Chapter 16
Feb 18 2020 - Jul 23 2023
Journal of the Plague Years
Feb 18 Morning. Have interesting talk with chaps on the bus about the Coronavirus, Globalism,
and phony Holocaust reparations. Evening: Reach conclusion that romance based on past relationships with old girlfriends has
no utility.
February 24 Baker confirms rise of Coronavirus cases.
Feb 26 As I walk past bike rack at Culinary Center, a disoriented displaced African man
turns erratically away from harassing two women seated at the table, and nearly bumps into me. I step around him. He says
“Hell-o”. I ignore this, and keep walking. Then he says in a cool, jazzy, Calypso voice. “Oh! Gonna kill
ya, Daddy. Gotta let it go.”
Feb 28 World’s best property manager and good friend is moving up the corporate
ladder into the big bucks. Hope we get a good new one.
Mar 3 Sit with pretty girl c. 26 on bus. We talk about restaurants, vacations, and GT
Mar 12 Tell Michael Tylo the Coronavirus death statistics in class, ironically War Movies.
c Mar 14 CV Social Distancing at Lied Library.
Mar 16 Lied access. Students and faculty only.
Mar 19 Lied closed until further notice.
Mar 20 Walmart NS. Huge areas of empty shelves.
Mar 25 Smith. Shelves mostly fully stocked.
Mar 26 Visit Cashiering. Closed. Walgreen. Bank only to check hours. Catch Brian
as I come back home. He installs new bathroom sink faucet.
c Mar 30 Visit new library. Closed until further notice.
Apr 2 Bank. Walmart shelves NS back to normal.
Apr 7 Brian tells me that yesterday 800 died of CV in New York.
Apr 16 Circle K worker says that UNLV may open in July. Cardenas is very artistic with
Apr 17 Cancel all future appointments.
Apr 22 Walgreen. Bus is now free. Walmart has long line with distancing. Most now are
now wearing masks. Not me.
Apr 24 Vivid ski dream will be chapter Ice and Snow in Children of Avarice.
Hereabouts, see that peculiar Cape Cod gentleman lurking on property. Next day, visit police station.
Captain tells me that if I see him again, to call them. They can arrest him for criminal trespass,
and considering his vandalism of my father's property, threatening looks in a downtown restaurant, and long drug / psychiatric
history, the judge will probably mandate ninety days observation in prison mental hospital.
May 4 Check Cashiering and Lied. Sit in Witches Garden. Thug on street ahead of me slugs
picture of Chinaman on sign at bus stop. Bank closed. Stamps at Walgreen's. Girl says UNLV will open May 15. Why do I doubt
this? Visit bank at alternate location.
May 6 Walmart NS. Carry too much. Devil Winds assault my every gesture.
c May 7 Finish review of Everyday Life in Ancient Times.
May 9 Review Golden Treasury of Natural History.
May 11 Breadman at Smith UNLV may remain closed until 2021.
May 14 Finish Review of Life Science.
May 15 Visit public library again. Wi-Fi user says it may open on May 21.
May 18 Walmart NS has bath tissue finally.
May 21 Public library still closed.
May 29 New maintenance man, Matt is gone within three days.
Jun 2 Bank. Office Depot for slipcases.
Jun 3 Lied Library still closed. Boulevard Mall for slipcases.
Jun 4 Fewer facemasks on Boulder. Walmart Superstore for slipcases.
Jun 9 Bus back to pay status. BTC for pass. Go east to Walmart.
Jun 10 Home Depot for slipcases. Walmart.
Jun 12 Exterminator no show.
Jun 15 Finish cyclical review of Ma, Myth, and Magic.
Jun 16. Public Library finally Open. College calendar shows library to open August14.
Jun 17 Pubic Library. Calendar now shows July 6 opening.
Jun 19 Buy Sparkling Red Grape at Walmart. Celebrate.
Jun 21 Cologne for this season is L'eau by Enrico Coveri.
Jul 2 Pubic library. Calendar shows change to August 3.
