After three songs Sigurd begins to speak,
“The inspiration we all feel when enjoying heavy metal music is very great at times. but this is rarely translated into constructive action. Imagine if every time a liberty loving person heard an inspiring song. he or she went out and killed a Globalist.”
A hush falls over the crowd. Sigurd continues,
“Yes, killed! The Globalists are the clearest enemies of life and liberty that have ever walked the Earth. They would destroy every race and ethnicity on our planet because of their insatiable greed for money and false power. They would see us all become grey slaves, totally devoid of individuality. As a Libertarian Nationalist warrior, I call upon all good people to rise up and kill Globalists by any means necessary.
“We know who they are. Kill them any way you can. If you have oratory skills or writing ability, do it that way. If you prefer blood, use broken whiskey bottles, kitchen knives, guns, baseball bats, meat cleavers, or anything else you can get your hands on, but be sure of your target’s true identity.
“Think back to all the metal songs you have ever heard. Imagine if every one of those inspirations resulted in a dead Globalist. Where would they be now?”
The band resumes playing. Many in the young audience look thoughtful. |