Chapter 4
Feb 20 1985 - May 24 1986 Feb 21 Arise late. Poached and bacon. Wearing
tan slacks, pink stripped shirt, suede coat, bayberry, visit Naked. Ask Malika for a drink and have to wait, but too long.
Leave c 3:00 PM and stop in Concord where cute girl serves me grilled cheese and buttercrunch frappe. Feb 25 South to Hartford. Enfield closed. Lunch
at Wendy's. Aetheneum closed. Decide to stay over at Terra. Dinner at Colonel Sander's. Feb 26 Scrambled and bacon at diner. Visit
Enfield and make appointment. Visit Granby Dinosaur Museum and luckily catch Mr. And Mrs. Gingras there. Buy some books, dinosaurs,
and scorpion pendant. Feb 28 Visit Mr. Pepperman and see Judy with
the sexy eyes for the third time. Mar 4 Finish up two days of work on natural
law. Mar 6 Trouble getting out of driveway. Call
Nashua and get the number. Boston. Apricot brandy. Lunch at Wendy's. Visit Naked. Mardigras. Meet Kelly. She takes me to Brighton
for an exhausting, but very exciting and highly emotional session which I never could have anticipated. We return. Naked.
Ask "Madame Grumpy" out for dinner [Liz- who refuses. This girl turns out to be one of those most desired by me in the longer
term, influencing my taste in women for many years to come]. Ask Cashmere who seems interested but has a cold. Buy a beer
for the Elf Linda. Visit Mardigras. See Kelly. Rib at Jake's. Naked. Visit Mardigras. Meet Tatum. Meet Terry. We make date.
Meet her at Bradford. They want I.D. She leaves. Back to Mardigras. Talk with Collette about next night. Naked. Retire. Mar 7 Poached and bacon. Call Nashua for application.
Visit BNE. Call Ray in Athol to wire $400. Talk with Malika. She hasn't seen Modesty for a long time. Sharron says Hi to me
and watches me all day. Talk with Nicollette. Lunch at MacDonald's. Receive the $400 then check on box at Essex. Get certificates
at Sheehan's. Naked. Chicken Polynesian at China Pearl. Gisele with nice tan and Rhinestone bikini. Good old boys bring her
a huge stuffed elephant. Pass by Katy who keeps turning to look at me. She talks with boss. Sit near her outback. Ignore her
up front as she tries to sound grown up for my benefit talking at bouncer about Greenwich Village. Leave before she dances.
Oh, the bliss of the Harem [All this really means is that the sheer availability of pretty girls makes it easier to turn away
from Katy even though I love her more than anyone I have ever known or will ever know. This is one of the hardest things I
have ever done. She is simply too young for me. It is also a little bit doubtful as to whether I could have won her heart
anyway]. Mar 11 c 6:00 Drive Chrysler Conquest with
Kimberly in Keene. Mar 14 After going to the bank, finally locate
Worcester Science Center where I enjoy nice show at the Omnisphere and see shaggy old white wolf as I leave. Meet Attorney
Shea at 3:00 PM. Visit Lou Horton's for Gun Digest. Check ot Starion. Have clams and coleslaw next-door. Boston. See
Kelly in car. Bradford by 6:20 PM. Peach brandy. Visit Naked c 8 PM. See Katy, who I ignore. Talk to Linda briefly and Roxanne
outback. Enjoy sumptuous Combination Platter at China Pearl. Back to Naked. See skinny blonde at Mardigras. Wearing tan slacks,
blue shirt, tweed jacket, Cannon. Mar 15 Poached and bacon. Sit in Sun on bench
near Jordan's admiring daemon gargoyles, heralds of the coming age of doom for Marxism. A/OK at Exeter Place. Visit Naked.
Usual fanfare of "Seig Heil" nonsense from "Oinkensau" the loud barmaid. Note ironical jealous look from Justine while drinking
with Melissa who is very likable. Finally surrender to my interest in Alex. Buy drink for Malika who is surprisingly standoffish.
See Sheena dance to silly "Shoop Shoop" song. Talk to Justine "reading a newspaper". Have Bratwurst at Jake's. Return to Naked.
Visit Mardigras. Meet Sharron. Drink with Kelly who keeps pinching me. She tells me about recent Christian incursions on Liberty.
See Tatum, Sharron, and others observing Kelly and I. Back to Naked. Talk to Justine who is "bored". See her looking at me
from across. Ask Roxanne to have a drink, but she must eat and leave. See Justine dance and cackle at her antics. Bouncer
freaks on it too. Sharron finally moves in on me but I put her off until Modesty arrives. In the meantime Justine, who had
been scanning up front leaves. Modesty enters with her head held high looking like a beautiful queen in a long fur coat.,She
is from a wealthy Hudson River NY family. We drink. She dances up front. Roxanne leaves. See Katy. See Dory dance - so sexy.
Gisele waves as she goes by. As I enter, back door at Jake's is opened for musician and I by skinny whore from last night
at Mardigras. Rib is served by a sexy new brunette. Whore is trying to hustle all the musicians. I like her. She has a spiritual
hunger in her face that excites me. She is blonde with haunting eyes. I can't stop looking at her. Owner dims lights. 1920s
preppy types abounding. Weeping Willy does a blues set c 9:00 PM. After a piņa colada return to Naked. Scarlet says Hi to
me. See Modesty outback while Katy is up front. Katy drinks with an overbearing Jewish man. See Gisele sensuously enjoying
whisperings of a bearded chap right out of a scene by Renoir. See Jazz dance. I will have her. If not, I will obey her. See
Katy become disgusted with her Chinese friends. By 10 PM the place is overrun with young Chinese, many homosexual, who chatter
crazily among themselves ignoring the girls completely. I bid adieu to Modesty who has consented to going to a horse show
with me and leave bewildered by the throngs. Wearing blue stripped trousers, blue shirt, green crew neck, Cannon. Mar 19 Leave c 8:30 AM. Arrive at Granby Dinosaur Museum c 9:20 AM. Get dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus tooth, and jade horn pendant. Visit North Meadow. Lunch at Wendy's. Am dazzled by Wadsworth Aetheneum. Curators have incredible taste. Arrive 2:00 at Enfield
where I succeed triumphantly. Lobster pie at Cinnamon's. Mar 22 Discuss intercooling with Kimberly. Apr 1 Travel through icy slush to Winchester
with Gene. Visit peculiar paranoid hippies who do not "ring" true because they are not "for real". Lunch at Wendy's in Keene. Apr 3 A/OK at Keene PO. Car trouble. Visit
Stoddard, Wendy's, Chamber of Commerce. Apr 4 Visit Shea. Scrambled and bacon at Norman's.
Visit Cheshire Oil. Consult with Postmaster in Keene. Apr 5 Morning. Visit from Miller and Son. At various points hereabouts have visits from
John and Barbara Delaney, Ron Lewis and wife, Dick Geroiux and wife. Apr 15 Gary checks out banjo clocks. Apr 16 At 4:00 PM. Begin six days of non-stop
work during which I get eleven hours sleep, sell the Banjos, close on sale of Ravenhurst, finish packing, and move three truckloads. c Apr 22 Take up residence at Windingbrook
Lodge in Keene NH under the pseudonym David Handy. [I live here for the next fourteen months. During this period begin using
anti-oxidants]. Apr 23 At 8:15 AM. A/OK at Nashua PO and Registry.
Arrive c 11:30 at Bradford. Peach brandy. Wearing blue jeans, yellow shirt, and Bravura, head for Jake's where I enjoy Bratwurst
and potato salad and piņa coladas. Visit Naked. Visit Mardigras. Talk with Louise, two Jewish whores, and a very grumpy Tatum.
Return to Naked where Roxanne acts standoffish and Gisele seems angry with me. Talk with Alex, but can't get her away from
her friend Lisa, the loud barmaid. Drink with a very cuddlesome and likable Noel. Drink with Modesty. We discuss our plans
further. Shrimp at China Pearl. Drink again with Modesty. Jane brings Katy around. Thumbs down. Round out evening with a very
sly Linda in cat woman garb. During this become friends with Nancy a barmaid with reddish lond hair. Apr 24 Scrambled and bacon in Bradford dining
room. Wearing tan slacks, pink stripped shirt, and Bravura visit Naked where I see Jazz outback. Mel, the owner of the Naked
Eye Cabaret, is there early and she strikes a sexy pose across two barstools calling him "Papa". Lisa makes big show as usual.
I finally tell her "I'm going to find a way to get you off my case once and for all. As far as I'm concerned you are nothing
but a piece of garbage". This seems to do the trick [...at first. In retrospect, I should have spoken less harshly, but much
sooner]. Alex unfortunately cannot be separated from this poor soul. I conclude that she must have a rotten streak herself.
