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There has been, in the second decade of the 21st Century, a rapid increase of human knowledge and consciousness to augment the speed of science and technology in this period.


When I first wrote about the destructive agenda of the Globalists in 1983, there wasn’t one person in ten thousand who knew anything about it. The twits of that period glibly parroted slogans about “conspiracy theory” created for them by the CIA Operation Mockingbird and then promulgated by the subverted media. Happily today, our accelerating history is becoming common knowledge. This is a delight to all liberty loving people.


There have been huge gains, followed by losses from 2016 to 2021, but whatever happens in the short term, there is plenty of story left, because the revolution I postulate goes far beyond the mere defeat of the Globalists. It involves proactive measures to undo all the damage they have done, so that we can finally concentrate on positive things like population reduction, upgrade of human intelligence, improved farming, and space colonization.



Roy C. Peterson

February 19, 2021

11:22 A.M.