Jul 4 Eve: See fireworks outside.
Jul 18 Find new Post Office,
Jul 20 Find new Chinese restaurant. Mushroom Chicken. Very good!
Jul 23 Begin archiving of 35mm slides.
Jul 24 Get new kitchen faucet.
Jul 26 New date August 10.
Aug 3 Public Library. Teriyaki Chicken also good.
Aug 5 Finish The Seekers... The Furies.
Aug 7 Mask enforced on bus. Visit Sausage Headquarters.
Sep 30 On way to library, talk to girl walking two big wolfshonden, real wooly-meisters
with paws like snowshoes. One is a 60 pound Husky with witchy looking mask. The other is a 90 pound Malamute-Rottweiler cross,
favoring the Malamute. She got them free at a city shelter, and did a DNA test on each test to determine genetic origins.
22 Fag, living in Steampunk fantasy world, gives this volume a one star rating on Amazon, fabricating hysterical accusations
of white supremacy. Odin, help us to vanquish these cowards and weak sisters.
Oct 25
As I take my seat on the bus, a young displaced African man turns around and asks me if
I just walked onto the bus. He saw me do this, so I have no frame of reference for his question. I look perplexed. He goes
on and on incoherently. Finally I ask him to leave me alone. He starts yelling insanely. The driver is a coward and says nothing.
I move to a quiet area at the back of the bus. He keeps yelling as I do this.
Soon, another Negro comes back and sits about then feet behind me. Soon I hear him begin
to yell at someone to sit more than six feet away. The yelling intensifies. When I turn around, I see a Mexican man standing
about four feet away from the Negro just looking at him. The Negro becomes angrier and angrier, yells louder and louder, threatening
again and again to mercilessly beat the Mexican. Finally the Mexican sits and the yelling stops.
Nov 17 Thanksgiving Dinner early this year. Hot turkey sandwich downtown. As I return
home, Linda tells me that criminal elements to the west have been evacuated.
Nov 24 Post the following to a class discussion about serial killers:
Imagine if ...
The 418 targets of a prolific serial killer were all people who had escaped justice by
living in a limp-wristed society, dumbed down to believe that human predators are only sick, and can be “cured.”
In our hypothetical scenario, however, the targets are in fact irredeemably evil
constitutional psychopaths with complicit aberration that merely qualifies the nature of their encroachment against others.
Example targets include: rapists, human traffickers, kidnappers, child molesters, child and snuff porn video makers, arbitrary
thrill killers. Large scale example: one who loves only gold, and who destabilizes entire countries with currency manipulations
that result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Now, further imagine that after his / her long successful run
of ridding society of these bad actors, our hypothetical serial killer is finally found out and indicted, up ahead, in a time
when people are awake.
The sentience: “Defendant has been found guilty of 418 cases of first degree murder,
and is hereby sentenced to 418 concurrent terms of life imprisonment. Due however, to the mitigating circumstances surrounding
the activity of the victims, all 418 sentences are hereby suspended. Defendant is ordered to pay all court costs, as a reprimand
for circumventing due process of law. Case dismissed.”
The next day, public banquets are held all over the world in the defendant’s honor
following the award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Dec 21 Cologne for this season is Joop (Tahoe 1995).
Dec 22 Begin to have bad digestive problems and loss of appetite, I believe, from eating
too much candy.
Dec 28 Enter Hospital. X ray shows pneumonia. They put me on oxygen.
Dec 31 Transfer to Hellish private facility.
Jan 8 Bad nutrition without supplements. Leave against medical advice. They are vindictive
and will not drive me. Take the bus and nearly die on the way home.
Jan 9 Fix coat. Add two holes to belt, having lost 30 pounds in three weeks.
Jan 10 Public Library. System configures to selling information, not providing it.
Jan 12 Dr. Chand saves the day as usual. Will do more antibiotics.
Jan 14 Public Library. Search with address bar. Get information finally.
Jan 15 and 16 Ultra house cleaning.