Sheena comes around and we talk. She leaves in outrage when I won't buy her a drink. Having seen Raven dance outback. Finding
her friendly I buy her a couple. We talk about black roses. She tells me Justine became upset by "people" and retired. This
means she'll be heading for West Berlin soon becaue "That's where it's happening". Lunch at Burger King on Tremont. It's a
bit cold but I sit observing my gargoyle friends again. Return to Naked. Visit Mardigras briefly. Same whores as yesterday.
Tatum still grumpy. Hope to ask Melissa to dinner, but she is tied up with Negroes and Chinamen all day. Head back c 5:30
PM. Apr 26 Visit Peder Johnson's house in Stoddard
with real estate broker Bev. Apr 27 See nice blonde at Troy Diner on way
to Gardner. Take load from garage at Ravenhurst with GMC truck. See sexy Dorrie type kid at Troy Diner on way up. Unload last
of stuff after dark. Return to Windingbrook with truck. Apr 28 Return truck. See both sexy girls in
Troy on way. c Noon visit restaurant at Keene Airport for fried clams. See planes and car time-trials while dining. Clean
last stuff out of garage, put ladder on diesel, and head for Cheshire County in the rain. Apr 29 Visit Johnson house again. Post ads
all over Stoddard. Visit Hillsboro for first time. c 6:00 PM Chicken Rockefeller (Tsk, Tsk) at Ramada and arrive at auction
a bit late. Am impressed by quality of items sold. See ultra-desirable farm woman nursing baby. Return by 11:15 PM. May 3 c Noon. Leave for dentist in rain. Arrive
c 2:40, 40 minutes late. Underwear at Jordan's. c 4 PM Lunch at MacDonald's on Rte 9. Get caught in Boston rush hour. c 6:30
PM Arrive at Bradford. c 7:30 PM Naked. Midway through second drink, bouncer asks me to put down my drink and leave. I drain
the glass quickly so as not to waste good booze - Grasshopper. After asking why, I wait outside while bouncer inquires for
me. Lisa has carried her slander very far. Oh boy, huh? Wearing jeans, pink striped shirt, blue sweater, and Pierre Cardin
visit Club 66, next to Naked Eye and owned by the same people, is the place where the more "difficult" girls are employed.
I see strange, prancing, leaping, exotic, well-tanned, and very spiritual stripper who gives me shipwrecked island daydreams.
See also a buxom brunette who reminds me a bit of Liza. c 9 PM Hear Weeping Willie at Jake's over prime rib. Spend rest of
evening at 66 plus visiting second rate clubs and peep shows. May 4 Sunny at least. Eggs Benedict for first
time at Cafe Matinee. Wearing jeans, pink stripe, and Pierre Cardin have Piņa Coladas at Jake's. At 66 see exotic island girl
mixing and looking very different. Visit peep and check out second rate clubs. Bratwurst sandwich at Jake's. Check out clubs
again. Visit Mardigras and have nice talk with Kelly. We cab to her place for grueling session. I take choo-choo back downtown
Flirty good-looking Chinese girl seems to fancy me. Visit Brigham's for grilled cheese and buttercrunch frappe. While communing
with the 11 gargoyles see a redhead who looks like Liz. I think of trying to get a date, but I am a bit sore after Kelly,
besides, two redheads in one day? [Three is better ~ 8/28/12]. Visit the 66 again. See older barmaid [another Nancy, also
a redhead] in front of Naked. We talk of my disbarment. Brunette Liza type walks by on way to 66. Start to leave. Go back
for weeds. See Nancy. c 7:30 Leave. Visit Jiffy Mart on way where I meet horny, but rather broken out, young fox. May 6 Begin reading Titus Groan. May 7 Visit Windsor for first time. May 16 Sell Charger. May 21 See brown fox on way to Grantham. Meet
two nice girls. May 22 File claim against Larson, a cheap dirty-mouth,
but very religious, real estate broker who is trying to beat me out of $1000 on sale of Ravenhurst. May 24 Withdraw claim against Larson, because
circumstances will inconvenience me beyond the worth of the claim. Arrange for transfer
of funds. Close out Box J. May 25 Attentively open doors for sexy beauty at Sentinel. May 28 Receive funds from Athol in rain. May 29 Visit 11 banks, eight of which believe
in financial privacy to some degree. May 31 Visit four banks. Three are good. Open
new account. Lunch at MacDonald's off Rte 93. Arrive at Bradford c 3 PM. Call for metals literature. Visit Naked. Mel unavailable.
Visit 66. Meet goofy pillhead type girl, slightly punk, and voluptuous barmaid Debbie. Meet Crystal formerly of Naked and
Silver Slipper who knew Hildegarde. Meet sexy blonde "too drunk to drive back to Brocton". Visit Naked where I talk to Malika
about my pending date with Modesty. Return to Club 666, the Naked Eye. One half duck at China Pearl. 666. Peep show. Friend
on La Grange has broken hand. Tan slacks, blue stripe, Jade East. June 1 Awaken. Get sick. Breakfast at 11:10
AM at Alfie's. Visit 22 Eliot. Back yard is unkempt, lush, dark, and jungle-like. Cherub sits in stone circle. Huge black
cat sits on upper landing. Attend wonderful dog show at Stigmantines. Sun stays under cloud-streaked sky and there is a stiff
breeze. Present are 78 Arctic Wulfshonden. Get Levis. Have roast beef in Troy. Wearing same. June 3 Meet nice brunette in Newport on way
to Grantham where the sexy blonde serves me pastrami. Claims she dislikes cheese which surprises and bothers me. Visit Newbury.
See nice brick colonial on way back. How I love Cheshire County. June 4 See nice punk girl at Joe Jones. Buy
boot-cut jeans. June 6 Wave to my beauty at Sentinel. c June 7 Piņa Coladas, oysters, and hoagie
at Colony Mill. June 8 Leechee Duck at Jade Dragon. c June 11 Fried rice and pork strips at Dragon. June 15 Climb Pitcher Mountain. Rock Swap.
Run into Steve Elberfeld. June 18 Sexy brunette and Subgum Har Kew at
Jade Dragon. c June 27 Chicken with peppercorn sauce and
noodles at Colony Mill. June 29 See two sexy brunettes at Jade Dragon
as I enjoy Lemon Chicken. Independence Day. Take 101 to 93. Bradford
c 11:30 AM. Check suitcase. Visit Naked. Dimitri tells me Mel almost never comes in anymore. Visit 66. See Debbie who no longer
appeals. At Naked, Liz with new hairdo is scowlin at me and Dimitri says Lisa wants me out for ever. Back to 66. Then to Jake's
c 1 PM for short ribs. Rest at Bradford. c 6 PM Fried Rice at China Pearl. Buy drink for a girl at 66. Return to Bradford
for fireworks on roof. Return to Jake's c 11 PM for cheese sandwich, where I run into Jamie and Tom. We talk about many things.
Jamie says Modesty is very unreliable. As it turns out, Tom is from Scotland. Both have traveled a good deal. Jamie was a
military brat. Tom worked on oil rig at sea off Northern Scotland. I wearing red sweater, blue stripped shirt, dungas, Tabac. July 5 Bacon and scrambled at Matinee. Wearing
pink stripe, burgundy cords, Tabac, visit 66. Meet the shapely blond Tomi-Love who wants to take me to Brocton to "party".
1 PM Drinking Piņa Coladas I await Ed until 1:45 PM, then have Bratwurst, sauerkraut, and egg salad. Learn from owner of 66
that Crystal is doing a show circuit through the Midwest. See a peep and head back via Routes 2 and 12. July 9 At 3:30 PM conceive the Legion of Ragnarok. July 10 Hung Shu Yok at Jade Dragon. See hostess
only. July 12 Buy 505s at Joe Jones. Enjoy "Octopussy's
Garden" at Phil's, sitting out under stripped canopy c 12:15 PM, having around this time priced ST ring at $1500. July 13 At 8 PM. Watch three hour Live Aid
concert for exportation of social welfare to Africa. Most enjoyable. Dylan sings clownishly and without conviction. July A gaunt chap Bedard tows in diesel. Visit
Gardner. Enjoy boneless ribs and pork fried rice at Jade Dragon. July 17 Meet petite brunette hostess at Henry
David's where I enjoy "Chicken Eli". July 18 Take house plan to Steve Knowlton ($240
K). Lunch at Bradlee's. Visit Keene State Faire where I talk with young army chap: 155 mm howitzer on display is accurate
to one meter at 25 miles. Anti-personnel warhead is filled with tiny five pointed death stars. July 19 Get deed from Paul Shea. Visit Barney's
and cornfield. Primrose is closed down. Stop at Kelley's for juice. Get keys from Gert Barnicle. Close on Northbridge house
in Worcester. Meet Carol and Bonnie at Friendly's in Gardner. Visit Henniker. Have Mako Shark Kabobs and Piņas on the patio
at Phil's. July 20 Enjoy Hung Shu Duck at Dragon. See
sexy brunette No 1. July 22 Learn from Ed that Charlene Bates took
her own life by hanging two days ago. Rick had been striking their son. July 26 c 7:20 PM a little self-indulgence.
