already.
Consecrate Wand.
June 27 Boston. See Nancy at Jake's. Dinner
at China Pearl. Feel bad all evening. Talk to Maria, who doesn't "want to go on" stage. Meet Marie. Run into Kathy from Tampa.
At Charley's sit with gap-toothed sanguine girl, see Farah-type girl but feel too sick. See Marie dance.
July 25 Boston. Eat at Jake's. Kiss Dorrie
who seems friendly. Find out Joyce has quit. Pork strips later. Meet nice barmaid Debbie.
Aug 28 Providence. Boston. Shrimp at China
Pearl. Find out Joyce is making costumes, Maria has quit, Venus has quit because she doesn't like the people. Drink with Trish.
Drink with Jasmine and agree to be her slave sexually. Run into loud blonde at Charley's and brunette with nice teats. Place
hands on Debbie's hips while Jasmine razzes me from the sidelines.
Sep 21 RR Lounge. See angry barmaid. Friend
Rosie wearing teasingly tight jeans.
Sep 26 Rachel visits for three days.
October Visit White Mountains in Schirocco.
Too foggy. Sell Schirocco at a loss quick to get food money. Buy 1973 Dodge Charger.
Nov 2 RR Lounge. Meet girl in green sweater.
Tell Rosie how sexy she is. Angry barmaid gets me a drink. Meet Jamie, a groupie. See brunette with glasses - gives bad tease.
Try with another brunette, also with glasses. Try with "young elite".
Nov 9 Boston. Rib at Jake's. Meet redhead.
Drink with Dorrie. Meet Tammy Her face is exactly like actress Jane Seymour, body more zaftig. Meet Gina. Drink again with
Dorrie. Become persona non grata via angry bar maid [Clear this up with boss later]. See how the other half lives ~ visit
peep shows and stores. Talking with blond in Charger, accidently lock bumpers with Chevy.
Dec 8
Adeptus Exemptus 7 = 4 R+C
Dec 21 RR Lounge. Meet Susan.
Jan 4 Burlington. New England Aquarium. See
lobsters with rare pigmentation, huge trout feeding on crayfish.
Hancock Tower. Beacon Hill houses look like little match boxes. Run into Joyce. Rib at Jake's.
Drink with Maria for last time. Drink with Joyce - give her my card. Drink with Dorrie who says she will go out later if she
gets a call. Finally buy a drink for Ginger who gets me very horny. Fight off whores at Charley's like last time. See Gina.
Find out from Debbie that Tammy quit. Get horny seeing Melanie dance. Joyce tells me Liza had operation and is not in school.
China Pearl.
[Winter (30).Go international and begin working on large commercial -industrial
real estate deals. Within a few months my listings total $3 Billion. I have about 1/3 each from owners, brokers, and attorneys.
Many listings are from Mitchell Realty in the Empire State Building. Ed Mitchell is 82 years old and a self-made multi-millionaire.
He dealt with "young Vanderbilt" in the 1920s, and in the 1970s flew with the Hunt Brothers aboard their personal jet. Ed
introduces me to A. J. Kaplan from New Jersey, who also sends me many good properties. By Autumn my average listing is $15
million. This does not include oil refineries (Barbados, Canada, Mexico, Rotterdam, Virgin Islands) which would skew the average
too much. Many are calling me, but nobody is buying anything because of high interest rates (18% at peak). Like sitting on
a gold mine with no shovel. Before circumstances persuade me to stop initiating new deals in Spring 1981, I have a lot of
excitement, fun, and a few close calls. Some deals drag on well into 1982. Most of the cover sheets for these are still in
my old green file cabinet. A few examples here. Sequence is approximate from memory:
Two Oil Refineries from H. Gertz in Palm Springs.
One owned by him at $60 million and one he is brokering at $600 million. I combine them onto one spec-sheet with my letterhead.
Make the mistake of sending it to a broker I don't know very well. Three months later sheet comes back to me with another
brokers name on it. When I call him, there are so many brokers in between that he can't even trace the deal back to me.
Land in Panama. 20,000 acres with 20 miles
of ocean frontage. This also from Gertz. Listings and commission offerings he sends are signed by him, but photocopies. Richard
Myco from NH has a customer. We are all set to fly down to Panama, but Gertz refuses to give me an original signature. Myco
walks from the deal and his customer with him. I warn everyone about Gertz for the next few months. Myco won't even talk to
me he's so disappointed.
Skyscraper First Avenue NYC. Owned by the Shah
of Iran. Price $125 million. I have this one from Ed Mitchell. Hear on television that Shah's assets are frozen by the U.
S. Government. I call Ed. He says to keep sending it anyway, because it's under contract and the buyers have the legal right
to pull out any time they want. It would then be available for any buyer I procure in the interim.