Jan 17 Walmart. Almost pass out from shortness of breath.
Jan 18 Purge kitchen of pasta.
Jan 22 At public library find out Lied is open. Go there and pay my tuition.
Jan 23 Massive thinning of paper files.
Feb 16 Find unexpected obituary.
Feb 18 Pork Egg Foo Yung
Feb 22 First Juan Corona shot.
March 15 Second Juan Corona shot.
March 21 Cologne this season Azzaro Classic
March 23 Morning. Begin Ice and Snow outlined
after dream c. one year ago during first Corona library lockdown. Eve: Roast Duck. Heap good.
Apr 12 Eve: Roast Duck Red Curry. Not so good. Small package arrives from 3K in Italy.
Apr 26 Sweet and Sour Pork. A / OK.
May 6 Warlock of Albany is now a separate series because it contains spoilers.
May 14 Shrimp Egg Foo Yong. The pork is better.
Jun 2 Drunk displaced African man shouts fourteen times in a gravelly voice.
“No, you can’t have my number” laughing uproariously as though each
instance were an original clever joke. He then gets into an exchange with a female counterpart shouting things at each other
that they would seem to attribute to white people descended from slave owners, like ”Keep your place.” I say nothing
and move to the front. Entire bus is annoyed.
The lady driver addresses them to no avail. The woman shouts back at her, “I’m
free. I’m gonna do whatever I want to.” At the next stop, a teenage
boy sitting with them, fired up by all of this, comes charging down from the raised rear platform proclaiming “I’m
gonna do anything I want.” My left leg shoots out uncontrollably, and he
stumbles over hit, then comes back to get me. I put up my hands and say “Sorry.” Then he gets off and back on
the bus twice trying to decide what he can get away with.
Jun 4 c. 7:45 A.M. Walking through the Witch’s Garden I stop in the shade to rest for a few seconds. I hear contemptuous speech and look up. About fifty feet away to the North two displaced African boys are trying
to bait me with insults, the same way monkeys bait them from the trees in Africa. Trying to get even, I guess.
Jun 21 Cologne this season is Royal Mandarin.
Jun 22 . 7:45 A.M. Again walking through the Witch’s Garden I stop in the shade
to rest for a few seconds. This time from the South a displaced African man walking towards me looks up at the trees and says, “With all
these things growing, and you so near death, gotta make you jealous.”
Jun 23 Barbeque Beef Short Ribs. OK, but pricey.
Jun 25 Excellent sausage and cheese sandwich with giant hazelnut latte at Starbucks.
Jul 16 General Tso Chicken. OK. Menu overall offers little of interest.
Jul 19 Moo Goo Gai Pan. Mundane but nutritious.
Aug 20 Celebrate restoration of Classic profiles with Pork Egg Foo Yung. Very good.
Sep Roast Duck. Bring bones home for soup.
Sep 28 Good friend Michael Tylo departs too soon at 73.
See Nightwing, Stealing Las Vegas, Guiding Light, Zorro, Lonesome Dove.
25, 26 Exit with exemplary deliberation during fire “emergency” but am slandered as “walking around”
by cowardly security chief who dislikes me for political reasons. This morally retarded fellow is the poster child of the
constitutional psychopath with too much authority. Security camera tapes show what happens, but inhouse functionaries will
not bother to view them. Truth may be on the run in this time of foulness, but what goes around, comes around.
10 Displaced African on bus yells for twenty minutes. He repeats at least ten tomes “Shoes are the key, key is the brain,
shoes are the brain, brain is the key.” He asks everyone who gets on or off the bus if they are all right. Eve: Pork
Egg Foo Yung.
11 Annual paperwork
24 D w grilled onions
30 Beef sub too tangy
3 Pat golden dog, half Whippet. D w Neapolitan Shake.
9 Chicken Musubi
11 French Dip
3 Beef Teriyaki
14 Scallop Sushi
15 Telescope, fossils, seashells, minerals, literature, lighting, and furniture completes upgrade begun in Spring 2017. Perfecto
by Levidico.