The Legion of Ragnarok (LR) will, in this early period, be concerned with development of martial prowess among the members
of the OY. Another order, known as known as The Sentinels of Thor (ST), will ultimately be the coordinating inner circle of
the LR. The ST, will for now, be just a secret appendage of the OY dedicated specifically to dealing with problems associated
with unjust personal insult or injury to any member of the WLO - problems which might elsewhere be deemed "trivial" in terms
of the larger objectives. This specific activity of the ST will remain always totally secret. A special corps of highly trained
atavistic berserkers will be designated Werewolves (WW). I will preside over the ST as Grand Reaper, a title known only among
the ST, until I can delegate this position to a worthy individual. [Skull-headed scepter in my sanctum bore the letters GST
- Grandreaper Sentinels of Thor ~ 8/28/12]. I will remain Grandmaster of the OY until retirement, designated exoterically
as "Director". I will then appoint my successor. With reference to current political realities, in order to make the best
use of existing momentum, the OY will attempt always to further all political programs when the ends specifically are in keeping
with natural law. The position of ST Grandreaper will be by appointment of the Grandmaster of the OY and will be commonly
known also as "Director". The leader of the WW will also be appointed by the OY Grandmaster. The OY will closely monitor all
government processes to develop activities that will help natural law to prevail. Libertarian leadership in all areas will
realized to the utmost degree possible at any given time, if not by election then through infiltration or clandestine overstructure.
There will be a silver and onyx ST ring. A ring with Silver World Tree on Lapis Lazuli field will eventually be available
to all OY. A gold, red, and silver insignia will be awarded to Werewolves. There will be appropriately emblazoned pistols
and daggers with inlays for OY and ST. It should be appreciated that much of this reflects the unrelenting optimism inspired
by very high ideals. Not every goal here is necessarily expected to actually manifest. Many highly ambitious things are spoken
of "as though possible". It is, we feel, better to try, than to do nothing [In this way many ideas from this point on have
been conceptualized and reacted to emotionally on an ongoing basis as an exercise in personal growth, but always to the end
of furthering Libertarian Revolution]. July 28 "Behold the gleaming swords of free
men in the North. Out of their anguish, of necessity, is born the duties and thereby the characteristics of the Legion of
Ragnarok". July 30 Visit Greenfield Registry and make
it to dentist by 2:05 PM. Lunch at MacDonald's behind Caldor. Check out Kiron at Leechemere where I see a Goddess vaguely
like Debbie Seller. Mass Pike to town. Visit Peretti's as I so often do. There is a small park being constructed in front.
Pick up half pint of Southern Comfort which I enjoy at Bradford. Wearing jeans, blue stripe shirt, and Bravura c 7 PM visit
Naked where I am stunned and saddened to learn that my friend and business hero Mel died recently. His son Jeff and I go into
office and halfway through my relating of the transgressions of Lisa he interrupts suggesting that I simply avoid the back
bar where she is working. I agree and order a grasshopper noticing a certain very beautiful old witch, Liz, who just keeps
scowlin at me. As in past, she makes coital movements to music. Is this enteasenment? When I look up at DJ, I see that it's
Autumn Blue who gives me a surprisingly abrupt, warm, and sanguine smile. I exchange greetings with Leigh who is back from
Florida. Melissa comes by and I promise to buy her a drink tomorrow. Visit China Pearl for pork fried rice. Return. Buy drinks
for Jazz who is going to be an actress. See Autumn Blue dance. Outback Nancy tells me Katy is married and is now a summer
camp councelor. Watching Jazz suddenly I see Lindamere. She tells me Mel died of throat cancer. We then talk of enemas and
orgasms. Jazz reappears but I drink with Linda all night. When Linda dances I stay outback to see Gisele who has a new curly
brown hairdo which looks rather commonplace even on her. In between I visit Mardigras looking for Terry. We are interrupted
by a loud barmaid who is almost unintelligible. Talk with Louise. July 31 Awake with terrible hangover. Breakfast
at Matinee where waiter has dyed hair brown but for one blonde streak. Wearing jeans, red stripped with white shirt, and Bravura,
wait while Krishnas set up and finally play, all the while ducking flocks of pigeons. Check out investment silver on Bromfield
Street. After visiting Wiener's discuss the forging of the ST ring of power at E B Horn and Co. Bratwurst and Piņas at Jake's.
No sooner am I seated at Naked then see scowlin witch, then Lisa comes charging to the fore like a bull rhinoceros, emphasis
on bull. I say Hi and she bellows, her lower self vomits out it's devolutionary collectivist hatred in torrents. I notice
Jeff coaching me not to answer her. She walks back yelling and gesticulating. They argue, she leaves, he calls me over and
tells me that I can't be anywhere in the club when she is working. Her low power syndrome it seems has a strong foundation.
Visit 66. Tom is now manager and bouncer on Wednesdays. Tomi Love comes around with the usual propositioning. Catrina dances.
Maria dances. Catrina comes around and when I take a booth, sits next to me, and eventually makes me horny. A nigress comes
and sits at my booth eating a smelly hamburger. Jamie and Carol join Tom at the bar. Later Tom runs some big stupid boy in
red shorts out. 7PM Re-enter Naked. Melissa comes over. I buy her a drink. I explain about Lisa. We see Sharon who looks very
good even though she has dyed her hair. Melissa goes to dance. I see Roxanne and tell
barmaid I want to sit with her but Jazz comes over and cuddles up to me [She's 22 and becomes Katy's friend before she quits].
When Jazz dances Lindamere comes over but I leave to meet Ed at Jake's c 8 PM. We talk, then visit Mardigras. For dinner at
China Pearl we enjoy pork strips, Teriyaki, and squab which the waiter informs us is a pigeon. We then visit the Naked where
Ed, who has a bad cocaine problem, makes an ass of himself on several occasions during the evening. A sexy new blonde dances
and Ed throws bottle caps at her. I keep at him to stop, but no. Cheyenne dances and is the first I have seen to smile on
Ed. We see Autumn Blue looking exquisitely white and shapely in bra and panties above in dic-jockey booth. Jazz dances and
reprimands Ed for a bottle cap. Roxanne dances giving Ed the masturbation sign "for later". Ed, who wants to check out some
videos, leaves while Hiedi who seems to have been favorably influenced by Katy in style, dances. Autumn Blue dances in lily
white voluptuous splendor - I obey Nature's commands. I then see Jazz outback. She catches me with an awkward look on my face
while she dances. Then Roxanne dances giving me a puzzled look. My obesity is not helping with all this. Since I moved to
Windingbrook I have gone from 185 to 210 pounds. No land to tend and restaurant size meals does this combined with childhood
habit of eating all the food on my plate. 1:50 AM I charge out into torrential downpour. Water in gutter is like a mountain
stream in spring. Cab takes we to Commons garage. On way back I come down hill into rotary in Cambridge. It has become a lake.
I avoid sunken cars making it to dry ground and go up road wrong way to get to lane heading over bridge. As I predicted rain
has diminished as I head west. Get fuel in Concord and make Keene by 4 AM. Aug 5 At 6:15 PM have roast pork Egg Fu Yong
for the first time at Jade Dragon. Lovely buxom hostess. Aug 8 Complete first precious metals transactions.
What a great relief. Aug 12 Aft. Discuss casting of ST ring and
an eight rayed star pendant,,my talisman and sigil as Lord of Wolfhaven, with three Keene jewelers. See sexy brunette at Dragon
Real Estate. Aug 15 Aft. Take possession of $52,000 worth
of precious metals. The sheer weight, 1/2 ton because of silver clad half dollars, makes rear of Pa's diesel nearly touch
the road. Aug 16 c 4 PM Talk with sexy brunette at Dragon
Real Estate. Aug 17 Have Teriyaki at Jade Dragon. See first
sexy brunette. Aug 19 At 12:20 PM. Complete uniform refinements
- Liber Heraldicae II. Aug 20 At 1:20 AM. [more self-indulgence] It
occurs to me again that one should educate another about how the world works only when the other has proven himself worthy
of not being hurt by his own ignorance. 4:49 PM. It should be mentioned that before retiring early this morning I resolve
that a gold Goat of Thor will go on a silver Ten Rayed Star Pendant. Appropriate rituals of presentation will occur. Founding
ceremonies for the Special Orders for Valor and WW will be performed in the near future as will transition ceremonies for
my friends Charlene Bates and Mel Horowitz. Official founding ceremonies for the LR and ST will be much later, even though many activities begin much sooner. Once I have designated my successor in the ST, all members
of the ST but myself may carry skull canes. Such cane should conceal weapon of choice - sword, dagger, blackjack, gun, whip,
burning devise. When, and only when, Libertarian rule prevails throughout the entire World will the image of the Goat of Thor
be replaced by that of Yggdrasil in the TRS pendants. When that time comes, the old representations,utilizing warlike imagery
will be displayed in a great hall as glorious trophies of honor. At this point a reasonable balance of Good and Evil will
exist on earth. Aug 21 At 1:39 AM. Finish basic refinement on uniforms. Navy can have dress whites. All branches can have dress blacks. TRS pendants for uniform will have 418. Goat of Thor version is for use with tuxedo. Aft. Visit Newbury, Grantham, where blonde fixes cheese dog, Washington, Windsor, and Stoddard. Have pork rib and fettucinne at Colony Mill.
