March 3, 2026 Jeff Rollings has been very active with girls since he left Cathy and Sheryl, but lately has been thinking that he needs something besides carnal pleasure to make hi life meaningful. America is in trouble, and he knows why.
Jeff has been reading about the globalist Shadow Government agenda, and heard recently that Senator Rutherford Gibbons, one of the worst of the lot, will be speaking on Saturday at UNR.
The Senator says that he wants to re-paint “European white” to “diversified brown” in America. The controlled media does not, of course, call this racism or genocide, and the pathetic guilt-ridden drones mechanically applaud their own impending extinction.
Jeff is a superb marksman and has a fine collection of guns. He has no class today, but visits the campus to look at the possibilities for patriotic reprisal against this enemy of liberty and his people.
Jeff knows where the podium will be, stands right on the spot, and can see a place, actually a little off campus, from which he can nail the Senator. He has a suppressor for the rifle, but needs to figure how to gain access and exit without being noticed. He decides to sleep on it, and does.
The vantage point is the upstairs window of a three story Victorian house rented by a wealthy student, Steven Barlow, who Jeff knows fairly well from conversations in the hallway before history class. Jeff drops by and knocks at the front door. Barlow opens the door, looks pleased, and smiles,
“Hey Jeff, what’s up?”
Jeff is aware that Steve always goes home for the weekends, but says,
“I heard there’s going to be an upscale party here Saturday night. I thought maybe I could drop in for a while, with a girl, of course.
“Must be someone else. I’m going home for the weekend, but come in and sit for a while.”
Jeff enters. Sarah Wheeler is sitting in an easy chair in the living room. The three talk for about forty minutes about school, professors, and their employment outlook. Finally, Jeff asks to visit the tinkle-orium. Steve points the way via the back hall.
Jeff gets up and walks to the bathroom. There is a locked window behind a curtain. The view is blocked outside by bushes, and faces only on the neighbor’s garage. Jeff unlocks the window, raises it up the full amount he will need, pushes it back down, and closes the curtain. A quick tinkle, and he is back in the living room. After about ten more minutes of career talk, he excuses himself to go home for dinner
Saturday 9:36 A.M. Jeff comes strolling down the street with his rifle and scope inside his guitar case. Nobody in view, so he walks into the bushes between the houses. He slips on a shower cap and rubber gloves, to avoid leaving DNA. It’s not that it would get him caught on this venture, but DNA is filed, just like fingerprints, and might trip him up at some point in the future.
Once inside, Jeff locks the bathroom window. He can leave by the back door which will lock behind him. He has been so swept up in this adventure, that only now does he seriously think about burglar alarms, and what he will do if he triggers one.
Luckily there are no alarms. Jeff climbs two flights of stairs to the third floor. The window is in the attic. He looks out, sees nobody, and starts to raise the window, but it won’t budge. He pounds with his fist along both sides of the lower sash, then shakes the entire casing, to help free it up. Finally, it works, and he is able to raise the window the amount needed, and them closes it back down until the Senator takes the podium soon at 10:00 A.M.
The next eleven minutes are the longest thus far in Jeff’s young life. Every normal house noise spooks him. He stands well back from the window, watching the podium through the telescopic site. This is a long shot, but there is no wind today. Two years ago Jeff hit a beer can dead on center, at a greater distance than this, so he knows he will succeed, but really hopes to do it with one shot, and clear out fast.
Here comes the damned traitor now, flanked by two Secret Service men. Jeff waits until the Senator is at the podium and well underway with his speech, then raises the window quickly, takes careful aim, and shoots. He sees the red hole appear in the middle of the Senator’s forehead, closes the window firmly, presses his stopwatch button, and is back on the sidewalk in what he later verifies as being thirty-eight seconds. Not bad for a virgin run.
Heff’s car is close, so he makes it out of the danger zone before the clamor starts. He could never pull this off with a treasonous President, however, because the whole area would be secured for blocks.
The minute Jeff gets home, he turns on the kitchen television to the local news, and starts to prepare his deluxe beef burger celebration dinner. As the preempting Senator bulletin starts, Jeff can’t remember ever feeling this alive and good about anything before. It must be what people mean by “warrior soul.”
March 18, 2026 Garrett hers about the young marksman Jeff Rollings, and visits Grass Valley California to meet him. Jeff has been doing many things for the revolution on his own, and has some interesting ideas.
Later, Garrett visits Fast Food Alley in the Brunswick Basin. He is leaning against a restaurant wall waiting for his order. As the cheeseburger arrives, a tall obese Mexican enters. Somehow Garrett knows this giant is going to rush him, and so he does, like a charging bull elephant.
Garrett steps nimbly to the left, and with a fast kick from his right foot, breaks the man’s right knee cap. The elephant hits the wall and slides straight down to the floor with a stunned look, probably in shock.
Garrett grabs the cheeseburger and exits immediately. He makes it back to his motel without further incident. Why did this happen? Was the man insane? A paid assassin? |