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Serious Job


January 21. 2029. The White House

The movers have completed their work. Against the advice of the Secret Service, the new President steps outside alone and walks slowly around his new house. When he comes to the front steps, he stops and walks about one hundred feet towards Pennsylvania Avenue, then turns to view the house on center. He thinks to himself,


“Most of the key globalists are gone, but their heirs and assigns are not. I hope I will live long enough to complete my work. The true liberation of a nation is a very large matter, the making of things the way they would have been if good people had been running things all along.”


February 2, 2029

The defeat of Communism in China in completed. To fill the gaps, radical Islamic terrorists infiltrate China, but they are easily recognized and eliminated.


The new Chinese Libertarian Nationalist regime rearms many of the nation’s ICBMs with powerful non-nuclear war heads and bomb all the strategic centers of radical Islam. 


February 12, 2029

Benedict is skillful in diplomacy and helps with the details for the institutionalization of free enterprise and Democracy in China.


February 18, 2029

Chinese troops invade all radical Islamic nations and execute the leaders. They maintain a strong presence while the grateful populations elect Libertarian leaders.


Now, in an astounding escalation of events, positive worldwide economic and social changes begin to occur.