Aug 23 Visit Honey Lane Farm in Dublin, talk
with nice girl, pat horses. Visit Friendly Farm where I receive a lavish display of affection from goats, see strange hens,
pigs at chow time, etc. Aug 24 Visit Olde Fort No. 4. Meet pretty young
girl who teases unmercifully. It starts to rain, so I leave. Muffler rupture sounds rich from Pa's Diesel on way back. Stop
at Surry Lake. Lunch at Friendly's. Meet Lisa and Paula. See nice blonde. Visit Keene Art Festival at Park Square - nice Monadnock
themes. Aug 28 Meet Kim from Sherbrooke Quebec. Aug 29 Visit E Washington and Hillsboro Center
for the first time. Visit Henniker. Arrive at Hoppington Faire c 1:45 PM. Under pines, see livestock of all types. Sheep and
goats being washed are raising an awful fuss, emitting unbelievable noises. Enjoy peanut-caramel apple before walking the
midway. Here I am delighted by endless representations of Death and Satanism. This marks quite an increase lately and is mostly
associated with music. I have always liked to see expressions of life's most basic dramas portrayed with Medieval simplicity.
There are wonderful food smells in the air and especially burning hardwood. In woods, see fine collection of Death oriented
jewelry. Much Nazi influence. Calligrapher can do my New Aeon sign once I have measurements. On way out buy ST type pin I
saw earlier. Ones with red eyes look more regal, but less orthodox [I later come to realize that the skull with gules eyes
can represent illumination by a candle within and hence, Thor's Jack-O-Lantern]. c August 27 New hostess teases at Windingbrook.
c 6 PM Nice smile from Kim at Idlenot. Aug 30 Like girl in Windingbrook dining room. Aug 31 c 4:20 PM While ordering Teriyaki Chicken
at Colony Mill run into Jean Fuller. It's well for me that I am able to diffuse my romantic feelings because I'll always love
this special blonde girl who I can never have. Sep 1 c 4:30 PM Try Steak Kew at Jade Dragon. Sep 3 c 3:30 PM Movies about Medieval England
two days in a row, then visit Peter Christian's Tavern for a delightful lunch of bread and a hearty asparagus-ham soup fit
for a Viking Warlord. Sep 4 Aft. Visit Cornish, Lebanon, Orford,
and the magnificent Haverhill for the first time. Enter the southwest White Mountains as the afternoon is waning, along with
my fuel supply. In a nick of time I find a Gulf Station where I have the first bottle of Moxie in years. Chap at station tells
me about the mild weather here the past few years. Stop again at Clairemont Idlenot for grilled cheese. There is a downpour
while I observe a very torturous married woman. Return in rain and dark with windshield steaming all the way. Sep 7 Pick up pint of Southern Comfort. Stop
at Gardner P O and Back Bay. Arrive at Bradford, make a few calls, drink some Comfort. Wearing jeans, yellow shirt with ST
pin, and Tabac visit Jake's for Bratwurst. Visit Naked. See Liz - no scowlin this time. Sheena looks much thinner. Liz moves
to my side of the bar. I give her a bag of chips. See Maria from 66 dance with smiling eyes. Liz acts grotesquely and impersonally
gooselike to music - very exotic. Talk to Maria on way out to Mardigras where I run into Kelly on way out to return "soon".
Return to Naked, then to 66. Catrina has been whipped severely and is of no further interest. Tomi Love joins me for a drink
and mocks my temporary obesity volunteering "cute but fat". Drink with Christie until she starts talking about suicide and
pushing for Champagne. Back at Naked, Jazz enters, says Hello and then begins kissing all the girls. Try beef and black mushrooms
at China Pearl, but can't finish it. See Bridget dance. Nancy seems to think Katy may return. See Rose dance. Debbie questions
me about having been barred. c 8:45 Visit Mardigras seeing Terry. See Sunapee girl while waiting. Return to Naked. See Jazz
dance. From behind a post, Jeff watches while the bouncers rough up a guy as they throw him out. Jeff eyeballs my ST pin.
[Lisa once commented that I am "living dangerously" in patronizing this place. At the time I thought she was being silly,
but now I begin to think she was right]. Retire early. Sep 8 Poached and bacon at Matinee. Drink Comfort. Ed calls an hour late. We talk for an hour. It seems that "no one blames" Rick for Charlene's suicide. Wearing same, but pink shirt, visit Naked, have tongue sandwich for first time in years at Jake's, visit 66, Naked. Cold prime rib at Jake's. Naked. Talk blues with black doorman at Mardigras until Sunapee girl enters. c 11 PM Head back. Have cheddar-cauliflower soup at Neighbor's c 1 AM in Keene. Sep 11 Visit big Federal beauty of a house
on Racoon Hill. Meet sexy blonde ski lady. Enjoy hotdogs in a stiff wind on shore of Lake Sunapee. Get map from Elliot. Sep 12 At dusk make strange trip to house next
to cemetery in Westmoreland. Sep 14 Admire Linda's pigtails at Valley Green. Sep 12 Enjoy Steak Fuji at Dragon for first
time. Sep 17 At 11:59 AM. Will buy Raccoon Hill House
if NH ad blitz fails to produce better location relative to mountain view. c 12:30 PM At lunch hostess postures herself dramatically
looking back over her shoulder when I address her. From here on she walks with quite a bit more wiggle. I notice that today
she changes next table as she has so many times buticularly poised in my direction. I obey. My desire is complete. Sep 18 c 11:30 See Presidential motorcade in
Concord. Wave or Mr. Reagan. Visit Raccoon Hill for a little figuring. Sep 19 Morn. Have decided on an outdoor Magickal
Circle with central fire pit, altar to North, all surrounded by twelve stone platforms with appropriate stones and living
plants for the Zodiac, planets, and elements. c 10:15 AM At breakfast discover hostess name is Sheena. On way back talk to
sexy new maid for third time. Sep 20 Visit Stonebridge Farm in Westmoreland.
Sep 22 Autumn Sabbat. At daybreak, walk Stonebridge Farm. At Solar Noon on west shore of Surry Lake with eighty six, all but two, OY Knights and Ladies, perform ritual founding the Special Orders for Valor and the Aethemeran Werewolves. Same text as used for founding OY, but with appropriate adaptations. Follow with nice picnic on blankets. Delicious egg salad sandwiches. c 6 PM Seventeen of us have celebration banquet at Windingbrook. Enjoy Roast Long Island Duckling L'Orange. Britt stays with me at Windingbrook for two days. N 0 OYE Sep 25 c 9:30 Head North. Blonde leaves Grantham
Country Store as I arrive. Visit Charles Bent II in Caanan. Stop for lunch in West Rumney. Skirt Western White Mountains.
Visit Haverhill again and see three story brick Federal. Pass through Bath to Littleton. Visit Dick Smith and Jim Enderson
at Paradise Realty. c 3 PM Head back. See Presidential Range and others to East. Visit a very still Echo Lake. Angle of Sun
and continuing construction make any view of Profile and Notch merely a glimpse. Miss Clark's Trading Post on the new road.
See strange vertical rainbow as I leave Concord. This persists in a gray vertical-stripped sky as I head southwest. Sep 26 Talk of coming hurricane as being worst
of century. Sep 27 Hurricane changes course heading for
Keene. Stores close early. Windows taped all over town. c 3 PM A few heavy gusts. Power out on Mass coast. [Charleston SC
gets badly clobbered by this]. Sep 28 Have Subgum Har Kew at Jade Dragon.
This week have decided to give up city bar-witches because of AIDS likelihood. As I leave I recognize sexy new hostess as
girl seen leaving Windingbrook last Sunday. Oct 2 Begins raining c 9 AM. I leave anyway. Call weather service from Henniker. See Newall Estate from road. Rain stops as I enter Trolley Diner in Plymouth and begins as I leave. See length of Lake Winnipesaukee as I enter Center Harbor. At Lamprey's, meet pretty pigtail
girl and have lively economic discussion with pretentious idiot, maybe Bob Lamprey's brother? If so, I sure feel sorry for
Bob. See mountains to the north as I head to Center Sandwich where I visit Denley Emerson after speaking briefly with a delightful
old English gentleman and his daughter who are touring. On the way to Chocurua I consider that Paul Volker will probably delay
the collapse as long as Mr. Reagan has the power to fire him. Lady from Hammel leads the way past mountains to the east to
Tuftenboro where we visit big colonial. Buxom farm woman with fine kitty-cats and the mewing of three kittens enhance this
visit. Turn around in Wolfsboro. See rainbow to east. Reach Concord by dark at 7 PM. Stop at a rather boring Chalkboard in
Hillsboro for "broasted" chicken. Oct 3 Spend most of day at Keene State College
Library researching photography. Oct 6 Wearing dungas, pink stripe, and Cannon
c 10:30 AM head via 101 to Boston. See bikers on Rte 3 heading north to the Wiers. Marathon runners prevent my entry to Commons
Garage. Park in Theater District. Check Bradford, Milner, and 57 - all booked up. Drink Comfort in the car. Bratwurst at Jake's.