20 Publish The Valkyrie
21 Pizza A / OK
3 French Dip
12 Pizza Sub with sea salt
19 Pork Egg Foo Yung. Forty five minutes till bus is too long.
21 French Dip
26 Starbuck Gouda Bacon sandwich. Good, but pricey.
28 Starbuck Sausage, Egg, Cheese. Mm Mm good.
1 As I enter the bus, a very primitive looking displaced African boy about twenty with huge blubber lips, starts badmouthing
white people and insulting a white woman in a wheelchair. And of course, motherfucker
every fourth word. He threatens me. I say nothing, but slowly get out my stun gun. He sees it and decides to relocate further
back in the bus. Too crowded, so he returns. He goes on and on, talking fast and erratically as a low IQ on amphetamine is
prone to do.
the woman driver yells at him, “Get
off my bus!” He refuses, calling
her bitch. He gets very loud. She does the smart thing and says. “This bus isn’t moving until you are off.” At this point, a big normal displaced African man, comes
forward and points at the boy and says, “Get off the bus. People who work want to get home for dinner”.
boy blinks, looks at the big fellow, then me, then the driver, and gets off the bus with his foul mouth still going a mile
a minute.
event clearly shows the differences between good and bad displaced Africans. With the bad, I want just to be rid of them.
With the good, I feel happy about what an asset they will be to Africa when they finally return.
3 On skewers: pork ears, lobster balls (non testicularum), pork liver. barbeque
12 Art Museum
Mar 25 Retrieve lunch pail. Starbuck Sausage, Egg, Cheese reward.
30 Spring gravel raking
31 Find obituaries for two old friends Bob Van Iderstine 55 and Joe Devine 75. Learn that Karen Whirty went to Hiram College and married in 1969.
1 Starbuck Bacon, Egg, Cheese. Good, but very pricey.
7 Second Corona booster.
Apr 13 At Smith, cellphone chap is blocking access to chickens. I say, “Not a good place to stand, sir.” He goes shithouse, swearing and name calling.
Apr 18 Chap raving insanely on bus. I ask, “Why don’t you calm down?” He goes shithouse, name calling without the swearing.
windy recently. I am reminded of the ion-laden devil winds in the gold camps of
California that led to so many shootings that Placerville was nicknamed Hangtown USA.
22 Afternoon. Final pow wow with Sean Clark. He plans to write and play golf..
6 Starbuck Turkey Egg White Sandwich. Claire knows
7 French Dip. Witchy girl.
9 On home bus, unsuccessfully block a young Negro boy to keep him from getting the seat that I want. A silly business at best.
I will not do this again.
10 Kahlua pork bowl. OK.
Days Interference with Work
May 16 About two hours in chair for one filling. Three X-rays part of process. Long walk in heat Usual lab closed. Long walk back. Starbuck’s ham and cheese croissant with giant
decaf hazelnut latte to reward myself. Good, but I hear new filling crack. Eve: Fire alarm starts c 11:30 P.M. stops c.12:40 P.M.
17 New filling clearly broken at breakfast. Robbed of sleep, am very late to school. When I return home, power is out. This
leads to more loss of sleep.
18 Very late to school again.
19 Green laser surgery tires me out. Prescription not sent. Long walk to and from bank. Get to lab c 1:15 P.M. Fall asleep.
Fall out of chair onto floor. Little damage, except bruised knee and headache. Doze off during dinner hour. More loss of sleep
20 Awake 7:30 A.M. four hours late. Power off again. Comes on as I finish breakfast. Goes off then on as I leave. Arrive at
lab c 2:00 P.M. Pork Egg Foo Yung.
21 Displaced African man gets on the bus bellowing insanely. I tell him to shut up, but it does no good. He goes on for half
an hour. Displaced African woman laughs nonstop like a drugged monkey.
