April 20, 2028 In Times Square, Socialists are protesting a landmark Supreme Court decision requiring sterilization as part of routine procedure after every delivery of a second child. A Jewish speaker angrily attacks the ruling. “We believe that God will deal with the population crisis. It’s not our job!” Signs carried by his group read: Sterilization Ruling is Nazi Eugenics They are Invading our Bedrooms Uncle Sam, Don’t Grope My Wife! What Next? Government Chastity Belts? here is a large crowd of Negro Socialists. Ernie, Jamal, Jerry, and Henry are among them as usual. As a group they are yelling "Kill those racist motherfucker judges!" Mexican mothers with signs in Spanish are jabbering about babies and recipes. One of the Negro Socialists, a big muscular pig-faced boy of twenty-two throws a stone at a crowd of white people. It hits a little boy in the face and cuts him. The assailant raises his hand in a victorious fist. The father sees the stone thrower and looks right at him. The thrower feigns detached innocence and pretends not to notice. The father comforts the crying boy, blotting the wound with a paper towel. When he is sure that the boy’s mother has the situation well in hand, he walks briskly over to the stone thrower and says. “I saw you throw that stone.” The thrower replies. “Say what, motherfucker?” The father drops, sweeps the legs out from under the stone thrower, quickly rises, and breaks both his legs for good measure. All this in four seconds. Those watching on both sides look bewildered. Now a melee begins. The two crowds are screaming as they converge. Most are punching ineptly at faces or trying to kick shins. |