Visit Jake's. Mardigras is bare. Visit 66 where I find a certain wench wearing low-cut red velvet dress. We talk upon many
occult subjects. She tells me of the V Brothers and Walter L. She tells me of the MT, who at N's request would punch her until
she would vomit. Real savage-like. C saw this c 1978 after hiding in a locker upon hearing footsteps while she was doing her
cocaine. My poor old N. Visit Naked c 6:30 PM where I further appreciate Rachel Lee. Very superior buttocks. c 8:30 PM Finding
a Chinese banquet going on at China Pearl visit Four Seas for deep fried duck - very boring. Return to Naked, where black
barmaid with hair resembling a skunk almost exactly, tells me that Katy was back but only lasted a day - bad attitude - always
expecting Champagne. See new girl, Silver, a cruel looking, shapely, sensuous Latin girl. Life at a secluded hacienda. She
comes on outback in a transparent, tight-fitting white dress - Madre Dios! Finally see Gisele in green sequins - must speak
to her about purple. Autumn Blue has perhaps the whitest skin I've ever seen. Get room at Bradford c 10:30 PM. Return to Naked.
More Silver on front stage. Grab a grilled cheese next-door. More Silver. c 1:45 AM Retire. Oct 7 Poached and bacon as I observe three
nice girls at Cafe Matinee. Wearing dungas, canopy stripe, and Cannon visit Essex where in May they snooped my address - very
unpleasant. Visit Back Bay for real estate license renewal, buy money order in art deco bank, stamp and mail this in new hotel
- Four Seasons - $140 single, $960 Presidential. Turkey dinner at Jake's. Visit 66 c 2 PM. Wench doesn't arrive till 3 PM.
Return via Gardner PO where - Eeh Gadbois! - I deal with the O'Connor situation in
a way which will, Frankly, make his attorney whistle a different Toone. How the Godless persist. Oct 8 Find out Newell Estate too has sold. Oct 11 Try the ham at Winding Brook. c 9:30 Head for Henniker. Through peak foliage reach Plymouth NH where I lunch c 12 Noon. Visit bank for 13 money orders. As I see the first views of the White Mountains I am more than ever awed by the vast sense of distance. See frost and light powder on the high mountains as I enter. Stop for snack at Cannon Base Lodge. Sit by window thinking elfish thoughts. See fog covering Mt. Washington north of Franconia. Am delighted by huge white cloud-like plumes from the two stacks as I see Berlin for the first time. They match the clouds behind them perfectly. Neil Young is doing "Heart of Gold" on radio. Visit Columbe Realty where I am encouraged. Return to Plymouth c 5 PM. Have hotdog on street and see ravishing young blonde. Cruise entire length of Newfound Lake. Arrive in Bristol. View house pictures and head back.
Warning from cop as I enter Concord. Stop for clams in Hillsboro. Meet pretty blonde. c 11 PM Hear passionate outcries of
girl in the next room. I guess even boys in bigfoot trucks actually score sometimes - it isn't all just talk after all. Oct 15 Shepherd's Pie at Idlenot for lunch. Oct 16 Explore E Washington near lakes. Steamed
hotdogs at store. Pat the "Big Bad Wolf", Simba. Stop at lake in Lempster. At store
talk with carpenter. c 2 PM It starts to rain, but I return to Washington where I stop at Town Hall. Explore further seeing
nice 1 1/2 new Cape on lake. Wave to sexy woman in Hillsboro Center. See Samson the stripped Great Dane again at the Messenger.
Return again to Washington where I discuss dream control with a young Dr. Wolfe. Foliage today mostly burnt orange with patches
of peak sugar maples. Oct 18 2:31 PM Realize I am 39 years old today.
37 years left to master the Universe. Better bone-up and get cracking. Oct 20 c 4:30 PM Lazy Lobster at the Red Roof.
Yellow foliage and a few planes taking off. Oct 21 Leave 9:30 AM up Rte 12 to 91 North.
Fog all the way up along river. Trooper gives me $48 ticket in Hartford VT. He tells me NH is going over to voluntary Social
Security numbers on licenses and that name and age are all that is needed for a quick computer check within license state.
Lady in Bath NH tells me about new radar. Reach Littleton c Noon. Visit Paradise Realty, then La Flammes' big Victorian. Stop
at United Farmers in Whitefield. Call Arleo. Meet him at bank. Check out his house where I meet a very sweet, pretty, shy
female dog Tara - part Doberman, part probably white-bibbed Labrador but who knows? Cut over to Lancaster along Connecticut
River. North I worry when I see two big stacks blowing white smoke - Groveton not Berlin. Come over Milan Hill. Visit town
clerk, but can't locate house with view of Presidential Range. Pass through Berlin at sundown. "Roast" chicken in Littleton.
91 South to 5 South to Brattleboro because I take a wrong turn. Oct 22 Run into Debbie at Colony Mill. Oct 23 c 9 AM Head south through fog. Speed
warning in Whately. Visit North Meadow. Mail good-bye letter to Mass Revenue Dept. Air is very foul today. See "ethnic" looking
girl at CT Nat - blue slacks with sexy roundness. Visit aquarium shop in Civic Center. See small Italian girl running store.
Visit Travelers' where I meet beautiful blonde German receptionist c 50 years old, but exquisitely desirable. Go to top of
tower and am disgusted by layer of brown air over Hartford. One can't see more than 2 or 3 miles as opposed to 90+ miles in
NH. I don't see how plants and trees can live in this valley anywhere south of Holyoke. South to Hubbard Park in Merriden.
Talk with likable guy riding purple chopper before ascending to castle type stone towers. See boys with inverted Pentagram
T shirts flicking knife like my Florida gravity knife. c 3 PM head north. Stop at Ye Olde Kitchen. Meet blonde. Oct 25 c Noon. Drink tea liqueur and Piņa Coladas
as clouds roll by and girl mows lawn. This is the only real enboozenment from Spring 1985 to Fall 1988. In all that time I
don't play my guitar either - everything in storage. Samhain 7 AM After moving Monsieur LePlant
to lobby, leave for town. Eggs, bacon, and "grilled" English muffins in Troy. 9 AM Visit Dr. Dobrin. Try for Mass sticker.
Patch blown of muffler. Visit Crown Mitsubishi and Toyota. Stop at Back Bay. Arrive at Bradford. Drink rest of tea liqueur.
Beef tongue at Jake's. Visit 66. Christie not working. Blonde Marie is back and pudgy, but I don't care. Spend boring afternoon
here. Check silver VW Rabbit type car at 7 PM. Enter Naked 7:15 PM. Avoid Lisa who is stumbling frolicksomely with some woman
in the isle. See Jazz dance. She talks to me from stage. As Autumn Blue gets naked see Gwenyth. Buy her two drinks. She is
just back from Ireland, has a slight brogue, and is married. She says in six months there were only twenty clear days. She
tells me about Damien by Hermann Hess. Pretty smart for a kid of 24. Torture-Mistress Silver dances giving me cruel looks.
Try the London Broil at Jake's - don't wait for musicians, who waiter tells me start at 10 PM, not 9. Return to Naked. Ask
about a beautiful brunette, Georgia, as to whether she will dance. See Rose dance. Having heard from barmaid as I talk with
Gwenyth that Katy is back am delighted when I see her - even with her hair dyed light brown. See Autumn Blue dance outback
- gives Jeff two very naked looks. See Gwenyth dance - miss Silver outback, but see her within about 1/2 hour. Talk with punk
barmaid in sexy leather pants while guy in drag frolics with the ladies. Katy waiting to leave gives me a pouty look. Husband
shows up. She follows him out pouting. Wait around for Georgia who turns out to be the former blonde with glitter on her lips. Nov 1 Scrambled and bacon at Matinee. Visit
McCormack. Stop at Town Crossing. My rest here is spoiled by loud and vulgar negro boys. Close out box at Essex. Visit 66
c 1:15 PM. Talk about old days in Boston with barmaid. Get on Mass Pike by accident. Take Rte 3 to Nashua, get lost, visit
Daniel Webster. Race up through Goffstown and arrive three minutes late in Henniker. Nov 2 Back to Henniker. Return. Wrap muffler.
Visit Northfield - no sticker. Nov 3 Move into efficiency unit 123 at Windingbrook
[Begin drinking black currant nectar, five quarts per week]. Nov 4 Go grocery shopping for first time in
six months. Hereabouts Granada County III "As the Sun rose
to Heaven the next morning, their balls descended to Hell!" Nov 5 In rain get new hot rod muffler for diesel.