28 Displaced African man, when I sit, accuses me of “coming back here with all this righteous shit” because he
is planning to exit soon and has convinced himself that my presence will somehow impede him in this. As he exits without impediment,
I say “You’re crazy. Get help.” He knows I’m right, and doesn’t argue.
Globalist mixing of savages with evolved people of European ancestry is criminal genocide. One day I’ll locate the steampunk
coward who attacked me on Amazon for reporting the facts.
21 Cologne this season Giorgio Rose Noir for men.
1 BBQ Chicken, Pork Blood, Fish Cake, Fish Balls, Quail Eggs. Last three heap good. Sit with big sexy young blond girl on
bus. We talk about restaurants and lotteries.
5 Gouda, bacon, and cheese now has egg. A / Ok.
8 Enjoy Pizza Sub, but not the subhuman music.
c. Jul
22 See what looks like Arctic Fox-Samoyed cross at I&O Burger.
26 Mag’s. Prime Rib, fork-mashed potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower. Good, but pricey. Talk with feather girls, one a tall
redhead, the other a zaftig blonde, dear little cuties. Happy to see Laura Dern as she gets off the Deuce with a man. We look
at each other. She seems perplexed.
12 Avocado Melt. Heap good.
13 Huge insane displaced African woman c twenty-five bellows savagely at driver on bus. Very scary person. Bald, twice my
weight, and four tomes my strength.
15 Average IQ Statistics:
Jews, Northern Chinese 105
Europeans 100
Arabs, Mestizos, Southeast Asians 80
Africans 65
Chimpanzees 42
26 Steak Quesadilla. Heap big, heap good.
29 First film class with Adam Paul.
30 Sit in on class with Andrea Issacs, former Executive VP of Physical Production at Summit Entertainment, producer of the
Twilight Series.
9 1:00 P.M. As freshman girls outside the lab are going through orientation, I am suddenly
struck by how far the dumbing down process has gone in America. In the 1960’s the behavior of these girls and the silly
things they’re singing would have been appropriate only to eight-year-olds, and at Northeastern University orientation
would have been seen as stunted and immature. And yet these dear little cuties are more sophisticated about sex and personal
grooming than girls in the sixties. Essentially what Aldous Huxley described in Brave New World.
21 Cologne this season is Dragon Smoke.
23 Gruyere and Bacon Bites. A / OK.
27 First Gordita since Wildwood. Ground beef w crunch layer. Heap good
Oct 12 Give Linda longhorn cow skull as a Desert Pete style Halloween present. A mixed up queer
smashes it on her doorstep and later glares hatefully at me.
28 Another good friend, Clarence Gilyard, departs from Earth too young at age 66.
See: Walker Texas Ranger, Matlock, Die Hard, Top Gun, Karate Kid II,
3 Teriyaki Chicken with noodles. Heap good. Cajun shrimp too spicy.
7 Full Moon approaching. Late afternoon. Three displaced Africans make life miserable for everyone on the 109 Bus, home of
two recent shooting murders. Today young boy with leather backpack starts quarrel with former “gang banger.” They
rage on and on. When young guy gets off, quarrel stops, but obese female motor mouth makes it about herself, and loudly brags
up her domineering philosophy to all present, but nobody in particular. This goes on for twenty minutes.
9 Full Moon closer. Morning. First bus. Displaced African woman and man who are strangers become quarrelsome like
two men over a vacant seat. Nearly erupts into violence.
Second bus. White guy having pleasant talk with nice displaced African mother about what
are good books for children - natural history, dinosaurs, etc. Dirty looking displaced African man starts putting his
hands on the white guys arm every few seconds. White guy politely asks him to stop. Initiator claims white guy was the one
doing it, accuses him of being disrespectful, and threatens him with violence. Nice Chinese woman says to white guy, “Don’t
try to talk to them. They think they can do whatever they want. You can’t win.” Editorial
comment: There will be a reckoning.
Eve: Pizza Sub heap good. In home stretch, Mexican man walks right at me. I stop short. He
deliberately collides, then walks around me saying. "What are you doing blocking my path?" In good humor, I reply "Sir,
in America we walk on the right side."
