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March 28, 2016 Garrett reads a ten step program called “Libertarian Nationalist Revolution.” This greatly clarifies his own ideas about the work ahead.
April 11 2016 Next Garrett reads “World Future Doctrine” which delights him with the progress of the revolution.
October 28, 2016 Garrett recently enjoyed reading a new essay “Globalism and the Federal Reserve” Today he sees the author interviewed on one of the Internet alternative news sites.
Asks the news lady,
“in reaction to this piece, I understand that Viking Media Favorites is getting a lot of heat about you supposedly being an anti-Semite.
The author replies,
“Anti-Semitism is defined as “the belief that Jews constitute a sinister presence in one’s country, and that something should be done about it.
“Could be true, I may be an anti-Semite, because I have absolute knowledge that Jews of the globalist banker and subverted media variety, constitute probably the most sinister presence in, not only my country but practically every country on earth, and something should have been done about it a long time ago.”
“Right on!” says the news lady. She smiles and winks at the camera-man.
January 12, 2022 Eight hundred handcuffed skeletons are found at the bottom of a bluff. Garrett is called in to investigate.
1, 2022
June 3, 2023 A troublemaker is trained with cattle prods in meal service and mandatory shoe kissing for hundreds of angry people. Garrett hears on TV about how the man was found hung in a tree on the courthouse lawn dressed as a ballerina.
July 13, 2023 A great ax-master goes to town in Los Angeles. Over three hundred and seventy fall before him. Garrett is asked to comment.
11, 2023
22, 2023
5, 2023
November 14, 2023 Because he’s a well-known alumnus, Garrett is asked to speak at Hamilton College. He is not a very good orator, and so decides not to promote the revolution. Instead he talks briefly about student writing careers, stressing the value of personal integrity. He concludes.
“Within the constraints of truth, it’s best to simply follow your own star.”
Now come the student questions. A young Negro woman, nicely dressed. leads off,
“Mr. Valdison, do you not consider Libertarian Nationalism to be racist?”
Garrett answers,
“You’ve asked a serious question, so please brace yourself for a serious answer.”
“Sounds good. Please continue” the girl says,
“I want to show you a hypothetical future, then ask a general question of everybody present…
“Imagine ten years from now a world at peace. Indigenous populations in separate sovereign nations prospering in a free world market, all enjoying absolute individual liberty and effective population control. Mono-racial societies where the citizens travel worldwide and experience the full undiluted potency of other indigenous cultures, rather than the gray sameness of global monoculture. I’m talking about true diversity, not the phony airhead breed-up-quick, “We are Borg” variety, obligingly taught by colleges endowed by, and subverted to, Globalism.”
There is a grave murmur from the crowd. Undaunted, Garrett continues,
“My question is simply this: who among you, in that world ten years ahead, would want to put things back to what they are now?”
There is a long silence. In the audience Garrett can see looks of thoughtful recognition. One brave soul starts to clap, then another, soon everybody. It’s not quite a standing ovation, but these are the American intelligentsia, and they can’t help but see the truth in what this worldly alumnus is saying.
Garret looks happy,
“Please go ahead, more questions.”
This time, a male graduate student,
“Your future sounds good to me, but aren’t such changes more easily said than done?”
There is light applause. Garrett replies,
“Yes, they are, but in the long term, making the changes is easier than continuing the way we are. All it would take is education, recognition, will power, and common sense planning. I liken it to the long-overdue rearranging of rooms in a big house. The scale is vastly greater, but there are a lot more helpers.”
The graduate student seems satisfied, smiles, and sits down. Garrett says,
“Oh, before I forget, please visit our website New World Order; Seek and Destroy. Any other questions?”
December 16, 2023 Garrett begins to diversify his writings. He joins a network of social clubs to get paranormal stories from the members. Almost everybody has at least one.
During the club winter break, Garrett finally admits to himself that he is suffering with bonum pertetuitem for Jennifer Campbell who works at the west club and teases men with tight jeans accentuating shapely buttocks. Garrett waits till they are alone, and declares himself. She is not in the least interested. Disappointed, he can only say,
“I accept your rejection, but please consider it a standing invitation. I will remain eternally ready, hard at your service.
She looks impressed, but still not interested in this old Billy goat, twenty-five years her senior.
January 11, 2024 The heavy metal band Liberator, known as Libertarian Nationalists, plays Las Vegas. Garrett manages to meet Sigurd, the front man. They have a long discussion about the future, and agree to help each other whenever possible. Sigurd, it turns out, is not just a musician, but one of the most important activists in the ongoing European revolution.
22, 2024
October 23, 2024 Garrett gets an Email about Daryl Johnson and the plight of the resistance movement in Montana. He calls Sigurd, explains the situation, and asks if Sigurd can arrange tour schedule flexibility for possibly giving impromptu help in Montana soon.
September 3, 2025 Garrett visits a huge molten lava pool in Washington State offered as a tourist attraction by day, but what is it being used for at night?
February 20, 2026 Garret explores a vast outdoor fun-house with every kind of freak show imaginable. It features a small coliseum with to-the-death gladiator contracts for people who want to get out of poverty quickly. |
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