Sticker in Northfield. Nov 6 Visit Box 6160 in rain, lock myself out
of the car twice, find that I'm out of fuel. When I return to Windingbrook I accidentally spray disinfectant into my hair.
One must be careful. Nov 7 Visit strange dank old house in Gilmanton.
There is very exotic elaborately painted room with silk wallpaper sporting cranes. Nov 14 Visit bungalow in Stoddard with Andy
Soule. Stone wheel altar and pines are perfect. Highland Lake is nice. Dump next-door is not. Explore Stoddard along lake.
Meet old guy from NY as he comes up in boat. Follow him to circle where we discuss property values. Nov 15 Visit Henniker. Arrive in Wolfsboro
c 11:30 AM. Lunch at Jerry's. Visit Dallas Edwards. Look at three houses. Enjoy Ammaretto Colada looking out across Winnipesaukee.
Talk with cute barmaid and pouty blonde who broke her tooth. Try to cheer her up. Ice sailing championship will be here this
winter [This location shown from the air at the opening of the movie "Return to Peyton Place"]. Visit small house seen earlier. Nov 16 9 PM As first snow falls, talk with
blonde hostess who I am beginning to realize is pretty sexy. Nov 19 c 9:30 AM Stop in Concord to get Realtor
Network book. Visit Laconia. Study MLS book at Twin Rivers with Jill Drake. Explore Wier's Beach. Walk along boardwalk with
old couple moved up from Summerville. See milky white young platinum blonde at MacDonald's. Visit Joe and Lori Guyotte. On
way back visit the house in Gilmanton. All is wet as before. There are springs everywhere. A stream goes under driveway and
over it to some extent. Trees are all deciduous and sick. Talk to old American Injun deer hunter who wouldn't tackle the house
if he owned it. Nov 20 Meet real estate lady in Surry an Olde
Walpole Road. Back to Keene for fuel. Visit Surry Lake which is very high. 11:03 Visit foxy Nancy Corley in Unity. Meet Pru
Anastos and Mr. Sweeny with son at small brick Federal wit 85 acres. Visit Bill Sears with Nancy. Return. Do much figuring. Nov 21 Call town clerk. Get taxes down $1000. Nov 22 Meet Nancy again while talking with
sexy brunette at store. Visit town clerk. Find out it's all right to move the road away from house. Visit house. Explore woods
with Nancy in freezing rain. Follow Nancy to office. Meet Rick Howard. Visit Ed Childs, President of bank. He gives me an
A+. Sign offer at $120K figuring to recapture price of a new car through logging during winter. Try tuna melt at health food
restaurant - talk with little barmaid. Take Rte 12 back. Eve. People don't derive their life philosophy from their science
but from their feelings. Even the science they accept is on the basis of feelings. Nov 24 Especially enjoy Anne Marie in fashion
show at Colony Mill. Nov 25 Pru tells me Sweeny rejects offer. Seeing
Nancy and I visiting Bill Sears he suspects a conspiracy. Rick tells me that Sweeny believes that Homes Unlimited is scheming
to get his property cheap and that Sears belongs to the company. Also he is raising the price. Think I'll just buy a mansion
north of the mountains instead. I can get 100 acres separately now or later - maybe further north. Nov 26 Call Cathy Rush. Nov 27 Rescue half of my booze from storage
and possible freezing. Thanksgiving. Get snowed and rained out of
going to Sturbridge. 2 PM Dinner at Windingbrook, excellent roast lamb with mint jelly. Nice new blonde in red coat working. Nov 30 Visit Georgian-Victorian manor in Littleton. Dec 3 Talk to Rick Howard about trying to reach
Sweeny. King Covey calls answering many questions about the mansion. Dec 4 c 11AM Visit Dr. Roy Johnson in Wakefield.
Piņa at Bradford. Visit 66. Say Hi to Christie who I plan to forget. Visit Glass Slipper, now open, but music is too loud.
Visit peeps. Visit China Pearl. c 7 PM Melissa leaving. Lindamere. She says that Autumn Blue has no boyfriend, Silver hasn't
been around, and Katy was only back for two weeks. Gisele comes over acting very affectionate and almost servile - lighting
my cigarettes promptly - very out of character. I give her a back rub. With childlike enthusiasm she tells me about an evil
Ninja. We talk about Satanism. She claims to have driven a Z-X at 160 mph. Back with Linda whose only outside activity is
orgasms. She says Malika and Modesty have not been around for a long time. Sit with Roxanne finally. We are both tongue-tied.
Gisele returns and is goofing with me and with the other girls quite a bit. Says that Cheyenne, Brittany, and her do threesomes.
Says also that she is retiring in two weeks to Florida. Will visit New England only occasionally, then only Cape Cod. Roxanne
returns. She and Gisele kissing. I get nifty thrill having them both kiss me on the cheek at the same time. One on each side.
Feels like electricity. Gisele's retiring, to me marks the end of a great era of glamour in Boston and is a bad omen for the
future of the Combat Zone. These truly are the last days of Pompeii. She says she would like a pet flying-fox bat and would
name him Demitrius. In my best "down East" accent I relate the "Story of Roger" for her. She enjoys it a good deal [so much
that I write it down some years later. See next page]. Dec 5 Finally get info from Joslin. No money
order at Essex. Get real estate license at Back Bay. Take subway to Fine Arts Museum. Have nice talk with lady in line but
cannot get Renoir tickets for New Years. Try chili burger at Ho Jo's on way back. Two wise guys at counter try to intimidate
me, but fail. Dec 6 Talk to Nancy, just back from Florida.
At lunch Sheena seems to like my idea about a boarding situation in the mansion, an idea I have about renting rooms to beautiful
young girls to help me support the house and fulfill my aspirations of having my own harem. Dec 9 Visit beautiful new gambrel with magnificent
view in Salisbury. But what of the power line? Pru and I see geese and have to walk like them to keep from falling on the
ice at the bottom of the hill. Dec 11 Nancy tells me Sweeny initiated an investigation
by the Governor by accusing health inspector of hiding in bushes in front of his house and harassing passing women and children. Dec 12 c 12:10 PM I am startled to see new
waitress bearing uncanny resemblance to the Witch Justine. Her name is Lisa. Dec 14 Visit sound-motion exhibit at Keene
State. Dec 16 c 12:25 PM After chicken livers, Sheena
tells me Lisa is married and has "a little baby". Dec 17 c 9:30 AM Decide against being near
power line while talking to Mr. Johnson of the Public Utilities Commission. Too much smoke for no fire. Dec 18 At 10:30 AM arrive at Chuck Bent's.
Visit White Federal in Canaan bravely guarded by fine old German Shepherd Trooper. Visit modern deck house just north of there.
Finally see blue Federal in Enfield, owned by Mr. Haffenreffer, producer of Malt Liquor, who I later talk with and who my
father once congratulated on his product in the 1950s, and then gray 1920s mansion in Canaan. See Brenda on way back. Dec 19 While getting wheel alignment, enjoy
Brandy Alexander and veal at Ye Olde Kitchen. Things are quiet at bungalow in Stoddard. In Henniker make friends with girl
at bank who looks like Autumn Blue. Dec 20 c Noon. See large Federal in Grafton
for the first time. The minute I see it I say to Chuck, "This is the one". The best I've seen for combination of fine house
with magnificent mountain view. See Brenda. Dec 21 Evening. Pru has found me a twenty room
brick chateau with stained glass windows and paneling in Vermont. Dec 24 Stop in Newport on way up to Grafton.
Cannot get appointment to see Chateau. Visit Grafton house in fog. Learn from Bill Craig about Onofolus Stone. No agreement.
See Brenda again. Dec 29 c 3:58 PM Watch final episode of Brideshead
Revisited. It's odd how such a disgusting story, of wealthy people working systematically for their own spiritual impoverishment,
can be so wonderfully portrayed. New Years Eve. Visit Henniker. Blue-eyed girl
looks very sexy leaning against wall. Open PO Box in Concord. Arrive at Bradford. Drink Southern Host. c 6:15 PM Raining as
I head for Jake's. Am seated way towards front because of crowding. Notice pretty, Jewish looking theater girl. After waiting
awhile head for China Pearl. Also crowded. Enjoy Combination Platter in back room. Arrive at Naked 7 PM. See Lisa outback.
See Sheena who looks at me. Scottish bartender, a friend of Tom, affirms that Gisele did retire. Roxanne walks by and sits
in front of me. Talk to Katy who seems angry with me. She has quit Tufts Veterinary and is studying music "to be a rock star."