I mention Full Moon here because although psychopathic behavior is a constant reality in Las
Vegas, all this seems a bit more than average. Solar prominences?
18 Nancy gives me big pile of books, most I don’t want, so donate them with a few of my own, to the East City Library.
They are received by a woman with hateful eyes.
4, 2023 10:28 A.M.
Write the following letter to Brussels:
We are
honored by the many invitations you have sent us for UIA roundtable meetings worldwide. The only utility WLO participation
can have for world liberty, prosperity, and peace would be for everyone planning to attend one of the upcoming meetings to
read the entire content of our website linked here well in advance, and then discuss the content at the meeting. We know what
needs to be done. Questions or comments can be directed to us before or after the meeting by the individual participants via
this Email. Please let me know what you decide. Please visit
truly yours,
F. Magnuson
5 Caught in cold rain at Boulevard. Sick next morning. Too rainy to be rag-weed. First turning point Jan 9th. Turns
twice more. Becomes Niagara Falls of mucous.
13 French Dip. In final stretch, see left sidewalk hugger coming as before. Stop and take out small stunner. By the time I
toggle the switch, he has gone to the right. Victory without contention is always best.
17 Begin Colonial History with Will, aka Ichabod Crane. He starts off well, sympathetic to indigenous populations vs. evil
conquerors, but makes cryptic negative allusions to Donald Trump and the Second Amendment. We shall see.
31 Clinic. Dr. S says I don’t need Covid test. Pneumonia present, possibly other viruses came and went. Get antibiotics.
Kill final infection by snorting salt water.
2 Insane displaced African man on evening bus refuses to pay fare. Moving fast he knocks woman down behind him. She falls
on bench. Then he grabs a big rock and breaks bus door window in two places. Driver calls police. Insane man runs off.
3 Beef Chow Mein. Very good except for fried lice.
8 Morning M-S Bus. Shouting match between two foul mouthed women. Displaced African
woman arrested for refusing when driver and police ask her to exit bus.
Later at the office Heather seems very glad to see me. We talk. She says
killing evil people is “too extreme” and thinks that deadly viruses, mentioning anthrax, should be preserved.
17 Four big Louisiana chicken pieces, buttermilk biscuits, cherry cheesecake. Mm-Mm Good. Cajun music in background. Expect to hear Clifton Chenier.
in Colonial History, Will mentions that he wants deadly viruses “way underground” Why not extinct? He greatly exaggerates “technology” of Africans in rice cultivation. He says race is merely
a social construct. “There is no such thing as black people and white people… Be sure to get that down.”
This makes me glad to be auditing. To earn a grade by parroting Globalist lies would be an unacceptable moral compromise.
2 Will goes into spiel endorsing the payment of taxes. He seems to actually believe that federal Income tax pays more than
just the interest on the national debt, unnecessary because we don’t need to borrow fiat currency from a cartel of bankers
in the first place, we can issue it ourselves.
7 Today Will continues in detail about taxes. He says that anyone questioning taxation should “go live on the Moon.”
Later, he seems to suggest that legitimate resistance to tyranny must necessarily be non-violent. Those indicating disagreement
are told to “send their opinions” to him by Email. Because there was a Mulatto ex-slave in one anti-British riot
he makes the generalization “now we see that people of color also fought in the American Revolution.” Yes, but
almost exclusively for the British, because they were promised release from slavery. I don’t blame them. I would have
done the same.