Apartment Complex Fort Wayne Indiana. Listed
at $9 million. Receive written offer. Call up, but property has been sold two weeks earlier.
Finance Deals. Good sources for huge loans.
One day I have just sat down to a hot meal at my kitchen table. Broker calls wanting $50 million for the Mexican Government.
I tell him that they have a reputation for defaulting. He says that it can be somehow guaranteed. I want to eat, so I ask
him to please call back later. He says maybe he will, but does not.
Morgan Guarantee Trust Company Building at
37 Wall Street. Prestigious listing, but lousy deal.
Whacker Building Chicago. This one from George
Gewanter in NYC. Owner asking $38 million. I get deluged with calls, but too late. This is a very good offering which George
sells within two weeks.
Harbor Plaza Boston. Listing from Joe Gerosa.
Prospect calls offering $19 million. I tell him owners will never accept this. He says to convey the offer anyway or he will
do it without me. I call up. Property sold for $28 million two days earlier.
Shrewsbury Gardens Massachusetts. 180 unit
apartment complex. Carl Braun sends me this. Listed with 6% commission. Large REIT approaches me saying they have to dump
$100 million into properties by the end of the year to qualify for a big tax reduction. They cannot buy property in this price
range, however, when any commission is over 1%. Braun will not settle for less than 6%. REIT suggests I go around Braun because
he has only an oral non-exclusive agreement with the seller. They offer me $20,000 to broker it, working directly with them
and the owner, Ranaan Katz. As a matter of honor I refuse, even though I need the money desperately. Two weeks later I find
another buyer all set to purchase even with the 6% commission. I call Braun, but the very temperamental Mr. Katz, has taken
the property off the market.
Crude oil deals. On one occasion after rendering
myself the procuring cause on a huge transaction (Two spot deals and a five year contract. My commission would be $9.73 million)
I am threatened by the other broker to back off, because I'm not registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (oil is
a security?). I call the SEC and talk with an attorney, who explains it all. I didn't know about the regulation. It was not
my intention to do anything illegal. Because the registration fee is too high, I decide not to work on oil deals any more.
My Arab source, Dr. Mohammed Ghani was checked out recently by an oil-man associate of mine from California and is legitimate.
He's small, but gets three contracts a year from Petromin. I call Ghani and tell him what happened, but advise that he can
still deal with me by supplying oil contracts to enhance my refinery deals and keep the entire oil commission for himself.
I'll still get paid legally on the real estate end. A little while after this an associate from Georgia informs me that the
clicking we hear means that my phone is tapped. He knows that it's not at his end, because his phone was tapped recently,
and he took care of it. I know he's right because I've been hearing this sound for quite awhile now every time I use the phone.
Eventually it stops. Was this my Uncle Sam?
Oil Refinery in Canada. Bankrupt. Price $850
million. I have three possible buyers. Trustee in Chicago returns my call. Says he already has a sales agreement, but wants
back-up. Agrees to all my terms including Loehmann Formula commission starting at 6%, and will get back to me if deal doesn't
go through. Unfortunately for me, it does.
Humorous publisher writes an ad for a guy who
sends me listings from Texas: "J. R. Ewing, move over! B. K. Pinson has office buildings for sale in Dallas".
Hartford. High-rise office building clad with
gold mirror. When I go to see it I am so delighted and proud to be involved with such a thing. It looks just like a beautiful
cut and polished gem.
Deal involving "5 metric tons" of gold. Supposed
to be transferred from a German bank when I produce a buyer who will put money down in a Swiss Bank. Somebody else brokers
it ahead of me. Deal turns out to be a scam based on phony seller somehow getting the interest on the buyers down payment
sitting briefly in the Swiss Bank. The gold exists only on paper.
Twin Towers Albany NY. Co-broking agent with
buyer is going to pick me up on the way out. Doesn't show up. Property sells immediately. Talk to owner's attorney who sympathizes,
but cannot reveal anything about buyer or procuring broker. This deal marks the beginning of my realization that it is very
difficult to get paid in these situations without having exclusive-right-to-sell agency].
Mar 10 Sell silver in Winchendon. Call Handy
and Harmann early. Silver has plummeted. Get to buyer apparently before he finds out because he wants to give me yesterday's
price. I do not argue. Small transaction, but 1200% profit. Boston Museum of Science. Rib at Jake's. Put down guy with smelly
cigar. One drink with Ginger. Celebrate with Joyce all evening outback. Really notice Renee for first time. China Pearl.
Hereabouts write Granada County II - "We gonna
dress you out like an old sow hog tonight, giblets and all..."
March Letters to mistresses.
Mar 28 Dinner at Mac Donald's. Joyce comes
over. Kick clown out my way when Joyce is dancing. See Anita and girl with very shapely hips, each for the first time. See
Dorrie in Devil suit. Drink with Melanie. Shoot Ginger down.