See Roxanne dance. Katy now goes down on a rug. See Autumn Blue dance. Pouty looks from Katy. Tom puts up balloons outback
and up front, but things are so slow I leave c 11:30 PM. Stop to pat an elephant out front of Bradford. Girl in elevator gives
me a balloon. Maniacs smash bottles and raise Hell until 3 AM. After an hour of silence, suddenly... at 4 AM someone breaks
glass door near my room. Jeans, pink strip, leather coat, silk scarf, Tabac. 1986 Jan 1 Breakfast at Alfie's. Leave for Cheshire
County. Tummy Trimmer at Idlenot. Jan 4 Take wrong road. Meet Pru in Newport
c 10 AM. Visit opulent brick mansion in Vermont. Perfect for me. Dutch tiles in bathroom, tower room, "Heart Girt with Serpent"
stained glass window on third floor. Neighbors too close. Jan 7 Jan 7 Hike in to small bald mountain
top at Grafton place. Chuck breaks trail on skis. Sign preliminary agreement at $162, 500. Jan 13 Enjoy Chicken Teriyaki and hot mulled
cranberry juice at Colony Mill c 3 PM. Jan 14 At 1:49 PM Hear that Ricky Nelson has
passed through transition. Jan 15 Visit Henniker. Blue-eyed girl is tall
and skinny. No mail in Concord. Follow Rte 4 to Canaan. Spray Chuck's office with disinfectant because he has pneumonia, sign
agreement. Visit house - no key again. Jan 17 c 11:15 AM Leave for Hartford. Renew
N Meadow. Lunch at Wendy's. Visit Wordsworth Athenaeum where I am accosted by two blackguards because Bishop Tutu is speaking
nextdoor. Am amazed by concrete sculpture with fiber optics and by Church's and Cole's landscapes, Copley's portraits, and
various good sunset pictures. Talk with cute blonde. Jan 18 Visit Concord. Get statements. Meet
Debbie who is totally desirable. Her protruding curvasiousness is beyond even my wildest imaginings. Jan 20 Morn. Complete taxes in minutes at Anderson
and Ward. Jan 22 Visit four lenders seeing downtown Lebanon
for first time. It reminds me of location for the TV show Peyton Place]. Jan 23 c 9:30 AM Visit Worcester Armory Museum.
Arrive one half hour late for dentist. He says come back in an hour. Enjoy heavy beef ribs at Tony Roma's until 12:30 PM.
Close box at Back Bay. Get film. Visit a very pretentious Institute of Contemporary Art. Champagne Duck at China Pearl. Visit
Naked. See blonde Ana with protruding buttocks. Talk with Linda who is about to get her US citizenship. See Autumn Blue nicely
coiled on front stage. Georgia comes around. Hotdog and retire early. Jan 24 Breakfast at Alfie's. Close box at McCormack.
See sexy buxom Latin girl upstairs. Visit Nashua PO and City Hall. Tax due in July. Stop for turkey at Suffolk House. Good
food and service. Talk with trucker from Woburn. Jan 28 In Henniker deposit large Prudential
check received at McCormick. Visit Statehouse, Banking Department, and PO in Concord. Jan 29 Debbie the laundress tells me she is
a member of AA. Jan 31 Meet Laurie in Laconia. Visit bank.
North to Meredith through snow. Visit bank. On way back see Statehouse lit up gold below, blue above. Here on radio that crowds
are there lamenting exploded astronauts. Feb 3 Open new box in Keene. Feb 4 At 8:30 AM Get NH license and registration.
Make significant stride in Alchemy. Simplify back to three steps from four. Action more important than, and can determine,
desire. Feb 6 c Noon. Leave Waliers for Henniker. Lisa
races snowmobiles. Visit Concord PO then Manchester for first time. Get things right at Credit Bureau. Stop at Yankee Magazine.
Visit Suffolk House for lunch. Feb 7 Visit Ed Childs in Claremont. Find out
brick house in Lempster sold. Feb 17 Begin "Power" chart of Accomplishments.
Do revision of "Corrections" chart in reference to material in Liber Artis Magnae. Feb 20 Visit Henniker having found out that
Prudential check did not clear. Ice on trees on way up. Feb 24 Begin "Health" and "Collections" charts. Feb 27 Find out Collings deal unworkable. Call Otis Goss about mansion. Mar 4 Visit mansion in Lyndonville. Opulent but houses packed around it like sardines. Sometime hereabouts, in a place I will not
name, I see something that still puzzles me. One night I am awakened by a smoke detector alarm. When I investigate I look through the window and see a chap up on a chair trying to deactivate the smoke alarm.
The door is ajar and there is the smell of burned cookies. The room is smoky. There are two people lying on beds who couldn't
possibly be asleep because of the intense noise. I watch far two or three minutes. Nobody is talking and the people on the
beds do not move a muscle. I go away for five minutes. When I return the scene is identical. Nobody has moved. The next morning
I see two guys in plain clothes carry out two large items which look roughly like human bodies with a plastic garbage bag
pulled over each end. These are thrown into the dumpster which is right outside the door. I never speak of this to anyone. Mar 17 c 10:30 AM Mary Stripinis calls telling
me Blue Angels have decided to do balancing from the original listed billing. Moral - penguins work, but take pictures in
the first place. Aft. Visit Henniker. Lisa has graduated to bookkeeping. Visit Concord branch and PO. Mar 18 Visit Dr. Oliver and find out my throat
is dried out from too many menthol cough drops. Look at snow shoes. Finally get my zoom lens. Mar 19 c 4:55 PM In reflecting upon Ed, I predict
his destruction through cocaine use eventually. He doesn't hear anything bad about the worst of drugs. My interest in Debbie
during this period is great, but it could never work, she's too temperamental. Mar 22 Visit Daniel Webster. Nashua Arts and
Science Center proves to be rather small. Visit Clydesdale Hamlet, tour Anhieser Brewery. Check in at Bradford. Visit Naked
Club. See new blonde Marylyn who resembles Allison Parks, but not as tall. See Wilheimena who resembles girl on Blind Faith
album. Visit Jake's for prime rib. Back to Naked. Eva serves drinks to the Lindasnake and I. She has not yet immigrated, and
has been an illegal alien for some time. She tells me that Katy is now working with retards - pity. Apparently Katy and her
cab-driver husband live rather separate lives and sleep with others. Someone has seen Gisele dancing in Florida. Malika has
been around as recently as two weeks ago. Modesty went to NY, I will assume upstate, to get away from "too many greasy people
in Boston." Dorrie is now a hair stylist in Kenmore Square. Meanwhile as we talk, I miss Silver on back stage. Then Linda
chases after nice blonde who is going to sell her the costume she is wearing. Linda says it's light for traveling. She is
dancing in Victoria this summer. Jazz, who is not in training for opera but who is merely "theatrical", comes singing Hello
to everyone. Silver dances on the front stage. Linda is expecting a fellow who is going to sell her some hashish. All at once
a terrible fight breaks out in front of our table and a boy has to be carried out, belly down. During this Linda jumps up
and runs away. When she returns she delights me with her approval of Ferdinand Marcos's wife's having bought 800 pairs of
shoes, etc. with American aid that was supposed to go to poor people. "I would do that" she says. Just before midnight she
has to visit elsewhere and Cheyenne comes on again as police girl in leather with handcuffs and club, this time with blue
police beacon. Hydie comes over during this and tells me about sandwich dancing in Florida and touch dancing somewhere. She
has worked at Alex's in Stoughton and at the Golden Banana in Peabody. Cheyenne finishes, getting into a slavish thing with
the handcuffs. I see Silver once again, contemplating a very sly remark made earlier about her buxomness, and retire. Mar 23 Breakfast at Jay's, and then a cream
doughnut and coffee at the Bradford. c Noon. Gwenyth is on first. Cute brunette with Jeanie Convey haircut out back. Nancy
and I talk awhile. She tells me wonderful story about a fight she had with Katy - how Katy threw her hands in the air boiling
with frustration. Nancy says club changed from Jerome's when Mel bought it from the Venus brothers about twelve years ago
back when she started. I don't think it was that long ago. She thinks Louie Venus may still own a part of it. I mention that
she, Debbie, Cheyenne, and I are the only people left from the old days now that Dorrie is gone. Visit China Pearl. Enjoy
Zombie, Jimmy Chin's private recipe, and Subgum Har Kew. Return to Naked. Nancy tells me Dorrie and she worked at the Carribe
Lounge before the Naked and that Dorrie is now working on Newbury Street somewhere, not Kenmore Square. Return via Rte 119
in partial darkness. Pity because there are many nice old houses through here. I see a completely round colonial. Truly the
scenic route. Mar 26 Gets so hot in afternoon that I have
to use air conditioner in room. Mar 27 Call King Covey about purchase of mansion
in Littleton. Apr 4 After much figuring finally pick up vitamins.