10 Beef Taco with Verde sauce, beans, sliced cucumber, and salad. Heap good.
22 Relocation of WLO Headquarters to Toronto completed 2:16 P.M.
23 Post the following to European Nationalist Forums:
A Call
to Worldwide Indigenous Nationalism
The only viable future for mankind is worldwide liberty, prosperity,
and peace with preservation of indigenous race and culture. It can happen with education, but it will be necessary to wield
both pen and sword. We call upon serious adults everywhere to end Globalist tyranny covertly under the principle of leaderless
resistance. Nationalists are united in spirit, but must do individually what is necessary to eliminate the subverted minions
of international finance and invading hordes of sub-humanity. It is best to tell no one about activism, to let higher purpose
be our closest companion. Evolutionary destiny is more important than unwarranted disclosure within transitory interpersonal
relationships. The children of the future are also family members in a greater sense. After reading the links, the only worthwhile
reply will be seen on the evening news.
Alternative to IMF Banks
Libertarian Nationalist Revolution
World Libertarian Order
28 Will delivers anti-Trump spiel about “attempted coup d'etat “ on January 6, 2021
6 Will makes sure to explain the rightness of killing children in pre-Civil War slave revolts. I just hope that he will be
equally as happy to see it when the revolution starts against invading subhumans in America.
10 Afternoon. As I get on the M-N bus, a melee breaks out. I never find out the cause, but see hard punching, kicking, and
stomping. Then a big dog being kicked and stomped, cowering, belly-crawling along the floor. On closer view, I am relieved
to see that this turns out to be a man. Now the fight turns to name calling. Three people are chased off the bus, but are
still engaging. Many yell for driver to close the door. Driver does this, then proclaims, “This bus is not moving until
you all quiet down.” It doesn’t work at all. Too many people involved. Situation could result in random attacks,
so I get off and walk back to catch the next bus. Tell woman who had remained at the bus stop what happened. She proclaims
herself to be psychic, then says that as bus approached she “sensed something was wrong” and decided not to get
13 Strange that Will doesn’t know how to pronounce Albany or Schenectady. This seems odd for one who claims to have
grown up in Minnesota. Previously I have wondered about his spelling difficulties, odd for a Ph.D. Could this fellow be other
than what he claims? Again he does his tax routine, saying something true but not in the way he intends, “If you want
to question taxes, don’t talk to a history professor.” My corollary: History professors educated in IMF Banker
endowed schools don’t learn the truth about fiat currency, central banks, and taxes, so how can they teach it? Next
he attacks Andrew Jackson for getting the country free of the ”federal” bank in Washington. The bank was not
federal, but privately owned, a precursor of today’s privately owned U.S. central bank, deceptively called the Federal
Reserve - one of the best examples of deep state doublespeak. Jackson was trying to free us of international bankers.
Will tries to make it sound like a states vs. federal rights dispute. He further suggests that Jackson did it mainly to help
his friends with a tax break, and then after a thoughtful look, (perhaps visualizing himself on a hangman’s scaffolding),
adds. “I won’t test you on that.”
On morning M bus displaced African boy about four-years-old sings stupid song about tobacco over and over, louder and louder,
for half an hour, finally with aggressive growling and crazy dancing. He looks defiantly at passengers who seem annoyed. His
mother makes no attempt at all to quiet him down. Subhuman moral I.Q. combined with inferior upbringing will surely lead to
grown up problems.
9 Receive new TRS Athame from Turkey.
15 Afternoon. Loud displaced African man and woman discuss bank options with too many “motherfuckers” thrown
in. Passengers look at each other searchingly as if to ask: How much longer must we tolerate this in America?
16 Afternoon: Talk to autocratic young woman connected with policing conference here today. Treats me to lots of unintelligible
professional lingo. Finally get from her that the new method of policing is based on data accumulation. On way home at mall
transfer, insane Caucasian man is raging and yelling. Offended little Asian woman catches my eye. For good humor, I walk over
and ask her, “If I take a big rock and bash his head in right now, would you squeal on me to the police?” She
says she would. Probably thinks his behavior has to do with environment and can be helped..
17 Morning. Big displaced African man knocks hat off old white guy, punches him in the head, then punches his wife in the
face. They go to fetch security. Passenger line enters bus. Soon security officer takes Punchy off the bus. He will have to
wait for the next one. Afternoon: Second day of policing conference. Speak with also autocratic man who stresses safety above
privacy. In actuality there will be no safety until we execute evil people rather than subsidize them in criminal training
camps. At home see Linda coming in on gurney from the hospital. I suggest she stop eating jalapenos. Inside notice that Diana
Lever-lock grey horn handle is changing color towards what I wanted in the first place. This heap good.