Apr 29
7 = 4 Confessio R+C
Telephone conversation with Joyce..
May 2
8 = 3 R+C
29+30th Boston. Visit Radical Libertarian meeting on the Commen. Meet Dirk and Heidi Lokison. They join me for rib at Jake's.
We speak of many things and agree to meet again in future. Sailors everywhere. Aircraft Carrier JFK in port for Tall Ships
Parade of Sail. Talk with Joyce early. Melanie says Hello. Talk with Dorrie twice. She is very busy with officers. At one
point on stage she is wearing a captain's hat. Just like something in a WWII movie. Talk with Joyce. Sleep in car in Underground
Garage. Demons from exhaust fumes haunt my sleep. Walking out into the clean morning air of Boston Common is one of the nicest
things I have ever experienced. Breakfast at Mug n' Muffin. See Tall Ships mostly just masts above all the heads blocking
my view, etc. Talk twice more with Joyce.
Around this time Ma sells the lot to the South
of her house.
July Conception of Grand Ritual of Purpose.
Aug 11 Bibliomancy - "Love" but forget Joyce.
Sep 3 Tarot divination.
September Monique calls collect. Explore Doane's
Falls area. Temporarily stop R+C attainment at 8 Monograph 18, because of money.
Sep 25 Broken tooth for Leroy. Hear John Bonham died. Loud Beatle group at Natick Mall.
Boston. 776 reopened. Inquire about Linda. See Donna, now fat. See Donna again in 776. Finally seems interested now that I'm
not. Debbie tells me Maria got married, Joyce in Frisco for two months. Meet Crystal. Meet Rotter. Rib at Jake's. Meet whore
on way for comb. Swiss girl is back as barmaid. See Erica first time. Talk with Jasmine. Talk with Linda (now Rachel), and
when she acts cold with me tell her to "beat it!" Actually cazy about Linda. Just trying to hide the hurt I feel by acting
tough. Go to Charley's and talk with small dark angry girl. Go out with Cindy. Small dark angry girl comes into room as we
are leaving.
Oct 3 Tarot Divination.
Oct 4 First date recorded of work on Scroll
Oct 6 Britt visits for three days.
Oct 27 Begin Scroll T.
Samhain Lust
Ritual for Venus.
Nov 10 Work on Three Scrolls.
Nov 22 Discontinue same because I need books.
Nov 22 Call Monique.
Nov 26 Visit New London Connecticut (30). Buyer, Alan Lane, wants New London Mills for a seafood processing plant.
Show this with Peter VanStrumm of H. Pierce Company. 400,000 square feet with rail on Long Island Sound. On the way down I
hear that Russia invaded Poland this morning. It's very cold when I arrive early and walk around this huge complex. All brick
with high grass and windswept cattails along choppy dark green salt water. Inside, the morning sun is streaming in through
the tall 19th century windows. Massive boiler face looks like the front of a steam locomotive painted gold, only twice as
big. Peter and Alan look like two dwarves standing next to a huge alchemist furnace. Owners representative, Mr. Eiwens, has
flown in from Belgium and later meets with Peter and I at the Hartford Hilton. On a beautiful warm day about two weeks later,
Peter, Alan, and I meet with bankers in Hartford. You can see the Connecticut State House through the office window. This
deal would mean a big commission for me, a free office at New London Mills, and approximately $200,000 a year for procuring
seafood contracts (4% of gross sales estimated to be $5 million annually). In the interim I have lined up three prospective
sources: Salmon from Alaska, shrimp from he Philippines, and a request from a consortium in India for cheap seafood to help
Bangladesh. Alan can't get the financing. Try a cheaper place in Plaistow NH owned by Rudolph Gudrieau. Rudy comes down to
Royalston with his cute girlfriend and we sign an agreement set up like a co-broke, since he is licensed in New Hampshire
and I am not. As the deal progresses, it comes to light that the price of the facility is exactly equal to the indebtedness,
leaving nothing for commission. Rudy has been sent to alimony jail 60 times and is a very hard man to reason with. Deal falls
through. Next I try to get Alan into Naumkeag, a large old brick facility in Manchester. Just as we're beginning to make some
progress, Alan begins to act hostile and impatient with the owners. I explain to him that all this isn't about who has the
most balls. We are only trying to make money. He agrees, but too easily, so I really lecture him to emphasize the importance
of being genteel. I explain that the owners of these places have been rich a long time and simply laugh at fleglings who act
like Al Capone. He agrees. Next we try Cadrin Mills in Blackstone Massachusetts. Really too far from the ocean, but Alan insists.