Visit Henniker where I get a little smart-mouth good advice from Christina. Visit Concord. Whore comes on to me in sandwich
shop, but girl behind counter reprimands her. Rains on way back. Eve. See Cheyenne on TV. She is now doing sex therapy talk
show on WBCN. I'm proud of her, and yet during all these years I never bought her a drink because she isn't quite my type
- happily married anyway. Apr 7 Sign sales agreement on Littleton mansion. Apr 10 King Covey calls to tell me of Dr. Ross's
rejection of agreement. Eve. Chuck calls to say Dr. Collings will talk finance. Feb 11 Over the past two weeks I have heard
a political candidate promise the "investigation of Witchcraft and cults" and have seen three "700 Club" programs trying to
discredit others. The first was aimed at "cleaning up" the game "Dungeons and Dragons" by removing such occult ingredients
with "power" as the Pentagram and Thaumaturgic Circle. The second program I didn't watch. The third featured a paranoid of
the drug variety who believed that he was the Antichrist and could rule the world through heavy metal music, bun who decided
to become a slave of Jesus instead. The Antichrist, of course, is a movement, not an individual, although it may find personification
in certain key individuals at different times. The music is merely a celebration of it all. Apr 13 Visit with Clayton Placey on way North. No financing on Governor Philips Mansion. Visit Boera Mansion. Setting in much nicer with snow melted. Eat egg salad sandwich while lady tells me about mansion up in the hills and a ski center for sale near it. Go up and see unbelievable huge Federal with pillars, high on hill with 360 degree mountain views. Approach is tree lined along ridge. Feeling of being back 100 years in time. Barns connected by stables about 300 feet long and finer than most houses. Up the road whole complex of buildings - The Darien Inn. One brick one strikes me especially. Apr 14 WW III begins. Last week the Russian
Mediterranean fleet puts to sea because our own Mediterranean fleet has been cruising near Libya and Mr. Reagan has been saber-rattling
all week. c 7:22 PM Turn on TV. We have just made an air strike against Libya from our base in England, flying around France
and Spain. Apr 15 Colonel Khadafi's one year old baby
daughter was killed yesterday. Russia has canceled our July summit. Parliament is raising Hell with Mrs. Thatcher, of whom
I am personally very proud. Khadafi's whereabouts is uncertain. Afternoon: Anti-aircraft fire in Tripoli. A suspected coup
is under way. Eve: Members of Abunidal's group proclaim "You will witness things so big that even Reagan will be amazed by
their magnitude and cruelty." Apr 16 Meet with Mr. Dunn, the President at
First Northern, who approves me for a mortgage without committee, on the Collings property. Apr 17 Khadafi surfaces, calling Mr. Reagan
a war criminal. More terrorism. Abunidal is pictured an TV, and makes Khadafi look like a choir boy. Coup is suppressed in
Libya. Apr 19 Visit Collings property alone. Climb
little mountain. This property is very much like Ravenhurst except more private and the view is better. Visit mansion in Littleton.
Am far less impressed with interior, but am delighted to see snow capped Mt. Lafayette out library and tower windows. One
can ski up here every month except August in Tuckerman's Ravine. It is a very hot day and I have room here for a small cornfield.
Dr. Ross hikes the price up $25, 000. Apr 20 Have nice talk with Richard Yerkes about
purchase of Darien Inn and ski touring center. David Drew, owner of the forty two room Darling Estate, will call tomorrow
night. Call Otis Goss to finalize purchase of Boera mansion. Apr 21 3:58 PM Just conclude conversation with David Drew. Now piecing together all my information, a brief history: Burklyn
Hall The mansion, Burkelyn Hall, was built by Elmer Darling from 1904 to 1909. It has Forty two rooms and a huge indoor riding ring, hippodrome, with fourteen stables. It was sold about nine years ago for $135,000 to Marshall Thurber who grew up locally, went west, got rich as an attorney, and returned. He also bought the Darien Inn from Richard Yerkes. He set up a conference center, ski touring operation, and "Millionaire Maker School". He claims he can give a business college education in five weeks. He borrowed three million from friends and students and blew one and a half in the stock market. After filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy he returned the Darien Inn to Mr. Yerkes c 1979?. Five years ago he sold Burkelyn to David Drew for $210,000. Mr. Drew wants $800,000 to $1,000,000 with eighty five acres. Mr. Yerkes wants $1,250,000 with six hundred a fifty acres. I want the whole thing, but can't swing it. End of story. These
properties are expected to skyrocket in price because Burke Mountain is being sold. Man who owns it went into deal with two
guys who were going to develop it for skiing. He held back information about his situation, the deal fell through, and they
developed Mt. Ascutney instead. Later it will be too late. Apr 22 Visit Debbie at Cafe Guerriero. Meet
ultra slim, firm breasted, raven-haired witch. Return for over priced swordfish about 4:45 PM. She is married. It is at times
frustrating not being married, but probably less so than being married.
Apr 24 Prudently sign agreement on the Park Avenue mansion. This is one of the finest houses
in New England. It is brick with granite windowsills, twenty three leaded windows, curved glass in tower windows. Inside:
Baroque Corinthian columns, beveled glass mirrors, acanthus leaves carved on beams, annunciator in kitchen with buzzers in
every room, lincrusta, ballroom with chandeliers, hand painted Delft tiles form a wainscot plus there's a bidet in upstairs
bath. Sixteen rooms in all with three room servants quarters for a total of 4,950 square feet. This was built by a wealthy
railroad magnate [Later while doing my genealogy I find out that I am distantly related to this individual by any of three
Spooner-Quimby marriages]. After the years at Ravenhurst, village life will seem strange, but such mountains I do possess.
c 3:15 PM Calculate that I had just fifty nine days left of outdoor work to be done over four year period at Ravenhurst. The
work would have proceeded thusly: Fall 1984 5 days, Prune from grove to fork. Fall 1985 5 days, Prune from start to grove,
6 days, cut up piles near grove, and 2 days, gather wood in west. Fall 1986 4 days, Cut obtrusive live trees
and stack for nuclear winter, 14 days, Clear ridge. Fall 1987 7 days, Thin live trees and stack
nuke wood. 14 days, Prune the Ballduckinglands. Probably I would have gathered wood in the
east at this point if necessary. Apr 28 Ready for Boston, I reach Henniker only
to find that it's Fast Day. Return. Apr 29 Morn. Arrive at Henniker to see big
sexy girl with sexy buttocks glancing over her shoulder at me while sexily slouching against front desk. Visit Bank Commission
and Department of Revenues in Concord. Decide to skip Art Museum. Discuss Al Capone with bartender over Bratwurst at Jake's.
There has been no Weeping Willie or any live music since January. Notice bench near window. He says it's been there for years.
Visit 66. Meet cute barmaid Marie. See Christie, who has begun to develop a greasy look to compliment her ever increasing
obesity. So sleepy looking. Maria comes on stage and I notice she seems skinnier. Get talking motel business with young sharpie
and miss her final song. After sharpie leaves, I ask barmaid if I pay my respects on a few occasions, will she go out to dinner.
She says maybe. Visit Mardigras, spilling a Sombrero on my trousers as I enter the men's room. Clean up and return to the
66. Maria comes over. She tells me that nobody likes Lisa and that she thinks Jeff is an asshole. She won't say why. She turns
out to be a complete emotional cripple filled with low self-importance This is too bad because she is otherwise a very desirable
girl. I coolly and knowingly listen to her immature, massive, drunken over-reactions and vicious raving. See her conferring with Christie just after. Also before? c 6 PM Visit China Pearl for Combination Platter. c
7:15 PM Enter Naked where I am accosted by Lisa who directs barmaid not to serve me. Lisa heads for office. I leave and go
in back door to see new tall skinny blonde Sharron dancing. Lisa leaves through back with some guy, but doesn't see me. I
go up front. Gwenyth enters. We say Hello. Then the weakling Maria, having finished her stint at the Rotten Old Pig Club,
enters and is greeted by Marilyn with some fanfare. Have nice conversation with good-hearted barmaid Fran. I tell her about
Lisa. Fran turns out to be sister of Lorraine, another good-hearted barmaid I have been friends with for some years. Liz has
returned from NY. Pouty Katy is still working, within past two weeks, but only occasionally. c 10 PM Return. May 9 Leave c 10:30 AM. Get box in St. Johnsbury.
Have lunch in Lyndon. Arrive at 19 Park Avenue at 12 Noon. Finally we get terms settled and both sign sales agreement. Otis
leaves. I tour house. Dick and I discuss furnishings. I have just bought one of the finest houses in the world. Visit Wayside
and order bed. c 5:40 Leave and make it to Keene in an hour and 50 minutes. May 16 Henniker. Merge two accounts into one
at a higher rate of interest. May 20 Back about two or three weeks ago I
have, on a cold day, my annual premonition that this coming winter will be severe. Last year's prediction came early, June
or July, but is usually late August or September, and was correct - mild. I have not failed now since 1975. Will create chart. May 21 Past two days have been amused by image
of businessman trying to grab Christie's breasts and her violent reaction. Very mechanical and "Art Deco" in memory, like
stylized 1940s robots. May 24, 1986 Visit Cheshire Fairgrounds. Get marble vase, Louis XIV lamp, and red hobnailed toothpick holder. See Deco blue mirror table. Brings to mind blue windows of Hyperluxo Island houses during the 1950s. Se two more blue mirror tables, one taller, one fancy. Meet girl with 1/4 wolf-dog. |