Archive Review
Nocturnal Animals
Spiritual Multitasking Noir
of a man who writes a novel for final closure of an unhappy life by fleshing out in one story both his hate and undying love
for the girl who rejected him in youth and aborted his child. Very well acted. Script stays on track, but plays with the viewer
by subtly foreshadowing possible dark plot directions that never occur. See my author page.
24 On afternoon M bus displaced African woman is sitting half in the isle. In passing, I slightly bump her dangling handbag.
She gets all upset and starts calling
“Say Excuse Me! Say Excuse Me!” I look at her with baffled astonishment. Negro man who didn’t see what happened
glares at me convinced by her reaction that the white guy must be the villain. At home, Damascus steel Arkansas Toothpick
with camel bone handle and Norse drinking horn are waiting as an antidote to Hellishness.
25 On morning M bus jealous displaced African man sitting behind me becomes enraged when I compliment a Caucasian girl about
her beautiful skin. He raves on and on threatening me with violence. Practical considerations flood my mind. We are on camera.
There are witnesses. If I give him what he deserves, will I go to prison? If I cut my hand on his teeth and get his blood,
snot, or saliva in the wound, will I die of disease? If I am not cut, where can I at least wash my hands? When he gets up,
I look at him, but he doesn’t return my gaze. All this makes me wonder if this level of agitated Negro animosity is
rampant in other American cities or just Las Vegas.
1 Cologne this season is Skulls + Roses.
6 On morning express, angry displaced African troublemaker raves and brags incessantly at high volume. When I guffaw at his
hypocrisy, he gives me tricky talk, then is critical, not of my content, but my ”tone” and “body language.”
Driver asks him to quiet down. After he gets off, driver comes back to ask us if we are all right with phony sounding Google
busybody type questions.
10 Late afternoon: Pork cutlet, mushroom gravy, spaetzle. Mm-mm good.
13 Displaced African boy shouts his message of hate to anyone who will listen, pleading at intervals, “I’m not
your bitch!” Even the other outlanders look embarrassed for him. Driver starts to come back so he apologizes and quiets
14 Morning. Across from terminal, displaced African insane man screams, “You motherfuckers!” over and over. I’ve seen this fellow before and today he
seems to be addressing me. In 1984 I did a ménage à trois with a mother and daughter (no incest), but have never thought
of myself as a motherfucker.
15 Send the following letter to EU, UN, NATO, and the Parliaments of France, Germany, Russia, Sweden, United Kingdom:
Libertarian Order
Ontario Canada
15, 2023
and Gentlemen,
World Libertarian Order is only a small international organization, but we know how to bring about worldwide liberty, prosperity,
and peace without the destruction of indigenous race and culture. Those who rule the world think that they will profit long
term from oppression, poverty, war, and genetic uniformity. This is delusional. Indigenous Nationalism is natural and workable,
global monoculture is not.
We write
to those in positions of influence in hopes of inspiring clear thinking individuals to worry more about evolutionary destiny
than being fashionable at social gatherings. It’s only moral morons who work for a future where everyone will look alike
and have an average I.Q. of 70. Imagine aiding and abetting these money-mad jackasses, and then later having to live with
the gnawing daily realization that the main core of human intelligence has been lost.
links below clarify what needs to be done, and which of course, ultimately will be done. Stimulating higher motivation everywhere
now will help to speed these constructive changes along so they can be implemented with far less conflict and suffering than
if we wait.
Alternative to IMF Banks
Nationalist Revolution
Libertarian Order Official Site
> Prosperity > Peace
F. Magnuson
Note: On July 10 to Canada. On July 12 to South
Korea, Ukraine, Italy, Australia, Spain, Switzerland.