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"Aye, the king hath set us a grim table! Tis a bitter draught, I tell ye!
A scabaceous broth and a turdsome
which hath been served up to us.
And worse yet, the people still have no idea
of what finer thing liberty can make in it's place."
~ Elof II ~
World Power Through Misdirection
Central banks controlling the currencies of so-called free nations are usually owned privately as corporations. Investor participation is primarily among various international banking families. The financiers discovered long ago that having a currency not backed by something of intrinsic value like gold can cause massive financial upheaval in society. It became government's job to deal with the consequences of such upheavals. This requires vast amounts of money. Most of this money has to be borrowed from international banks and paid back at high interest rates. It is to the advantage of the lenders to see that there are plenty of upheavals. Since government officials receive large salaries connected with new spending programs, their interests are aligned with those of the bankers, but unfortunately not with those of society, even though on the surface it may seem otherwise. There are two main types of upheavals caused by the fiat monetary policy used to finance deficit spending by government. The first is the inflation-unemployment cycle, seeming to necessitate government borrowing for social programs. The second is trade deficit problems caused by the fluctuating values of fiat currencies in world markets. This leads to itchy trigger fingers between nations, seeming to necessitate government borrowing for defense build-up. What the government cronies of these banking overlords fail to mention in their campaign speeches is that, with a currency backed by a one hundred percent reserve of something of intrinsic value like a mixed store of precious metals, there is no cycle of inflation and deflation in the first place, no boom and bust - just a continuing slow prosperity with full employment and peace. The inevitable one percent of chronically unemployable people can easily be taken care of by private charity. The politicians also neglect to mention that society can actually be run most efficiently without any taxes at all. The majority of government services can be paid for by individuals, in direct proportion to what is received, with specific user fees. Remaining collective areas, like law enforcement and defense, can be funded with lotteries of specific purpose and are merely generalized user fees (7). For example, with volunteer military service, there would exist virtually no important divisiveness within a country if those favoring a military venture to aid freedom fighters in a foreign land are the only individuals participating in and funding the venture. There is absolutely no potential for vast public demonstrations or big government scandals with this type of arrangement. The bankers prefer a balance of power between left and right elements in government so that there will be plenty of spending by both. They know that if either faction gains ascendancy that they will lose greatly thereby (8). If Libertarians gain control, the bankers will be able to finance honest private enterprises. The stimulus of a continuing Libertarian Capitalist prosperity, with all the finance needed for business expansion, especially the push into outer space, coupled with the vastly decreased risk of business failure, will actually leave the bankers far better off than they are now, with the special bonus that they would no longer be enemies of society. Even the ones who insist on being crooked would not become impoverished while looking for new ways to live dishonorably. The way the international bankers keep the balance of power between left and right is by insuring that the churches, schools, and media teach Socialist ideas because they know that the continued injustice and unworkability of Socialist policies will produce a natural Fascist counter reaction in much of society. In the United States the cowardice of Socialism is taught to children at an early age through the National Council of Churches and the National Education Association. Both were sponsored by financial interests long ago so that American business would be heavily taxed to pay for all kinds of unnecessary government programs. This weakens American business and insures a competition free environment and with it continuing monopolistic control for the big tax exempt foundations (9). Endowments to specific schools are also utilized. Those who write or publish
that which pleases are subsidized. Those who write the truth are slandered and glibly dismissed as "reactionary" or "paranoid."
This particular label usually finds a quick audience, especially among ignorant young fledgling "intellectuals" trying to
seem very recondite and profound in their understanding of the human psyche. In complex matters the readiness with which truth
tellers are judged to be paranoid is directly proportional to the intellectual cowardice and moral lassitude of those rushing
to judgment.
World Power Through Misdirection - Chart
Goodness (10) permitting Unimpeded Evolution augmented by Truth
leading to Natural Order via ________ Prosperity
preserved by preserved by Capitalists Libertarians ---- opposing ---- ---- opposing ---- Socialists Fascists perpetrating perpetrating False "Social Justice" False "Morality" ________ used in "Social Planning" rationalized with Disinformation
exploited for World Domination motivated by Evil |
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