Home | Introduction | Libertarian Basics | Racial Displacement | European Future | Mirrors | Socialists | Christians | Liberator | Judgement | Protest | Punch Up | Interview | Revenge | Wacken | Laws of Men | Inspiration | Laws of Nature | Che, Ole! | Bean, Move Over! | Harvest Ball | Council of Nations | Ling Chong | World 2034 | Afterword


At Socialist Headquarters, Ernie, Jamal, Jerry, and Henry are having a kitchen round table conference about their plans for revolution.


FBI Agent Coluvis has a hidden microphone into the place and is monitoring the conversation.


Jamal is speaking,


“Think back on the TV shows we’ve been seeing lately. These European Nationalist Libertarian metal musicians influence people with their lyrics. I say we kill a bunch of them touring over there.”


Jerry says,


“What good will that do? Europe doesn't have our problems. Changing people’s ideas about them won’t help us any.”


Ernie comments,


“They identify with the U.S. and would kill us if they could. Libertarian metal-heads here and everywhere identify with them. It’s one movement all over the world, because of Internet videos. If we do something over there it will mean less heat for us here, but the message we send will be the same. Let’s go to Wacken in July.


The others look pleased with the idea.


Henry asks,


“…and stay for Oktoberfest? A friend of mine in the army told me…”


Jamal interrupts,


“We don’t have money for that, but killing musicians will be a lot more fun than uninterested white bitches in beer gardens.”


Coluvis loses his connection and looks angry and frustrated.


Ernie elaborates, 


“No, we don't want to martyr them. Better to destroy their influence. Kill a bunch of white American tourists; make it look like musicians did it for liberty in the name of Satan. We got enough money to stay a week or two and watch the fun. When we get back, I’ll get church funds for a follow-up publicity campaign.


Coluvis calls Garrett in Georgetown and tells him the part that he heard,


"…years ago I would have just stopped them,

and worried about media coverage later, but with you writing about it already, the public exposure will help more in the long term"


Garrett agrees, and calls Jay Farnum.

Monday July 24, 2028

The Socialists fly to Germany, then take a bus to Wacken.

On Tuesday, Garrett and Jay, with girlfriends, fly to Germany and meet with Coluvis at a hotel in Wacken.

Coluvis gets the right permissions, and goes here and there warning most of the musicians. He has heard of Liberator, but can’t find them anywhere.