Anti-Nordic Jewish attorney Arthur Lipmann wants me off the deal the minute he hears my Swedish name. I call his office more
than once. The secretary tells me he's busy one time too many. I tell her to put him on the phone or I'll come to Boston and
kick down his office door and walk in. She puts him on. I confront him with his bigotry. When the smoke clears, I'm still
in the deal, but will work only with Lane and Joyce at Blackstone New England Corporation who sent me the listing. That's
OK with me. Deal drags on and on. At one point I have an interesting talk with Alan's mother-in-law and ask her if Alan has
any history of sabotaging himself at the last minute on big business deals. She says yes, he has been doing it for years.
It turns out that Alan has falsified financial statements. Lipmann and his financier are going along with this knowingly.
Alan is so charismatic that any of us would follow him to Hell and back. He simply gives you the feeling that if you stick
with him, you will get rich. The financier is even going to lend Alan money to buy a suit to wear at meetings. I begin to
see the whole thing turning into a conspiracy to defraud lenders and decide to get out of the deal. Lane owes money to angry
people from NYC who have been calling Blackstone. Three months later I call around to see what happened. Joyce tells me that
one day Lane simply disappeared with his wife and her mother. She does not suspect foul play, only flight to avoid creditors.
How different life would have been if this deal had gone through.
Dec 4 Call Monique.
Dec 5 Hear Led Zeppelin broke up. Boston. Debbie
tells me she never heard of Rachel. Rib at Jake's. Girl resembling Linda waiting as usual. Say Hi to Dorrie who doesn't know
me at first, I have gone from lion's mane back to surfer style haircut. Joyce comes over - "you just love doing this to me".
At 66 meet witchy blonde with smooth hands. Talk to a very emaciated, gift-seeking Venus. The lust ritual worked, however.
Call Monique four times from pay phones. See Venus dance. "Amusing" fatso hassles me while Venus drinks with greaser. See
blonde named Liza dance. Talk to Melanie "Red Riding Hood". See Erica dance. See Gina dance, request drink after, she flashes
teats at me and goes to drink with another. See Anita dance with same end result. Apparently some intigue here of which I
am unaware.
Dec 6 Monique calls wondering.
Dec Court
action in Orange over commission split on restaurant sale. Win the case and outside the courthouse feel good to receive hearty
congratulations from Gerry Godin, probably the most the successful broker in the area.
Dec 16 Consecrate Firecandle, Chalice, Bell.
Begin reading Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Mar 20 Boston. Buy Doomsday Books about nuclear
war survival. Rib at Jake's. Find out Venus quit dancing for art school in New York. Meet Lady Dawn. Monique too tired. Return
and drink with Lady Dawn. Abalone at China Pearl. See nymph wearing white panties edged with red (Sarah H) [Could this be
Sarah Hitchings?] and Samantha. Meet Romana who escaped from Romania via Switzerland to England. I assure her that we will
protect her.
Mar 29 Karen DuBoyce calls. We talk 4 hours.
April Karen
calls again.
April 22 Resume work on Scroll T.
May Meet Wendy at Depot, actually the Railroad
Lounge. Patty too.
May 15 Karen calls.
May 29 See doctor. X-ray. Talk with Tonie at
Theosophical Society. Dirk Lokison and I discuss Libertarian revolution over rib at Jake's. Champagne with Romana. Dorrie
joins us. Find out from Loraine that Liza is back. Meet Cathy with dead looking eyes. We almost go out. Back to see the now
visibly befreckled and angry Romana.
June Devastation of Gypsy Moths. You can hear
them munching. They eat every leaf and needle off every tree in the area. I go for walk. It is like Winter, but hot, with
the sun higher in the sky. Most trees recover.
June Comprehension
of evolutionary dualism
Ne~ 5 OYN
June 13 X-ray results show that I have emphysema.
"Island" at Depot. Talk to Wendy and Patty.
June 30 Work on Scroll E.
July 2 Work on Scrolls A+T.
July 18 Beer at Cinnamon's. Ask Darlene out.
Sit down back with Maureen. Talk to Wendy early at Depot.
July 31 Depot.
Aug 15 Depot.
Aug 16 12:50 PM Finish main work on the Three Scrolls.
Aug 25 at 8:20 PM finish Esbat celebrating
commencement of Ars Magna
Ne~ 6 OYN
The Golden Years
Sep 11 Depot, Hanger 1, Rusty Nail in Sunderland. Meet girl at Rahar's, Sheehan's.
Sep 17 See brown fox cross road at end of Tully
Dam at late dusk.
Sep 20 See wolf on Elvin Road, probably the
New England coyote who leads wild dogs in livestock raids from wilderness area behind my house. Reports of Mountain Lions
in this same area. On my land are beaver, crane, bobcat, porcupine, woodchuck, black bear, deer, geese, ducks.
Fall Read The Sound of Thunder.
c October 6. Trip to Hogback Mountain in Vermont.