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Liberty Will Prevail

Liberty Will Prevail


October 3, 2026

Hilton Armstrong roasts one hundred and sixty-three top Globalist planners with a flame thrower in New York.


February 12, 2027 Liberty Day 11:58 AM.

Mt. Lassen California. Garrett self-initiates into, the Order of Yggdrasil in the East.


March 4, 2027
Garrett finishes wriying 
“The World Saved by Liberty and Free Enterprise”


March 21, 2027

Garrett heads to Washington D.C., meets Republican Senator Roswell Benedict and begins to influence political events directly.


July 25, 2028

Garrett and Jay Farnum fly to Germany to help Sigurd with legalities. Just in time it seems.


October 18, 2028

Sigurd and sixteen warriors gun down one hundred and eighty-eight top Globalist functionaries at a conference in Brussels.


October 28, 2028

In reaction to Brussels, three hundred of the top Globalist bank executives hold an emergency meeting outside Berlin. Daryl Johnson and Walter Durrant incinerate them with a small guided missile.


These last two events effectively spell an end to organized plans for globalization, and pave the way for the election of Roswell Benedict as President of the United States. Now, in an astounding escalation of events, vast positive economic and social changes begin to occur.


February 2029

Chinese Communism and Radical Islam are just unhappy memories. The cleansing of the entire planet is underway.


March 12, 2029.

There is a foolish off-target plan to wipe out the entire East Coast of the United States. Garrett warns the President. NASA stops it.


September 19, 2032

Loose political ends in the United States are resolved by the use of a huge prehistoric reptile found frozen in the Artic as a baby.


State of the World 2034

Garrett is in a place of honor the day of the address by Roswell Benedict to the United Nations General Assembly describing a world well on the way to perfection.